InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Valentine Kisses Challenge ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer : I do not own nor make any monies off of Inuyasha and the gang. No, that pleasure completely belongs to the Goddess Rumiko Takahashi. I am only using them for pure entertainment value.
Kikyou sought out the one who made her feel; who brought her pleasures had never known about. The one she was growing to love more. In secrecy they would met. She used her soul collectors to cause distractions so they can escape the others ever watchful eyes. She waited for him and when he arrived, flushed from hurrying, she went to him and placed her lips over his softly. They kissed lips caressing and soft. Not even when she took Inuyasha's lips, did she feel this spark as she did with Miroku. When he deepened the kiss, she gave in to him.