InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Outcomes: A Change of Heart. ❯ Mêlée ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: Yeah, yeah, I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters in the anime. Don't have to rub it in.... *sniff*

A/N- This took longer than I thought it would to type do to school, but it's here. This chapter contains a little bit of bonding. That's all I'm going to say so I wont spoil it. Enjoy! ; )

“Sango!” four voices screamed at once, but it was too late to do anything! Or was it…? Out of no where, Sango felt a rough something grip her around the waist, a sudden rush of air about her body, and then her feet falling almost limp as they met the hard ground once more. Opening her eyes slowly, she found herself gazing into a pair of golden eyes.

She breathed one word: “Inuyasha!”

“Humph.” Inuyasha diverted his gaze as Sango's warm brown eyes burrowed into his. Promptly setting her down, he turned to face Kagome and the others. The massive root that had collapsed on the ground was now what was separating them. Four sets of eyes were on Sango.

“Sango-Chan!” Kagome squealed as Miroku sighed in relief. The monk was thankful that his cherished Sango wasn't harmed, but he was disappointed in himself for not being there to save her.

“Sango… Are you hurt?” he called out to her.

“Nuh-unh!” Sango shook her head beaming. “Not even a scratch! If it hadn't been for Inuyasha--”

“--You woulda' been crushed!” Shippo chirped with a cry of relief. Kirara whimpered at Shippo's bluntly spoken words.

This last remark made Inuyasha shift uncomfortably, and he merely snorted. “There's no time for chit-chat!” His gaze flickered to the clearly amused demon not far off. “Sango, you stay put until that demonic root lets up. When it does, you can join Kagome and the others. Leave Naraku to me!”

“Like I would do such thing! Inuyasha, I understand you seek revenge, but as do I! You must forget that I have a few scores to settle with the damned bastard myself!” Sango growled, as she bent over to grab her boomerang.

“But you're just a hu--” Inuyasha retorted, but he was cut off by one of Sango's death glares.

“A what?” she demanded fiercely, her eyes etched with defiance as they burned into his. Though her words requested the end of the sentence innocently, every other noticeable feature dared him to finish, including a twitch of her hand that the reluctant Inuyasha didn't fail to spot.

“Um… Er--” Inuyasha stammered to buy time to rack his brains for an appropriate argument, but ended up lost for words. Even if he could've thought of something to throw at her, the bold slayer would surely find another way to resist him. And that would just be a waste of time. Right now, time was precious and there was none to spare. “You're so stubborn! Fine! If you want to come, I wont stop you! But it's not my responsibility to protect you!”

“I don't expect you to!” Sango answered shortly as she started a hasty run in the direction of Naraku, leaving a gawking Inuyasha and three sniggering friends behind.

“She sure has Inuyasha in check!” Shippo stated bluntly before him and Kagome shared a silent fit of giggles.

“I heard that you dwarfed runt!” echoed a gruff voice in the distance. It seemed Inuyasha was now hauling ass to catch up with the fleet-footed demon slayer.

“Ah… but such is the quality that makes her ever the more desirable!” Miroku stated dreamily with a longing sigh. He loved it how Sango could take charge of any situation with so much as one of her stunning glances. She was so assertive! So dominant!

“Keep dreamin'!” Kagome growled in her absent friend's defense as she narrowed her eyes at the wistful looking monk. Had she been Sango, Miroku would have surely earned himself a nice slap in the face!

Kirara's gaze followed her master and Inuyasha off, watching them cleverly dodge roots and when times were appropriate, massacre them with forceful blows with their weapons. She whined softly as it was custom that Sango and she were together when in combat and she could barely stand that they weren`t. The demon cat wanted to protect Sango and she was willing to sustain a few measly injuries, or even risk death, if it meant for her to be at her mistress's side. Swiftly crouching low, the giant feline's body tensed briefly before Kirara sprung into the air all together. Gliding through the air with powerful and fast strides, the demon cat managed to catch up with her master and Inuyasha, but not without evading incoming roots with skillful dives and flips. Descending quickly to Sango's side, the cat nudged her master expectantly.

“Kirara!” Sango exclaimed before habitually mounting her awaiting feline companion's back with a swift side jump. The feline purred contentedly before shooting into the air once more. With a skillful motion, the demon slayer blocked a root that meant to intervene. Unsheathing her sword, Sango severed the root before it managed to knock her off balance. Her actions earned her a pleased sort of glance from Inuyasha.

