InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Meetings ❯ Past's Cruel Truths ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Vampire Meetings
By: xXxLovelessxXx
Disclaimer: Do not own anything XD
I have violated her…. just like an incident with my mother when I was half- human, before my vampire incident…. and my father….
I leave in an instant, storming out of the room, leaving Kagome crying, but not all the way violated and broken and I head down multiple hallways and into the chamber of my slumber, feeling like I have just betrayed my mother…. Doing the exact same thing to Kagome as my father had done to my mother….
On with the story…
Chapter 9 - (Insert title here)
(Inuyasha's P.O.V)
I tear down the hallways, not noticing anything or anyone that I pass along the way. I can't keep the images and memories at bay and I'm thrown into a blackness that consumes me.
*Flashback* (Normal P.O.V)
A boy with silver hair runs out into the pouring rain, no younger than eight years old. He chases the sound of his mother's screams and his father's loud yelling. He finds his two parents in a clearing of the forest surrounding his home. Horrified, he cannot move as he watches the brutal sight before him, fear grasping his small, fragile body. He wants to cry out `Mother!' and save her, but he can't help but watch. What this poor boy sees is not for the faint of heart, nor stomach. His mother was naked, soaked with water; the cruel rain has washed her blood away. She was crying, while her father sliced her flesh every so often during his violating assault on her body. She screamed again as he started to tie her up.
“LET ME GO!” She cried out, crying as finished the bind that held her wrists. He shed his own clothing and her eyes widened, a scream held in as her muscles tightened, afraid of how much damage he could do to her, now that his should was completely lost to the demon within.
I can't do that, my dear little Izayoi…I'll never let you go…YOU BELONG TO ME….” The demonic voice on Inutashio responded, readying himself to enter her.
“Please…My dearest…wake up and let me go…” She said forcefully, wanting him back to himself.
He growled out at her and thrust violently inside her “SHUT UP WENCH…he's not coming back until I get what I want….” He sneered and right before his next thrust, and then continued, soon finishing his intentions roughly to and inside her. Before he had started to revert back to normal he heard a rustle in the bushes and looked back. His face immediately changed and his voice cracked.
“I-Inuyasha….?” He managed to get out. Before he explained, little Inuyasha ran. He ran far from his father and ignored his calls. Inuyasha was scared and hated his father for what he had done. He kicked himself away for several days, not speaking, just remembering the horrifying sound of his mother's screams.
*Flashback Ends*
(Inuyasha's P.O.V)
I jolt up screaming for my mother and find that I'm in my bed and I my face is soaked with tears. I wipe my eyes and let out an angered grunt. I stretch out and head towards my door, but as I'm about to open it, someone knocks.
(Kagome's P.O.V)
I sit alone in “my” room and I wonder what had happened. Inuyasha's expression had all of a sudden changed into pain and guilt…what is wrong with that boy?! I don't get it…. but I have I feeling it's my fault…. I have to go talk to him…
I Get up from the bed and go to the wardrobe and open the creaky wooden doors. I see a couple outfits and decide on the traditional summer kimono. I walk to the door and open it. As I look down the hallway to see if he might be hiding there, I realize that he left quite a bit of scratches on the walls. I follow them until they stop in the middle of a hallway.
Just then, I hear a voice cry out for their mother. It's Inuyasha's voice. I realize this and I run down the hallway and find a door unlike all the others. It has the same design as the coffin I found at his tomb. I know hurriedly and wait for him to answer.
He opens the door as it lets out a creak. He looks down at me and I notice that he has a little bit of a red puffiness to his eyes, as if he was crying in his sleep.
“Kagome?” He asks lowly, confused. I stare at him, stunned for a second as I realize that he just called me by my name. I get back on track, mentally shaking my head and I look up at him.
“A-are you alright…Inu—I mean—master?” I stutter, still trying to get used to the name he's making me use for him. “I heard you scream for your mother…. and so I came to see what happened…”
He looked at me in disbelief…. then anger…. then confusion…then annoyance…. and ended up at a blank stare. “Uh…yea…I'm ok…Why would you worry, anyway? I mean, you should be afraid of me, I did almost take you back there.” He stated in annoyance.
I could tell he was faking.
He wasn't ok at all.
“Yeah, but the fact is that you didn't… so I'm grateful. And I genuinely wanted to see what was wrong.” I pressed, hoping to get some sort of answer. I WAS pissed the hell off, but he deserves some sympathy…I saw the guilt back there; And there is a reason for it.
“Look, wench, I don't need to explain anything, I just…. *growl* it's nothing, just leave me alone before I DO take you by force.” He snaps, glaring at me as he spoke.
