InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unplanned ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: We do not own Inuyasha in any way shape or form. Other than buying a couple episodes or something on DVD. We do own the plot and original characters.
Chapter Seven: A Father's Care?!
Sesshomaru stepped away from his daughter's presence. They very lightness of her soul reminded him all to much of his Rin. She also carried herself as a warrior. Something Rin had never become. Then there was those eyes. So like her mother's, so like his own. Ryouken had been like that. But, he had acted out against the son he had trained from birth. Abandoned him to whatever dark fate the Forest named for his damnable brother held in store for him. Almost instantly, the silver haired half-demon's aura had disappered. Most likely he had died that first year.
It wasn't that much of a loss. But still, seeing that twin of his on the defense had struck against his pride. He, Sesshomaru, had gone against all his own intentions of letting the weak creature fend for herself and saved her. His hand dropped to his Tokijin. He should kill the little female.... His conscious recoiled flashing before him the look of her mother's face when she had been informed of Ryouken's demise. He bared his fangs in revulsion.
He had lowered himself by taking that human has his mate. Now, according to his kinds laws, he was suck with her... At least till some stray demon killed her. He could only hope. But the daughter was something else. She would never have the strength her dead brother had.... But if he took her training in hand... Much as he had InuYasha's.... She might live until adulthood.
Ryouken came awake to the scent of flowers. Cherry blossoms and lilies. The trickle of water could be heard through the haze of darkness which had consumed his young mind. His body HURT. But what hurt the most was his soul. Ryouken allowed his eyes to open ever so slightly to view his enviroment. There playing an instrument was the girl who had touched his brow. Next to her sat a boy. Almost her duplicate in appearence. "Twins." His mind snarled. The night sky was brilliant with a full moon cresting over the eastern horizon. Mindnumbing relief flushed through the boy. Even if it was only for a few hours, he would be free of the empathy.
Ryouken pushed himself up, so that he could get a better look at the older children. Not far from them was a dark haired couple. A man and a woman. The man was paler, but no less darker than the woman. He held his companion with a tender mercy as they listened to the female childs music. Soon, another harmony struck up a chord, echoing through his soul. Ryouken closed his brown eyes, for the change had taken place while he slept. His silver mane was still the same, but his ears had changed to match a humans. The crescent moon-star however never faded, just like his hair. Though he was pleased when those damned stripes did. His fangs and claws sometimes disappeared, sometimes not.
This was just one of those times when he became almost completly human. The voices were silent. No spirits. No Midoriko. No Grandfather. Just him in his own head. But no way to talk to these.... People. It was then that the older woman tapped her.... lover on the shoulder and indicated towards him. Whoever they were.... Would they help him or further his condemption into his personal hell?
Naraku levered himself up from his position in Kikyo's lap. The boy had awoken. His eyes were a dark brown full of mistrust and sorrow. :Perfect.:
"Welcome, child. To our home. Yours as well, if you want it to be so." Naraku smiled.
Ryouken stiffened. There was something wrong here. He did not know these people. They had no reason to open their home to him.... a half-demon. He narrowed his dark eyes on the man.
"Is something the matter? Are you hungry?" Naraku knew very well that he couldn't talk. But in this case... he would pretend to know nothing about the boy.
Ryouken forced himself into a sitting position. The clothes on his body were not his own. But rather someone else's. They were black, silk, and embroidered with grey spiders. Next to him lay the newly aquired Cirath. :They did not take it?: Furrowing his brow, he placed a hand upon the blades hilt. :Why?:
He next raised his eyes to the man who had spoken to him. Naraku repeated his question.
Ryouken nodded his head in assent. It wasn't long before food and drink was brought by what appeared to be a red eyed female demon who wore feather's in her hair. Walking in after her was a pale child with a mirror. A silver brow arched in concern. :Who are they?:
"Child, this is Kanna and her sister Kagura. If you need or require anything.... Tell them. And they shall retrieve it." Naraku had to get the child to admit to not having a voice. Then he could further his own plans and help him.
Ryouken allowed his eyes to meet Naraku's own crimson red.... Thats when it struck him. None of them were human. The woman who had been wrapped in the embrace of the male moved closer to him. Well, she was human. Maybe. The half-demon relaxed his face, sealing his turbulent thoughts behind a mask ingrained into his blood. When he had nearly returned to normal it was to end up with the entire room looking right at him.
