InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unkown Title ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

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Chapter 2: New friends, New and old Problems
Well Kagome was actually having fun with these girls; they had a lot in common. All three for starters, had annoying brothers.
One of the best things to happen to her so far, she was actually making friends in this place.
“So where'd you move from?” Hana asked.
“Well, I lived here when I was a kid, but after my mom died, I moved to the states with my dad.”

Sango choked on her drink that she was gulping, “You came here from the states? Wow. That's pretty cool.”
“No doubt about that. I'm surprised I didn't notice it; I mean you're so well tanned. Can't get that kind of complexion here.” Hana agreed with her friend.
“So, why did you move back here?” Sango asked. Noticing that her new friends face saddened a bit, “I'm sorry, you don't have to tell us if it's a terrible memory.”

Kagome tried to put on a false smile. “No it's ok. Really. It's just no one actually cared.”
She breathed and tried to think through, trying to remember all the reasons and dates, “My mother died when I was small, and my dad couldn't stand being here. Too many memories of her. So we moved to California. We lived there for a few years.” Kagome flinched and hoped her new friends didn't notice. And by judging by the expressions on their faces, they haven't, “An earthquake hit, just a few months ago, and my dad got hit hard in the head by one of the supporter beams.”

She heard them gasp, “Oh, Kagome. I'm so sorry. We lost our dads as well, so you're not alone.” Hana said, Setting a hand on top of Kagome's, trying to give her comfort.
“My father died before I was even born, so I never really knew him. Not only that my mom died giving birth to me, but my brother's mother took me in. Even after she found out that we share the same dad.” Hana finished.
“My parents died from a drunk driver, so I live with my nanny and little brother Kohaku.” Sango jumped in and told her story.
“I live with my dad's first wife, Tsubaki. I swear I think she hates me.” Kagome said, looking down at the table.
“You live with Tsubaki? Kikyo's mom?” Hana asked with serious eyes. Kagome could only nod.
“Well, its no wonder she and Kikyo look alike.” Sango said to Hana. She nodded in agreement.
They sat in silence for a moment or two, taking a few bites out of their food.
“Say, Kagome?” Hana broke the silence.
“Hm?” Kagome brought her eyes from her food tray, to meet Hana's gaze.
“Sango and I were going to head to my place, and watch a movie. Would you like to come with?” She asked.
Kagome's eyes widened and she nodded, “Of course, I'd love to.”

Hana smiled and grabbed her tray, as the other two did the same and set them on top of the trash can.
“My mom is out working tonight. Do you need to call and check in or something, I hear that she can be very strict.”

”No, honestly, she doesn't care where I am.” Kagome said as she followed them out the door and onto the sidewalk.
“Well, she knows me and my brother, and she likes us, so if she asks, just tell her you were with Hana.” She said.
“Yeah, he and Kikyo have been dating a while now. Some apparent reason.” Sango said walking to Kagome's left.
Hana replied to her right, “No kidding, she's been cheating on him and he's too dense to notice. They have nothing in common and she's such a darashinai (slut). Man, you have any idea what it's like for her to come into class every damn day, wearing all of those heavy perfumes. And she knows we have sensitive noses.” She said as she stuck her hands behind her head and closed her eyes.
“He hates the perfume as much as Hana, if not more, and she wears it anyway. And when he calls her she's always telling him that she's studying or at the library.” Sango said.
“How do you know she's not lying?” Kagome asked.
“Cause once, we were actually at the library when my brother called, and he asked if we saw her. Feh, if not there, then where the hell would she be? And not only that but we caught her having sex behind the bleachers with like… how many guys were there Sango?” Hana Asked.
Sango thought for a moment, “Not really sure, but I counted at least three or four at once. Everyone's always warned him that she's no good, but he never listens. But I guess to him, she has a few redeeming qualities.”

”I don't like her.” Hana said as she narrowed her eyes.
Kagome never realized how disgusting her half sister can be. When Tsubaki had asked where she was she'd say that she was at the library or at a friend's house. So, does that mean she was lying to her mother as well?