InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unprotected? ❯ Unprotected? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money from this story.
After a long days trek through the hot and steamy forests of the Feudal Era, InuYasha finally let everyone stop and make camp. Wearily Kagome opened her backpack while Sango and Miroku cleared the area for their campfire. She watched InuYasha stalk protectively in and out of the trees, sniffing and listening for any danger.
“InuYasha, if you said it is safe to camp here, I'm sure everything is fine,” Kagome said.
“You can never be sure,” InuYasha muttered. “And I take my vow to protect you seriously.”
Smiling faintly, Kagome shrugged. A piece of lank hair fell in her face, and she blew at it in disgust. Her clothes were stuck to her with sweat and grit and she pulled at them uncomfortably. Pursing her lips, she regarded InuYasha as he came to sit besides her.
“I need a bath,” Kagome said. “I'm going to bathe in that small river we passed ten minutes ago.”
“Not alone your not!” InuYasha snarled. “Take Sango with you - don't take any chances!”
“That's a good idea,” Sango said, as Kagome opened her mouth to rebuke her over protective hanyou. “I could use a bath too.”
Her annoyance diffused, Kagome nodded her head and smiled at her friend. Grabbing her bath supplies, the two young women headed off - under the watchful eye of the ever vigilant hanyou….
“Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to always have someone protecting you like InuYasha,” Sango mused as they walked.
As she walked beside her, Kagome just nodded. Then she took a deep breath and swallowed.
“Not that I don't feel I am protected in our group,” Sango continued. “But all my life my role has been to fight, to defend, to protect.”
Still silent, Kagome gave her a half smile and hugged her middle.
“But I can't help but notice,” Sango said. “InuYasha has seemed even more protective then usual of late….”
In a mad dash, Kagome ran to the nearest tree and puked, her hand balanced on the trunk. Astonished Sango ran to her side.
“Are you all right?” Sango said in concern. “Was it something you ate?'
“No,” Kagome gasped. “It's just…InuYasha broke the protection.”
As Sango gaped Kagome hid her face in embarrassment