InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowing to You ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unknowing to You
By: Cartoon Shakespeare
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha….everyone should know that fan fiction is obviously not owned by the writers but for some reason we have to put this anyway >.< lol
As the night crept on and the quarter moon glistened in the sky, a goddess could be found looking down upon a village.
In this village it was peaceful and the many villagers lay sleeping in their huts, but the one particular hut that the goddess laid her gaze upon was full of awake and alert beings. Outside sit a monk, taijia, kitsune and neko youkai listening to the howls of pain coming from inside where two human females helped a hanyou named Inuyasha.
She had guided him these past moons, protecting and guiding him to now, where he lay giving birth to his very own pups. She had allowed such an outcome of his mating for the hanyou to live with a happy family of his own.
Now she watched down upon him in pain, squirming on the floor of the hut belonging to the elder miko named Kaede, deciding on the best way to help him along his path to fatherhood.
“Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. OWW! God Dammit!” yelled Inuyasha as pain ripped through his swollen midsection and the flesh visibly tensed.
As he breathed in short pants, he felt a cold washcloth against his forehead. He looked up to see Kagome patting his overheated face and a sympathetic smile. Her face was serene and loving, motherly even, and it made him feel as though his own mother were helping him out. She stared into his eyes and offered her hand to him, which he took gratefully.
She comforted through his pain as best she could. “Shhh, Inuyasha the contraction's almost over.”
He breathed heavily in deep full breaths through his nose as the pain continued. In minutes, Inuyasha was able to relax as he panted out his efforts. He sighed out his relief as more sweat made down his face and chest.
“Are ye alright Inuyasha?” Kaede asked as she gathered towels around the hanyou.
Inuyasha scowled. “I feel like I'm having my insides ripped out! Do I look alright to you!?!” he yelled.
“That is to be expected Inuyasha” Kaede said smirking her amusement.
The hanyou looked away as he let out his casual, “Feh.”
Inuyasha fell silent and stared to the hut's wall as he rested and thought about his other, his lover and mate.
Inuyasha missed his mate and wished that he could be there for the birth of his own pups, but the situation wouldn't permit it. The morning after his mating, he woke to an empty clearing with his mate no where in sight. He never got the chance to tell him of their pups.
Inuyasha supposed that he wouldn't want them anyway. They would be quarter human and three-quarters demon; he knew his mate would never accept them. He also knew that what he felt for his mate would never willingly be returned.
He could remember the soft caresses of his claw endowed hands, the feel of his soft silky long hair upon his back and the comforting words whispered into his ear as his mate eased inside him. The memories were still fresh in his mind.
The loving touches of his love, his mate.
His Sesshoumaru.
Inuyasha was still in utter shock as he ran thorough the forest, past tree after tree. He had been running for hours away from Kaede's village and his friends.
He couldn't face them. Not like this, in a weakened state that would bring anyone into shame. He still couldn't believe it was happening to him.
This morning before anyone awoke, he had gone into his heat, and his inu began telling him it was time for him and their mate to complete the ritual. Inuyasha felt complete fear at the pull for mating because even though his body was ready, his mind wasn't. He didn't want to mate yet. In fact the whole idea caused spine tingling fear to consume him, not that he would admit.
Another fear had gripped him when he found out Kagome wasn't his mate. He had been able to tell with a single sniff of the air. Your mate's scent was supposed to lure you to them, like your drunk off the simple smell of them, but Kagome wasn't emitting that scent. He for once didn't know what to do. He always thought Kagome would be his mate since she was the only one who understood him, but he turned out to be wrong.
That's what had caused him to run. It was the confusion and fear. Because if Kagome wasn't his mate, then who was?
Inuyasha pulled from his thoughts and sniffed the air, finding the scent of water not to far from him.
`A bath would be nice' he mused internally. He took another deep breath and found no youkai in the area. He came to the conclusion that a bath was exactly what he needed. He bounded off in the direction of the water source. It was a relatively small clearing with a single hot spring sitting in the center. The water was surrounded by large and small rocks covered in green and yellow shades of moss. He found the area suitable for the short amount of time that he had.
He straightened and untied his obi, letting his hakama fall to the ground. He next took off his haori and inner haori, throwing it into the pile of clothing. He walked over and sighed as he sat into the hot spring. The running he had done that day was taking a toll on his already heated body. He relaxed in the warmth of the water and laid his head on a medium-sized rock to rest.
He stayed like that for a short time, just lying back and enjoying the soothing of his sore muscles. However soon he knew his time was running short and he would need to continue running before the others caught up to him. If Shippou and Kirara were leading the way, they would all find him in no time flat.
He stood from the hot spring, the water dripped off his beautifully sculpted body as he made his way towards his clothing. He bent down to pick up his haori when his body was tackled into the ground. His body hit the ground with a loud `thud' and a body landed on top of his. His legs were pinned under him and his hands were held behind his back.
