InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 11 - Hope Will Lead the Way ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I do this for free. I'm not affiliated with Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha, and only write free fanfiction for my love of twisting her character's to my dark, demented will. May the smut live on.


Chapter 11 - Hope Will Lead the Way

A/N: Thanks to those of you who nominated 'Violation of Honor' for the category of Best Angst in the Feudal Association's April 2007 Fanfiction Awards. I wish all of the other authors luck as well.

Also... Good luck to the nominee's of this years A Single Spark Fanfiction Awards!

And thanks to all of my reviewers! I'm sorry that I can't always respond individually to your reviews, but please know that I read and love each and every one of them.

I also sing out in eternal gratitude for Risa, my friend and beta.

Now, on with 'Violation of Honor'.....  


"We will camp here tonight," Shippo announced, feeling somewhat manly in his duties. He had never before been the one to choose the speed with which he traveled and the places that he would rest. Those particulars always fell to the older members of his adoptive family. If not Inuyasha, then there was Miroku and even Kagome or Sango, but in this journey things were very different.

Not only was it his decision and his alone when his party would rest and eat, but he was also the soul protector and provider for those in his care. Although it was a heady experience to find himself suddenly in a position of control, there was also a great responsibility now weighing on his shoulders.

He watched as Rin slipped from the saddle of her two-headed dragon. She moved with slender grace and smooth practice. It was obvious that Rin had spent much of her life riding upon Ah-Un's back. Without a word of complaint she began the task of making camp, and Shippo was impressed that she went about her duties as if she needed no other direction from him. Obviously traveling with Lord Sesshomaru had taught her well.

"Will you be alright here while I go search us out a meal?" he asked. He had a pretty good idea that Rin could take care of herself, but she was his to look after on this trip. He had to make sure.

Rin turned from her task and smiled. Shippo was so considerate, and she wasn't used to that at all. Lord Sesshomaru gave orders; he never asked for her opinion. It never bothered her, but the kindness from Shippo was very sweet and she liked that he made the effort to ask her feelings on a matter. "Of course," she answered. "I will gather some dry wood from nearby and get a fire started." She couldn't help but to add, "Hurry back though, because I'm starving!"

Shippo grinned broadly, finding pride in the fact that Rin had no doubts about his ability to provide for her. "I will! By the way, I can hear a small stream just through the forest there," he informed her. If she were anything like Kagome she would want to wash up. She then smiled with a nod, making him feel a little dizzy from the effect.

"Stay safe until I get back!" he called as he lunged through the brush and into the darkening forest. He heard her giggle fading behind him and smiled. He was beginning to really like being in charge.

Rin busied herself with unloading the items that she needed to cook, and then the things they would need to sleep. She pulled out her blanket and bedroll, then a change of clothing. She needed a bath pretty badly, and decided that if she had time she would investigate the forest nearby for signs of a stream where she might bathe.

With skill learned only from a task done many times, Rin pulled Ah-Un's saddle from his back and proceeded to remove his halter as well. As soon as the beast was free of his burden he began to nibble on the acorns scattered on the edge of the forest floor. Rin decided where she would place the sleeping mat and then sited an excellent spot for a cozy fire. She shivered against the cooling temperatures. She was looking around warily when the wind picked up.

It was nearing full autumn and the temperatures were beginning to become a bothersome factor in traveling. She was used to it of course, and prepared to face the winter months ahead, but it was always sad to say goodbye to the green leaves and summer blossoms. Winter was just bleak and freezing. It was the worst time of the year, in her opinion. The snow was pretty at the castle though. She always found it magical there just after a freshly fallen snow. She always thought that Lord Sesshomaru was magnificent looking when he strolled through the wintry courtyard. His pale coloring gave the illusion of a princely statue, all made of beautifully sculpted ice.

After gathering a few pinecones and some dried leaves, Rin set about getting the fire started. Carefully she fanned the tiny flame and added a handful of dry twigs. Once she had it burning nicely she added a few larger pieces of wood then stood up to survey her handiwork. Everything was in order, and she decided that the fire would be fine while she went to freshen up.

