InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlovable? ❯ Memories ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By: ~*~Hanyou_swimmer
Disclaimer: I OWN INUYASHA!!!!
Inuyasha: You own me?
Me: Oh come on, you get pretty lucky in this story!
Inuyasha: I don't care, no one owns me!
Kagome: Sit boy *walks over to him* She needs help, not you yelling at her!
Inuyasha: ok, fine you deal with her.
Kagome: Hanyou_Swimmer, how would you like to go get ice cream?
Me: That sounds fun.
Kagome: ok, well it's right over here
Me: in the mental hospital?
Kagome: yup, they have the best ice cream
Me: ok *skips in happily*
Kagome: oh and by the way, Hanyou_swimmer does not own Inuyasha, or myself and the other members of our group, that right belongs to Rumiko!
The rain was relentless, it kept falling, short stingy drops fell onto her head as she ran, determined to get away, to what she didn't know. All she was that she had to get away from him, he was breaking her heart slowly, using his claws to stab her chest and rip it out. “Why?” was all she was able to ask, fearing the answer, she didn't wait for it as she took off in the direction of her best friend's house.
“Wait, Kagome, at least let me take you home!” Her ex-lover yelled to her, but she was to far gone to hear him. The only thought in her head was to run to the arms that always protected her, the ones that could make all the evil go away.
As she approached the light red house she began to feel better, it was like an instant claming effect, simply seeing the dark cream door that led to her salvation. The moment she got to the door she started banging with all her strength.
“Inuyasha!!! Open the door!! Please!” She screamed with all of her might, the last of her energy. The moment the door opened she felt into his arms sobbing.
“Kagome, what happened? Did that wolf hurt you?” Her only response was to sob harder into her protectors chest, he could make the hurt go away.
Inuyasha picked Kagome up bridal style, allowing her to continue crying and walked back into his home, shutting the door with his foot. He turned left into the house and gently put Kagome on the couch. `What in the world did he do this time?'
“Kagome, you gotta tell me what's wrong or I can't fix it.” Inuyasha said softly to the clearly upset girl. At hearing his kind words all she thought about was Kouga, how he had also had kind words, as he broke her heart. And then how Hojo, her first love had had the same tone when he had broken up with her. She began wailing.
Realizing that he wasn't going to be getting any kind of response out of Kagome any time soon, Inuyasha contented himself with holding the girl he'd been in love with since the third grade and musing's of how he'd make the wolf pay for hurting her as he had.
“Kagome it'll be ok whatever it is, I promise I'll make it ok.” She couldn't take it anymore, and she fell asleep in her protectors arms.
Inuyasha picked her up and carried her to her room. They had known one another since Kagome was born, their fathers had gone to college together and opened a company shortly after graduation. Their mothers were also good friends, so when their fathers were working, their mothers would get together and they would be forced to play together. When they were younger they hated each other, often throwing lumps of dirt at each other and arguing over the smallest things.
That all changed when they started school. Inuyasha loved school, all the girls thought his puppy ears were cute, so they were always talking to him, wanting to be his friend and all the guys thought he was cool. He definitely didn't have a shortage of friends. Kagome on the other hand didn't really fit in. She wore older clothes, mostly hand-me-downs from her sister Kikyo and thick glasses due to her poor eyesight. She was too young for surgery or contacts and it was the weakest formula they could give her. The other kids made fun of her mercilessly. She often went home crying and telling her parents she needed new cloths, but they told she was being materialistic and wanted to teach her to be humble, so they always crushed her arguments.
One day in Gym, they were playing dodge ball (A:N/ one, I know its cheesy, but go with it and two, why anyone would let their kid play that game is beyond me.) and the kids took it too far. Hiten, one of the class bullies made her his target and threw every ball in the gym at her, leaving few places on her untouched, he even broke her nose. That was when he had had it. He went over and punched Hiten mid-throw and knocked him out, and walked over to a bloody and sobbing Kagome, helped her up and to the office. Ever since then he has been Kagome's protector, the one she looked to too make things right. They still argued, frequently, but since that day they had been almost inseparable.
