InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unplanned ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2: Got Pants?
Sango awoke to an enshrouding warmth. She kept her eyes for just a moment longer, burrowing herself further in. Silken flesh came into
contact with her own. Her eyes shot open, acknowledgement of an untold truth staring her blank in the face. :Oh my Gods!: She thought. :I didn't? Did I?: Lying in the depths of slumber next to her, was Sesshomaru. Traces of silver hair caressing the side of his face. Falling over to nearly conceal the crescent blue moon that marked his perfect face. Shivers of remembered passion snuck up on her. :What have I done?: Flashes of memory whispered through her mind, drifting to every core of her being.
The Demon Lord slept peacefully on. Oblivious to her state of mind numbing horror. :Oh, Gods. Miroku!: Her mind shouted in denial. :I am married Miroku this morning and then I.... How could I have.....?!: Sango's eyes begam to feel up with tears. Then an unexpected blow came from out of nowhere. :No! IT WAS HIM! SESSHOMARU!: Rage darkened her mind agianst the depression overwhelming her sense of self.
"You..... You...." Regardless of whatever insult her mind struggled to come up with, her lips would not speak. "Damn you!" she finally managed. :I have to get back. But how?:
Sango wriggled free from the demon lord's strong arms and stood up, glaring down at his sleeping form. She shouted curses at him in her mind, knowing if she actually said them she might wake him and cause even more trouble. She shivered as a soft morning breeze found its way into the cave and blew a fine curtain of mist from the waterfall against her bare skin. She scanned the cave and her eyes fell upon her tattered clothes. She let out a soft groan of frustration. :Sesshomaru, I'm going to make you pay for this:
She walked over to her clothes and bent down to examine the shredded bits of material. Then an idea came to her mind. :I need something to wear and since you ruined my clothes, Sesshomaru, I'm going just take what I need from you: She let her ruined slayer's outift fall to the floor as the reached over for Sesshomaru's pants.
After she had dressed in the pants and had tied his sash around her chest to cover her breasts, she bundled up the remains of her clothes and, remembering Kilala and realizing that she might be cold, also gathered up the long fur garment that Sesshomaru always wore over his shoulder. She left the cave and made her way along the river and back to the clearing where Kilala was. Sango kneeled by her friend's side and wrapped the long fur garment around the small fire cat before heading off to retrieve her hiraikotsu from the woods, and look for the herb that would neutralize the poison that was immobilizing Kilala.
The shade of the trees consumed her as she stepped into forest and walked towards the large shadow that she knew was her beloved weapon. As she picked up the hiraikotsu, which had amazingly ended up leaning against a tree rather than lying flat on the ground and hidden within the undergrowth, she began to look around for the herb for Kilala. Her eyes searched for the dark, slim leaves of the plant amidst the myriad other plants that covered the shady forest floor that was mottled with patches of bright sunlight. She slowly made her way back towards Kilala, scanning for the herb, until she saw a small branch of it sticking above the large leaves of some other plant. She collected what she could from the small, young plant and hurried back to her friend.
Sango set her hiraikotsu down as she sat down by Kilala and, pulling the small fire cat into her lap, she tore several of the leaves of the herb and let the strong scent that emanated from them work to help revive Kilala. A few moments later, Kilala opened her eyes and mewed weakly as she looked up at Sango. The demon slayer smiled down at her. “Try to eat some of this,” she coaxed her friend, offering a few unbroken leaves for her to take.
Kilala nibbled on the bitter leaves until she had consumed enough of the herb to feel almost normal again. She purred softly and rubbed against Sango's hand to tell her she was feeling better before hopping of her lap. “Can you get us back to the village?” Sango asked.
Kilala's reply was to transform into her larger form and stand so that the slayer could easily get on her back. Sango grabbed the long fur garment of Sesshomaru's before climbing on Kilala's back, finding that her scant dress was making her more susceptible to the cool morning. As she wrapped it around her shoulders, the fire cat took to the skies and headed off towards the village.
Sesshomaru awoke to the chill of stone and the press of sharp rocks in his side. Dim memory hovered at the edge of his mind. The heavy scent of sex was in the air. Along with a human woman's fragrance; mingled with his own. The slayer's own scent was begining to fade. A lethal growl escaped his throat. :She left me here. But she shall not escape. My mark will bind us for the rest of her days. My days.: Sesshomaru stood to get dressed only to discover his clothes missing. "What the hell?! That woman stole my clothes." The thought of having to explain his current state of undress to his vassels was enough to make his blood boil.
The dog demon sat back down for a second to consider his options. :I, Sesshomaru, will just have to transform myself. Return to the fortress and retrieve more suitable attire. It was time for a change anyway.: Firmly convincing himself that this was so was
an easy task. With little shame, Sesshomaru, in all his naked glory stepped from the ice cave into the warm air of the morning.
He allowed his inner dog to take control and he assumed his true form. The massive size of his dog form would be easy to see from the village. :The slayer shall have to answer questions about my attire.: A bitter laugh escaped his throat. :For now woman,
you shall have your way. But in time you shall realize you can never escape me, Sesshomaru. Nor deny the desire you felt for me. The desire I have felt for you.: All this echoed through his mind as he made his way west to the center of his lands. Where he could replace the stolen articles of clothing.
"Damn woman." he whispered to himself as he settled upon his balconey. He silently made his way to the shelves which sheltered his clothing. He quickly dressed into similar apparel and then remembered something. :Tensiga. Tokigin. I left them back in that cave.: A growl escaped his throat. "That creature makes me forget myself. Perhaps it is best if I never see her human hide again." :At least for awhile.: Sesshomaru turned from his quarters and made for the skies. He retrieved his wepons and armor.
"Remember, Sango, you belong to me." Sesshomaru said to the morning sky. The silver haired Lord of the Westeren Lands
walked away in his usual manner. To await the woman of his desires. Sango.