InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 21 ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 21
She ran, ran as fast as her legs would take her, but she knew he would catch up to her. She was just hoping with what little she had left that he wouldn't be able to find her.
Her mind was running along with her legs, going back on everything she said to him, she never told him of this. How did he know? How did he find out?
`The breath' she thought, `when he breathed in, he must have smelled that there was once a child inside of her.' Tears began to flow freely down her cold face, her bare feet no longer feeling the cold, no longer hearing as they crunched into the snow. She ignored the branches as they would fly in front of her face most likely scratching her.
She heard her name being screamed, Inuyasha's voice more rugged then usual, her legs speed up a little more. If only she knew where she was? If only she knew how to get back to the road, if only she'd paid attention to where inuyasha was driving!
She tripped on a root and went face first into the not so soft snow, her head hitting a rather large bolder that decided that was a good place be at that moment. She glared at it when she pushed herself off the ground, her own blood staining the once white snow.
Her hand instantly went to the wound, she could tell it was deep, but she didn't have time to pity herself, she had to leave before he and his family left her, her body couldn't take any more people living in her life.
Her hand left the gash on her forehead, pushing herself fully off the ground she heard a twig snap and knew he was near, her face stilled as everything around her went quite, not a good sign when you're alone in the deep dark forest.
She looked to the sound of another twig snapping, then another in a different direction. Her mind screamed at her to run, but she couldn't her head was throbbing and her feet wouldn't move.
She was screwed.
She heard another snap, this sounding much closer, like right behind her. She closed her eyes wishing she hadn't agreed to come here, and turned around, her eyes widened, coming face to face with inuyasha…and his blood red eyes, a stick in his hands she looked to his face, then to the stick.
He was toying with her.
He smiled a gruesome smile showing her his much longer fangs and held the stick up to eye level and snapped it. The snap ringing threw the forest like a warning to bell.
She jumped; this wasn't looking to be promising.
………………………&# 8230;………………………..
Sesshomaru looked at Jinx through the crack of the door; she was drawing, lying on the floor on her belly, drawing, and her tongue half hanging out of her mouth in a very childish manner and her feet kicking in the air behind her. He couldn't help but watch her, her careless manner amazed him.
He had not seen her in years, but he remembered her a little, always fallowing him around tugging on his long kimono sleeve, always wonting to ride on his shoulders. He'd only oblige when there was no one around; he had a reputation to protect. She'd always called him that name as well, having at that age not been able to say Sesshomaru, what was it again? He thought for a moment… `Fuzzy, floppy, fluffy…fluffy' he looked through the crack again, how he missed that name, but only a little.
He heard a rustle of fabric behind him, damn elves could always be so quite, he looked back to see Cindy, drying her hands on her apron that said `dork' across with and arrow pointing up, and gift from her sister.
“It's been hard for her” she spoke loud enough for him to hear, looking also through the crack of the door to her sister.
He raised an eyebrow at her, what had happened to make her sad in the first place?
Cindy looked up into the eyes of the confused demon. “Inuyasha didn't tell you?” she asked.
“no.” he spoke, also looking at jinx.
“Well fallow me then child.” She spoke stepping away from the door and into the kitchen.
He growled low at her, he hated it when she called him that and, and she knew it too!
He fallowed the older elf into the kitchen sitting on a stool that was in front of a large butchers block. The kitchen was huge, larger then any normal human kitchen, he looked around taking in the detail of the blue and the yellow tiles, he hadn't been here in a long, long time, and they must have changed everything as the years passed.
It looked to be something Jinx had designed it, something straight out of her head.
“Jinx was once married.” Cindy began chopping up the carrots to put into whatever she was making, but it sure did smell good, this got his attention quick, his eyes widened only a fraction.
“Go on” he spoke.
“He was a nice boy, made jinx happier then is now, while brought up, all that good stuff.” She waved her hand in the air, that wasn't the point. “Until the day came when he deiced to get his wife the perfect gift, sending him away to anther country.” She sighed at this. “Why I still to this day don't know?
A wedding gift a birthday gift? No one ever found out?” she shrugged her shoulders as she began to chop more of something. “But when he was returning home excited to give his wife the gift he had found for her the plane went through an awful storm, crashing into the ocean killing everyone on the plane including him. His and a few other bodies were never found.” A single tear went down her cheek that she quickly got rid off, her sister deserved to be happy again.
