InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowing to You ❯ Epilouge ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Haruko! Toshi! Akio! Stop running inside the house!” Inuyasha yelled down the long and pristine hallway covered in tapestries and long Arabian rugs.
A heavily pregnant Inuyasha waddled outside of his and Sesshoumaru's living quarters to find their boys running down the hallways again, with their sister no where in sight. Their names had taken him and Sesshoumaru no time at all to decide on when it came to the boys. The pup with Inuyasha's demon characteristics had been named Haruko, while Sesshoumaru's look alike had been named Toshi and their father's double named Akio. Their daughter, however, had been a challenge to name. They went through over ten names before deciding that their black haired little girl was to be named Sachi.
Over three years the children had grown and despite being the equivalent of three human years; in demon years they were exactly six, and as rowdy as ever. All three boys were now looking extremely guilty but determined to act innocent on their behalf.
“Aww, but papa we're playing tag!” Akio argued.
Inuyasha gave them a glare. “Not in the castle your not, you all know better than that.” Inuyasha scowled. “Now where's your sister? You better have not locked her in the dojo again or you're in big trouble.” he threatened.
“We didn't papa. She's in her room with Rin playing with her stupid dolls again.” Haruko snorted, crossing his arms.
Inuyasha sighed at the boys' attitudes. They always had picked on their sister for playing with her dolls but a quick disciplinary talk with Sesshoumaru shut them up real quick. The boys had always been rowdy.
Thoughts of punishment were stopped as one of his pups kicked him especially hard. He placed a hand on his back and another on his swollen stomach in dismay.
“Papa, are you okay?” Toshi asked worryingly, quickly rushing over to him.
Inuyasha hissed as the particular pup kicked again, but harder. He doubled over a little and was forced to lean against the wall.
“Papa!” Akio said slightly panicked. “Haruko, hurry and go get father!”
Haruko gave no reply, quickly running off at his top demon speed toward his father's study. Without even bothering to knock, he slammed the door open and rushed inside.
Three faces turned to him at once and Haruko got somewhat nervous as his father glared at him.
“Haruko, I believe you know better than to burst in here without permission to enter, especially during meetings.” Sesshoumaru lectured
“But father its papa!”
Sesshoumaru snapped his head straight and in the blink of an eye he was gone without even excusing himself to his political guests.
Haruko gave a single glance to his father's guests. They stared at him puzzled, but he gave them no answer, quickly running back towards his family finding that in the time he was gone his papa had collapsed on the floor.
Sesshoumaru was kneeling next to Inuyasha, holding his hand and softly rubbing his stomach in easing motions. With the children's acute hearing they listened to their parent's conversation.
“Se-Sess, it hurts” Inuyasha whined, as now the pain was undoubtedly a contraction.
Sesshoumaru continued his comforting movements. “I know koshii, I know.”
The taiyoukai quickly bent over and cradled his mate to his chest, picking him up bridal style.
“Boys, go to your rooms and stay there until I call you.”
“But father-” Aiko started to protest, worried for his papa.
“Now” their father simply said.
The three boys reluctantly left for their separate bedrooms, leaving their papa in their father's arms.
Sesshoumaru held his mate closely as he walked back into their room.
The room was tall, created with white marble walls and floors, covered in ancient Arabian carpets. The windows covered in red drapery were blowing against the wind that was entering the room. A grey marble desk sat in the far corner covered in scrolls from the blessings of the other lords to their prospering family, and to the left of the door was a large four canopy bed with red draping similar to the window. The silk, golden bedspread lay neatly tucked since the night before.
He quickly walked over to their bed and lay his mate down gently. Inuyasha clutched at his stomach, his face scrunched in pain. He couldn't even begin to believe what having their children was like, but he comforted his brother as best he could. He offered his hand which his mate quickly took and squeezed as the contraction calmed. Inuyasha stared into his mate's eyes and smiled a bit.
“What?” Sesshoumaru asked, smiling.
He smiled more at his mate's question. He brought the taiyoukai's hand to his stomach and placed his hand on top of it. Sesshoumaru smiled and caressed the swollen section of flesh.
“Nothing really, just that I'm glad you're here for me this time. I never thought we'd get this chance again.” Inuyasha confessed.
Sesshoumaru bent down and placed a kiss upon his brother's lips.
“Always and forever, my mate”