Inuyasha struggled in the grasp of his attacker and growled threateningly, but the growl he received in return silenced him through fear.
It was a growl of dominance. A growl that would usually come from the dominant of a mated couple and the very thought made his fear escalate. He knew that whoever his mate was, had found him. The youkai was emitting the alluring scent that attracts mates together. He struggled against the grip holding him but the youkai held strong.
“Let me go!” Inuyasha yelled into the forest floor.
A loud feral growl was his answer. His body was flipped over quickly and straddled. His hands were moved from behind and shoved above his head. He opened his eyes and gasp.
“Se-Sesshoumaru?!!” he said in a hushed tone and stopped his struggles in shock.
From a first glance, he could see red eyes signaling that his inu was obviously in control. The growl emitting from his throat was low and dominating towards him which meant something he hadn't thought of before.
He was the submissive.
Inuyasha got a shock for the second time that day. He was a submissive in his mating. He couldn't believe it; he was going to be the bitch! This couldn't possibly be happening! He was not going to be a fucking submissive to his brother! He began fighting against his brother's hold.
“N-No! Let me go! I don't want you!” he yelled.
Sesshoumaru growled threateningly this time and he found his own body betraying him as his body relaxed to the growl against his minds wishes.
`What the hell was the matter with me!?' he thought angrily.
The information soon clicked inside his brain that as the submissive, his youkai would cause his body to relax in the arms of their mate. Inuyasha realized that he would slowly find himself submitting to his brother.
He could only watch in horror as Sesshoumaru bent down, nuzzling and sniffing at his neck. His body shivered when a tongue darted out, licking him.
“Mate taste good.” Sesshoumaru's hoarse voice purred against his neck
Inuyasha actually trembled at the primitive tone that reached his hanyou ears. It was low and feral and he knew that his brother had not lost some control he had lost all of it.
His knowledge of inuyoukai mating was slim, but he knew one thing for sure. If the submissive ever denied the claim of the dominant mate, they were killed for their denial. This piece of information was the only thing holding Inuyasha from him and his freedom.
He lay completely still with his eyes clenched shut, allowing the touches to his body, despite his slight inner turmoil. The caresses were somehow loving and full of passion. Inuyasha opened his golden eyes to come into the gaze of his brother's stare. He became shocked to find it was full of caring and love. Love for a mate.
Inuyasha melted into his brothers movements, and hands traveled up and down his chest, caressing the skin sensually. Kisses made their way down his neck to his chest. Lower and lower he went. He cried out as a tongue licked over his highly sensitive nipple. He arched his back into the touch upon his chest. His soon-to-be lover switched sides and started licking and suckling the opposite nipple into a hardened peak. A hand enclosed upon the erection that Inuyasha was starting to support, and Sesshoumaru grasped it firmly. He hissed at the pressure ensued onto his member when it became stranded between the plains of pleasure and pain. The tightened hold began movement in up and down moments, he started to breathe in pants as the pleasure racked through his body.
“S-She-Sess-” he chuffed hardly.
Sesshoumaru dignified no answer, he only continued his kissing's upon Inuyasha's chest and his hand movements below. Pressure was beginning to build up in his stomach, like a volcano waiting to erupt. He moaned at the menstruations of his brother against his struggling sex. He knew the pleasure was becoming too much for him as it was now pleasingly painful.
“Sess I'm gonna-”
His warning had come too late as he cried out, spilling his essence on the stomachs of him and his brother.
Sesshoumaru let out a deep chuckle and released Inuyasha's now flaccid cock. Their eyes met in a passionate gaze. Pure lust covered golden and red eyes, using carnal instincts to run their actions.
Inuyasha realized that sometime during their vivacity, Sesshoumaru had released his hands. He became at a loss of what to do. Shouldn't he be running? His body had become a gelatinous form of flesh, but he realized that, that wasn't the reason he hadn't pushed him away and run. No, he instead was pining for his brother's touch, and urging for the feeling of his ultimate fulfillment. Even if there was only one sided love in it, his body and inner inu craved for Sesshoumaru. He came to terms with it and finally knew what he wanted.
Without warning, Inuyasha tore at Sesshoumaru's clothing, desperate to get contact of skin to skin. Sesshoumaru let out another chuckle as the hanyou struggled with his clothing. The taiyoukai reached up and helped the hanyou release him from his armor, followed closely by his haori and hakama, leaving him bare to the world to see.
Inuyasha looked up and surveyed his lover's body. It was as if the gods themselves chiseled his brother into perfection. His chest and abdomen were rock hard and his arms and legs were finely muscular.
Inuyasha almost drooled at the site of his brother, but held back the urge. Instead he reached out and embraced the god before him and placed kisses onto his neck. Sesshoumaru growled in pleasure and pushed Inuyasha back into the submissive position with the taiyoukai beside him, placing three fingers in front of the inuhanyou's face.
