InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Meetings ❯ A Terrifying Encounter ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Vampire Meetings
Here's your well - deserved update, my readers! ^^
By the way, my name is Inuyasha, and I'll be back for you, Kagome…” He said as Inuyasha flew out my window and into the night. I'm still a little red as I keep thinking about the kiss. I try to shake it off by getting ready for bed, but I can't take my mind off of it.
As I lay in bed, I fall asleep, thinking about what could possibly happen the next time I see this mysterious Inuyasha….
Chapter3 - A TerrifyingEncounter
This morning, I wake up, looking about my room feeling something is a bit off. I get up and go over to my mirror, and see no bite marks?! I open my mouth and my fangs are gone! I hurriedly run downstairs and into the kitchen. I grab an apple and bite into it, and it tastes exactly how it's supposed to!
My heart nearly stops and I wonder if all that was just an odd dream, but something still doesn't feel quite right. I shrug it off and walk back upstairs, getting some decent clothes on to go out in. I pull on some faded black jeans and a red t-shirt and leave the house, wandering off to the park. The park is completely empty….
'Strange….I would think that at this time of the day, there'd be at least a few people wandering around the park….um….maybe I should go back home…' I thought to myself, then, with one glance at the park, I turn around and before I even walk two steps, I run into something solid.
I look up, and to my horror, it's the vampire from the other night! I scream and run the opposite direction as fast as me legs are capable, and I get to the park and hide in the playground. I hear his deep maniacal laugh get even closer. I brace myself for him to come and try to drag me off somewhere, but I see no one. I get out and as soon as I do, I hear a voice from behind me. I get chills throughout my whole body when he speaks to me.
“Kagome, I told you I'd be back….but now isn't the best time….wake up…. I wanna get you while you're awake….” He said, a smirk evident by the tone of his voice. Then I feel his arm clench my wrist….
I jolt up from my bed, looking around and sweating like crazy. I get angry, for I know that it was just a stupid dream, and I decided to overlook it and go over to the mirror that I find myself looking into quite a lot lately. I see my reflection, and once again, no bite marks, not fangs, and I can probably still eat food too. I realize that this guy in these dreams has got me paranoid. I'm starting to grow sick and tired of these games that my mind and imagination are playing with me….
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It's been a week since the last dream, I'm guessing it was just some sort of weird recurring nightmare, so I went on with my life and now here I am, with no dreams.
I'm waiting for my friend to answer me back on my messenger. The other day, my mom called and said the planes were having a technical difficulty and she wouldn't be back for another week. So, I have the place all to myself. My friend answers and says she has to g to bed. I say my goodbyes and sign off.
I go downstairs and look towards the kitchen and realize that not only do I have to take out the trash, but I notice the spare keys and realize that I haven't checked the mail in days. I look at the clock to see that it's nearly midnight, so I decide I have to hurry. I go over to the counter and pick up the keys, and then I pick up the garbage bag and head out the door. I go to the elevator and down to the 3rd floor where the garbage hatch is and throw it away, then I go down to the main floor and cross the room, taking a glance at the front desk and seeing that they've closed up for the night, then I get to the mail room. I open the door, and then I go to the room number and open it, finding tons of mail, and I let out a heavy sigh, then I take out a pile of mail and put it in myright hand…more like arm, and lock the hatch for my mail, then walk out.
I walk past the front desk and before I know it, I'm yanked from behind by my wrist, and get pulled into someone's chest, as all the papers I was holding scatter across the floor.
My stomach churns and makes me feel sick as I hear the voice I know too well. “Kagome, It's time….you're coming with me…” none other than that `Inuyasha' guy from my dreams. But this time he sounds menacing and lustful. I struggle in his arms and try to getaway, but his hold is was too strong. I scream and try to get someone's attention…but unfortunately, at midnight, no one's up….
“No! Let me go! NOW!” I scream and struggle more. I hear a deep growl gradually getting louder from his throat and feel so terrified that I can no longer scream, only struggle.
The, in a quick slash, Inuyasha hits down on the pressure point in my neck, and I feel myself get dizzy and I fall to the ground. My vision gets blurred and I feel myself get picked up and carried before I completely pass out.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I wake up in a completely different room, chained by hands and feet to a cold, meal table. The room looks like some kind of medieval dungeon with a door that has bars on the small window. The, the door opens, and that vampire, Inuyasha appears, with an evil smirk on his face. He looks like he's about to….do something….to me….Despite my absolute fear, I look at him angrily and defiantly, and yell at him.
“Why the hell did you chain me to this table!? What do you want from me?!”
He just stays silent, and his smirk turns from evil, to maniacal as he takes each step. I look at him in fear and try to stop him, because whatever he was gonna do, it wasn't going to be very pleasant.
“Wait, don't come any closer, please!” I plead, but he doesn't listen. I struggle against the chains as he comes closer….
Ok, end of chappie! I know, it was an evil cliffhanger, but I felt like it =P I just couldn't resist. But don't worry, I'll put the next one up soon ^^ R&R and cya!