InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unworthy One ❯ Chapter 16 - Dawn of a New Beginning for the Worthy... ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
**Not for Kikyou Lovers! This story contains violence, sexual content and rape! You are WARNED**

Disclaimer: I do now own Inuyasha, nor any of the associated characters. But it ain't because I don't want or wish to do so.

A/N: Ok folks, here is another chapter. I had originally only had 16 chapters to this story, however, it has now gotten bigger. Chapter 17 is done, but I need to finish up the one that follows it before it can be posted. It looks now, like there will be approximately 20 chapters to 'Unworthy One'. With some patience, Kouga will be making an appearance. He is being particularly stubborn about when he wants to show his face. But, I have a bone or two to throw his way and entice him with. LOL! Here is chapter 16, and so far it has been the toughest chapter to write.

Chapter 16 - Dawn of a New Beginning for the Worthy...

When morning came, it brought a bright new day that welcomed a new beginning for those occupants of the shelter that the cave provided. The air was fresh, and filled with the promise of a warm day, the scent of the first new flowers of Spring, and a newlife.

Gradually the group awoke and greeted the new day.

Sesshomaru awoke to see the face of his mate filled, not with the once lifeless blank expression that had claimed it for the past few days like a thing of horror. Instead, it once again showed the animation of a living, breathing, spirited soul, and it welcomed his presence with a smile.

He was once again himself. No, that was not quite true. He was more than he had been in centuries. To the outside world, he was still the stoic Youkai Lord of the Western Lands, seemingly cold of heart, and ruthless. But inside, he was for the first time since his childhood, whole and at peace with the raging beast that was an inextricable part of who he was.

Nuzzling his mark, he breathed a greeting across her ear, "Ohayo, koishi. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Better than I have felt in a," she whispered, a shiver of pleasure running down her spine as his heated breath crossed her ear, "l-l-long time Sesshomaru. Most of the pain is gone, and what is left is just a dull ache. And that fades when you are holding me. Arigato, koi."

"Why are you thanking me?" he asked, as he let his hand gently caress her hip, causing her to shiver again in pleasure, and a soft moan to escape her lips before she could reply. "I, too, have brought you pain."

"Hai, but the wounds that you inflicted, were only physical injuries," came her softly spoken and honest reply. "Such injuries come with the kind of life I have led for the past five years, and are to be expected. They heal, as have the ones that you gave me. Besides, you are not the only one who has brought me harm, and later became my friend. You just happen to be the only one, who has brought me physical harm, and become my mate."

For the second time since he found her, she smiled and the warmth it brought to his heart, was light basking in the rays of the summer sun.

"Are you always in the habit of making friends," he responded, looking deep into her eyes and letting a smirk grace his ethereal features, "with those who try to harm or kill you?"

"It does seem to have become a habit, doesn't it?" she replied, getting lost in the depths of the golden orbs that gazed so passionately into her own. "And you, my Lord, why did you choose to take one of your enemies, and make me your mate?"

"Perhaps the same habit that you seem to have developed," Sesshomaru breathed into her ear again, "has become an infection and I have caught it."

She had regained her awareness of the outside world, beyond the realm of the pain she had been suffering for so long. Her body would need much more time to recover, however, and so her motions and actions were all still very slow. Still, she didn't let that stop her, as she slowly brought her hands up, one to softly caress this chest, and the other to trace the markings on his cheek. This time, it was his turn to shiver in pleasure, as her feather light touch grazed his rapidly heating skin.

"If all of this," she replied in a lustful whisper, "is the result of some kind of infection, then I am glad that we share it together."

He trailed a passionate series of kisses down her neck, and briefly nipped at his mark on her neck. From there he readily trailed down until he captured one of her breasts, and suckled it hungrily. The hand on his cheek, found its way into his long silver tresses, and once it reached the back of his head, it pulled ever so lightly, showing him that she welcomed his advances and asking for more.