When he had move out into his own house, he had given one of the bedrooms to Kagome. He lived there with his friend Miroku, but it was a four bedroom house, so Kagome also had a room, as did Miroku's girlfriend Sango. He had let Kagome decorate the room as she wished and while she didn't technically live here most of her stuff did.
He looked down at the girl and his heart broke. Kagome was hurting and that meant he was hurting. He'd never admit it too Kagome, but he loved her so much it hurt sometimes. He'd never tell her, because he didn't want to ruin their friendship. She was the most important person in the world, he couldn't lose her.
As he turned to leave he heard her, “Inuyasha, don't leave, I'm ready to talk about it, please let me.” He walked back over to the bed and sat down, pulling her head into his lap and smoothed her hair. “Kagome, what happened?”
“He dumped me.” She said simply.
He looked down at her, he felt sorry for her. Acceptance had always been a big thing to her. Mainly because she never had it. Not from day one. Kikyo looked down on her, claimed that she was a disgrace to their family, and every friend she ever had betrayed her, including that bastard Hojo.
Hojo had befriended her in the ninth grade. He flirted with her, gave her flowers, that kinda thing. Finally at the end of tenth grade he asked her out. She was so excited the day it happened. She was going to get to go on her first date, something she never thought she'd get to do. They ended up going to the movies. While they were in the theatre he had tried to kiss her and she stopped him saying that she wasn't ready yet. When the movie was over he had taken her home and walked her to her doorstep. He stopped and looked at her and said gentily, `maybe we should just be friends.' She had been so heart-broken after that. She spent the next week and a half in her room, refusing to let anyone in and they had to put her food under the door. Finally Inuyasha got an idea and climbed the tree next to her room and went in to her window. She spent the day following crying on his shoulder and telling him that no one would ever love her.
Kagome sat up and looked into his eyes and said “he was cheating on me, I think her name is Ayame I think her name is, he said he didn't want to hurt me but he's in love with her and she's pregnant with his baby.” Inuyasha growled, he wanted nothing more than to rip that mangy wolf limb from limb. But it was allowing his youki to take control and he couldn't do that, not when Kagome was so upset. The last thing he needed was to go into a blood rage and kill her or someone else.
“He was so…nice about it.” She added almost silently.
“What?” Inuyasha asked confused. `Why is that important?'
“It was like Hojo all over again, he was sweet about it, you know and that's what makes it hurt worse, that he tried to soften the blow.” Suddenly Inuyasha understood. Kagome had said after the `Hojo incident' that him being so sweet about it made her feel like he thought she was stupid and that her feelings meant nothing. Almost like he was taunting her or something.
“You know all I ever wanted was for him to love me, for someone to love me, am I so unlovable that the first guy I even thought about having sex with dumped me after I told him I loved him?”
He looked down at her in shock, she loved him? “You're in love with him?” He asked softly.
“I don't even know what love is, I mean for a while I thought I was, but I'm not sure, I think I said it because I knew he was distancing himself from me, you know? I think I said it because I thought it would make things better between us.” With that Inuyasha breathed a little easier.
“No.” Inuyasha stated, looking away from her eyes.
“What?” Kagome replied.
“You asked if you were unlovable, and the answer is no.” He then leaned the few inches in to her face and placed a chasten kiss on her lips. Kagome looked at him in shock and then slowly reached back over to him and pulled him to her kissed him passionately.
He licked and nipped her bottom lip, a silent beg for entry and she opened her ready mouth. Their tongues danced and fought for dominance. Inuyasha's youki was yelling at him to dominant her, to show her that he loves her and that no one else ever could. But his human half soothed his youki and allowed her to dominate for the time being. He allowed her to get out all of her emotions in the kiss, until they broke free for air.
