InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ The Sword of Heaven ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
They saw him. He sat on the outer wall of the tower, white hair blowing in the cross winds; his hair was oddly styled with the right side being messy and unkempt the left was brushed back and neatly combed and tied into multiple ponytails. In the blowing wind his face could be seen; it was brutal, a scar cut horizontally across it through the middle of his nose, another scar ran vertical down from the midpoint of the left forehead to his chin, his right eye was hidden underneath a patch, his cheek bones were prevalent and his eye was filled with malice. He wore a white hakama over his white kimono with a white jacket over that. He was tall, his towering figure blocked out the sun to cut a shadow that reached to where Inu-Yasha knelt, his eyes put dread into the hearts of the onlookers. He held a long dai-katana easily seven feet long. He smiled revealing his fang-like teeth, his voice was as harsh and cool as the Siberian winds in the dead of winter, "Oh, did I speak too soon? Do your 'oh, my god! Are you ok!?' thing. Just pretend I'm not here, and then we'll start."

Sasha stared on at the man who was speaking, "When did he? How?" she was frightened of him, her eyes quivered and her mouth hung open.

Kagome looked at Sasha. Kagome felt the terror that was emanating from her, it was contagious. She asked Sasha a question to distract her, "Is Sango OK?"

"She's fine, now that Kazuki's calmed down." Sasha didn't waver.

"So is that Takuma?" Koga walked up to the arena, "What was that demonic energy from earlier?"

"I am Takuma Yoshimori the Sword of Heaven, that energy earlier was Kazuki fighting Inu-Yasha, Kazuki's energy of course." Takuma smiled and stood up, looking down on Koga, "It's nice to meet you. I'm going to kill you soon."

"You sure talk big." Sesshomaru also made his way to the scene. He looked over at his brother who was bleeding badly and inside a shallow long crater. He also saw Kazuki laying face up in a pool of his own blood and covered in large wounds. The only way Sesshomaru knew he was still alive was the steady raising and lowering motions of his chest. The area around them looked like it'd gone through a natural disaster and then some, the wide spread destruction and the other quality of the area, the one that surprised him was the fact that it looked warped, like old wood that was near water, except it was stone.

"Well since everyone's here why don't we just start now?" Takuma swung his blade through the air. He had no real demonic energy, he felt empty, as if he wasn't there. He felt like air, Sesshomaru watched how he moved; gracefully, his very walk was like a dance, perfectly choreographed and deliberate. "Well who wants to die first?"

Gein charged foreword, right armed cocked back. Drool flew out of his open mouth as he rushed towards Takuma, he screamed out; "FIST OF THE FIRE DRAGON!!!!"

-WHAM!!!- Gein's fist slammed into Takuma's face, there was a loud wet crunching sound as Gein's fist broke and the tekkou cracked. He reeled backwards holding his damaged arm and screaming in pain. Everyone looked on in horror as Gein continued to howl out his pain. Then Takuma side kicked him out of his way. Gein rocketed down the area of the floor, making contact halfway to the wall, but he just started skipping off the ground, impacting and spinning in the air. Kagome could hear the bones snapping inside his body as he flew, and the screams of pain stopped. Gein hit the wall and flopped to the floor like a lifeless animal thrown against a wall. There wasn't any movement.

"How weak…" Takuma looked to Tenchu, "Can you do better without your arms?" Takuma appeared behind Tenchu, there was blood on the sword's blade. Takuma had his back to Tenchu looking instead at Kagome. Then Tenchu's chest opened up and blood erupted out and he fell to the ground without moving, no twitch, no cry, no nothing, just boom, down.

"Or will you not hear me coming?" Takuma shifted his gaze to Sasha, "I really had no idea my warriors were so weak. Nor that my enemies were just as weak."

"You sit up here and let others fight for you; you're the one who's weak Takuma." Sasha hissed at him, knowing that soon she'd feel his blade slice through her and then she'd be dead. For real, no coming back like last time. No finding hidden powers, just dead. The end of the winter queen was at hand. Takuma grinned. Sasha held her hand out to Kirara, “Stay back and keep Sango out of this, run if you get a chance.”

"A line like that is what I'd expect out of his daughter and HER daughter. You entertain me, Sasha Kitsune!" Takuma smiled wider, and then Koga cut in.

"Who's daughter? You make her lineage sound so important." Koga tensed up, then felt his muscles relax as chest was split open. He wasn't dead, the cut was too shallow but it was deep enough to prevent him from partaking in the battle.