He readily gave her what she asked for, and switched to the other breast. The one that he had just suckled, hard and aching with the heat of their passion, was readily cupped in an eager hand. The other hand readily found its way down, to her heated passage, easily and eagerly sliding three fingers into her moist, tight depths.

The sounds of her soft moans, the wild beating of her heart, and the heat of her passion reached him and further fueled his own. Unable to wait longer, he quickly pulled his hand from her rippling depths, and quickly replaced it with his own painful stiffness.

As he readily slipped deep into her depths, his hands helping to pull her legs and hips up to a more accessible position, her moans rapidly became softly whispered groans. Just as the day before, knowing that others were near, he kept his only groans low enough to be for her ears only, letting her know how good she made him feel.

Reaching down, he cupped the rounded suppleness of her behind with one hand, tilting her up, to shift the angle of his penetration of her hot, rippling depths. The urge to pound hard, fast, and deep, was almost overwhelming, but he restrained his efforts, knowing that now was not yet the time for such a heated encounter.

'Soon,' he told himself. 'Soon I will be able to take her with complete abandon and enjoy the feel of her writhing in pleasure beneath me.' It was rapidly becoming something of a mantra that he held in the back of his mind, and it gave him the strength to take her with a gentleness that he never even knew he possessed.

He could feel her shuddering beneath him, as he hit the spot he had been seeking. The sweet spot that would give her the greatest pleasure. Her blood was singing to his own again, and his responded in kind, as he picked up the pace, thrusting faster at her encouragement.

The tightness coiling in their lower regions grew with each thrust, each kiss, each touch. While he longed to pound into her until they both came hard and fast, he had to admit that there were serious advantages to going slow and steady. It drew out the pleasure longer, wrapping them in a steadily building blanket of pure sensation. Nothing else existed, except the wonderful, sensual sensations that kept their blood boiling, their skin tingling, and their bodies craving more.

Even has he again, picked up the pace, thrusting faster, she whispered in his ear, her pleasure at his actions, and asking for more. He felt the ripple of her muscles gripping him in her tight, hot sheath, and he knew she was nearing her own release, and his was close enough that he knew he would be right behind her. A lustful growl of pride and conquest rumbled softly through his chest, as he sunk his fangs into his mark, nicking his tongue on his fang as he had done the day before.

They both found themselves riding a wave of pure ecstasy that was only heightened and prolonged when his fangs sank into his mark. The heightened pleasure kept them aloft for long moments, as they groaned in delight to one another, letting the waves carry them where they willed. When they finally came back to reality, they were both panting for air, and still shuddering from the experience.

Sesshomaru was of course, the first to regain himself. As he did, he could hear the first sounds of someone moving beyond the make shift walls that had apparently be hastily erected the night before. He shifted his weight from over Kagome, and lay beside her, as he heard a soft voiced Rin from just beyond the 'walls'.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" she called hesitantly.

A stoic voice replied, "Hai, Rin. It is alright to enter."

A dark haired head peaked inside as if to confirm her Lord's statement, and then she entered quietly. She wanted to make sure that he was not still affected as he had been last night, and to see if Kagome was awake or not. She sighed in relief to see Sesshomaru's golden eyed gaze. When she saw that Kagome was not only awake, but aware enough to smile at her, she let a bright and sunny smile of her own break out all over her face.

"Kagome-sama!" she gasped in delight, "You are better now? You see me now?"

"Hai, Rin," Kagome whispered, still smiling at the sweet faced girl.

"Yay! Shippo would be so happy," she enthused. Suddenly a small frown clouded her face, only to brighten once more. "Oh, gomen. I nearly forgot. Kaede-miko-sama and her friend wanted me to see if it was okay for them to come and check on Kagome's injuries."

At Sesshomaru's nod of approval, she quickly ducked back outside the tent wall. Moments later, the two old miko's appeared at the tent door, and a slightly scared and very worried kitsune huddled behind Kaede's legs.

At sight of Kagome not only being awake, but aware, his fear left him and he bounded in her direction to say good morning to her. A soft growl of warning, brought him to an immediate halt, and at the look in the Youkai Lord's eyes, brought understanding to the kit as he curbed his enthusiasm and approached Kagome more slowly.

