InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowingly Controlled ❯ Enter Onigumo ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome grabbed her keys and walked out the door. Without knowing where she was going, she just started walking. She was too busy thinking about what she just did to realize that everything looked that same. She was slowly getting lost.
After about 10 minutes she found what appeared to be a underground train station. Walking down the steps she made her way to something that looked familiar to an ATM machine. It gave her three choices.
-a week unlimited for $20
-a one time pass for $2.50
- put some random amount in that see how many rides you could get.
She went for the week unlimited.
Getting off at some random street, that most people were getting off at, she made her way out. To her surprise, she was in some random part of Manhattan. Thinking back she remembered what the sign said.
West 4th street, she got off at west 4th street.
Thinking back she remembered Sango telling her about that. That's where “the village” was; kind of a Goth hang out.
Smiling to herself she walked on. It took a few minutes but she reached some shops that looked promising. Entering one she stopped in the doorway and just looked around. Making her way towards the back of the store, she looked from thing to thing.
Now she knew that this wasn't normal for her. She felt strange now. It was as if her self control was taken from her, causing her to do things she wouldn't normally do. Actually it was more like something was giving her the strength to do the things she never had the balls to do before. It was weird really; she didn't know whether to be scared or grateful. Kagome smiled. After what she did to Inu Yasha this morning, she will be grateful for the time being.
Kagome closed her eyes and breathed in heavily. She felt so alive, so free, yet so trapped. It was like she was caged, being forced to be this way, that just so happened to be the way she wanted. Strange really; very strange!
Inu Yasha sat in the kitchen pondering over what his next move was. This girl was fun to play with, but if she really changed into…that…then he would have a hard time getting a rise out of her.
That was when it hit him. Her eyes were different. They were almost dull. It was as if there was no life behind them. Why didn't he notice it till now? DUH!!! You weren't thinking with your brain before!
Now slightly worried, Inu Yasha took off up the stairs.
It was all starting to make sense now. Kagome smelled different a few times, her voice changed, her attitude toward him changed drastically, the dullness of her eyes, everything.
Running into his room, he pulled out a box from under his bed. He opened it to reveal a book. Taking it out, he blew off the dust. Opening to the index he read on till he found the chapter he wanted.
Spirits that want revenge
Flipping to that chapter he began to read.
Buying more that she should have, kagome left the first shop and continued on her way. Her bag, for some reason, consisted of nothing buy sexy nightgowns and lacy underwear. Now why would she buy that? It was as if her subconscious was planning something.
Who cared, as long as she felt this good, nothing mattered, right?
Kagome's thoughts soon wandered over to a familiar hanyou. Her actions earlier that day were utterly refreshing. It felt like frustration from years of concealment was finally released. She felt light, as if she could just start floating. Every part of her was relaxed.
Miroku sat on the front porch eating away at an apple. His thoughts were on the sexy girl that just beat Inu Yasha at his own game. He smiled; the game was on, meaning more skimpy outfits. He giggled.
Suddenly a body sat down right next to him and grabbed the apple.
Miroku looked over confused, but shook his head when he saw who it was. “How are you Onigumo?” Miroku smiled.
“Good, just thought I'd stop by, after all I haven't seen my buddy in such a long time.”
Miroku laughed, “What do you want, BUDDY” sarcasm seeped from the last word.
Onigumo laughed. He pulled out a small book from his have rotted clothes. Dirt laced everything, including his skin. He looked like he hadn't groomed himself in days and smelled like he hadn't showered in longer. He knew everything about everybody on this block. I mean EVERYTHING!
Miroku once tried to get into the pants of the hot girl on the corner; she was actually going to let him too, and if it wasn't for Onigumo, he would have. Onimuo had gone to him the day before hand with information. He found out that the girl on the corner was not only on her period, but she caught “something” from Ivan; who lived a few streets down. He knew what Miroku was planning and figured he could bribe him with the information he had. Good thing he did too. Yes, Onigumo was his savior!
“It just so happens, oh smitten one, that Sango dropped her diary this morning. I bet she hasn't even noticed it yet.” Miroku grabbed for it. “I'd give you about an hour before she realizes it. How much do you think you can read before then?” He laughed.
“Ok ok, what do you want” Miroku pleaded desperately.
Onigumo smiled.
Miroku cursed under his breath. Something about stupid neighborhood bums being too crafty.
Inu Yasha ran down his stairs and out the front door, nearly tripping over the two sitting there.
“Where ya going Inu Yasha?” Miroku screamed.
Inu Yasha didn't reply.
“He's going to his brothers.” Onigumo said like it was obvious.
Miroku stared at him for a moment.
Onigumo sighed. “He looks worried yet pissed, meaning something happened and he needs to talk to Sesshomaru”
“How do you know he isn't going to his mothers?” Miroku eyed him.
“Because he gets a glint in his eyes when he goes there.”
“But how do you know they make it to these places? You don't follow us do you?”
“Nope, I'm just good”
Miroku smiled. “Oh tell me your secret Yoda.”
“Hmmm, Shaping of your abilities, you need”
Miroku laughed.
“RIN” Inu Yasha called threw the house. For some reason there were no horny people “releasing” themselves today. He ran into the dinning room to find her reading alone. She looked up interestedly.
“Yes?” she asked casually.
“I need your help” he said urgently.
“With what?” she put down her book and turned toward him
“I need to see Sesshomaru, but there is no way that he would see me. You are a master at getting into seeing people like him, you have to help me”
“Hey, calm down, what's wrong?”
“I'm not sure; I'll tell you when I find out though”
Rin nodded. “ok then, get my stuff ready. Operation Sessh-n-find is forming with in my gorgeous head.” She tapped her head with her pointer finger and smiled.
Inu Yasha rolled his eye, but made his way to her room.