InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unintended Intentions ❯ Chapter ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Unintended intentions



Thank you for the review it inspires me to continue to update. If you want the next chapter I need to get a few more reviews. Please if you have any idea's or if you can tell where the story is going suggest something in your reviews and I'll think about it.


Disclaimer: If you didn't get the message in the first chapter the character don't be long to me::::sigh:::: they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.


Chapter 2


Kagome unlocked her door to see all her lights on and Kouga sitting in her couch wide awake. "Hey baby why are you here." Kagome asked passing him not even taking a second glance. When he didn't respond she turned around to see him approaching her.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!!" Kagome hesitated to respond she had never seen him so angry before. "TAKE YOUR TIME TO COME UP WITH YOUR LIE." Kagome now out raged at him decided to yell back.



"I DON'T HAVE TO" Kagome tried get control on her voice "Tell you where I am every second of my life. You have absolutely no right to come here and yell at me like this what's wrong with you."


"THEN I WON'T BE YOUR WIFE." Kagome ran out of her apartment and slammed the door behind her she couldn't stop her tears from coming he had never spoken to her like that. She got back in her car and started driving not knowing where she was going `I need a drink no I need a couple of drinks.' Kagome thought to herself. Kagome drove to a club before coming out the car she wiped her tears away and stopped crying. `I need to forget about him' Kagome entered the club and took a seat on a bar stool and ordered a couple of strawberry martini's and gulped them down. Then she ordered a shot of vodka one after another till she had a total of three when someone spoke to her.

"Is this seat taken." Kagome turned around to see an average height man with silver hair that looked very handsome.

"Only if you sit there" Kagome said seductively. "Is that seat taken" she asked as he sat down. He couldn't tell where she was pointing too, but before he could respond she sat in his lap and he caught on quickly and replied

"It is now." Kagome smiled, happy that he was playing along with her game.

"Aren't you going to buy me a drink."

"After I ask you to dance." Kagome slid off his lap and led him to the dance floor. Kagome danced with him completely lost in the music, with all the drinks she had had Kouga was forgotten. They danced to a few songs before the music started to slow down. Kagome was completely turned on and so was he. "How about I buy you that drink now."

"Sounds good."

"What do you want."

"Strawberry Martini." He paid for the drinks and started a conversation. Kagome had already taken her previous seat in his lap.

"What's your name?"

"What's yours?"

"I asked fir" before he could finish Kagome pressed her lips against his gently sucked on his bottom lip "Inuyasha" he let out in a moan while deepening the kiss. Inuyasha broke the kiss in need of oxygen, he looked around to see that many of the people had left and the owner was closing. "I think we should leave, the place is closing."

"So" Kagome said as if protesting while she led him to the door (she's drunk don't ask). As they stepped through the exit they were confronted with a strong breeze of cold air.

"How are you getting home?" Inuyasha asked with a concerned look when he saw her shiver.

"Car" kagome responded

"Were is your car?" Kagome picked up her index finger on both hands and pointed in two different directions. "I'll give you a ride" Inuyasha offered sounding excited and disappointed at the same time. (if that's possible). The walk was short but Kagome walked to his car with her arm linked to his.

Inuyasha entered the car still not able to get over the fact how beautiful she was, and her outfit was only making it harder not to notice. He was pulled out of his daze when he realized that her face was about an inch from his.

"are you okay" kagome asked not sure if that was the right thing to say, while she pulled back slightly.

"Ya I'm fine I was just gonna start the car"

"How about I start yours" Inuyasha gave her a confused look but fully understood when she lunged at him pinning him to the car door and forcing him into kissing her, after letting her have control for a while it was time for him to take lead. He moved back and spun her around so she was laying across the two seats no longer against the door or on top. why does she have to be so sexy, this isn't right. Why not? Good point. Wait no I have a good reason she's drunk, she doesn't know what she's really doing. So. Good point too. Wait no I can't take advantage of her that's not right.

"Hello!" Inuyasha was suddenly taken out of his daze once again.

"Oh sorry." Inuyasha apologized moving his eyes from hers.

"Why did you stop."