He began to sensually such on the fingers while kisses were placed on his neck and fangs nipped skin, leaving love bites all over it. When the fingers were generously coated, they were pulled from his mouth and without any stop on the way down, it reached his entrance. A finger was circled around the tight hole, lubricating it, before the digit was pressed past the tight ring of muscles.
Inuyasha hissed in slight discomfort and pleasure as the finger caressed the inside of his hole, preparing it for the later. A hand surrounded his soft member and stroked it, slowly bringing it too life once again and distracting the hanyou as the finger did its work.
Sesshoumaru continued to poke around, stretching him in the process of looking for that special internal button that would relax the hanyou enough for the larger intrusion it would endure.
“AH!!” Inuyasha cried out as he saw stars in front of his eyes in sheer pleasure. Sesshoumaru smiled as he found Inuyasha's G-spot and pressed it again before adding another finger. All the while this was happening, a hand worked furiously at the large arousal that the taiyoukai held.
Another finger was added to the second, then the third and final digit was entered and he started a scissoring motion.
Inuyasha found that after he relaxed, the more pleasurable the fingers became. He thrust in unison with the digits inside his body until they were slowly removed, and the hanyou half moaned, half growled in protest.
His lover flew him a smirk that caused chills to go down his spine in pleasure. Sesshoumaru removed his hand from Inuyasha's arousal and used both hands to push Inuyasha's legs apart and, settling between them. He took in a deep gasp as something larger than fingers probed his entrance.
“Onegai…love me Sessho-kun” he pleaded
Sesshoumaru needed no more encouragement as he pushed his head past the ring of muscles. Inuyasha hissed as a burning sensation began in his posterior. His lover pushed further into him causing the discomfort to shoot up his back.
“Shh, my mate the pain will pass soon” Sesshoumaru whispered to the zasshu.
The pain was suddenly taken off as the internal button was pressed, making stars enter his vision. He cried out his ecstasy and thrust his hips, fully seating his brother into him. He heard Sesshoumaru groan and he looked up into his eyes.
“Move...onegai” he begged.
Sesshoumaru pulled out until only the tip was inside, then he thrust back in quickly. Both inu's groaned at their pleasured bodies. The movement was repeated more quickly and repeated over and over. In between the older brother's movements, Sesshoumaru grasped Inuyasha's painful arousal and began to stroke it in rhythm to his sexual drive.
The thrusts were primal and animal like as grunts, growls and whines issued throughout the clearing. The musky smell of sex could be scented in the air. Both bodies were covered in a slick sheen film of sweat
Inuyasha felt the familiar feeling pool in his abdomen along with the blinding pleasure from his entrance. He moaned out his pleasure, as did his older brother. He could feel the pulse of Sesshoumaru's member inside him and it brought him closer to his climax.
“S-Sess, I can't hold on much longer.” Inuyasha admitted.
The taiyoukai leaned down, creating a silver curtain with his long silky hair. A hot breath covered the hanyou's ear.
“Come with me my mate, let us share our love together.”
Those words were all that were needed to trigger the impending release of Inuyasha's member. He coated the stomachs of both him and his mate once again and the contracting muscles from the climax cause the taiyoukai to explode into his mate. Upon impulse, the inu inside of Sesshoumaru called out and fangs elongated. The instincts inside the taiyoukai cause him to plunge his new fangs into the neck of the zasshu, marking him his mate for life.
Inuyasha called out his pain and pleasure as his body became tense under all of the menstruations. His body collapsed into a boneless heap as he came down from his high. Both brothers lay motionless for moments, calming their bodies to a point of simple panting that could be heard in the clearing.
Sesshoumaru pulled from his mate and quickly spooned him against his chest, growling comfortingly to his mate.
A whisper broke the somewhat silence of the clearing.
“I love you Sesshoumaru”
The taiyoukai looked down to his mate and smiled a true smile. Red eyes softened slightly as they looked into golden.
“And I love you, my puppy”
Both became silent and lay for a long deserved rest.
Inuyasha almost cried at the memory of his first and only mating. The way he woke up to an empty clearing with his mate nowhere in sight. He forced back his tears so Kagome and Kaede wouldn't ask questions. He noticed that he was sweating profusely and felt overheated. He didn't think this was good for his pups and it worried him.
“Oi!” he bellowed as he struggled yet achieved to roll onto his side
Kagome and Kaede turned their attention to him with somewhat puzzled faces. “Yes Inuyasha?” Kaede asked.
“I'm really fucking hot! Isn't there someway I can cool down!?” he asked
Kaede looked to Kagome before they made their way over to him. Kaede placed a hand on his wet face and her face showed her dismay. “This does call for some concern Inuyasha; ye need to cool down immediately. I'll need ye to strip.” she stated.
