InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unworthy One ❯ Chapter 2. Please Punish Me for Being Evil... ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
**Not for Kikyou Lovers! This story contains violence, sexual content and rape! You are WARNED**

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor any of the associated characters. But it ain't because I don't want or wish to do so.

Chapter 2. Please Punish Me for Being Evil...

"How could one such as you defeat him, if my brother could not?" he demanded.

"I do not know, my Lord," she spoke. He was getting quite irritated with her short and cryptic answers, her unresponsive behavior, her lifeless bearing. He could not catch a change in her scent that would give him some idea whether she was lying or not. He would have satisfaction, or he would carve it out of her until she begged for her life, until he got what he wanted.

Without any sign of his intentions, or that he was even going to do anything, he grabbed her by her throat and threw her into the nearby icy lake.

"Clean yourself wench. I cannot stand the stink of you. It offends my senses," he growled, pleased to think he could get a response from her for his actions. He remembered the fiery spirit that he used to see in her eyes, and recalled how she was always one for opening her mouth when least expected. She was a brave and foolish ningen. Pathetic really, but nonetheless, he had to respect her to some degree for being the only ningen, an onna at that, to stand up to him and dare to face him even when the odds were against her.

However, the expected reaction never came. He watched, expecting her to scream and carry on about having been thrown into the icy water without warning. But it never happened. In fact, she just let herself sink, and let the water close over her. What was wrong with the bitch? Did she have a death wish? If she did, he would be happy to help her meet her end, but not before he had his answers?

With that thought foremost in his mind, he jumped in and grabbed her before she could sink more than a couple of feet down, in the mountain fed lake. Her pale skin was blue from the cold, and her body shivered, even her teeth chattered. But all of these were natural bodily reactions to external stimuli. Nothing showed on her face, nor had she gasped as would have been the normal behavior for such a shock. The only change was that her eyes were closed, and she coughed up some of the water that had obviously been taken in by the normal need to breath.

He turned her on her side, and pushed on her back to force the rest of the water from her stomach and lungs. Then he sat her down in an area of the clearing not defiled by the blood that had covered her before. Her wounds were cleaner than they had been, and most of the stink was gone. Now the overriding scent was her own, the scent of a warm summer evening filled with the heady scent of moonflowers just opening their blossoms, deep in the forest, and that of the blood still pouring from her wounds. A mixture that created an alluring scent that called his beast to life, and seemed to touch his soul.

She sat as he put her, neither shifting her position to get more comfortable, nor lying down. Something he would have thought she would do, being as wounded as she was, and with the obvious loss of blood. She didn't even try to curl up in a fetal position from the cold, as any normal person might have done. She could not have much strength left with all the blood that had already drained from her damaged body. What was holding her up?

The smell of her blood was beginning to made him feel light headed. For some reason the very scent of it kept calling to his Youkai. Why did his blood beast desire this pathetic lump of ningen flesh? Why did her scent call to his soul? But he pushed back on his blood beast, refusing to give it the freedom it sought.

"Are you not cold?" he demanded.

"Hai, my Lord," she reply. Her voice still no more than a whisper, now broken because her teeth chattered with the cold she obviously felt. Still she never even tried to cover herself. Her tattered shreds of clothing having been lost in the lake, she now sat totally naked before him, not even trying to cover herself with her arms or hands.

"Yet, you do nothing to try to warm yourself, or even to treat you wounds." he questioned more than stated.

"Such comforts, my Lord," she replied, " are not meant for the unworthy."

Unworthy? Comforts? He chose to set that one aside for the moment. He had other more pressing questions he wanted answers to. Some small part of him, something in the back of his mind, urged him to do something about the cold the girl was suffering from. He didn't know what possessed him, or even if it was truly a conscious decision, but he removed him haori long enough to take his under haori off, and put it around the girl.

She neither appeared to accept it, nor refused it. It just hung around her like a draped bit of cloth barely staying in place. It would only take a light breeze for it to fall, and with a bit of annoyance, he quickly took his obi and tied it around the girl to hold his garment on her once again, blood covered body.

"Where is Tetsusaiga?" he growled, letting a bit of his frustration leak out, much to his annoyance. She was such a bother. She seemed on the verge of death, barely answered the questions, no didn't even try to answer the questions adequately that he put to her, seemed unable to clean herself from the filth of battle, made no attempt to care for her own wounds, was unwilling or unable to protect herself from the elements, and now was getting her filthy ningen blood all over one of his haori's.

"With Inuyasha, my Lord," she intoned lifelessly.

"But you said he was dead," he spoke harshly. Was she trying to fool him? Who did she think she was dealing with? He, Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, was not to be trifled with, nor was he easily fooled.

"Hai, my Lord," came the response.

"It is with his body then," he stated.

"Hai, my Lord," she said.

"And where is his body?" he asked. Now he was beginning to get somewhere.

"Lying in the battlefield, my Lord," she stated. Her voice was no longer broken by her shivers from the cold, but she still spoke no louder than a weak whisper. He supposed that it was from a combination of her very apparent exhaustion, her injuries, and maybe even the lack of food and water.

"Where is this battlefield?" he asked almost with bated breath.

"I do not know, my Lord," she replied.

How could she not know? Surely it could not be far away. She was not in any kind of condition to have gone far. None of this was making sense.

"What of the Shikon no Tama?" he asked.

"It is whole once more, my Lord," she spoke.

"And where is it?" was the most obvious question. He noticed that the chain she usually wore around her neck, from which he had often seen the shards of the jewel attached to, was still around her neck, but nothing of the jewel was apparent.