Sesshomaru had taken the time, while Rin went to fetch Kaede and Mayuki, to pull Kagome into his lap, leaning her back against his chest, making it easier for her to greet everyone, keep her warm, and for the two miko to examine and treat her injuries. While Kaede tended to Kagome's feet, changing the poultices for the new ones she had brought with her, Mayuki took the time to examine Kagome's throat and assess the damage to her vocal cords.

Sesshomaru's blood was indeed as powerful as was believed, for much had healed in the short time since he had first given her of his blood. The cut of his own making was no longer even visible, not even a scar remained. The gash in her leg was only a thin and readily vanishing scar. Her feet still needed a lot more time to not just heal, but to be strong enough to support her weight, and the puncture wound in her shoulder was no longer in threat of reopening again and bleeding. It still needed a few more days to completely heal. The burn of the night before, was nearly gone and from the looks of it, it would no longer even been there by the end of the day.

Mayuki used what she could of her miko powers to work on Kagome's throat. Although it took all that she had to do the work, Mayuki was still not able to completely heal Kagome's voice. She would regain much of it, especially over the next week, but the old miko knew that it would never quite be the same again.

She bowed deeply to the Youkai Lord, "As this is something that I am sure everyone here would wish to know, I will wait outside until all are gathered to tell you of my findings."

Sesshomaru nodded, and Mayuki left the enclosure, and returned to the campfire. Kaede and Rin assisted with getting Kagome dressed, while the Taiyoukai, took the few moments he needed to don his own clothing and armour. Kaede had brought some of the extra clothing that Jaken and Sango had obtained during their late night sojourn, allowing fresh clothing for both Sesshomaru and Kagome to wear. The outfit that Jaken had gotten for Kagome, was a soft, silken kimono of the deepest forest green, a scattering of golden sajura blossoms trailed around the garment from the right shoulder down to the lower left hem, and up to the back of the right shoulder, like blossoms and petals dancing in the wind. A matching gold obi, compliment the kimono readily. For now, shoes could not be used, to they were left for another time.

Rin delighted in being able to comb out Kagome's hair, bringing back some of the old shine that it had once had. It was obvious that Shippo had been outside earlier, and by luck had found one of the first patch of snow drops of the season. He handed Rin the small, fragrant blooms, and the young girl plaited them into Kagome's hair, both smiling broadly as Sesshomaru nodded his approval of their efforts.

When they were done, and stood back, he gently lifted the little Miko into his arms, and carried her out to see the others as Rin and Shippo held back the tent flaps to let him pass through. With a glance at Ah-Un, from the Youkai Lord, the two headed doragon (dragon) youkai, positioned himself so that Kagome could be rested comfortably against his side, protected by his warmth and supported by his bulk. Several of the sleeping furs softened the scaly hide, and further kept the recovering onna protected from the cool spring air.

Sesshomaru sat next to Kagome, lending her his strength and support. This would be the first time since that faithful day that she had faced her companions. At least the first time with any kind of awareness, of both herself, and the world around her. He knew it would not be an easy time for any of them, but it was necessary if they all were to heal and move on with their lives.

Kagome found herself looking at Inuyasha, shame colouring the feelings that threatened to overwhelm her. She could not shake the feeling that she had let them all down in some way, by not preventing what had happened. If only she had known....knew how to use her powers like Kikyou did, like Kaede could, even Mayuki, who she didn't even know. Had she just known how to do the things with her Miko powers that they all seemed to be able to do as easily as breathing, that last battle might have been different.

How could they all sit there and even stand to look at her? She was so weak, so useless, and now even more so after having been injured, like the pathetic onna she was, because she could neither defend herself, nor those around her. They all must hate her, or at least despise her for the lack of ability, and now she was in even worse shape because she could not even walk now, and would not be able to for a while.

She could not help the tears that began to trail down her cheeks, though she despised herself for further adding to her weakened appearance. She just was not as strong as they all were, and no matter how hard she tried, she just could not seem to find a way to be and do so much more.

