InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Title ❯ Chapter 1-2 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer- I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters only OC characters (Kerra, Shomku). I also don't own any of the songs metioned in this story. Nor do I own the movies or the General Lee(I wish I did though, it's an awsome car!)

-Chapter 1-

"Kerra, wake up please. I need your help with my bike. It won't start up!" Shomku's voice floated threw her open window 'Every morning he can't get it started!' she grumbled to herself.
She yelled back "Get someone else to do it I have to get ready you idiot!" she looked at her clock and groaned.'7:30, crap!' She went to her closet and got her Tripp pants and her favorite Slipknot shirt, got her boots and put them on while heading downstairs. She went outside and saw Shomku trying to fix his bike but she pushed him out of the way and tightened a few bolts in his engine and started it up for him then started her own after hearing his take off. Her and her brother, Shomku, came from a weathly family but she didn't really show it like her brother. Before their father disappeared, he bought them brand new motorcycles, Ninja's to be clear, for each of them. She left the shrine type place they lived at and got to school about twenty minutes later, she parked and Inuyasha came up to her.
"Hey Kerra, I was wondering something." She took her helmet off and put it on the handle bars,
"What about Inu?"
"I-I was wondering if you can come to my party I'm going to have in a few weeks" Inuyasha shyly asked her, he liked her a little more than just freinds and really wanted her to come to the party. She smiled and gave him a small kiss on his cheek
"I would love to go Yash" She went over to her other freinds and they went inside the school building for classes to start. On the way to her locker, someone slammed into her knocking her down on the floor. The other person who ran into her apologized and glared at someone behind him. 'Bankotsu, damn I knew I was going to be sick today' She thought disgusted.
He looked at her with fake concern, "Kerra, are you alright?" She got up and dusted her pants off and glared at him then walked over and punched him hard in the nose, he flew back into the wall denting it and falling unconcious. 'That'll teach him not to mess with me.' she looked around and saw Sesshomaru shift a little in his spot. Only she saw it, no one else. She was surprised the other demons in school couldn't smell him, maybe he was hiding his scent from everyone except her.
She walked past him and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret." She grinned and brushed up against him purposefully, then headed to class. No one else saw what she did to Sesshomaru, only when she knocked Bankotsu out, and they whooped and hollered at that clapping for her. She got everything she needed and went to class and waited for Mr. Onigumo to start his lecture on history of Texas. She just sat in there listening to Nickelback on her i-pod.
During class Mr. Onigumo slapped a ruler on her desk and she looked up at him "Miss Eldritch, I want to talk to you at the end of class"
"Whatever." At the end of class, she went to Mr. Onigumo's desk and asked him what he wanted. To tell the truth she don't have much paintance with him anyway. Everyone had left the classroom and he closed the door behind them, then turned to her, and walked to her. Then he just does something that could, 'and will' she thought with narrowed eyes, get him fired. He kissed her, her miko energy erupted from her and shot him against the wall knocking the second person, today, out. She heard clapping comming from the door, she turned and saw Sesshomaru.
Her eyes widened as he stepped closer and she tried to back up but just landed on her butt on Onigumo's desk, Sesshomaru still came closer to her and carressed her cheek then kissed her. Her eyes widened more as she gasped not expecting him to kiss her of all people. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, into her beautiful reddish-silver eyes, 'Reddish-Silver?' he thought, 'I thought her eyes were hazel, oh well. I finnally got to kiss the sweet angel of my dreams.' They locked eyes and Kerra couldn't pull her eyes away until she heard a loud pop from outside.
She jumped up and ran into him knocking him down on accident her mouth landing on his. She blushed hard and tried to get up but his arms found his way around her waist.
"Sess-Sesshomaru, please let me up, I need to check on my motorcycle." He let her up with a sigh and as she was getting up she felt a hand on her butt, she just froze. She then ran to her motorcycle and she got pissed.
"Damn it, it was fine this morning!!" She was almost to her motorcycle when she felt a hand wrap around her waist and a mouth on her neck nipping it.
"Damn it, Micheal. Get the fuck off of me."
"But your my girl." Micheal kinda whimpered in a voice that made tingles go down her spine, she wriggled out of his arms and pulled out something from the side of her motorcycle and faced him.
"If you think im yours, your sadly mistaken." She raised her arms to show two twin blades on her arms, (AN:Kinda like BloodRaynes, the video game version.), he just raised his fists having no weapons just as she took a swipe at him and came close to cutting his arm but missing. He punched her gently on the back knocking her to the sidewalk, she growled at him and swiped kicked him, tripping him and pointed one of her blades to his throat.
She decided to knock him out instead and thats what she did, she got up and the bell to release them from the hell-hole called school rang and she got on her bike and raced her brother home beating him by a long shot.
She went inside and threw some pizza rolls in the microwave then went to her room and got on the computer as she heard her brother pull up and go to his room. About an hour later Shomku opened the door,
"Hey sis, I'm going to Kikyo's for the week ok?"
"Whatever, don't get in trouble please." He took off to his garage full of cars and took off in his silver and black Farrari.