I sigh and I give in “Fine, Master, I'll leave you be. I really do hope you'll feel better, though. And I know you wouldn't try to take me again...I saw it in your eyes...” I say and then I walk away from his door and head to the kitchen. I can feel his eyes burning into my back as I walk away from him. I don't find a reason to care; I just want to know why he was calling for his mother…. Maybe Miroku will give me some answers…
I walk to the kitchen and I find Miroku eating raw steak. “Soo……can't handle cooked meat, oh mighty perverted vampire Miroku?” I comment and smirk. He grins and laughs. “Nope, I believe this vampire loves raw more than anything, if you know what I mean...” He states with a very lecherous grin plastered on his face.
“How'd I know you'd come back with something dirty?” I say flatly and laugh. “Do you think I can get something to eat that humans can eat without getting sick?” I ask, smiling as I head towards the cabinet, opening it up.
I instantly shut it.
And hold in my vomit.
“Ooops …I suppose I should've told you about that one, huh? That's where we keep all the leftovers of our kills…. sorry...” He said, scratching the back of his head. I look at him and stare blankly, stating “ Yeah... you could've mentioned know…before I reached for the cabinet. I don't feel like eating now…”
“Hey…Miroku….What's wrong with Inuyasha? He looked guilty when he was… ”punishing” me…” I ask, curious.
He looks at me with a long stare and I feel nervous under his gaze. “Let's just say that his father wasn't exactly in contol when he got angry at his wife; Inuyasha's mother… I can't say any more, though… He'll never forgive me.” He states darkly, the tone of his deep voice runs shivers down my spine.
I then make some sort of “goodbye” hand gesture, too focused on going back to my room, and I remind myself that I'm now in a house full of man eating, blood sucking vampires….
Wait…. when am I gonna go home?!
I suddenly stop, and I choke on a sob as I realize that I might not ever be able to go home! Tears start to cloud my vision and sobs clog my throat as I feel myself get dizzy. I can tell that I'm heading towards the ground and I black out. But before I totally lose my consciousness, I see Inuyasha's face…. but he's worried, and I hear him calling my name.
But I can't answer as I drift into unconsciousness.
(Inuyasha's P.O.V)
I watch the wench walk back down the hall. I have to admit, she has guts for saying that… but that won't save her from me. She'll get what's coming to her… Wait…no…I sound like my father…dammit…. I've gotta stay focused…ugh...
I battle with myself while I silently follow her down the corridor and I watch her in interest as she walks into the kitchen and strikes up a conversation with Miroku. They chat as though they were close friends…. Then Kagome heads towards the cabinet and instantly shuts it as she sees its contents. I let out a low chuckle as she comments about it. She starts to leave and I hide.
I hear her heart stop.
What's with her? Am I found out?
I see her face clouded with horror and worry. She starts to cry and I swear my heart would have sunk…once again if I still had a working one. She starts falling towards the floor and I find myself running to her fragile figure descending towards the ground. I catch her before she hits the ground. She looks up at me for a split second before her eyes shut and she falls unconscious.
I pick her up and I carry her bridal-style to my room. I kick the door open with my foot and I lay her in my bad, covering her up with my blanket and I watch over her, wondering what in the hell this girl is doing to me…
(Miroku's P.O.V *OMG lol*)
I watch Kagome leave, but not before I sense Inuyasha's aura. I follow after her, seeing Inuyasha carrying her, Kagome being unconscious. I follow him and hide behind a corner, watching him kick the door down. Curious, I look into the doorway and I see Inuyasha setting her in his bed and he watches over her. I slightly smile as I realize that Inuyasha has changed a bit…. but that doesn't mean he's gonna change fully… I remind myself and then Inuyasha picks up my scent and I realize that I've been caught.
“Miroku, what are you doing?” He asks me in annoyance.
“Well…. I was just watching the changes you've overcome in the last couple days that you've know that girl…” I comment, smirking at him. I catch his glare and start to grin.
“Oh, come off it! God, I just don't want my slave sick, she won't be of much use then, now would she?” Inuyasha retorts, growling a little.
“Suuure, Inuyasha, I believe you...” I state flatly, rolling my eyes. I look at him seriously, stunning him with the mood change. “But, you can't be so sure you can control yourself, you're gonna kill her if you go on like this…”
He looks down, staring at the floor as I bring this fact to attention. “She's already stressed enough, Inuyasha…give her a break…. try being nice to her for a change, or you won't have a “slave”, as you call it, for much longer…” I add, making his shoulders sag and proving my point that he has changed. I stare at him sympathetically “You are in love with her…. but your trying to hate her so you won't get her or lose yourself…” I finish and then I leave, walking slowly down the hallway and then I notice that there's another aura in the house…other than mine… other than Inuyasha's and Kagome's…
Inuyasha can tell too…I can tell…by the growling…
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*< /div>
Okay! That's the new chapter that I've finally gotten to post! I hope you like it, more explinations…Inuyasha's having some self issues and most likely more aggressive behavior…but not before they find out who thisz “new aura” belongs to. Well, I g2g people, typing gives me hand cramps XD
Sayoonara! Ja Ne