The others saw the tears, and knowing what they did, understood her plight. In Fuedal Japan, the idea of being strong was the first and foremost rule of existance. Only the strong survived, only the strong had rights, weakness was not acceptable. Those who were weak, were not to be seen or heard, only the strong had the priviledge or the right. It was something that was drummed into one's very existance almost from birth.

For Kagome, it had been different. In her time, even the 'weak' had a place. In Modern Japan, even the weak had a voice and could find or make a place in society. It was not that they lives were easier than anyone else's, just that they had more opportunities than those same people would have in Senkogu Jidai.

Sesshomaru put a hand on Kagome's, giving it a small squeeze of re-assurance. Inuyasha, knowing that he was the root of most of Kagome's pain, felt again the shame of his actions and behavior that had caused such a beautiful and strong Miko to feel that she was worth less than the ground that they all sat upon.

Borrowing from Sesshomaru's strength, Kagome looked into Inuyasha's eyes, her pain evident in her own. "Inuyasha, onegai (please)," she said in that small whisper of a voice. "Can you ever forgive me?"

Everyone silently waited for the hanyou to speak. It was not that they didn't want to, as much as they knew that the two needed to have their say first. What he said to her, could either make or break the situation, and it was not so much his right, as his responsibility to do something to fix at least some of the hurt.

Inuyasha paused, to swallow the lump that had suddenly found its way to his throat. The pain he felt for the damage he had done almost overwhelming him. What could he say, how could he pay, what could he do to show her that her words were not true, and what he had said was so wrong? He had sworn an oath, to the others, to his brother, to himself, but mostly to her, that he would spend the rest of his life doing whatever it took to make it all up to her, and he meant to keep that promise. With that thought in mind, he made himself look her square in the eyes, as he tried to find the words that she needed to hear.

"Kagome, iie (no)!" he started, pausing to do the one thing he should have done all of those times before, think before he spoke. "I am the one who is wrong. It is I that should be begging you for forgiveness. I have no excuse for the things that I said to you all of these years, for they were and are inexcusable. You were never weak, and you were always and are far more than Kikyou could have ever been. If I had not been so stubborn, narrow minded, and proud, I might have seen what I should have saw long ago. If I had not wasted my misplaced sense of honour on a promise that I should never have made, you might not have gotten hurt as you did during that last battle."

She was surprised to hear his words, unsure how to take them. Did he really mean what he said? "But because of me," she cried, the tears freely flowing as they needed to do, "you all d-d-d-ied..."

Shippo came over, and quietly crawled into her lap, curling up against her fur covered stomach, and when she put a hand around him, he softly stroked her arm with his tiny paw. Rin came over and sat next to her on the opposite side from Sesshomaru, wanting in some way to offer her own comfort to the beautiful onna that her Lord had chosen as his own. She reasoned that she had to be strong, or her Lord would not have wanted her. She just needed someone to tell her that, was all.

"Kagome-sama," she spoke quietly to the little Miko, but loud enough for all to hear her. "You have to be strong, or Sesshomaru-sama's Youkai would not have taken you as his mate."

It was a simple statement, but a powerful one from the mouth of an innocent, and it bore a lot of weight. Inuyasha nodded agreement and approval of Rin's words.

"She is right Kagome," he told her putting all of his heart behind those words, though it hurt for him to have to admit them. "Sesshomaru didn't just choose you, his Youkai did as well. He would not have done that if he had not recognized someone powerful, and strong. Are you even aware of how that last battle with Naraku ended? Do you know how he died?"

"I only remember that I had something to do with it," she replied, a hint of assurance finally colouring her softly whispered voice.

For the next few minutes, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru described the events as Midoriko had shown Sesshomaru, of that last battle, to Kagome. As they did, her eyes widened in shock and disbelief. Had she really done all of that? Had she really walked that far? All she could really remember was screaming in heartbreak and anquish when Shippo had been killed before her eyes, then a bright flash of light, and then Inuyasha dying in her arms asking for Kikyou.

