InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ X ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kazuki took his M1 out of the bag and used it as a crutch for walking, even though it was loaded (K/F note: This is very fucking dangerous don't ever try it, unless you want to get shot.). Kagome was giving him a weird look. “What?”
“Why didn't you tell us earlier about Hister?” She looked near to tears.
“I didn't want to trouble you with it before this battle.” Kazuki hobbled forward clutching the rifle tightly, “I'm sorry! Ok, Ginbi won't let anything happen to your family! Plus Andrews is there… and my father hast to come through there.”
“Your father?”
“Hajime Kitsune, the God of the desert… the last half breed with serpentine blood.” Sasha looked surprised, like they'd all should've heard of Hajime Kitsune before. “He is not a man to be toyed with… he…”
“Sasha, we've a tower to climb.” Kazuki was panting.
“Hey fox-boy!” Inu-Yasha punched him across the face, knocking him flat.
“Inu-Yasha!” Kagome
“Dim-witted mutt!” Koga
“INUYASHA!!!” Sango
“HAHA!” Miroku
“You are an asshole of the highest order!” Sasha
Kazuki sat up rubbing the blood from the sides of his mouth, “What did I do to deserve THAT at this present time?”
“That was for being an asshole.”
“Don't you lecture me little pup!” Kazuki snarled, doing his damnedest to look fierce and somehow pulling it off. “I've been around a lot fucking longer then you have! If I choose not to tell you something it's for a reason!”
“You still fucking deserved it.” Inu-Yasha watched as Kazuki started laughing.
“Ok, help me up.” Kazuki held out a hand and when Inu-Yasha went to help him up Kazuki punched him in the gut hard. Inu-Yasha's eyes rolled back in his head and he vomited. “Don't EVER punch me like that AGAIN!”
Inu-Yasha pushed off of Kazuki holding his stomach.
“Can we please get this show on the road?” Kazuki stood up again with his .30/06 crutch and headed towards the exit, until he fell over, down for the count.
“Oh Kazuki, never a fucking dull moment with you is there?” Sasha smiled, “Sango, could you please carry my brother? I really need to warm up; I'm a little too rusty with my skills.” She sounded like a different person; bloodlust dominated her voice, she was licking her lips and she was drooling.
“Mmmh.” Kazuki got up again, “My head hurts!” He rubbed it.
“Shut it.” Inu-Yasha helped the wounded man up. I really shouldn't have punched him. He's only trying to help and he's my friend… I really owe him a fucking apology for that.
“Sorry about that punch.”
“Don't sweat it man, didn't hurt that bad. Just wasn't expecting my friend to slug me like that, water under the bridge.” Kazuki waved a dismissive hand as he steadied himself with the rifle. Sasha walked right passed him, “Sis'!”
“Yeah?” She slowly turned, she looked like she'd lost it, that or she was ready for a fight.
“Be fucking careful. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you… Sis' you aren't allowed to die, ok?” Kazuki looked her dead in the eyes, he was never good at saying things like that but she understood him none the less.
“I know, but I want to put Cho in the fucking ground, six feet under.”
“Go for it girl.” Sango strolled right pass the both of them and started up the stairs followed by the others, Kazuki went up last.
The 15th floor was a laboratory of sorts; sketches with complex mathematical equations on them covered the walls and huge stacks of papers covered the tables, each stack was at least a foot and a half tall, the room was lit by candles set inside human skulls that hung from the ceiling by strings.
“This domain's owner is not sane.” Koga was looking at the skulls at least fifty hung from the ceiling.
“X” Kazuki said it under his breath.
“HAHAAAA!” I dark figure in a chair who was mostly hidden by the gloom howled out, “Sorry for my unique tastes in decoration! I'm X the unknown variable.”
“Show yourself!” Inu-Yasha tensed and put his hand on the Tetsusaiga's hilt.
“Stay yourself Inu-Yasha!” Kazuki looked over at Inu-Yasha, “He's no threat to us in any way, unless your ass can be kicked by a mathematic theorem.”
“Ho, ho so true so true!” X wheeled himself forward, he is crippled and sits in a wheel chair; he had long white messy hair that almost hid his boyish face, he dressed rather simply in a button up shirt and his legs were hidden by a blanket. “Or if my crippled self can possibly hurt you I'm certain you would have died a long time ago.”
Kagome looked at a drawing; it looked like a schematic, only it was of Kazuki! It showed an out line of his body and some organs and bones and then some lines pointed to stuff and then at the other ends of the lines were equations so complex that Einstein would get a migraine from just looking at them.
“What is this?” Kagome had no idea what the math could possibly mean, Kazuki grabbed the paper and smiled.
“You're trying to figure out my blood weapons aren't you X?”
“Yep, but I'm working with combat data only so it's not very easy. Am I even close?” He cocked his head to one side.
“Yeah, for not knowing it's a chemical and alchemic reaction with the smaller objects and a literal opening of the fourth dimension for some of the larger things and some of the organs are in the wrong place and the heart and liver are too small, yes you are very close to the true equations.” Kazuki put the paper down, “Combat data only? You truly are a genius.”
“You're no fool yourself, with that 300 IQ of yours Kazuki.” X was actually blushing.
Kazuki drew his revolver and pointed it at X's forehead, “Talk, or… well it doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out what `ill happen when I fire this cannon.”
“What grain load do you use?” X brushed some of his messy white hair out of his face.
“250 grain jacketed hallow points.”
“What brand?” X was clearly shaken by the gun; he was sweating and biting his lip.
“American Eagle,” Kazuki cocked the m29's hammer back, “What is Takuma planning to do?”
“This tower, MY tower is going to explode in less than 12 hours time.” X exhaled and stared at the ground, “Unless you guys abandon your attack, but I'd rather have my fucking tower go boom then for Takuma to prolong his parasitic existence.”
“We have to hurry.” Kazuki holstered the m29, “Sasha, we're going to leave you with Cho and the rest of you will also be expected to fight one on one with your opponent and catch up afterwards ok.”
“Let's go!” Sasha held her shotgun in one hand and a duffle bag in the other, “We have to hurry!” She ran up the stairs.
“X, can you make it out in time.” Kazuki wounds had already healed to a point where he could walk with out the crutch.
“I'll figure it out, just go.”
“Come on foxy!” Koga ran up the stairs.
Kazuki stood in the room of plans illuminated by the skull lamps, until Inu-Yasha ran pass him.
Too be continued….
Next time: Left behind; Sasha verses Cho
Howdy readers! T'is me again (unfortunately for you maybe). This is the new chapter, and yeah… It was fun to write and keep an eye out for X he becomes pretty important latter on. And in the next chapter the first part of Sasha verses Cho, will Sasha survive?
- Kazuki Ferret