"Are you all right?" asked the woman who had not spoken until this moment.
Ryouken nodded his head. Kikyo gritted her teeth. They had hoped to get the boy to trust them as soon as possible. But they couldn't do that if he didn't admit to the one thing that would give them an opening. She would have asked another question, but her son Nekiyo interuppted her.
"Can't you talk, kid?" This was getting boring. And tedious. :When dealing with certain idividuals... you need to be straight forward. Especially with this child. Any scent of betrayel or lies and he'll attack.: His black eyes came to rest on the silver haired child. No emotion flickered in the depths, but a slight madness hovered around the edges.
Ryouken looked him straight in the eye and shook his head no. Nekura growled in the shadows. This new boy was taking all of her Daddy's attention. He had also stolen her mother's and even her own brother's attention. They were hers. She vowed to make this young upstart pay for taking what belonged only to her, Nekura. She wasn't daddy's little girl for nothing.
Ryouken felt something caress the edges of his mind. It was not a pleasant sensation. He looked past the people who had closed in on him. His small hand dropped to the Cirath's hilt. It was with an internal debate that he did not draw his sword and kill the girl across the room. He returned her glare allowing all the poison of his life to fill his gaze.
Nekura flinched away from those murderous eyes. :Okay. So maybe I won't kill him yet. Just later.: Nekura moved to stand behind her mother, between her father and twin. She flicked her long hair away from her shoulders so that it sat back in it's proper place. She wasn't about to let him know he made her nervous.
Ryouken felt a sinister feeling deep in his chest. Careful not to smile he allowed his gaze to settle on the little female who was hiding behind her family. :Yes,: he thought, :she would be fun to play with. When my demon powers return.: Ryouken returned his attention to the man who had first spoken.
"We have not yet introduced ourselves, have we?" Naraku was asking the boy. :Now, that he has admitted to not having a voice... We'll be able to earn his trust and make him ours. Body and soul. Simply by restoring what was lost. But those jewel shards he has, we shall have to relieve him of those. Soon.: Naraku watched every move the boy made. In just the short time he had been awake, the child had assessed his new position. Threatened Nekura. And had regained complete control over his emotions. But he was hiding something. Even at his weakest moment, he remained completly gaurded. "I am called Naraku. The woman next to me is Kikyo."
Nekiyo walked closer to Ryouken. When he was within a foot he nodded his head and introduced himself and his twin sister Nekura. The boy's eyes never blinked and never wavered from their watching of everyone in the room. When he would have placed a hand on the the younger boy's shoulder it was to be roughly shoved back and the sword drawn. A low growl emanated from Ryouken. "Alright. You don't like being touched. You could have just said something." The growl grew in strength.
Naraku smiled and simply spoke a word. "Nekiyo. That is enough. Take your sister and return to your rooms. It seems our guest is feeling a bit tired." As he spoke, he opened the sliding door to the large room and gestured for everyone to leave. "We shall see you tomorrow night."
Ryouken barely relaxed as the small family left. He watched as even the girl Kanna and her sister Kagura left. Their blank gazes left him uneasy.
:What are they? Some kind of demon slave? Is that what this family has in store for me?: It was getting close to midnight. For once he was looking forward to getting his powers back. Because then, there would be nothing they could keep from him.
Naraku looked upon his childern with utter rage. "How stupid can you two be? I ordered you to bring me the boy. Not engage his sister in a fight. You could have blown the whole plan. You, Nekura, could have been killed by their father. I've warned you several times about Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and their friends. Their offspring is almost as powerful as any of them. And the girl San, has several unknown powers.
You will not leave the mansion again until I state otherwise. Am I understood?"
"Yes, father." Nekiyo answered. His sister Nekura got a rather rebellious look on her face.
"But, daddy..." It was plain she was not happy with what Naraku had ordered.
"Enough. Nekura, you will attend to your mother. She has requested your appearence in her rooms. Go. Now. And leave our guest be." Naraku pushed his daughter with gentle force out the door. "Do not disobey me. You will not like the consuequences."
"Yes, daddy." She added as she was forced to leave.
Naraku turned to his son. "Now, about the reason you are here. I need you to retrieve something for me. A young human shall do." Nekiyo felt a thrill surge through him. His first mission for his father, by himself.