"Kagome," spoke Inuyasha, "you walked barefoot for over a week before you reached the small lake, where Sesshomaru found you. You had no weapons, you clothes all but gone, and all alone. No one that I have ever known, could have walked that far, with the injuries that you had, and survived. You have not only survived, but because of you, we are all alive once more, and here to talk to each other, and tell the tale of how we beat that vile filth that started all of this so long ago."

"He is right," spoke up Sesshomaru, carefully pulling her into his lap, her arm firmly around Shippo, and Rin shifted so that she was still close enough to reach out and hold Kagome's free hand. "Neither I, nor my blood beast would have chosen a mate that was unworthy of us. In fact, my Youkai recognized you as a strong and powerful mate before I did. For the first time in my life, I heeded the desires of my darker self. I know of very few youkai who could have survived the injuries that were inflicted upon you, and walked as far as you did. I know of only a handful, who might have been able to defeat Naraku, and certainly none who could have done it alone. Only someone strong, powerful, and brave could have done all of that. You are more than worthy to be my mate, and it pleases me to have claimed you, and to know that you bare my pup."

To everyone's relief, Kagome smiled. She still had a long way to go, to rebuild the confidence that she once had, but everyone took solace in the fact that the first major step had been taken. The tension in the air ease greatly, and they all felt better for having taken the first step towards healing and moving on with their lives.

"Miko," spoke Sesshomaru, to Mayuki, bringing everyone's attention back to him and Kagome, "what of Kagome's voice?"

"I have done as much as a miko's powers are able to do for her, my Lord. Unfortunately, the damage is just too great to be completely healed."

"How much damage has been done?" came the obvious question.

Mayuki looked at everyone around the campfire. They were indeed an unusual group of people. The power and strength of each individual was impressive, but together they were a much more formidable force and she could not help but be in awe of the camaraderie among the group. They were more than just companions, even to some limited degree the Taiyoukai, as well. They were much more a large extended family, devoted to helping one another, and being there for each other. No wonder Naraku had not stood a chance against them.

It pained her, though she had only just met them, that she could do no more for the little Miko, who was obviously the anchor of the group. Her strength lay not in her fighting skills, but in her heart. That was as it should be.

"The damage to your throat, Kagome-sama," the old miko spoke, "was very extensive. That you could even speak at all, when Sesshomaru-sama found you, is a miracle. Your vocal cords were almost shredded by the feel that I got from using my meager abilities. You must stay warm, and make sure that you drink plenty of warmed liquids for at least the next couple of weeks. Be sure to include honey in your tea, to soothe your throat.

Do not speak any louder than you are now for at least that time. While I have healed what I could, like your body, your throat needs time to recover from all that you have been through. If you do as I say, in a couple of weeks, you should be able to speak in a near normal voice. But it will never quite be what it once was. Gomen nasai."

To everyone's surprise Kagome didn't seem saddened by this news. They thought she would be upset about not being able to get back her normal voice. Instead she smiled cheefully, and even found it in herself to laugh, although it took a moment for everyone to realize that her shaking was because she was laughing.

"Mama," spoke up Shippo, voicing their confusion, "what is funny about not getting back all of your voice?"

"It will give me an excuse to ask Sango to teach me how to throw things really well." came the unexpected and even more confusing reply.

"Why would you need to learn how to throw things?" asked Inuyasha, confusion written all over his face.

"Well, if I can't yell at you," she smiled all the more, "when you are being a baka, you won't be able to hear me say that word. I will need to get your attention some how. If I can throw things at you, I am bound to get your attention, especially with that thick skull of yours."

For a moment, everyone just sat in thought of her words, but then the image of Kagome throwing things at Inuyasha, much like Sango had been known to do to Miroku, left enough of an impression on everyone that they all laughed. Of course the stoic Taiyoukai didn't let his amusement of the idea reflect on his face, and Inuyasha only scowled at the idea, and the fact that everyone was laughing at his expense. That only added to the fun of the situation and everyone laughed all the more.

