InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unique Ones ❯ New girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dani: Okay, this is my third fanfic, and I have no idea why I am writing it when I haven't even finished my other ones. But the notebook with this story was just sitting there…staring at me, begged me to type it and post it somewhere…
Shicora: Ignore her; anyway, one of the pairings was inspired by Jaxxia7…. I think it is a weird pairing…
Dani: Is not!! It is a unique pairing that should be written more!!
Shicora: -_-
Summary: Kagome is new to Shikon High/Collage. Why would she, a rough punk rocker-trouble making tomboy, be sent to the highest-not to mention richest- expecting school? Well, pulling a few strings is her specialty, especially when she really wants something. She stands out in this school, the talk of the school by her outgoing and daring self. Without knowing, she catches the eyes of every man in the school. But the richest boys in the whole school, Inu Yasha and Inutaisho Takahashi, want the rocking tomboy for themselves. But as soon as they stick their curious inu youkai noses into her business, they get more than they bargain for…
Disclaimer: So you think I would be writing a FANfic if I owned them?? Stupid people…
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Higurashi Kagome walked through the halls of Shikon high/collage, the snobbiest and wealthiest school in all of Japan. Easy to know she would not fit in easily. Her outfit gave it all away. She wore a black t-shirt that said, “My imaginary friend thinks you have issues.” Her black pants were torn here and there. There were chains hanging from her belt loops and a bulldog embedded on the back of her right pant's leg.
Her accessories were also why. Her favorite necklace, a large silver dragon curling up, hung on a long chain. The dragon swung from side to side in front of her stomach. She wore spiked bracelets that she used for gang fights that she got in every now and then. The blood stains from her last fight where easy to spot on the silver and leather. Red bandanas were tied tightly over her hands, but mainly her knuckles, for they were split open from socking a stone face man without her bracelets. The top everything off was a camouflage cap that had “GQ' intertwining, and her very dirty and torn Nikes.
Though she was dressed like a guy, her female features weren't helping her look like one. Kagome's shirt was baggy but it was being pulled back by a rubber band showing off her small but full breasts, her tiny waist and well shaped abs, for a woman at least. The tiny waist led to full hips making her, as well as every woman, look like a wine bottle. Her pale creamy skin looked like it was never touched by a man's kisses and suckles. Her small cute nose and full pouty pink lips was another reason why others rarely mistaken her for a guy.
Kagome took out her cell phone and turned it on vibrate then placing it back in her pocket. She gripped the strap of her khaki schoolbag. She had it custom-made, saying “Bad Bitch.” As she neared her classroom, that held her first period, she tucked her silver and red stripped ebony hair behind her ears and turned her cap to a third quarter view. Her icy blue eyes showed her current emotion, bored, completely bored.
Here she was, a junior, not following the dress code, her chains clinging lightly as she walked, and about to set the new record for most fights. The most in the school was two. Course, she would only fight if someone purposely pushed her. She looked at the number above the white door and looked down at her white card, telling her what rooms she was in.
`Here I go, about to meet the biggest snobs in the history of the world.' She thought pocketing the card, rolling her eyes, and swallowing the gum she was currently smacking. She pulled the rubber band off of her shirt and could care less about the wrinkles in it.
Kagome grabbed the knob and pushed the door open. The students looked up at her. She tried not to make a face as she saw them immediately go into hushed conversations. Kagome caught a couple of sentences and knew they were talking about her. She looked at the dress code that everyone seemed to follow and wanted so badly to fall over and laugh her ass off. White buttoned shirts with navy blue ties and bottoms. Can't private schools come up with something more original?!
The half bald teacher shushed the class by banging his large ruler on his desk. He glared at them then turned his attention to Kagome.
“You are Higurashi Kagome, correct?” He asked. Kagome gave a short nod. “Alright then, please remove your hat Higurashi-san.” The new girl reluctantly complied. “Class, please give Higurashi-san a warm welcome.”
