InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Hunters ❯ Kagomes past Sangos tears ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Kagome!” Kagome woke up to the sounds of her mother's voice, she got up and slipped on her school uniform.
“I'm going to school!” she passed her mother with one last kiss on the cheek and left hugging her brother good bye. She was 15 and today was the first day of school. Kagome caught up to her friends form last year and they all laughed together while walking to school. They all went to their own classes Kagome's face gifted with a beautiful smile of a young girl's happiness. The whole day was bright, the flowers were soft and smelled like heaven to Kagome.
“Um Kagome…” Hojo was the schools most popular boy, all the girls loved him but he only had eyes for Kagome.
“I was wondering if you… wanted you know to go to the um… movies tonight?” he blushed and she gave him a warm smile with the reply of “yes” she walked home with her little brother Souta and told her mom about the movies tonight.
“Ok you can go but don't be home too late” Kagome agreed and went upstairs to get ready. She rode her bike next to Hojo's as they went to the movies together laughing. This happiness was not to last though… as they got to the movies Kagome needed to go to the bathroom. Hojo bought the tickets and waited for Kagome outside.
“Ok let's go…” Kagome looked around in horror as people ran screaming and creatures flying in the sky flew down killing. She looked and saw Hojo backing up towards a wall.
“Kagome run!” Hojo blocked one of the creatures form Kagome but lost his life as it bit into his neck and other ripped him apart. Kagome screamed and sped her bike home. It was silent at her house, she thought maybe everyone had gone or was sleeping maybe they were in the back room watching T.V.?
Kagome opened the door but it was stuck, she pushed herself through and saw what was holding the door closed! Her mother's body lay limp and bloody in front of the door.
“Mom!” Kagome jumped back and tripped over something else, she turned to find her grandpa's arm but nothing else! She screamed and hit the stairs, she felt her brother's small hand touch her neck and she smiled in a bit of comfort. She turned her head to look at Souta but screamed as his face was covered in blood and his arm had been pulled almost completely off and hung over the railing.
“Souta! AH!” she ran out of the house not looking back she ran back into town hoping to find someone alive, she wanted to wake up and this be a horrible dream a nightmare? She closed her eyes from tears and bumped into something cold but soft, she looked up her eyes fogged from water. All she saw were black figures, she heard them whispering and felt someone pull her up form the ground.
“She's human, hurry let's get her in the van now! Their coming go!” she was carried and thrown no too hard into a van where a few other scared people sat together. She looked around and heard a voice say “it's ok, you're safe now”…
Kagome sat up in bed covered in sweat, it was morning but still dark outside. She got up and started the shower. She stood and let the warm water run over her skin. Kagome dried off and wrapped a towel around her as she went back to her room. She opened a small music box and a song form her past played. It was the lullaby her mom sang to her when she was little, she picked up a small locket and opened it. On one side was a picture of her and her mom on the other was one of her little brother and her grandpa in the middle of talking about one of his stories again. She smiled and a tear fell down her cheek. She put the locket away and closed the box.
Sango was about to knock on Kagome's door when she heard the music playing from her jewelry box. Sango heard Kagome begin to cry and opened the door softly, she saw Kagome sitting on her bed and sat next to her hugging her.
“It's alright Kagome. We'll kill them all every single one of them”
“I want to tear their hearts out and make them feel the pain that they have caused us. Every one of them will die no matter what” Sango smiled but gave a hurt look to both of their words.
“Every single one…”
“Sango…!” Kagome turned and looked at Sango with a shocked and sad look. She hugged her friend as they both held back their tears.
“Well you should hurry and get dressed, I'm going to go run for a while ok”
“Ok Sango” Kagome looked up at her friend but she knew that the strong smile her friend usually gave her would not come today.
It had now been a month and a day since Yuri had died and since Kagome's dream or… memory… Sango was back to her strong willed self and Kagome was able to smile again.
“Hey Kagome look!” Sango showed Kagome the pancake that she had perfected, Sango was never the greatest cook in the world so this was a big accomplishment.
“Nice job Sango” the 2 laughed and Kagome fed Kirara as she set the table. The doorbell chimed and Kagome opened to find the mail man with a large box.
“Please sign here”
“Thank you” Kagome closed the door and set the heavy box on the floor
“What is it?” Sango walked into the living room wearing an apron
“When did you put that on?” Kagome laughed
“You know what, I don't know” Sango pulled it off and used a knife form the table to open the box.
“That's a little confusing” they looked in the box to find a smaller box, Sango opened that one to find yet another box.
“This better be the last box” Sango opened it and there was a small pink velvety jewelry box. Kagome picked it up with a card that said
Nothing can bring back what sued to be but I hope this can start our love once again Kagome.
-Love Kouga (Love Kouga).
Kagome opened the box to find a pair of pink diamond earrings with small gold chains holding on 2 more small diamonds.
“Wow Kagome!”
“What? I think they're lovely”
“No on the back of the card it says he wants to see me tonight. He's nice and cute but I hate the way he goes on and on about how great he is when I was dating him.”
“Aw go out with him he probably changed a lot since…”
“Last month, oh ya I bet he did” Kagome said sarcastically as she threw away the boxes and sat down to eat.
“I guess it wouldn't hurt…” Kagome shrugged and gave a side smile and she ate a mouth full of pancakes. Sango laughed softly and began to eat as well.
“Kagome! You ready yet!?” Sango yelled to Kagome from downstairs
“Ya” Kagome breathed as she hopped down the stairs. She wore a knee long blue dress with cherry blossoms scattered around it (design duh). He put her hair up in a bun with a pink flower pin and put on the last earring Kouga had sent her.