“Nar-ak-u!” Inuyasha roared, hacking through the roots like there was no tomorrow as he made his way over to the awaiting demon. Inuyasha found that he was gaining on Naraku, and gaining fast. He could now make out every disgusting detail of the demon, who still remained as smug as ever. Giving a mighty bound, Inuyasha threw back his Tetsusaiga as it glowed bright saffron. “Wind Scaaaaaar!!” he roared as he thrust his blade forward; a powerful bright surge of energy erupted from the blade. Naraku made no effort to avoid this assault and thus took the blow head on. Naraku vaporized as the Wind Scar struck him... Or so it seemed. Landing smartly, Inuyasha's searing gaze flickered left and right as it took in the happenings at a glance. Of course, the scattered remains were quickly slithering back together, on contact the parts would emerge.

Sango, who hovered on Kirara nearby, found herself defending herself left and right. When she wasn't slashing something with her katana, she was blocking something else with her boomerang. Kirara was just as occupied. The cat soared with a bold refinement. As her owner busied herself above, Kirara viciously attacked roots from below with both tooth and nail. But, it seemed their efforts weren't good enough, as they were caught off guard and were both smashed ruthlessly into the ground by some force from above.

Naraku quickly regenerated himself mere moments after he was obliterated. He looked as if nothing ever happened to him. Not even a scratch! A large crab-clawed appendage that sprouted from the joint where a human's arm would be was the very same limb that pinioned Sango and Kirara to the ground.

Naraku chuckled amusedly before hissing, “Strike one!” Inuyasha grimaced before severing the limb that pinned his companions with a clean strike with his Tetsusaiga. Kirara was first to get to her feet. Sango a bit slower. She winced as she did so.

“Sango, are you alright?” Inuyasha asked, rushing forth to catch her as she stumbled.

“Y-yeah!” Sango said while pushing him off of her after she steadied herself on her hiraikutso. Clenching her side, she coughed and she coughed up blood. “Think I… think I cracked a rib. Two maybe!” The last sentence was said with a bit of ridicule, a thin smirk forming her lips. Kirara nudged Sango's hand gently before emitting a small whimper. The demon slayer looked sidewise at her feline friend before saying softly, “I'm alright, Kirara. That wont be enough to stop me!”

“Sango… I told you to let me do this on my own and you just wouldn't listen! Now, see what happened?” he growled softly. “You humans are hurt so easily, yet you still wanna fight! You guys need to just butt out and let m--”

“And let a half-human handle it?” she cut in sarcastically. “Human or not Inuyasha, we are all just as capable! You`re half mortal and yet you are stronger than most demons could ever hope to be, even without the help of a Sacred Jewel Shard!” She let go of her side and straightened up. She offered a glance at Inuyasha just in case he wanted to retort, but to her amazement, he didn't. Grinning in satisfaction, as she straddled Kirara, she patted the feline's back abruptly before saying, “Alright, Kirara!” The demon cat bounded a short few paces before becoming air born once again. Inuyasha's blank gaze followed the slayer and demon cat into the air. His face didn't seem angry. Or even irritated for that matter. The smirk that etched his mouth suggested something else… Could it have been admiration?

“Heh,” he said as he drove his blade downwards into a sneaky root, "Suit yourself!"

* -- *

“Aaaah! They're coming outta the ground!” Shippo exclaimed as he leeched himself onto Miroku's shoulder and squealed irksomely.

Miroku and Kagome were always on the move, seeming as if they stood in one place for longer than a few moments at a time, a root would burst through the ground to have a grab at them. Kagome was shooting left and right, up and down-- her arrows were extremely effective, but her supply wasn't unlimited! Miroku flung his sutras onto the roots, mumbling his incoherent incantations as he did so.

“I don't know how much longer we can keep this up!” Kagome shouted over her shoulder as she shot an arrow through a root that had just burst out of the ground where Miroku had previously stood. “I'm running out of arrows!”

“I'm almost out of sutras as well!” Miroku said before delivering a good thwack to an incoming root with his staff. “Let's join Sango and Inuyasha, Kagome! We'll still be separated, but we might as well try our luck with Naraku, rather than stay here and die a useless death!”

“Right!” Kagome said before nimbly hopping over a questionable moving mound in the ground. She started at a run in the direction that Sango and Inuyasha had taken, Miroku close behind on her heels, blocking roots that tried to attack her from behind with his staff skillfully.
A/N- Hope you guys spotted the bonding in this chapter! Kind of obvious… but then, maybe not. Yeah, so whatever. I'll try and add another chapter sometime during these next few days when I get the time, IF I get the time. I hope I get some reviews soon, because it's hard to add chapters quickly when you don't have any motivation!
Thanks DOI for helping me edit!