“Welcome Higurashi-san,” They chorused.
`Good kami-sama, I gotta deal with these kinds of goody two-shoes?' She thought bitterly.
“Welcome to Shikon, I am Myoga, your new biology teacher, please have a seat anywhere.” He stepped off the stool as she walked through the middle aisle to the only empty seat in the back.
Kagome sat down and ignored everyone staring at her. She pulled out her sketch book and flipped through her colorful and gorey pictures till she found one she was working on. Merely a rough sketch but soon to be a very detailed drawing.
She went into her school bag to pull out a pencil and sighed in frustration as the guy in front of her took the sketchbook. She glared at his black haired head that had a small ponytail at the nape of his neck.
“Can I have my sketch book back?” She whispered roughly.
“People around her turned their head to watch what would happen. Students even in the front turned. Sheesh, she turned heads where ever she went.
“I said give it back,” she said a bit louder.
“No,” he said flipping through the pages.
Her eyes went down to slits. Kagome's loose spiked bracelet on her right slipped to her knuckles. She clenched her fist getting ready to sock him.
“I'm serious, give it back,” she snarled.
“Or you'll what? Cry?” He asked making some snicker. So, he was trying to show others she was just another wimpy chick hiding in gangster clothes, huh?
She socked his shoulder hard making him hiss and yell, “SHIT!” He stood up holding his shoulder blade. She quickly grabbed her sketch book and slipped her bracelet back on her wrist. She had to bite her tongue from yelling out herself. Her knuckles were throbbing in pain. They were probably bleeding now.
“Houshi-san, is there a problem?” Myoga asked.
Houshi looked at Kagome and saw her eyes saying `tell and die.' He rubbed his shoulder and rolled it, exhaling deeply. He sat back down and continued to roll it.
“No sensei,” he said.
“Don't fuck with me,” Kagome said sweetly.
“Yo, Miroku, you had to wonder what would happen if you teased her,” snickered a rough voice.
“Dude, you're bleeding.” Someone beside her pointed out.
Miroku looked at his hand, a little bit of blood was smeared on it. Kagome stared at the eight holes in his shirt. She loved seeing blood seep through white shirts. She smirked and turned her attention to her drawing. Today might be a good day.
After three more periods, it was lunch. Kagome stuffed her school bag in the locker and stared at the picture of her and her family that she put in there earlier today. The light of the sun reflected on the glossy picture. She thanked the sun for that. She hated staring at the faces of the adults who left her and her younger siblings. She slammed the locker shut and turned the knob once. She felt eyes on her as she walked off spacing out.
“Oi!” Someone yelled at her.
Kagome blinked and stared at the football spiraling her was. She caught it and threw it back, spiraling fast and hard. She heard a loud `ow!' and the halls were ringing with laughter. The jock that threw the ball was holding his nose that was bleeding badly.
“Nice throw,” said that same rough voice that she heard after she socked that boy Miroku.
She turned her head to the side and saw a silver head boy. She stared at those glowing gold eyes and blinked herself out of the trance she was about to be in for their beauty.
“Shut up Inu Yasha!” The jock holding his nose shouted.
“Why don't you shut up crybaby?” Inu Yasha snapped.
`Hmm…this one might be tough to break,” she thought before smirking. `This also might be fun. He better hope he won't cry once we fight.'
But today was the first day of school, a fight would not happen today. She scoffed and walked off again. She stopped and stared at the hand that had grabbed her forearm. She saw the sharp nails. Obviously, to her at least, indicated that the boy was a demon hiding under an illusion spell.
“What?” She growled. She wanted eat now, and this bastard was stopping her.
“Oi, let me treat you to lunch,” he said with a small smile. He was kissing up, probably wanted something from her.
“I don't think so Inu Yasha, I'd rather treat myself,” Kagome smiled sweetly then rolled her eyes and wretched her arm out of his grip.
“Inu Yasha!!” a group of girls squealed. `Heh, his fan club.'
