InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Desire ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Unknown Desire
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Inuyasha. *Boo Hoo*
A/N: Thank you so very much for reviewing. I will try my best to update as often as possible but it'll take some time, as my computer is being very annoying (keeps crashing) and I type really slowly. This fic is quite short so I should be able to finish in a few more chapters. Please review and feel free to flame me.
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Chapter 2: Hunt
He did not know if he were goaded by any gods or youkai, if he wished to cherish or punish. It probably had something to do with the sake he had earlier, but it went further, much further. It went back to the day of the marriage when she told him openly that she would not share his bed, and to his wedding night, when he had been granted a rare gem indeed and suffered nightly since in his confusion of desire and need and the fever created within him from the hazel fire of her eyes.
The ebony hair within his hand felt like silk. So did the flesh of the ivory column of her long neck. He cupped his hand in the water to sluice it over her shoulders, then again retrieved the soap to run it along her spine. Her back was long, tucked deeply at the waist, dimpled beneath the water's edge at the top of her buttocks. He silent laved the soap over her, feeling her shiver beneath his caressing fingers.
He leaned low to plant his lips against her nape, grazing it lightly with his fangs. She went rigid, but the shivering continued. He saw the knuckles of her long slender fingers grow white over the edge of the tub, and he moved his lips closer to her ear, his breath a caress that brought about a new spasm of shivers.
Still behind her, he slipped his hands beneath her arms and raised her, soaping her back again, then dropping the soap as he splayed his finger over her shoulder and massaged her ivory flesh, moving ever downward to cradle her buttocks and keep the sensuously caressing massage at a fluid flow.
He didn't know what force controlled him as desire ravaged his body. Yet his every action was calculated and precise. She shivered so now that her slender form visibly shook.
He touched his lips to her neck again, and then moved them slowly down the entire length of her spine, his tongue flicking gently at every vertebra. He shifted his hands to encompass her hips, and knelt, leaning his chest against the tub to nip lightly at the shadows of her dimples and the firm ivory cheeks below them.
“No, damn you,” she gasped, her voice barely audible. He felt the beautiful play of her hip and bone as she tried to twist from him.
He allowed her to turn within the slick grasp of his hands and saw that her beautiful eyes were wildly dilated. He smiled, and the flame that conquered the blue ice in her eyes made her lashes raise high and flutter nervously as she realized she had merely abetted his assault. He released her only momentarily to dig for the soap again, and his hands moved up her calf.
“Please…” she whispered, and a growl of triumph surged through his body for he knew that she whispered like a stunned animal, trapped by the spreading sting of the hunter within her own body.
She wanted so badly to remain still, to ignore him, to do nothing other than indifferently endure, and she could not. He had evoked the stirrings of passion and sensuality he had longed sensed, and though she could hate him till her dying day, she could never again deny that her body knew a natural response to his touch.
He rubbed the soap higher up her leg, taking his massive sweeps as high as the flesh of her inner thigh, where he left off, rising to bring it over her belly, allowing his fingers to tease the hollows of her hips and the pit of her belly upon the flat sleek midsection. And then with both hands he began to massage her breasts, cupping the weight and fondling slowly in a circular pattern, his thumbs grazing the suds over her nipples.
She remained standing still, her fingers clutched into her palms, a pulse ticking madly at the base of her throat. He gazed into her face as she leisurely held her breasts, feeling the erotic rise of her nipples, dark and rouge beneath the soap. Her eyes were still wide, glazed, her jaw tightened, but her lips parted, as she would issue a plea again but could not. He leaned closer and touched his lips to hers. She allowed him to do so as if mesmerized, then at the touch, tried to twist away.
He brought his powerful fingers around her neck, holding her still as he bent his head, parting her mouth with his, driving deeply into the moist depths with his tongue. A tiny sound escaped her, but his lips were too sure, too demanding, for her to do anything other than be swept along the tide. As he held her, he moved his hand over her breast, gliding the soap downward again, his hand massaging the silken flesh of her legs. A sound, a gasp, a moan, a protest, broke into his ravaging mouth, but he continued his massage, his fingers probing surely between her legs to lave her most tender flesh.
Only then did her hands desperately clutch about his shoulders. He was sure they did so in her effort to stand and fight him with a strength rendered useless in the muscles of his thighs.
He broke the kiss, dipping to cup water and sluice it quickly over her body, aware that she braced herself with her hands on his shoulders even as she tried to plead with moist and swollen lips. No sound came from her attempts.
He lifted her, wet, into his arms, and carried her to the fur strewn futon. He laid her down, gazing upon her, her stunned and brilliant hazel eyes, her full ivory mounds with the rouge crests grown hard and dark, her smooth lean belly, her shadowed hip bones, her beguiling ebony triangle that seem to promise the greatest riches held in modesty beneath, at her long, silken, lithe and shapely legs…
The fires in his own body seem to leap and flame out and fan beyond control, yet he still endured the agony of his desire. He kept staring at her, drinking in her beauty……