-Chapter 2-

The next day, Kerra went downstairs to make something to eat. As she was putting burrittos in the oven, someone knocked on her door. She opened it to see Seeshomaru there with a gym bag over his shoulder and he asked if he could stay for the week.
"Sure. i'm making burrittos you want some?" "Sure" He came in after she invited him and shut the door behind him. He sniffed lightly, and he could tell no one else was there except her 'Perfect,' He thought 'we could spend time together' He sat down on the sofa and smelled bean and cheese burrittos drafting his way as well as red chili meat and beans, 'must be her favorite kinds, thats good, those are my favorites as well.' he thought as she brought one big plate of burrittos for them to share. His eyes also wanted something as well, and he shifted in his seat hoping she didn't notice like she did yesterday when she knocked Bankotsu out. 'Damn she looked hot doing that...' 'No keep yourself Sesshomaru.' she sat the plate down on the coffee table and sat down right next to him,
"So you staying for the week?" "yes, if it's ok." he managed to get out, before shifting in his seat again really hoping she didn't notice the bulge growing in his pants.
"Do you need to use the restroom?" He nodded his head, not trusting his voice. "down the hall first door to the left" He ran to the bathroom and leaned against the door hoping walls are sound proof in her house. While he was doing that in the bathroom, Kerra snuck that way making sure to hide her scent and aura as she put her ear to the door to make sure nothing was wrong with him and she heard grunts and moaning and at one point she thought she heard him moan out her name. 'Thats weird.' She went back to the couch and waited for him, about ten minutes later he emerged and saw she had turned the T.V. on and flipping through stations when she heard him approach, she bent her head back and looked at him upside down.
"You could of just told me."
She said without thinking then she relized what she had said and ran to her room blushing so hard and crying a little bit. He just watched her then followed her to her room and knocked on her door then opened it when she didn't answer, so he went inside her room but he didn't see her anywhere, so he sniffed out her strawberry and cherry scent to the closet and opened it to find her cowering in the closet. When Sesshomaru opened the door she gasped and tried to run but he crouched in front of the doorway and infront of her,
"Tell you what Kerra?" She just looked at him and blushed harder, if possible, and said,
"I-I he-heard what y-you were do-doing in t-the ba-bathroom" she put her head down and cried hard until she felt two strong arms wrap around her shoulders and pull her to him.
"Kerra listen, I'm sorry if I did anything to affend you in anyway." He turned to get up and leave but there were two smaller arms wrapped around his waist.
"No, you didn't do anything to affend me Sesshomaru. It was me, I should of respect your privacy and--"
Was all she got out before he kissed her again. This time she shyly kissed back and she felt him grin then deepen the kiss, they broke for air when her phone rang and she answered it as Sesshomaru kissed down her neck.
"Hello, Masters residance. This is Kerra speaking."
"Kerra this is Kagome, me, Kagura, Sango and Kida were wondering if your going to help us with that class today?"
"Um sorry i can't," She looked at Sesshomaru, then spoke again,"sorry Kagome I have other plans today im sorry"
"Oh. ok we'll see you at school next week or so ok?"
"Ok bye" Kerra hung up her black phone and turned back to Sesshomaru.
"You would give up your plans just for me Kerra?"
"Umm, yea. I-I actually wanted to get to know you more and...." She trailed off what she was saying but she was thinking it, 'and i want to be yours Sesshomaru, forever.' What she didn't know is that sesshomaru could read certain peoples thoughts, and Kerra was one of them. He smiled, and leaned close to her and whispered in her ear,
"I also want you to be mine forever Kerra, forever." He leaned back and saw the surprised look on her face and laughed a little.
"You did not know I can read minds koi?"
"N-no, I didn't" Her inner demon laughed as they spoke to another, 'hmm, koi we havent heard that in a long time. Have we Kerra?' 'No we haven't. He really has surprised me.' 'Kerra wheather you know or not you releasing me purly on accident of coarse, because your true demonic self is starting to show' Kerra gasped and cursed under her breath, she forgot everytime she talked to her inner demon she always showed it on accident. She looked up at Sesshomaru and saw he was in deep thought as well, she sighed a sigh of relif knowing he probably didn't see her change. Inside Sesshomaru's mind things were a little different, 'hmm she's still fine just sitting close to me, her scent is intoxicating.' 'yea, it is I wonder if she could be a demon' 'she is no demon, she is a miko.' 'yea but watch her she's turning, she is a demon!' 'she is not...' he looked up as Kerra was still talking to her inner demon, 'she is turning,' her black hair has turned into silver and blood red streaks, her eyes that same color he saw her eyes when they were in Mr. Onigumo's class room, and she looked taller. He heard Kerra gasp as her hair turned back to black and her eyes back to hazel. She looked up at him then gave a sigh of relif, then he looked back up at her shutting his demon up for a while as she stood.
"Well the burrittos are getting cold, I'll heat them up." She got up and went downstairs with him following her and Sesshomaru sat on the sofa and waited for her. In the kitchen Kerra put the burrittos in the microwave and heated them up them took them back in the living room and put on a movie to watch but their minds weren't on the movie. During the middle of watching Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Mans Chest, Kerra paused it, then looked at Sesshomaru.
"Sesshomaru, I feel like you don't want to watch a movie."
"Not really," he looked at her and knocked to remote to the floor then kissed her again, leaning her back onto the sofa and whispered in her ear,
"What I want to do is watch you ride me." he said as he licked the inside her ear. She shuddered underneath him,
"Sesshomaru, I-I'm still-" He put his finger to her lips, "I know your still a virgin"
The phone rang waking Sesshomaru up, he sat up to see Kerra laying on the floor next to the couch, the credits of the movie playing. He wiped his forehead off and reached across and picked up his phone.
"Well hey there, my couragous friend. How are you?"
"Miroku, you wake me up in the middle of the night to ask how I'm doing?"
"Sorry man. I didn't relize you were asleep. Where are you anyway? Someone is looking for you."
"Who is looking for me?"
"Kagura. You know, your stalker/girlfriend."
"She's not my girlfriend!" He hung up and through the phone down next to his overnight bag. He looked down by the couch to find Kerra gone. 'She didn't hear me did she?' 'I think she did master. Smell the area.' 'Tears. Damn it...' He stood and followed the scent until it stopped in the kitchen. 'Her scent vanished. Where did she go?' He heard an engine rev up and a motorcycle take off. He ran to the front door to see her tail light in the distance. "Damn..."