InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Bonds ❯ Kagome's Plan ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I.. sniffle.. do not.. sniffle.. own.. Inuyasha... and co.

A/N: Hiya guys!!! I'm back I hope you like this chapter. Wow! Now that finals are out of the way, and Christmas is less than a week away I will be updating FASTER! Hope you review, but I won't pressure too much, ^.^!

S.O.S = Side of Story

" " = Talking

' ' =Thinking

* * = Flashback

Unknown Bonds

Ch. 2- Kagome's Plan and Inu's Escapade

As they headed back to Kaede's hut, with the new member, Kagome noticed Inuyasha was more reserved than usual. 'I wonder what's wrong?' thought Kagome. She then made her way to the back of the group, passing up Lia with Miroku hot on her tail, and a pissed off looking Sango.

" ok, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, finally reaching her destination.

"What!?! Oh, nothing you nosy girl!" Inuyasha ranted.

"Well, Excuse you!," Kagome snapped, already tearing up," I don't even know why I care anymore! Kami, I try and I try to be caring, but I can't do it anymore!" Kagome was really losing it. Inuyasha had been keeping more and more things from her, and now she finally snapped." Inuyasha, oh great one who chooses to push me away...SIT!"

CRASH! "Oi, bitch, what the Hell was that for?" A very confused and pissed off hanyou climbed out of a 4 ft. hole...

"Haven't you heard anything I just know what nevermind forget everything I EVER said. It means nothing to you apparently...Kami, I'm going to see Shippou! At least HE cares about me!" Kagome was furious. She went into the hut and sat down next to a napping Shippou.

Upon hearing movement Shippou awoke. He saw the sadness in Kagome's eyes and asked what was wrong. 'That's it! I'll just start keeping everything to myself, that way I won't be hurt so easily!' Kagome thought. She then pasted an innocent smile and replied..

"Oh, it's nothing, but we have a new member. Her name is Lia, and she is really nice. So be on your best and no picking on idiot..uh I mean Inuyasha. Hehehe...ok?"

"Ok, anything you say mommy, oh my uh I mean Kagome. I'm sorry, Kagome." Shippou really wanted to call her that for so long.

"Shippou..if you really think I am good enough to be your mother...well then I would be honored if you called me mom. That is, if you want to?" Kagome replied, alittle afraid he might refuse the offer. She had already thought of Shippou as a son, but never really knew how he felt.

Shippou then flung himself onto Kagome's neck and yelled..

"Hai!Hai!Hai!" Shippou was so happy he finally had a mother again. Now all he needed was a father... 'Hmmm, I wonder... Inuyasha! Perfect! Besides Kagome loves him as he does she...' Shippou was then beginning to plan certain upcomings, when all of a sudden the curtain opened and in came the rest of the group....

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Kag's S.O.S-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

As the gang walked in, Kagome straightened out and began to act out her plan. 'Remember, act like nothing, but from here on reveal nothing.' Kagome thought to herself. While she thought she also noticed Inuyasha throwing nervous glances at her. 'What the hell is wrong with him? The old me would ask, but not anymore. This is going to be harder than I thought. I care way too much, but I will try!' Kagome's mind was on a role.

Just then Lady Kaede walked in with a bowl full of cleaned rabbit meat and some vegetables. She put the food into the pot that was over the fire. After Kaede did this, she finally noticed the people in her hut.

"Ah, Kagome how are ye this day?" Kaede said, looking at a troubled Kagome.

"I'm okay, just here. Oh! We have a new member, her name is Lia. She is also a miko... like me." At that, Kagome glanced at Lia.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-Lia's S.O.S-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Lia stood up and bowed deeply. "It is an honor to meet you, Lady Kaede."

"Ye are a miko ye says? What village are ye from? Why would ye like to go along in the journey?" Kaede had a weird suspicion about this girl.

Lia was astounded."Um... yes I am a miko. I come from the village of Kuroyuri. (A/N: I think that's Black Lily.^.^) It lies within the eastern lands, and I seek to avenge my lost love. For Naraku slaughtered him."She stopped to rub her shoulder. "You, see made me watch his death. Only I was tied to a tree that had a spell of invisibility placed on it. Naraku then masqueraded as me and sliced Jin's neck." After that, she fell to the floor crying.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Kag's S.O.S-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Right when she fell, Inuyasha rushed to her side. He began to cradle her, but he didn't see the shocked faces of his friends. Nor did he see the one face that looked sad.

'I can't believe it. Lia barely gets here two hours ago, and Inuyasha is all over her. I cried more than she ever will, and throughout all of them I was never comforted by him.' Kagome was beginning to breakdown when she thought. 'I cannot show how I feel!' With that last thought she began to talk...

"I'm not really hungry. I think I'll go take a walk. I hope you feel better soon, Lia." Kagome walked out of the hut, and down to a nearby spring.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Inuyasha's S.O.S-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

As Lia fell to the ground, Inuyasha felt the sudden urge to comfort her. So he went to her and began to cradle her. 'Maybe the reason I care is because me and her are so alike. Kikyo and Jin were our lost loves. Later tonight I have to talk to her. I need to know as much as possible.Hey, where did Kagome go? Oh yeah, she took a walk...' Inuyasha went back to cradling Lia.

A/N:Well, I guess I end it there. I am going to push back the Midnight conversation to Chapter three. This story is going to have a major twist, but it might also be short. Mostly because I'm working on an AU fic. I want get that out, but for now just read and review, please! I really hope you like this story. It gets WAY better. Trust me... ja ne!

Destiny's Fate 89