"Well, you all know that Sasha and Kazuki are tri-breeds right? They told you that the over third was a serpent? Well that is usually the case, i.e. Gein and Tenchu. They however are the direct descendants of the sun goddess, Amaterasu aka Kazuki and Sasha’s real mother. The Great Fox Queen, she bestowed upon the kitsune clan her power and their symbol the kanji of ai, love. And to me she gave me this." Takuma opened up his kimono top to reveal four large diagonal scars each five inches wide covering his chest, and they seemed to be very deep, "These are what cause me to avoid combat. If these are struck, I'll surely die."

Sesshomaru tried to ambush Takuma, but instead found Takuma's blade planted firmly next to his heart. Sesshomaru spat up blood, and fell backwards off the blade, his already wounded body unable to take him any further. He fell to the ground and closed his eyes, whether he’d died or not he really didn’t know.

“Wow more and more of you vermin keep popping up out of the woodworks don’t you?” Takuma smiled, “Are you lot going to do something or are you just going to lay back and die like good little bitches?”

Sasha slammed her palm against the ground, “TUNDRA PITFALL, FROST SPIRES!!”

-SPLOOOSH! – Sasha’s gut was pierced through, she vomited blood. She weakly gripped her palms against the blade.

“Give up petite one.” Takuma looked down on her with a look of almost pure disgust, “You never stood a chance anyway! After your fight with Cho you should have hobbled home without any honor, you never stood a chance against me! The kitsune dies here today I will destroy your clan and your village and you with die with the knowledge that you never managed to even scratch me.”

“The fuck I didn’t you coward!” Sasha gripped tightly on the blade, “TUNDRA PITFALL ARTIC WINDS!!!

The blood that covered Takuma’s blade froze and his arm also froze. He could feel the flesh dying as frostbite settled in and the warm air began to thaw it out, pain shot into his brain.

“You BITCH!!” He kicked Sasha as hard as he could. She tore off of his blade, but as flew backwards she drew out her Desert Eagle and fired off two rounds.

-BAPLOOSH!!- Takuma’s left arm took a direct hit to the elbow; however the second round missed completely. Takuma screamed out in pain.

Sasha landed and dropped the .50 caliber pistol; she was completely out of ammunition for it. She grabbed out Sango’s .357 revolver from her belt. Only one round needs to hit, his chest plunge yourselves in! KILL HIM!! FIRE!! FIRE!! FIRE!! FIRE!! FIRE!! FIRE!! Sasha emptied the Colt’s cylinder into Takuma, only soon she felt her shoulders being sliced open. Takuma stood behind her.

“You really are her daughter aren’t you?” Takuma’s left arm healed, the right one still had the sword frozen to it.

“You… son of a bitch.” Sasha coughed up bloody bile and fell down.

“You’re mine!!” Miroku went to uncover his wind tunnel, but Takuma held his arm, and crushed the bones. Miroku screamed in pain.

“I’ll do you an act of kindness by lifting this curse of yours!” Takuma swung his blade upwards into Miroku’s armpit and sliced his arm clean off and sliced his face open. Miroku screamed even more loudly as his blood poured out in gallons as he fell begging for his death to come quickly.

“Oh ho, I thought you’d be much more appreciative than this dear boy! I lifted your curse did I not?” Takuma started laughing, and then he set his eyes on Kagome. “You’re the last one little girl. Well, who’s going to try and fight me.”

Kagome saw the attack coming but knew that there really wasn’t anything she could do about it. She simply closed her eyes and waited.

Blood spattered against her face.

Too be continued….

Hello there readers! It’s me, Kazuki Ferret again. Time for some free talk, I recently got a new computer which kicks some serious ass; it’s an HP with two processors and a kickass graphics card that can run even Half Life 2 without a slowdown while also running the Sims2 and Max Payne 2 simultaneously. And it has Microsoft word which I love. However I don’t have the internet on it yet so I need to take a flash drive, put the chapter on it, go to a to my friend’s house download it and then post. However due to the lack of a spell check on the chapters 17-25 I will be revising those chapters and reposting them with better grammar and spelling! Also I finally got Hellsing volume 8, and it was worth the long wait!!! The art in it was truly amazing and it was the first manga volume I could describe as ‘riveting, a book you can’t put down.’ If you’re a Hellsing fan and haven’t picked it up yet because you didn’t know it was out. Go get it! It’s worth the like $13.95 it cost me. Oh, yes and I’ve begun work on two new stories; Thousand Death River (original story set in the Amazon rainforest), and the Stretch Mark Alchemist (Joke Full Metal Alchemist story). Check ‘em out punks!

Also, cliff hanger ending! I’m so awesome I scare myself sometimes!

Thanks for reading
Kazuki Ferret.