InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ Berserker ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Bastard!” Sango drew her sword and charged at Gein, who kicked her right leg, breaking it, then he punched her chest, ribs shattered, and he elbowed her in the back. Sango was impressed that he did all this in one fluid movement. Miroku arrived and tried to split Gein skull with his staff but it broke on contact.
“Is that all?” He punched Miroku in the face knocking him unconscious.
“No you still have me, you freak.” A tall hooded figure wearing what appeared to be a black cloak holding a staff appeared.
“Ha, just who ah was lookin' fer.” Gein placed his left hand on his hip and raised his right fist at his new challenger, “Visonadieudo, the Thousand Eyes Berserker!”
“Yes I AM!” Visonadieudo's voice became a terrifying snarl as he threw his staff into the ground making a house sized crater, he ripped off his cloak. Sango stared in disbelief, the man's flesh had a grey tint to it, and he was bald.
“I AM THE BERSERKER OF DARK VISIONS!” Visonadieudo growled as his muscles grew to three times the size of Gein's and his height also doubled, and eyes opened all over his body.
“Time for a fight!” Gein charged forward muscles flexing, Sango would never admit it but she thought that Gein's physique was noteworthy and very sexy. Visonadieudo snatched up his staff and the middle section fell away revealing a long chain, he removed the two ends to reveal hidden swords.
Then Sango heard the sound of scraping metal as Gein's tekkou deflected the chain swords and Gein moved in for the kill.
ASHIRA TEKKOU RYU, FIST OF THE FIRE DRAGON!!!” Gein slugged Visonadieudo in the face and tore some skin off leaving a gapping gash.
“EYE OF THE VOID!” Visonadieudo's eyes released a light that exploded around Gein.
“Nice, seems I underestimated a Berserker. Most who make that mistake give up the ghost; I'm just a lucky son of a bitch.” Gein had bruises and burns on his body but he smiled, “Which is funny cuz my demon side is dog, get it `son of a bitch' haha joke laugh oh, fuck it.”
“Orah!” Visonadieudo struck Gein in the chest sending him into a wall.
“All right time to end this!” Gein charged forward, when he got close he rebounded off Visonadieudo rotating above him and gripping the nerves in his neck, landed behind him.
ASHIRA TEKKOU RYU, TRISTRIKE OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!!!!!” Gein slammed his hands together, while lifting the Berserker over his back crushing his spine and threw him on to a broken tree impaling and killing Visonadieudo instantly.
“I think I win, look girl… you really should stay down. A few more hits from me and its lights out, for good.” Gein nonchalantly looked at the injured girl he'd nearly killed.
“Why should I? You tried to kill us! I'm defending myself.” Sango gritted her teeth as she got up, using her katana's scabbard as a crutch, “And my name's Sango.” She feebly pointed her blade at him.
“Fool, my assignment wasn't to kill anyone just send a message of our superiority… nothing more… nothing less.” Gein started to stroll away.
“So your leaving!?” Sango nearly fell over.
“Yep, see ya sexy!” Gein turned, gave her a big smile and the peace sign. “Have a nice day.” And continued on his way.
“Bastard.” Sango fell unconscious.
Limitless Tower…
Naraku crawled out of his shallow grave, still minus a scalp, and most internal organs. He'd wait for Inu-Yasha and his friends to assault the tower, while they battled it out with the residents, he'd absorb Takuma. He knew that Takuma was weak because all his underlings said so, a strong leader killed those so insolent as to mock them. But Takuma was still powerful at least at Tenchu's level well a little weaker.
He summoned his wasps and began to hobble away.
Back at Kagome's House…
“Something's wrong, I've….gotta go!” Kazuki scooped up his Colt and ran for the well. He sensed that something had happened.
To be continued…. Maybe!
Kazuki here, just apologizing for the short chapter… Please still review!!!!!