Laughter is said to heal a lot of hurts, and to soothe the soul. The tension released in that short space of time, and the laughter that filled the small cavern of rock, did a lot of healing that morning. Even the Taiyoukai had to admit that it warmed even his heart to see his mate smile, and to watch as the others all took strength from the obvious love that seemed to radiate from the little onna.

Kagome was an unusual person. She still had a lot of healing to do herself, and she was aware of it, as was everyone else. But it was obvious to everyone that the heart of the group was her. She was the binding that held them all together as a family, not just a group of friends. It was no wonder that they all cared for her and she for them.

With a lighter mood than had been felt in several days, everyone began to consider the task of getting some breakfast going. Rin and Shippo moved to help Kaede and Mayuki get started.

Jaken, the non-descript little gomi (toad) youkai that was easily overlooked, chose that moment to walk into the cave, loaded down with fish and rabbit, cleaned and ready to be cooked. From a small pouch at his waist, he pulled out a number of freshly picked herbs that the two old miko readily used for both seasoned his fine catch and for the porridge that Kaede made up for Kagome.

A small, but very stuffed bag that had also been tied to his waist, yielded a number of Rin favorite mushrooms. Rin chose to add them to a rich stew that with Sango's help they set to cook for later in the day. Soon the little cave was awash in a mouth watering aroma of cooking food, and everyone looking forward to a good meal. Shippo even found the last of the ramen in Kagome's bag, which Miroku helped him to fix up for Inuyasha.

That brought memories of the old well, and home to Kagome, and even Inuyasha, as well. They exchanged an understanding look, knowing that with Naraku dead, and the jewel completed it was uncertain that the old well would even work anymore. It was something that they would have to find out sooner or later, but not right now.

Sesshomaru having seen the images that Midoriko had shown him of Kagome's time and how she had gotten back and forth between her time and his, understood the exchange and hugged her just a bit closer in reassurance.

It was decided by all that this day would be a day of rest and quiet celebration. The vile hanyou had finally been defeated, his minions, supporters, and followers taken care of, wounds were healing, and souls could be at peace for the first time in a long while. What better to do, than to rejoice in their victory, Kagome's victory, and the blessing of being alive to enjoy it.

Besides, Kagome was still to weak to travel far, and it would give everyone a chance to just relax and enjoy each other's company. Something that they had seldom had the chance to do over the last five years, and now could do without the underlying anxiety that had haunted everyone for so long.

While everyone was busy, Sesshomaru decided that now would be a good time to do a quick local patrol of the area. He had plenty of guards to do the job for him, but he was not the kind of Lord that liked leaving such things to others. For that reason, he often took it upon himself to patrol his own lands on a regular basis. It kept him well informed of what was going on in his own realm and he could easily separate fact from rumour when it came to the news that traveled the land.

He didn't intend to go far today, or be long, so he explained to Kagome his reasoning for being gone for a short time. He set her against Ah-Un, as she had been before, making sure that she was warmly covered with the furs.

"I shall not be long, koi," he told her, leaning down as he had done before, to whisper in her ear, feeling the shiver of delight that passed through her, "I promise. This time, you are in good hands. Rest for now," his hand resting briefly over her stomach, "and think only of getting better and our pup."

Although she didn't want him to leave, she understood he had a need. She watched him leave, taking with him the sense of warmth, safety, and security that she had come to almost crave in the few short days since he had found her. Perhaps that had been part of what had drawn her soul to respond to him, when nothing else seemed to register during that time. A time that to Kagome was filled only with darkness and pain.

Rin and Shippo took it upon themselves to keep Kagome occupied and from letting her become depressed or sad. After all, it was an important job, and it took someone special to know just how to do it right. Since they both considered themselves to be experts in that area, it was with the greatest of pride that they helped Kagome eat her breakfast, and drink the healing tea that was carefully prepared for her.