After gathering a clean drying cloth and a spare yukata, as well as her special soap that old Makota-sama made for her, she carefully picked her way through the underbrush in the direction of the stream that Shippo mentioned. Once there, Rin sighed a little grumpily. The stream was no wider than her forearm, a mere trickle really. She had been hoping the water would have been deep enough for a full bath. Her hair was full of dust from the road.

Settling to her knees with a sigh, Rin pulled the pot she used for cooking into the water and scooped as much as she could. After moving it safely away, she soaped her cloth and resigned herself to the task of wiping away some of the dirt.

When she was finished, Rin rinsed off and dried her face and arms. She was about to stand up when she noticed a flash of color from the corner of her eye. It was across the little brook and looked like a flower. Rin looked around her curiously, wondering how such a vibrant blossom could have survived the past frigid night.

After a small leap over the water, she stepped closer, ducking her right shoulder down to avoid a low hanging limb. The sound of brittle, dry leaves crunching beneath her feet sounded very loud to her ears. She tried to lighten her step and then hesitated, wondering why she suddenly felt the need to be cautious?

Carefully Rin looked around, listening for anything beyond the trickling stream or the songs of the birds and insects. Living with Lord Sesshomaru had taught her a thing or two about danger. She had a knack for sensing trouble. Having your life taken once and threatened too many times to count could do that to a girl.

Something felt strange, but she couldn't find any evidence to back it up. Nervously she looked around and decided that since she had come this far she would still take a quick peek at the lovely blue flower, and then go straight back to camp. Maybe Shippo was back with something to eat. Her stomach was near to grumbling.

After navigating a small decaying tree stump, Rin reached her goal. Her gaze was transfixed as she took in the crisp colors of the most perfect flower that she had ever laid eyes on. The stem was thick and tulip-like with leaves long and slender. While rounded at the tips, they were thick and fleshy with a glossy shine. The stem rose up to birth a huge blossom in full bloom. It was a delicate blue, so light in color it nearly appeared white. The five thick petals were folded down and tipped at dangling peaks in a dark, dusky indigo. In the center, the brilliant yellow stamen reigned supreme over his vivid subjects the color striking against the pale center of his throne.

"Lovely," Rin breathed in wonder. It was the most beautiful flower that she had ever seen. Before further consideration she sniffed it, and immediately reacted as the pollen assaulted her nose. The sneeze came before a warmth sensation that seemed to rush through her body from her head to her toes where it tickled then faded away. She thought it strange for a moment, but dismissed it as her imagination. She was probably just tired.

The spectacular blossom was a wonder of nature and Rin had a love of nature that stirred her young soul to life. She reached out and touched the base gently, careful not to damage the delicate petals, reverent in her care not to taint the perfect form.

She then snapped the bloom off with a quick jerk of her wrist.

Rin smiled brightly and was proud of her latest find. "Just wait until Shippo sees this in my hair," she whispered.

When she looked up to leave, Rin noticed another bright shade of color just up ahead. It was such a vibrant red that it was nearly impossible to miss. She squinted her eyes, trying to make out what the thing was. Oddly, it looked like a piece of ribbon.

With one glance back toward camp Rin decided that it couldn't hurt to see if it was - as she suspected - a ribbon. Since it was caught on the branch of a tree, she had to tiptoe to reach it then plucked it down. It was, indeed, a ribbon. She rubbed it between her fingertips, thinking how pretty it was and how it must belong to someone who loved it dearly.

She looked around and considered calling out to see if anyone would answer, but quickly decided that it could be dangerous to call attention to herself.

Unexpectedly, her vision quickly became distorted and her lids grew increasingly heavy. She blinked thick, black, lashes and tried rubbing the back of a slender hand over her eyes. It didn't seem to help.

A yawn then broke free and Rin stifled it with the same hand, wondering why she had become so weary so fast. Could the trip have tired her out that badly? She took a step to turn around and return to camp, but her legs suddenly felt weak and her knees wobbly. She was forced to grasp onto a tree limb just to stay upright, and the urge to lie down suddenly became very strong.

It was then that she noticed it. As if her vision had cleared just to view it, Rin spotted the most inviting niche of forest that she had ever set eyes upon. Just ahead there was a bed of mossy growth that looked as soft as feathery down. Many broadleaf plants surrounded it. Their thick, waxy, leaves lent an air of security and peace.