“I heard him honk a few times outside for you”
“O-k see ya soon”
“Sure” Sango laughed as Kagome ran out with a no so sure smile.
“Hey Kouga” a man with long black hair tied up in a high ponytail sat in a red convertible wearing jeans and a white collard shirt.
“Hey Kagome, you look beautiful” he smiled with a sparkle in his eye and a glint from his extremely white teeth. Kagome sat down and closed the door as he drove at a quick speed.
“So how have you been Kouga?” she regretted asking as he began his talk about his company and all that she really, really disliked about him. Finally half of the torture was over as they parked and went inside a French restaurant. They got a table near the back garden and Kouga eased a bit on his talking. Kouga looked Kagome in the eyes and took her hands in his.
“Y… yes?”
“I'm so glad that those thousand dollar earrings look so brilliant on you”
“…” she gave a smile that said -damn you're dumb but you don't know that, that's what I'm thinking-
Kagome ordered a soup that she didn't even know what it had in it and a glass of weird wine that mostly Kouga had ordered for her. When the soup came Kagome thought it looked safe to eat, that was of course until she took a spoonful and saw a whole snail on it. She slid it to the side and smiled kindly at Kouga who was eating whatever the hell that green stuff on his plate was.
“So Kouga why didn't you go with Ayame…?” Kouga set down his fork and closed his eyes.
“Oh yes, Ayame, the poor girl must be devastated but… she was just too talkative for my taste. You see Kagome I like girls like you, not so beautiful but quiet and…”
“Not so beautiful!?” Kagome stood up her expression angry but her eyes just bored and wanting to get out of this place.
“N… no that's not what I meant…” he tried to get a hold of her but failed miserably
“So I'm just a quiet tool for you, wow Kouga that's low, really low seeing how you talk way more than Ayame even could. Goodbye Kouga” Kagome threw down her napkin and sighed as she had finally been able to use something to get out of there. She didn't even have to feel sorry for Kouga as he was being stared at by the other women who had overheard. Kagome called Sango on her phone and told her that she was going to the store on her way home. Kagome got a taxi and after picking up a few groceries she went home. She paid the driver and grabbed her bags. Kagome kicked the door softly since her hands were full.
“Hey what happened with Kouga?”
“Eh turned out he thought I was quiet and ugly”
“Whoa!? So what did you get?”
“More food for Kirara, some ice cream, shampoo, oh and I got you a special surprise”
“Really what?”
“You'll just have to wait till tonight now won't you” Kagome gave a devilish smile as Sango asked “Tonight? What's happening tonight?” Kagome put the groceries away and slipped upstairs with another bag.
Sango sighed and laughed as she sat on the couch, Sango was a bit startled as the phone rang.
Kagome opened her closet and pushed aside her vampire hunting outfits and tried to decide which outfit to wear tonight.
“Perfect” Kagome reached in her closet and threw the outfit on her bed as she heard Sango call her name.
“Kagome I need to go for a little bit I don't know how long I'll be gone”
“Why? What happened?”
“I just need to g ok I'm sorry if I'm not back in time for the surprise” Sango rushed out of the house and drove off on her motorcycle. Kagome still looked at the door confused and sat on the couch, she looked over at the coffee table and saw what was written on a sheet of paper.
“Sango…” she looked off with a distant sad expression, Kagome snapped out of her pitied state and ran upstairs.
Sango put her foot down to stop and waited for the light to change green.
“Come on hurry up, hurry up. Fuck it!” Sango ran the light stopping 2 cars. Watching from a car that was next to her were a pair of purple eyes and a pair of golden ones.
Sango turned a few corners before finally coming to a stop, she jumped off her bike and ran into an old house with the windows boarded up. She kicked down a door.
“Kohaku!” (You're lucky, I was gonna stop here and leave you people on a cliff hanger but then I decided against it). A boy with short brown hair and ruffled bangs stood over a sleeping body. His lifeless brown eyes looked at Sango, no emotion filled his face but Sango smiled with worry.
“Kohaku I'm so glad” she hugged him, her mind blinded by joy that she forgot what he was now. The boy's mouth opened and he bit Sango's shoulder. She winced and pulled away with disturbance written on her face, she shook her head and remembered what she and Kagome had said a few days ago.
Every one of them no matter what”
Sango's face filled with despair but she pulled out a knife that had a whitish tip.
“I love you…” she jumped towards him but even though he wasn't human any longer he was still fast. He jumped and landed behind her now in an attacking mode. He showed his fangs and Sango tied back her hair. She threw the knife at him but only got the edge of his foot as he jumped and was now in front of her.
“Kohaku!” she held back from hitting him as he went to kick Sango, she dodged it and threw him back. Sango jumped and grabbed the knife.
“Sister…” her eyes widened in shock and she looked at the boy
“Kohaku!?” Sango dropped the knife and fell to her knees as tears fell down both of their faces.
“I'm sorry… I didn't mean to kill them…” the boy wiped the tears away his eyes had filled with a bit of life. Sango stood up and took the knife, she walked towards him and put it thorough his heart.
“I love you too Sango… thank you” he smiled and she gave a sad smile in return. Sango dropped the knife and held his body as she cried.
“Sango…” Kagome ran in worried she saw Sango and then noticed the boy's body. Kagome gasped and held back as tears swelled up in the corners of her eyes.
Hey sorry this is such a short chapter! Thank you for the review yes, yes I know it is sad that Yuri died and now another death. The next chapter will be a little off topic I guess but not really, it's going to be about Sango's past and then all about Sesshomaru and his life. Plz review bye! Omg and I just now realized how stupid I am, Yuri's name was supposed to be Yura you know of the hair. I'm such an idiot cause Yuri means… oops