“What was that?” Kagome asked shyly.
“Kagome, look I know we're friends but there is something you should know. Back in second grade when my dad was in the car accident and nearly died and you stayed with me, well I kinda, um, well, I kinda fell in love with you.” He said the carpet becoming very interesting.
“Inuyasha, look at me” he turned to her and she placed a kiss under his chin. His youki was know screaming to take her, she just submitted to him! She looked into his eyes and said sweetly, “Inuyasha I've been I love with you since you saved me from Hiten, but I never thought you felt the same way.” He looked into her eyes. “I just kinda forced it back, and convinced myself that I didn't know what I was talking about. That I had no idea what love was and that what I felt for Kouga was love. But it wasn't, this is love.” She picked his hand up and put it over her heart. She was telling him that he held her heart, always and forever. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to at least kiss her.
When he leaned over to kiss him she beat him to it and put her mouth on his, licking and nipping at his bottom lip while she moved her hands from her sides to his ears. She allowed him to dominate her while she used her inexperienced fingers to rub his ears. Since they were little kids she had been the only one allowed to touch his ears, and even then it was only on occasion that she could.
Inuyasha moaned into her mouth and rolled over on top of her. He placed his weight on his left elbow and moved his right had up to her right breast, fondling it threw her shirt. He rubbed her nipple in circles and smirked when I became hard. He shifted his weight and started the same sweet torture on her left breast. Breaking the kiss he moved his mouth to her neck. He gently kissed the juncture between her neck and shoulder and inhaled her sweet, calming scent.
Kagome didn't stop her gentle ministrations on his ears and slowly she reached up and kissed the left ear, licking it around the rim and placing gentle kisses on the back. She blew just a little bit of air in to it and smirked when Inuyasha moaned onto her neck. She then shifted and licked around the rim of his right ear. She kissed its back and once again blew a small puff of hair into her best friends ear. This time she was rewarded with Inuyasha moving his hands under her shirt and moving his thumb along the skin under her breast. She moaned and arched her back, begging him for more.
He looked into her eyes and silently asked her permission to go further. She nodded and sat up and pulled his shirt off. She sat up and allowed him to bring her small blue t-shirt over her head. He looked down and started licking her nipples through her black lace bra, which covered very little. He moved his tongue in gentle circles around her right nipple and then moved to her left. Placing small kisses around the skin on her breast he moved his hands to her back and unclasp her bra. He quickly helped her remove it and then heard a car pull up. It was Miroku and Sango. They had been on a date that night when Kagome arrived. He looked into her eyes and asked her “do you want to continue?” Kagome moved both of her hands to his chest and pushed him away and got up off the bed. She walked to the door, still wearing no shirt or bra. Inuyasha groaned, it was going to take a lot of cold water tonight to rid himself of his erection. Just then Kagome surprised him. She closed the door and locked it. Walking slowly back over to him.
She pushed him over and climbed on top of him. Both of them naked from the waist up and straddled him. She leaned down and kissed him using her hands to unbuckle his belt. He reached up and unzipped her skirt as she unbuttoned his pants. They both stood up for a minute and removed their remaining clothes.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome in awe. She was the most beautiful goddess he had ever seen. He looked at her and immediately regretted what he had to ask her. He knew that she was going to say no. His eyes pierced holes into her very soul and she walked closer to him, putting her hands on his shoulders and pulling him down into a fierce kiss.
He broke the kiss fairly quickly, confusing Kagome. He looked down at her and asked “You do really want to do this?” Just as she opened her mouth to answer he put a finger over her mouth, “you have to understand, ok, while full demons can control themselves during sex and not mark their partners, hanyou's can't. If we have sex chances are my youki will take over and I will mark you. If I mark you then we're stuck together, forever. Understand?”
Kagome looked into Inuyasha's eyes. “Inuyasha, I love you more than life itself, I feel more loved when you so much as look at me than I do any other time, I want nothing more than to be with you.”
