InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Bonds ❯ Lia, the Wandering Priestess ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Unknown Bonds

By:Eyes of Destiny

Disclaimer: You'll never make me say it...*a mysterious hand holding a feather goes at my feet, tickling me till i crack*...FINE!...Inuyasha and co. are not mine...they're hers *Points to the hand. The hand drops the feather and makes the victory sign*

A/N: Well this is my very first fanfic! Your reviews will be the upbringing or downfall to me writing more. Oh yea, and they'll give me great ideas for the next chapters. I hope you all like the story... WHAT are you waiting for... read the damn story, cause I know you are sick of me! He he he, gomen,I think I got a little impatient.. he... he... he... um..... on with the fic....

Ch. 1 Lia the Wandering Priestess

"Bye, Sato! Tell mom I'll be back in a week!'Kay."Kagome shouts, too in a rush to look back.

"Yeah, sure! Better be careful. See ya." Sato replies.

I'm surprised Inuyasha hasn't dragged me back to his time, Kagome thinks to herself as she jumps into the well.



"What the hell was that!" a girl, who was leaning against the well eating an apple, said. She looks around the to see a huge backpack.

"Damn! I hate the landings." mutters Kagome from inside the well.

The girl looks down the well and sees, to her surprise, a girl about her age.

"Uh... can you help me. My name is Kagome, and I'm sorta stuck."

"OF COURSE! It is my duty to lend a helping hand. Grab my arm."

Pinning her feet against the well, she pulled out Kagome. Kagome then brushed herself off , and finally got a look at the girl. She saw a girl with pretty light brown hair, cut into layers. Her eyes were the lightest green Kagome had ever seen. She wore the oddest kimono. It was made from a light silky fabric that clung onto her every curve, which was very weird during that day in age. Wow, Kagome thought, She is so pretty!

"The names Lia," the girl says as she held out her hand,"I am a wandering priestess. Well, actually priestess in training. So.. um... what were you doing down there anyway?"

"Um... well you see I..ugh... fell in and....Oh Well its a long story I'll tell you later. So priestess in training? That's cool. What brings you here?"

"Well, the whole point in being a priestess is to go where fate guides you. So now that fate has spoken, I guess you could say, you're stuck with me until I help you out. What ever that is!" Lia then closely examines Kagome. " So any mental problems I should know about? Huh? Youkai I need to banish? Cause I can! I am the best of the....


"Kagome, you stupid girl! Where the hell have you been!" Inuyasha says. Just then something caught his attention. He turns to see Lia. "Who the hell are you?"

"Why the hell should I tell you, if you don't have the damn manners to introduce yourself first. Oh wait you're just another stupid youkai! They don't have manners. To think you had the chance to prove me wrong. Kagome want me to banish this asshole?"

"STUPID YOUKAI?! NO MANNERS?! You bitch I am Inuyasha!"

"Excuse me!Inuyasha. The names Lia. I am a priestess."

"Priestess? You a priestess...Feh. You sure don't act like one.."his mind trails off to Miroku the perverted monk."Never mind I've seen worse!"


Miroku had just walked up to them when he heard all the yelling. As he walked up, He saw something that made him feel like he died and went to heaven. A beautiful girl wearing the "best" kimono he's ever seen. *thumpthump*

"Well, hello there. My name is Miroku. And who may I have the pleasure of talking to?"

"Hi! I'm Lia, the wandering miko. Wow,has a ring to it doesn't it?"

"Miko, you say? Well, what do ya know. I am a..."

"Very perverted monk..." Sango interrupted. She had came just in to to here Miroku. "Hi there my name is Sango."

" Her name is Lia," Miroku said this dreamily.*thumpthump* "Lia, will you bare my childre... OWWWW! Oh well, it was worth a try." He said rubbing his hand.

"Sorry, but you had it coming!"Lia exclaimed patting her knuckles.

"all right, I've just made a great new friend!" Sango said humorously.


"Feh. Whatever. Let's go back to Kaede's Hut. I'm Starving! You had better brought that Ramen, you promised. Wench." Inuyasha said walking away from the well.

"Of course, baka. A promise is a promise. Let's go. Lia, come with us. I guess you say now that YOU'RE stuck with US!" Kagome was beginning to get really happy all of a sudden.

"SHE'S WHAT!!! No she isn't. The idiot should have gone by now, she'll only drag us down... can we really trust her...uh no way ' Just No!" Inuyasha said running out of excuses. Actually, he really didn't mind. "Fine, but how can you help us?"

"Well, I have the power to heal, I can banish weak youkai, and I have a GREAT personality...when you are on my good side. You don't ever want to get on my bad side, because you won't live long."Lia trailed off with a rather dark look on her face.

'Creepy', thought Inuyasha.He brushed it off by trying to piss her off."Oooo! What is the stupid miko gonna do if someone pisses her off?Banish them?"Inuyasha setting up the bait.

" Ha! Ha! I know what you're doing and it won't work."Lia said sarcastically.Quick to change the subject sheadded. "But I do know that I have something in common with all of you. I Hate Naraku! I want revenge."

"What did he do to you?" Kagome jumped in curiously.

"He... killed the love of my life..." Lia answered wiping a tear off of her face.

"Oh god..truly I am very sorry." Kagome felt really bad.

"It's ok." Lia said."Well let's go to that hut you were talking about"She said deliberately changing the subject. And with that they took off. But know one saw the look look off shock upon Inuyasha's face,'Oh god It's like me and Kikyou, I want to know more I want to know more about Lia.'


A/N: Well that is Chapter one of my very first fanfic. Plz review I could get ideas for up coming chapters. I really hope you all like it so far. And if you don't... well all I have to say is, DON'T get on my bad side....*Laughs EEEVVIIILLLYY* No I'm playing ^_^.

Well in the next chap. Lia meets Kaede and Shippou. They have dinner and an odd thing happens during the night. Something that had never happened before. What is it....well you'll have to read the next chap. Ja ne!

Destiny aka: that funny girl!