She could almost hear it calling to her. Rest. Sleep.

It seemed like such a long way. If only she could make it there she could catch a short nap to refresh her energy. She was so very tired. Her legs felt as if they were heavy stones. She forced one step and then another, keeping her focus on the one thing that seemed to matter most.

Another yawn and Rin managed two more steps. She stumbled and nearly fell. She shook her head to clear it a little, but it didn't seem to help at all. A few more strides that seemed to take forever and she finally slipped through an opening in the sweet smelling plants. Heavily, she dropped to her knees, blinking slowly in surprise when her things tumbled from her hands to the bed of moss all around.

Faintly, Rin thought that something was wrong; that she was unwell; that she had never gotten this sleepy this fast, but the concerns no sooner came to mind than they were gone with another wave of overwhelming fatigue.

She lay down and nuzzled the softness beneath her body, inhaling the fresh green scent mingled with the rich black soil beneath. Snuggling into the moss blanketed forest floor was better than any bed that she had ever slept on. It felt so good that she literally purred with delight.

As Rin's eyes fluttered closed her last thought was on something that she had forgotten - something important. She was just too sleepy to remember what it was. No matter. It would come to her later, once she had rested.



A chime rang bringing a smile to the old woman's face. The miniature dragon cringed at the scene. His mistress was not a pretty sight. She was ancient, weathered skin, crinkled deeply, winding paths of various depth and width over hanging jowls. Eyes black as night - no trace of white to be found - made a man question the truth of her humanity. Her mouth was nearly toothless; save the lone yellowed survivor dangling in front, while a beefy nose boasted a hairy mole perched near the tip. Her thick tongue flicked out and licked over thin, wrinkled, lips and he knew that some magic had just been set.

She was rarely this happy.

There were only three things that made this hag smile. The first was the sight of a handsome young man which was hard to accept. Women this old and this ugly should not lust over prime studs. It just wasn't right. Shin whipped his long tail around and nibbled at the tip with dagger-like fangs. He finished scratching the itch with a swipe of his long, slender, forked tongue.

Nope. Old witches that were knocking on deaths doormat should not openly desire young virile males. It was offensive to the palate.

That unwise consideration had been the beginning of Shin’s downfall. As the headmaster of a large village - handsome without fault, and a most eligible bachelor - he had been chased by more than his fair share of women. None of them, however, had been old enough to be his great-grandmother. It had thrown him off, and for a moment he had forgotten himself in public. He had openly scoffed at her advances and that mistake had cost him his life in a way that was most terrible.

He had been turned into a dragon.

Not just any dragon. No, he was not to be a magnificent beast both fearsome and strong. She had cast him into the form of a Pixie Dragon. From the tip of his slender, yellow nose to the horn studded tip of his leaf-green tail, he was no longer than a small lizard. He was, however, rather unique in form since his coloring was of the chameleon variety, making it easy to hide from potential predators.

Too bad he hadn't had the ability when he was human. He certainly would have hidden from this particular predator.

The second thing that could make the wicked crone smile was a good batch of rice wine. The old bat could get sideways on the saki. Shin enjoyed those times, since she didn't last long and usually passed out quickly. Too bad she didn't imbibe more often.

Unfortunately, the third thing that brought a smile to her face was money. She would do anything for it. Anything. She was vile, evil - wickedness of the deepest, darkest, degree.

It was actually the way that she made her money which Shin found so hard to stomach. Nothing could be so cruel, so awful, as the black arts performed by her hands. She was a witch of the Stygion Guild. A coven taught the secrets of dark magic born of blood sacrifice. Her most recent quarry was of the young female virgin variety. Though Shin was a dragon now, he had the heart of a man, and it wounded him greatly to see the frightened, youthful women begging and pleading for their lives.

If only he could escape the chain that remained linked around his long, slender neck then maybe he could find a way to stop her. After all, he alone knew her secret.

Her scratchy, decrepit voice interrupted his musing.

"Aha! My trap has sprung at last. Hehe!" she cackled, and rubbed her gnarled hands together. "Just when I needed it, too. The time draws near that I must add that most valuable ingredient into my brew."