"I'm sorry I can't" he raised off of her and resituated himself back into the drivers seat and her in the passengers. "So were do you live" Inuyasha asked driving out the parking space. When she didn't respond he looked over to her staring out the window. "Where do you live" he asked again assuming she hadn't herd she turned her head and looked at him and said in a penthouse. Now he really thought she had no clue what was happening probably too drunk to remember. He drove to his house realizing it would be no use trying to find her house, he didn't even know her name. When he reached his apartment she stumbled out the car nearly falling over. So he insisted she wasn't capable of walking up the stairs so he could carry her and swooped her up holding her from the back of her knees and the back of her neck carrying her bridal style. He placed her on his bed, he was going to leave the room when she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't resist her so he gave in, allowing her to be on top. After she took off his shirt and he began to take off hers, the feeling came back to him like he was taking advantage of her. "I can't" he whispered into her ears, and rolled her off of him and left the room. He paced back and forth in his living room I can't go back in there or I'm going to do something I'm going to regret, why does she have to look so good and want me so bad. I'll wait till tomorrow when she comes back to her senses then we can fool around if she's not having a bad hangover. With that he plopped onto his couch turned the tv on and went to sleep.

The next morning Kagome woke to a blurry version of sunlight streaming into her eyes, after blinking a few times her vision returned but came with a pounding headache. Her eyes darted across the room from wall to wall looking at the room in detail Where am I this isn't my apartment. She looked down to the bed she was staying in and then quickly pulled the blanket off of her to make sure she was still wearing clothes, when she realized she was wearing all her clothes even her shoes. She got out of the bed and left the room which entered into a small hallway that lead to a living room, that looked like everything was made out of glass except for the black leather couches. She looked away from the couch then her head whipped back when she saw a man with silver hair sitting in the couch eating a bowl of cereal. She tried to approach him cautiously but when she steeped on a floor board that squeaked his head snapped around. "Hey they're you finally woke up."

"Where am I"

"feh what type of greeting is that." Inuyasha said as he put down his bowl "and just to let you know your in my apartment"

"And you would be…" Kagome dropped her words so he could complete her sentence.

"You really don't remember anything."

"No shit Sherlock."

"Feh whats with the attitude."

"Whats your name?"

"Whats yours?" Before Kagome could reply with either a smart comment or her name she put a hand over her mouth and ran to the garbage in front of the kitchen letting every thing inside her out. Inuyasha got up to help her and led her into the bathroom. He left her in the bathroom and came back a few minutes later with a hand towel in his hand. When she turned around to take it, it was the first chance she took to notice how perfectly chiseled his chest was and the handsome features of his face, she blushed slightly when she realized she was staring and he new exactly why. With that she turned around and turned the water on in the sink. "The name's Inuyasha" with that he turned around and left her in the bathroom to freshen up. She looked at herself in the mirror, she took notice to the type of outfit she was wearing, just trying to remember where she was last night, and who was the hot guy's apartment she was in. She searched his draws in the room till she came across a black comb she was able to tame her hair with, some Listerine to freshen her breath and water to wash her face. When she left the bathroom she looked around the living room not able to see him any where, she walked by the kitchen door to see him washing the bowl she had seen him eating from.

"Did I drive my car here."

"No you left it by the club."

"Club? Which one?"

"Black Dragon" Kagome's eyes widened, and her mouth fell open.

"I .. I… I w went there"

"Yah I'm pretty sure."

"Shit I must have been really drunk. Can you take me home please."

"You can remember your address now?" Inuyasha said sarcastically walking into his bedroom where she had slept to put on a shirt. Kagome leaned on the door frame with her arms crossed.

"Whats that suppose to mean?"

"You couldn't remember that last night." He walked passed her and out his apartment and stopped outside his door when he realized she wasn't following.

"Aren't you coming." He could tell she was in deep thought and he saw her face sadden as she turned around to leave. He was curious as to what she just remembered but didn't question. When he was driving he realized he didn't know where he was going. "Where do you live." With that Kagome let out the tears she had been holding back since she left the apartment, so lost in thought her headache was forgotten. She tried to pull herself together and decided not to give him her address and game him Sango's. "Are you gonna be okay you don't look too good."

"Yah I'm fine" Kagome said between sniffles.

"Is this it"

"Yah thank you."

"Sure I'll walk you up." They walked up to `her' apartment. She knocked on the door, Inuyasha thought that was strange figuring it was her apartment. Miroku answered the door.

"Hey Kagome, I see you brought a friend." She walked into the apartment and turned to face the door, Miroku put his arm around her shoulder.

"Yah he just dropped me off. Thank you again Inuyasha." She tested his name trying to let it roll off her tongue.

"Sure no problem" He replied his face saddened at the fact that she had a boyfriend. With that he turned and walked away and they closed the door. Kagome laid across the couch and started to cry. Miroku rushed to her side not sure what caused her to become so upset. When he opened the door he could tell that something was wrong but didn't seem that serious. He sat down next to her and put her head in his lap to comfort her.



Hey how was that, was it too short. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long I'll try to do it on a regular basis because I know I hate when the stories I read don't update. Make suggestions and please review, I love constructive criticism. If anything was unclear feel free to ask.