“So on the anniversary of his death, we all have to keep a good eye on our Jinx, she often tries to commit suicide. Or she becomes so deeply depressed she wont come out of her room, but the next she'll be fine, like nothing ever happened, she still to this day has yet to let the pain out, only on that day does she do it. I've never caught her thinking about him, never seen her sad, I think she hides It.” she pointed her chef's knife at him. “It's probably all your fault, she learned from you too hide her emotions.”
Cindy shook her head, “I didn't mean that the way it sounded.”
Sesshomaru stared at his old nanny for a bit in thought. His mind wandering to Jinx again, she was once married, once married to a man she loved.
A little elfin girl not ten years old sat on the edge of a short cliff, her little bare feet dangling in front of her. A daisy in her hand as she twirled it between her little fingers. Her bright blue slik kimono gleaning in the late afternoon's sun.
He walked up behind her, not giving himself away just yet, but not really caring at the same time. He had been looking for this little girl all day; she wasn't in her usual place trailing behind him.
Asking him questions upon questions.
When asking her older sister where she was, she just gave him an all knowing little grin and sent him on his way.
He didn't understand elves at times.
He could smell little girl's sadness, something he long ago took into memory. It wasn't something that suited this little girl well. He walked into the clearing next to her looking down the short cliff, but enough to hurt badly if you were to fall down it.
She turned to him with a half smile. Her light green eyes almost piercing into his soul.
He turned to her with a stoic face.
“They don't want to play with me.” She spoke, year little childish voice laced with saddens that only a girl of her age could do, her eye again turning to the lands below, still twirling the little daisy around, Her feet dangling over the edge.
He arched a delicate eyebrow at her, his face still ever stoic.
“They say because I am an elf…” she sniffled. “That I'm not aloud to play with them.”
He now understood, the little demon children of the servants were often rude and curl. And the little human children of the families that lived in his village just didn't understand.
He looked to the child.
“We should go home now Jinx.” He spoke, holding out his hand for her to take.
She looked up at him again, his hand out stretched to her, she looked at his long fingers that were tipped with long sharp claw like fingers nails, most children would have feared this, but she got up off the ground, dusting off her bottom and grabbed his hand and they walked hand and hand with him back to the estate.
Twirling the little daisy around in her other hand.
They were almost to the estate, when she looked up to her only friend.
“Fluffy, I'm going to marry you some day.” She spoke, her voice so sure of herself, that he almost for a moment believed her.
Only... for a moment.
“Is that so?” he said looking down at the little elf girl, her black mid back length hair was a mess, twigs leaves you name, most likely stuck in it, that's always how it was.
He was beginning to wonder if it would better if she just cut it all off.
“Yep!” she said as she let go of his hand and handed him the daisy, “you can count on it.” and with that, she took off towards the estate, leveling a baffled Sesshomaru in her wake.
`I'll hold you to that.' He thought as he tucked the daisy into his yellow sash.
End flash back.
He was taken out of his faze by a hand waving in front of his face.
He grabbed it, looking into the eyes of the one on his thoughts.
Light green, met gold.
“Jinx” he said, letting go of her little hand, compared to his anyways.
“That would be me, you ok?” she smiled at him, walking over to her older sister to pester her about when dinner was going to be ready, something she was getting to be a pro at.
Sesshomaru sat and watched with silent amusement.
………………………&# 8230;………………………… ………….
Her eyes had gotten wider with every second they both were standing in the dark forest. His eyes still red and that devilish grin on his face.
She would have been scared if it hadn't been for that fact that he had his arms wrapped around her, nuzzling his face into the nape of her neck.
Now she was just plain freaked out.
Her mind was got hay wire, trying with all her might not to move because if she didn't, he'd glow at her, one deep down in his throat that vibrated her chest, but it was frightening and she didn't know what was to fallow after that.
She heard him say something, something so soft her human ears could pick it out. It being muffled by her shoulder probably didn't help out much either.
“Don't fear me.” He said, turning his head to whisper into her ears, she nodded her head in understanding to what she should do, but he said nothing about her not be uncomfortable with this.
He moved to looking into her eyes, his still blood red, the moon reflecting off them nicely, her eyes fluttered shut when she felt his hands come up to her face, wiping away the tears she didn't know she had shed.
“I'm sorry.” She spoke, dropping her head into the palms of his hands.
He shook his head, reaching up to her to place it behind her ear and out of her face. Cuts were every where, the blood tickled his nose.
He was beginning to gain control, his new demon blood smelled her fear and took over, he struggled to contain it, but it was useless.
It was just too strong.
The only thing he remembered was kagome running off, and ending up in the forest with her, his arms wrapped around her shacking form.
Tee he