“What are you crazy!? I ain't strippin' for you, ya old hag!”
Kagome and Kaede sighed simultaneously.
Kagome sat behind Inuyasha and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Inuyasha, you have to. Not only will it help you cool down but it's best for your pups.”
Inuyasha's eyes softened. “Alright, I'll do it for my pups. Help me up Kagome” he said, struggling to sit up.
Kagome gripped his underarms and lifted him with a grunt, but in the middle of her lifting a contraction gripped him, and he cried out, “Ah! Kami!” he yelled.
“Breathe, Inuyasha, Breathe” Kagome comforted, rubbing his stomach.
Inuyasha took comfort in Kagome tone and movements towards him and his unborn pups, but groaned as it didn't make the pain go away.
This contraction seemed more painful than the others. In the middle of the peak of pain it vanished and felt as if a weight had been lifted off his stomach as the pressure was released.
“W-what was that?” Inuyasha asked somewhat tiredly.
Kagome looked down and gasp, “K-Kaede, I-I think his…water broke?” she said somewhat confused. Kaede turned her attention to the hanyou's hakama that was soaked through with what looked like water. The old woman scooted closer to the pair and looked to Inuyasha sternly.
“I need ye out of these clothes now”
Kagome quickly went to helping Inuyasha out of his haori and hakama, leaving him as bare as the day he was born.
Ignoring the heat rushing to Inuyasha's face, Kaede made her way down to Inuyasha's feet, quickly taking her hands and opening his legs.
Almost immediately he shut his legs tightly. “Oi! What the hell do you think you're doing?!” he yelled, utterly embarrassed.
Kaede, despite her old age, was able to reopen the hanyou's legs and gave a motherly look.
“Inuyasha, ye must cooperate. If ye water has broken, that would mean that the pups will be delivered anally. I must check the status of the first pup and make sure everything is in order.”
Inuyasha winced at the thought of delivering his pups that way. That would be more painful than the `c-section' as Kagome called it. He visibly tensed at Kaede leaned down with her hand at the ready.
“Be ready Inuyasha, this will be somewhat painful” she informed him.
Inuyasha felt extremely nervous but an extended hand from Kagome made him feel grateful for such understanding friends. He took the hand and nodded for Kaede to continue. He watched the old woman lean down slightly and he closed his eyes, bracing for the pain.
As soon as his eyes had been closed he yelped and white hot pain shot up his back as she breeched him. He could fell her poking and prodding him on the inside, looking for his pups.
He yelled in more pain as she went deeper, feeling him for the pups. She focused on a single spot for a short time before she slowly pulled out of him.
Inuyasha let out a breath as the pain ebbed away little by little after she had left him.
Kaede covered Inuyasha's lower half with his haori and stepped away from his lower section and moved to sit next to him.
“Are they ok?” he asked in a shaky voice.
Kaede sighed and he looked up to her face. She was deep in thought and it worried him immediately causing tears to pool in his eyes.
“W-what?! What's wrong!? What's wrong with my pups!?” he asked frantically as tears ran down his face.
Kaede quickly answered, “No, Inuyasha there's nothing wrong but there seems to be a problem”
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked, deeply concerned for her friend.
“Inuyasha's pups appear to be in inu form, instead of human.” She informed
He had stopped crying by now and asked shakily, “What does that mean?”
Kaede thought hard for a moment. “If my theory is correct, the only way you will be able to deliver your pups is if you are in dog form. Otherwise I fear for both you and the pups.”
“B-but how am I supposed to transform. I-I've never done it before” he said slightly worried that he wouldn't be able to bring his pups into the world
“Do not worry Inuyasha, your instincts will tell you what to do.” she enlightened.
Inuyasha stayed silent and turned to Kagome with fearful eyes.
“Don't worry Inuyasha, just close your eyes and focus” she said with warmth.
With one last look to Kagome, he closed his eyes and did as she suggested. He focused on his pups and what they needed from him. They needed him to transform and be allowed into creation. His pups. His and Sesshoumaru's pup. They were vulnerable and in danger. He focused on him inner demon and thought
I need my inu to come out. My inner inu. My true demon form.
As he thought about it he never noticed the changes his body started to go through. His body got shorter, along with his legs and arms. His skin became furry and his nose grew to into a muzzle. His hair was stunning silver
Without even realizing it he was fully transformed. He opened his eyes and tried to say something but only growls and barks came out of his mouth.
Inuyasha was shocked and tried to verbalize it, only getting more growls and whines. He looked to Kaede who nodded and said, “Ye did a good job, Inuyasha” she complimented.
He could only give a curt nod and yip before lying his head down onto the floor of the hut, relieved that his pups were no longer in immediate danger. He relaxed his body to rest before pain would engulf his being once again. Shutting his eyes he drifted of into a very light sleep.