InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ United Sisters and the Love of a Lord ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3
The departure

Rina and Rin were getting everything packed on Ah-Uhn's back for the trip while Jaken watched near by.

Jaken walked up after they were done and said "Listen girl you may be her sister but you do not address Lord Sesshoumaru as 'sesshy' got it."

Sesshoumaru was about to say something when he and everyone watched Rina speak so harshly that Jaken froze.

Rina turned and said pointing her own sword at him barely touching it to his skin "Listen good imp. Rin has informed me on all the harsh words you have said and know this if you ever speak to her or to me in that tone you just used or are mean to rin and i ever again..." she closed her eyes and then looked at him anger in her eyes "Unlike Lord Sesshoumaru who has threatened to kill you but has not done so yet. Unlike him you say word to us like that again and i will kill you where you stand. Understand?"

Jaken froze and looked towards Sesshoumaru for any help or words to the human "M-m-my Lord?" he looked pale as he spoke to his lord.

Sesshoumaru walked over and picked up Rin "Jaken you have been warned by my new friend and rins sister and i agree. Shall we go now Rina, Rin." he smiled at the 10 year old girl in his arms.

Rin nodded "Lord Sesshoumaru i have never seen her like that before unless a demon attacked."

Rina smirked "Well Jaken is a demon." She turned to the others "Hey Dog ears we run into each other i want a spar."

Inuyasha smirked "Your on girl!" he then held Tetsaiga pointing at her "You let me know anytime Rina."

Soon they were off and Jaken had kept his mouth shut despite wanting to yell at Rina for always calling Sesshoumaru 'Sesshy'. Soon dark fell and they stopped to make camp. Rin and Jaken unpacked while Sesshoumaru and Rina went for the fire wood and food.

Rina had been getting the food while he gathered the wood. She had stopped here and there to look at the full yokai in the moon light and watch how his silver white hair shined with his golden eyes sparkle.

He at one point had caught her gaze and had smirked and brushed his hair from his eyes to make her blush. He had found him self thinking quite a bit since he saw her being so formal and then get hugged by her sister rin. He found the thought go across his mind again 'she was so strict and even mean to jaken that he has not said a word, she even seemed something...cute? yes he thought she was cute, hard to comprehend but he knew it to be true. She had stole his heart in that harsh situation with her blood and then...she sealed it with the kiss she gave him saying it was a thank you for keeping rin safe for so long'.