"It is here, my Lord," she spoke and for the first time since he had come upon her, she actually moved of her own choice. It was only to bring her hand very slowly to her chest, resting it lightly between her breasts. But it was enough to show that she at least still had the ability to move.

"Explain," he demanded when he could neither see nor sense the jewel. There were no other chains or necklaces around her throat and when she had been naked, there was nothing to show any sign of the jewel.

"It seems that the jewel has chosen me, my Lord," she explained, without any real explanation.

"Chosen you for what, wench?" he growled in frustration, but still she didn't react to his anger.

"Chosen me to once again be its Guardian, my Lord," she spoke.

"If you are its Guardian, then why do you not have the jewel with you now?" he said, fighting to keep from grabbing her by the throat and sinking his claws into the barely warm, but delicate skin and bathing in her blood. Her blood, which his Youkai, even now still fought to reach out and taste. It smelled so sweet, and looked so inviting. Oh how he wished to just reach out, and lap at the fresh rivulets that poured down her pale and fragile skin.

He pulled himself back to reality, relentlessly forcing his Youkai back under control. He would not give in to his desires. Not with a filthy ningen, and most certainly not his brother's wench. At least not yet, he silently chuckled.

"But the jewel is here, my Lord," she spoke, again putting her hand over her chest between her breasts. "It will always be with me now. I can never be separated from it, not even in death."

It was more words than she had strung together during their entire conversation, and yet it told him no more than he had already learned up to now. What did she mean, always with her? How could she never be separated from the thing? She was more of an enigma now that she had ever been, and he found himself driven to learn more.

"If you do not know where the battlefield is, then how did you get here?" Sesshomaru demanded.

"Walked, my Lord," she replied.

"If you walked, then from what direction did you come?" he asked.

"From the direction of the battlefield, my Lord," she stated just as lifelessly as she had every other answer she had given him. He had, had enough. This was getting him nowhere, and he was tired of her little games.

He grabbed her by the throat once more, as he literally flew at her in a rage. When he came to a halt, it was with her pinned back to a tree, and his claws slowly sinking into her throat.

"I tire of this ningen. I want answers, and I want them now," he spat viciously, his face merely inches from her own. "If you do not give me the information that I seek, I will kill you. Gladly."

Still she neither flinched, or squirmed. Her eyes, which he had not paid much attention to until now, seemed as lifeless as she was behaving. No! That was not totally true. Not now that he truly looked into her eyes. Those cerulean blue pools that were alluring enough to drown in, held a story all their own. They were filled with such pain, sadness, and despair that the Youkai Lord found himself almost gasping in a pain that was not even his own.

He released her from his grasp, and stepped back. He needed a moment to collect himself from the pain of what those eyes told him. None of this showed on his face, however, and he stood towering over her slumped form, where she sat leaning back against the tree as she had fallen.

Slowly, much to his surprise, she moved. The act bringing more blood from her wounds, as she shifted to her hands and knees, and put her head to the ground as one would if they were bowing in total submission to their Lord and Master. When she had reached the position that she desired, she stopped moving and just stay as she was.

"What are you doing, ningen?" he demanded.

"It would make my Lord happy to kill this unworthy one," she intoned still in that lifeless voice. "I but offer to make his wish come to pass. A quick death is more than such as I deserve, but it will allow me to complete my last task in this life."

"What makes you believe that I will make your death quick?" he asked.

"As you wish, my Lord," she spoke. "If it will make you happy to bring pain and suffering to this unworthy one, it is the least that I can do."

Again, he grabbed her. Yanking her up by her hair until he was looking her in the face. He forced himself to look into those pain filled, almost lifeless eyes.

"I do not know what game you are trying to play," he growled, fangs bared. "but know this wench, your ploy will not work on this Sesshomaru."

He threw her back against the same tree again, this time with the satisfaction of hearing her breath being knocked from her body. He pinned her arms above her head by wrapping his tail around her wrists and pressing his body against hers, careless of her injuries or pain. He raised his hand so she could see the poison that he let drip from his claws.

"Just a few drops are enough to leave you writhing in pain for hours. I would enjoy hearing you scream in pain. It would sweeten the already enticing scent of your blood, as it continues to pour out on the ground." he told her with a sadistic gleam in his eye.

Again she surprised him, as she turned her head to the side exposing her neck for his attention. It was an obvious act of submission, and his Youkai was pushing all the harder to taste her. But now it was more than just her blood that his beast demanded, he now wanted to take her by force until she begged him to stop. His beast screamed at him to take the onna.

He could not resist the urge to breath in her scent, and found himself leaning close enough that he could run his tongue over the skin of her throat. He took a deep breath, pulling her scent deep into his lungs, letting it fill his head with her intoxicating fragrance. He allowed himself a moment to run his tongue over the puncture wound on her left shoulder.

Ah, yes. It was oh, so good. Her blood was just as sweet as it smelled and his beast cried out for more, raged to taste more of her, to take her NOW! But he refused. He would not give in to his desires yet. He still needed answers and he would have them. He barely noticed how his action had caused her to shudder, as she hung there against the tree.

His anger was surging forward and for a moment he lost some of his control. He took the razor sharp tip of one claw, dripping with the poison he had called forth, and dug it into the wound on her shoulder, almost smiling as her body writhed with fresh pain. He was surprised yet again, when she didn't immediately start screaming. But it was only a matter of moments before she did.

He continued to hold her against the tree, staring into her pain racked face. Her throat must have been already sore or injured as even in her screams her voice was not as loud as he could remember her being able to achieve. Still she did scream, and her body was writhing in the pain of his poison flowing through her veins.