InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unplanned ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: WE DO NOT OWN INUYASHA. Rumiko Takahashi does.
Chapter 4: Why, Sesshomaru, why?
Sesshomaru approached the demon slayer village with caution. He was not so much worried about fighting as he was with detection. The fire cat was in heat. Hence the prescence of Ah-Un. The lizard would be more than capable of silencing that threat. The two tailed demon came from out of the sky with a blaze. Ah-Un quickly interceded. The two headed dragon made scorching marks into the earth near the female cat. A mating-battle insued.
The little fox demon was next. He came out of nowhere. Shippo sent his top spinning towards Sesshomaru to only be knocked away by a wealth of flame. Jaken sent his master a glance. The demon lord never stopped. He removed a small vial from his sleeve. The enclosed within the vial was a foggy substance. With a flick of his thumb, the demon released the vapor. It settled over the small enclosed area. It clung to every surface it touched.
The demon in him demanded that he claim what was his. The slayer and her "husband" slept along with his halfbreed brother and the priestess. A cold smile appeared upon his lips. "I told you, Sango, that you would pay the price for humilating me in such a manner. I, Sesshomaru, do not like these petty human concerns of yours. For now, you shall remain here. With this illusion you created for yourself. Sleep well, Slayer. For when the sun rises, your world will reveal the truth of all matters."
Sesshomaru turned from the sleeping group and made his way to a small corner of the hut. There lying sound asleep was his children. The male was the first to awaken. His wide amber eyes met his father's and a scowl appeared. The infant was obviously not pleased to see him. "You are a rather arrogant creature." he remarked. "That will stand you in good stead. You are my son. Halfbreed or not. Your blood has power. Power that shall be brought to use for the western lands. Ryouken. You belong to me."
Sesshomaru returned the infant's glare. He allowed crimson to stain his vision. Still the boy did not submit. "Hmm. You shall do." He turned his eyes to his daughter for a moment. The girl was sound asleep.
She never even twitched. "Weak. She could not resist the mist." He returned his golden gaze to his son. "Time to leave." The demon took the child into his grasp and wrapped a thick white fur around him. With another glance at the slayer who bore his mark he swept out of the room. The fire cat was dealt with. The fox unconcious. Jaken and Ah-Un rejoined their master as he levitated into the sky. He was not going to leave a trail for his brother to follow.
It was dawn's light that finally burned away the demonic mist and awoke the inhabitants of that village to a nightmare. Sessshomaru's scent clung to the walls of the dwelling. It was InuYasha who discovered the truth of why his brother had come. "Sango. Kagome. Miroku. Shippo. Where's the brat? Did one of you move him?" He held his niece close to his chest. Her yellow eyes were bright with joy. Her claws were curled into her little fist. A soft growl echoed into InuYasha's ears. "What?" he looked down at the little female and winced when an arc of power jumped to his flesh.
Sango ran up to the two, alarm casting her beautiful features into shadow. "My son? Where is he?"
"That's what I was asking you. Sesshomaru's scent was all over the place this morning. When I woke up...." InuYasha winced. Sango gave a cry of alarm and rushed into her home to search for her newborn son.
"Noooo!" came the cry. The slayer raced back out and looked about. "Kilala?!" The dazed fire cat came from one of the older structures. Her fur was matted and singed in differnt places. Walking with her was the kitsune. His tail was puffed out with rage.
"Shippo!" Kagome and Miroku called from opposing sides.
"Are you all right?" the young priestess asked the little fox.
"I'll heal. But, Kagome, Sesshomaru was here. He was scary." Fear was an obvious trait of his at the moment.
Sango felt her body begin to tremble. "Sesshomaru?" she cried out. "He took him. Sesshomaru took him. He took my baby." The slayer felt her mind overwhelming with grief. Tears poured from her eyes as she sobbed and cried out to whatever Gods that would listen. Her friends were forced to look on as she drew within herself. Only the cry of her other child pulled her out of her grief.
Sango looked into the golden eyes of her daughter. Within those depths she saw her only hope. She whispered to her daughter. "San. You are San. My only hope. My daughter. Miroku's and my daughter."
The monk took a step forward. His love for the beautiful woman next to him was heartbreaking. In a moment of selfish desire, a demon lord had stripped from them the only happiness they could have found together. But a new day was dawning.
"Sango," he said, "I'll be right there with you. For you, for San, for her future. We'll teach her to be strong. To love herself no matter what. Alright?"
Sango looked up at her husband. Even through the loss of desire and passion between them, he still would stand with her. "Are you sure?"
"Take her. There's something I have to do." Sango passed her daughter over to Miroku. The slayer stood on weak legs and called to Kilala. "We're going to see an old friend of ours girl. You up for it?"
The fire cat answered with a mew and transformed herself into her larger form. "We'll be back." Sango and Kilala took to the air and made their way to a cave just a short distance from the village.
Following a trail down into it's depths, past the drip of icey water, the snippets of jagged crystal was the only light reflected back at them from the demon cat's flame. Finally arriving at the destination, Sango slipped from her kimono, and stepped beneath the chill water of a waterfall. She stood underneath it for a few moments, and then thourghly cleansed worked her way to a glowing shrine.
A series of small dolls and statues lined the shrine. Chipped into the walls was a spell. Sango grazed her fingers over the symbols. It was forbidden. Her heart pattered at her. :It's his only hope. I have to awaken her power. Forgive me, Midoriko. Please. Sesshomaru will kill my son. I refuse to let that happen.:
Sango knelt naked upon the rocky floor and chanted the words to her prayer. A simple mark appeared on her brow, glowing with power, glowing with promise. If the Gods would not accept her reasons, than she would die. It was that simple.