InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ School Yard Brawl ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

12:00p.m. Kagome's school, during the play.
Everything was going fine, Inu-Yasha had barrowed some of Kazuki's clothes and so far no one knew that Inu-Yasha and Kazuki weren't humans. The play was almost over, and in 15 minutes Kazuki would have most of his powers back.
KA-BOOM!! Several of the cast members were shredded by a fragmentation grenade landed on the stage, and Ivan landed. He was 6'6” heavily muscled and on his right arm he had a set of Gein's gantlets his left arm wasn't armored. He drew out his combat knife, at 8 inches long it was a formidable weapon and he charged laughing at the remaining cast members, Kagome jumped into the crowd of confused people, the others were shredded.
“Nahahahaa, I am Ivan and I want Kazuki's head!” Ivan flung off his tactical vest.
“Well here I am lets get started shale we?” Kazuki was behind him hand on the top of the hat [K/F note: he really looks like Doctor Jackal from Get Backers right now.]
“So your speed is back?” Ivan smiled his short blond hair was combed back so his face was clearly visible, “I'm still going to kill you!” Ivan shot forward and Kazuki was gone, blood trickled from four cuts in his side.
“Blood Weapon Jutsu, Book of offence 1:02, the razor blade jutsu.” Kazuki had four razor blades held between his fingers, “I've been around for 3, ooo years, and I know how to defend my self.”
All the people ran from the auditorium, except Kagome, Inu-Yasha, Kazuki, and Ivan. Kagome and Inu-Yasha stared at Kazuki. Where did those blades come from?
“Shale I show you a few more of my tricks?” Kazuki smiled as he flicked his wrist and the razors disappeared.
“Of course, and to thank you… I'll show you mine!” all of a sudden Ivan started moaning and the muscles on his left arm grew in size, his fingers became two foot long claws the arm was now bigger than Kazuki, then came a sound like breaking fingers and a giant spear-like thing grew from the palm of his hand, and three more grew from his arm, “Witness the power of a resident of the Limitless Tower!”
“Blood Weapon Jutsu, Books of Offence and Defense 13:27, Bloody Katana!” Kazuki clenched his left fist and opened it, blood shot into the air and crystallized into a red katana, which Kazuki grabbed and smiled.
Bam-Bam-Bam, a small caliber pistol roared out, Inu-Yasha took all three rounds to the back. He'd never been up against a gun before, the pain was unbearable. Boris entered holding his little .25 semi-automatic custom pistol. He was about to finish Inu-Yasha off when…
KaProoo-Puku-PuPROO, Kazuki had drawn out his Colt .45 which was much, much more powerful than Boris's .25. Blood oozed from what left of Boris's head, all three .45's had hit him in the face removing a good 1/3 of it. Boris fell lifeless to the ground. Kazuki holstered the Colt.
“Sorry, but no one is going to kill my friend.” Kazuki smiled, he'd never really had friends, lovers sure he had those but never a friend. Which Kazuki thought was weird with him being so friendly and all.
“Well Boris was defiantly weak, ta intent on the wounded hanyou. But ah will nat be distracted, ba un wounded hanyou. Ish been ae while since ah had me some fon demon hootin' an it lukes like ah aint getting it taday neither.” A man with long blond hair entered the room he wore all black, a priest's collar, a cross necklace, and glasses, his accent made him hard to understand, “Boot, ah said ah'd brin back is heid, an Victor ahways keeps is word.” Victor pulled out a sword and was about to decapitate Inu-Yasha when he saw a beautiful woman took it to the stomach. Blood ran down her lightly tanned skin in crimson riverlets, she was quite the sight; around 5' 6” with an athletic body, large breasts with a green tank top stretched over them, she was also wearing jeans, her long hair was a deep aqua color, and her eyes were a beautiful ice-blue color.
“Well Victor ya ready for some fun?” she hit the priest hard in the gut sending him reeling back ward.
“Sasha!?” Kazuki smiled, “Sis, it's about time you got here!”
Sasha elbowed Victor and sent him into a wall, blood oozed from the gash in her side, “Well I can't leave you alone for a second, Kazuki. `Cuz every time I do shit like this happens.”
Inu-Yasha fell into unconsciousness from shock.
“Well, well, well lassie ya should pravid ma wid some mall foon den aeh hav deid hanyou, ea lass.” Victor got up and charged at the wounded girl, who easily leaped out of the way, and shoved an ice sickle which Victor popped out and the wound healed instantly.
“What the fuck!” Kazuki took a knife slash to the chest, it wasn't deep or anything and he'd given Ivan a deeper one. He rammed this sword into Ivan and let it go back to blood, he had a plan… To use two of his trump cards on Ivan for revenge, his eulogy to the innocent people killed in Ivan's on slot.
Cho grabbed Kagome, covering her mouth so she couldn't scream and rushed to a room on the opposite side of the school, the combatants were too busy to notice. Time to tie her to a desk or some shit like that, rape her, kill her, and leave.
“Perfect.” Cho had found a large desk and tied the struggling girl to it with duct tape he'd brought with him… Cho salivated at the thought of raping her, with her friends so close by no less! But she struggled, so Cho simply punched her in the face knocking her out.
Ivan charged at Kazuki with the left arm posed to attack, Kazuki prepared for a painful jutsu, he held his left hand in a loose fist… Ivan got closer…closer…closer…NOW!!!
Kazuki thrust his left hand forward as if to punch, but stopped short. “BLOOD WEAPON JUTSU TRUMP CARD 1, HELL'S FIRE BUCKSHOT #2!!!!!!!!” Kazuki screamed as the millions of super-heated “shot” left his hand with the thunderous roar of a 10 gauge shotgun.
Ivan's left arm exploded from the shot, almost literally blown off, Kazuki's left hand was badly burned and bleeding. Ivan fell to one knee wincing in pain. Kazuki was ready to finish him.
“I used silver in case you were a regenerator like Victor. It's over Ivan, surrender and your death will be quick, continue and I'll show you pain you can't possibly dream of.” Kazuki held a small bell in his right hand.
“And you'll do this with a bell, ya know what? FUCK YOU, fox-boy!” Ivan spit in front of Kazuki, who smiled.
“Ok then, go to hell in pain. BLOOD WEAPON JUTSU, BOOK OF OFFENCE 665, Balasum!!” Kazuki through his hand back and Ivan's blood (which Kazuki had added his blood to) turned into razor blades and came towards Kazuki's bell, ripping Ivan apart.
“Well noow ah think ah got new chance at winnin this feight an yer hanyou friend seems ta be wakin up. Ah thinks ish a gud tame ta widdraw,” and with that slaughter of language Victor ran off, `an ye should tra at finden yer missin lass for Cho gets `is foon in.”
“Shit, Sasha you got that Desert Eagle?” Kazuki jumped off the stage, walking over to Inu-Yasha.
“Yes.” Sasha pulled out the large .50 A.E. handgun, from her backpack.
“Give it to me; I'm going to teach Cho a lesson. You help Kagome, `cuz I highly doubt that Cho's left her with any clothes.” Kazuki smiled as he turned the massive handgun in his hand.
Too Be Continued…