Kagome once again continued her way to the cafeteria, not bothering to look at the girls who wore their skirts a little too high. She dug into her pockets trying to ignore the pocket knife that needed to be cleaned. `Funny, you'd think the wealthiest school in all the land would have a high security.' She pulled out her wallet and stared at the picture. She had to go from begging to gambling and fighting for money. Her little sibs were happier now and didn't know her way of getting money.
She pulled out a couple of yens and slipped the wallet back were it was. She bought an apple and a bottle of water before, without being spotted, climbing up a tree in the quad. She bit into the apple and fingered the silver dragon. Being alone, unless her sibs were here, was something she never wants to be but she ends up that way all the time. Kagome was solitaire since she was little, rarely opening up to anyone. She bit down into the apple again nearly jumping at the silky voice.
“Hello Kaggie…” She bit her bottom lip to stop her from yelling.
`How the hell could I let my guard down?!' “What are you doing here Naraku?” She bit out.
“I live near here, the security of this place is so very low,” he said.
Kagome turned to look at the hanyou that was half the reason she is rough. But no matter how rough she became, she could not get him away from her. His red eyes stared at her. He must've caught the slight fear in her eyes for the smirk on his face widened. He moved a branch over and straddled her. He leaned closer to her face and ran his cold knuckles against her warm cheek.
“Go away Naraku, I paid my dept two days ago.” She snarled moving her face away from his icy hand.
“Yes, and what a wonderful pay that was,” he murmured. He grabbed her chin roughly and kissed her hungrily.
Kagome growled and pushed him off of her lips. She glared at him. `Kami-sama, he is so sickening!' She screamed in her mind.
“Alright,” Naraku made a move to climb down but stopped to push her legs open and sit between them. “I'll leave, but make sure nobody gets in the jeans but me,” he whispered huskily, pressing her pelvis against hers hard.
Kagome bit her lip very hard. This is the time when she felt most vulnerable around him. Every time he did this, he meant to remind her of what she lost two years ago from blackmail. He licked away the blood that seemed to pass her lips before jumping down and walking off.
“Don't worry you fucking bastard, I won't,” she whispered opening her water bottle, taking a sip, and then spitting it out. “I most definitely won't let you in them either!” But that sentence was empty, if she didn't let him in, she wouldn't be able to kiss her younger siblings good-bye.
Kagome swung her leg over and jumped down. She straightened her shirt and pulled small bits of tree bark out of her hair.
“Who was he?” Inu Yasha's voice asked.
Kagome sighed and ignored him. She continued her walk, hearing his footfalls being her.
“Can you leave me alone?” She snarled.
“Not until you answer my question,” he said.
“Well guess what, I don't have to answer it, so leave me alone demon,” Kagome growled.
Inu Yasha grabbed her hand and yanked it hard to stop her. They glared for what seemed hours before he whispered, “How did you figure?”
“You claws,” Kagome pointed out. “You should do better at hiding them, especially if someone grew up in a shrine. There's no telling what they'd do.”
“Whatever, just answer my last question,” Inu Yasha growled tightening his grip on her.
“Why do you care, you don't even know me,” Kagome growled back.
“Somebody's a little bitchy,” he snickered throwing her hand out of his grasp then brushed past her.
Kagome looked over her shoulder and glared daggers at him. “Cocky Bastard,” she muttered while nearly stomping off to her locker only to be stopped by the headmaster who seemed very concerned about her attire. `This is going to be a long fine day…'
Dani: Owie, my wrist hurts!!!
Shicora: well then maybe you shouldn't have written this thing to be so long. And by the way why did you dress Kagome up like an American gangster??
Dani: It'll be explained in chapters later….Oh and the uniform, same reason, I'll explain later…And my friend wanted me to use Japanese terms so I did, is that bad??
Anyway review!!! Cause the more reviews I get the more you wonderful people review the more I will want to post!! :D