Inuyasha smiled at her and walked back over to the bed and pushed Kagome back on it. Under his glare she felt uncomfortable and moved her arms to cover herself. He looked and her and realized that she felt uncomfortable and ugly, what everyone had told her her entire life, she needed reassurance. “Kagome, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, don't hid yourself from me.” At hearing that she relaxed and moved her arms.
He slowly began the ancient art of foreplay. He kissed under her breast, keeping his arms at her sides and began caressing her sides as he kissed down the center of soft belly. She moved her hands up and down his back, sending shivers up and down his spine with each touch.
He slowly reached her jewel, going past it, but breathing on it as he went past, he started putting soft kisses on her inner thighs. She moaned and arched her back in an attempt to get closer to him. He smirked and moved back up to her dripping wet pussy. He leaned in and used his fingers to spread her lips apart. He kept placing kisses along her thighs, allowing her to get used to the feeling of someone else touching her down there.
He then moved his mouth back to her jewel and moved his tongue over it and he placed a clawed finger into her unopened passage. Slowly he moved his fingers in and out of her as his tongue caressed her clit. She began moaning loudly and bucking against his finger. He could feel her end coming, so he released a small puff of hair onto her clit and then used his tongue to roughly scrap against her. He could feel her inner walls clamping down on his finger as he continued to pump in and out of her, trying to prolong her pleasure.
As she came down from her climax her noticed Inuyasha standing over her, positioned at her entrance, waiting for her to come down off her high. She looked at him and nodded, knowing he was waiting for her permission. Soon she felt an intruder in her body.
He moved slowly, letting her get used to him and his size. Soon he had reached her hyman, the proof of her innocence and purity. He hated what he had to do, what he wasn't turning back now, not when everything he had ever wanted was within his grasp.
With one jolt of his hips, she was no longer and virgin. She cried out in pain as shots erupted within her body. Tears started streaming down her face and she felt nothing but pain. Slowly she came to realize that Inuyasha was licking away her tears, and whispering words of love and admiration into her ears. Slowly, the pain subsided and was replaced with something much stronger, passion filled pleasure.
She slowly started to move against his hips and he started moving very slowly, making small thrusts as not to hurt Kagome. Soon this was not enough or Kagome and she started moaning. He started to take longer thrusts.
“Oh kami, more please more, harder.” That did her in, Inuyasha's youki took over and bagan slamming into her fragile body the speed that only a demon could have. Kagome's climax was building, but Inuyasha could tell his was closer so he reached down and gentily rubbed his thumb over her clit. He could feel her inner muscles milking him for everything he's worth and soon emptied himself into her awaiting body.
As he climaxed he positioned his fangs on the side of her left breast, next to her heart and bit down. He slowly drank the blood as he felt her hit another climax. He then moved his tongue along the side of his fangs, drawing blood and moved his tongue over the puncture wounds on her side. Her body accepted his blood. He slowly removed his fangs and licked the wound with care.
As he sat up a small tattoo appeared. It was an ocean tide and flame meeting. It represented the two very well he thought. Inuyasha slowly moved to lay to Kagome's side and pull her close to him. She drifted of to sleep and he pulled a blanket over the two of them.
Just then Inuyasha noticed the door knob moving and looked over as Miroku and Sango walked in, apparently having used a hair pin to unlock it. He glared over at Miroku's perverted expression and Sango's shocked face and sighed.
He nudged Kagome sat her up. She blushed a rather dark shade of red and they began explaining the changes that were coming to their friends.
I hope you all liked it, I have idea why I wrote it, probably a mix of frustration from writer's block fro Kouga's Den and the cold I have. Remember to review and let me know what you think. I really do welcome feedback (hint, hint!) Just kidding! I am working on KD, and I'll try to have something up next week. TTYL, ~*~Hanyou_Swimmer