They kept everyone cheered with their stories, jokes, songs, and laughter. It was a cheerfulness that was gratefully accepted, and became a palatable force filling the cave and easily infecting all who were there with happiness, and filling their hearts with joy. Even the surprisingly few times that Miroku let his wayward hand satisfy its seemingly endless addiction of needing to touch a soft femine curve, was met with just a bit less objection than in times past. Sango still didn't like the houshi's forwardness, but the fact that they were all alive and well, went a long way to slightly softening her normally violent response to his actions.

Even Kohaku joined in the group's laughter. It was not easy for the youth, and considering the experiences of the last four and half years of his life, everyone understood and did their best to help make him feel welcome. In many ways, he needed just as much help as Kagome did, although for different reasons. He, himself could not understand why among the people that she had chosen in her wish to bring back to life, Kagome had included him.

He had killed so many. His father, his uncle, his friends, his fellow Taijiya. He had even been responsible for the deaths of at least one entire village, not to mention the destruction of another and a Lord and his Lady, while stealing her child, tainted by Naraku's vile hands. The horrors of what he had done, would be something that would cling to him for life, and he could not bring himself to accept that no one held that against him.

Sango sensed her little brother's anquish, as did Kagome. One of the many powers afforded the young Miko was a strong empathic sense. This sense had stood her in good stead many times over, when it came to sensing and understanding how others felt around her, and today was no exception.

"What bothers you, Kohaku?" asked Sango. She knew, but also realized that the only way for Kohaku to let the pain go, was to face the hurt head on. It was very hard on him, after all, his youth was taken from him at the age of eleven, and there was no way that he could ever regain the innocence that had been so ruthlessly destroyed.

Kohaku managed to finally bring himself to look into Kagome's eyes, and ask the one question that he needed most to know the answer to..."Why, me?"

Kagome knew what he was asking, and she also knew that he needed to hear something that would give him a ray of hope. "Sango needed to have her little brother back. You needed a chance to find out that there is another side to life. I could do no less for those I care about. What you suffered at the hands of Naraku, was not just horrible, it was inexcusable. Your life was destroyed before you could even learn what life was or could offer."

"I killed so many. Father, everyone," he said, the heartbreak more than evident in his voice. "How can I live knowing that it was my hands the brought them and more death?"

Sango hugged him and replied, "Nothing you did was your fault. You could not have stopped what he did to you, or made you do to others. No one here blames you for anything you did while in his control. Even Naraku had told me that he had wiped your memories so that he could control what you were doing. You have nothing to be ashamed of, and every right to have a life just like the rest of us."

"She is right Kohaku," spoke up Miroku, "None of us blame you for what occurred. Naraku's vile schemes touched many lives, yours more so than most. But we know that when you started being able to recall who you were, you tried to find ways to help defeat him. That is what counts the most. For that you should stand proud of your efforts to have at least tried to defy him. Not many could have done that much under the same circumstances."

"If anything, Kohaku," spoke up Sango, "it is I that owe you an apology. I should have spoken to father long before that last contract with the spider at Lord Kagewaki's castle. I knew that you were not comfortable with being a Taijiya, and father should not have forced you into trying to be something you were not meant to be."

To everyone's surprise, Inuyasha spoke up, "Hey, kid! We all did things over the past five years that we are ashame of or unhappy with. We all have a lot to make up for. The important thing is to accept that mistakes were made, no matter how big they were, and to do our best to try to make up for them as we go along."

Kagome smiled that the wisdom of the hanyou's words. Sango just hugged Kohaku in agreement with what Inuyasha said. Kohaku seemed to feel better after hearing this, and even Kaede and Mayuki nodded their own agreement with what Inuyasha had said.

"My, Inuyasha. I never realized that you could be so deep," Miroku trying to maintain a serious spiritual look on his countenance, but failing miserably as his face broke into a chuckling smile.

"Feh!" was all the hanyou said, bringing a smile to everyone's face.

Sesshomaru returned a short time later, and for the rest of the day, the little group just enjoyed what life had to offer. A beautiful sunny day, the fragrance of springs first flowers, the chirping of birds in the trees, the fresh air and each others company. Life was not only good, but looking up.