It was as he'd guessed. There would be another virginal sacrifice soon. A shudder of revulsion ran through him. If only he could help those poor, innocent, girls.

With a heavy sigh and a tiny puff of white smoke from his flared nostrils, Shin crawled up the branch of bamboo in his ornate birdcage and settled down. He may as well get some sleep now, for there would be none later with all the crying.

The witch scuttled out back to the lean, narrow wagon and hitched it to the equally ancient old mule. She grabbed the braided rein and gave a yank to get the stubborn fool moving.

The hag followed the trail into the forest behind the squat little house. It wound a path through the trees and deeper. The light was nearly gone, but she knew the route well enough. It was not far now.

Arriving at her destination, Hazuki took a quick look around, before bending down to inspect her victim. She was younger than the last one and much prettier too. The potion would be made strong with her blood.

A grin spread, but was just as quickly dropped. She had to move the girl, before anyone saw.

With several tugs that strained her aching back, and more grunts than she knew how to count, Hazuki managed to pull the girl onto the low wooden cart. With a few commands to her mule, she had it turned and headed back to the safety of her home.

After backing up to the door of her home, there was another struggle to unload the girl's dead weight. She took a moment to straighten her back - the bones creaked and popped and she groaned from the pain. She was getting too old for this. Either she needed to retire or hire a henchman.

As she studied the sleeping virgin, Hazuki pondered retirement. She had a few good years left in her bones. She wasn't ready to stop just yet, but henchmen were such a bothersome lot. They were either too thickheaded to be of much use other than a strong arm, or serious trouble to keep in line.

Most of them were too afraid of her to apply for the job anyway and the ones who were not were too stupid to care.

With a snort of disgust from her thick, hooked nose Hazuki locked the cage door then turned away. She would ponder on that later. She had work to do now.  


After foraging, Shippo arrived back at camp proudly displaying two fat fish and carrying a bag full of nuts in his pouch. When there was no greeting, he looked around curiously; a little disappointed with the absence of feminine squeals and compliments on his fishing prowess.

With a sniff the kitsune determined that Rin had not been near the camp for some time now, because her scent was gradually fading. Hadn't she returned from bathing yet? She should've had plenty time. "Rin?" At his call, Ah-Un lifted both of its heads, then grunted in a worried fashion before staring into the forest.

Shippo began to feel tendrils of anxiety creeping into his bloodstream. He had to follow the same brook that she was using a good distance downstream before finding a pool deep enough to harbor any fish. It had taken more time than he had anticipated. It was long enough that Rin should have returned by now. Besides, it was fully dark and Rin couldn't possibly see in the forest with her human eyes.

The panic he felt at that realization sent Shippo's heart into a frantic rhythm. His mind went blank, but something down deep inside came to life. He was youkai and he was not without powers of his own. He could find Rin, and he needed to quite with the hysterics and do it.

With a sharp nod of filled with determination, Shippo tossed down the fish. "Don't worry Ah-Un, I'll find her!" He assured the dragon.

Shippo could see that the huge beast was concerned for Rin and wanted to follow, unfortunately the forest was too thick, making it impossible to get through with its bulk. Finally giving up, the dragon preformed an agitated kick with its hind leg, and then settled down in the tall dry grass to wait for Shippo's return.

Rin's scent went toward the stream. Shippo followed it, singling out her fresh sweetness from the other smells of the surrounding forest. He liked Rin very much, and it worried him that she could be hurt or lost. He picked up his pace, scurrying between bushes and trees until he came to a small stream. He found Rin's footsteps along the bank and knew that was where she had bathed. He spotted her pot sitting nearby and felt his heart begin to race. "Rin?" He called, alarm growing. She was his responsibility. His to protect. "Rin!"

No reply came to him. His echoing call sounded invasive amongst the quiet forest gloom. The woodland was silent. No night birds sang. No crickets chirped for mates. It was too quiet. "Rin!"

Shippo scurried further down the stream, following her steps until they disappeared altogether. "Huh?" he muttered to himself. Why would she jump across the stream? He continued to pursue. He leaped over; ducked a branch and trailing it around until he found a damaged plant. Rin had touched it, and snapped a flower off. He reached out, grazing the fluid still seeping from the broken stem. It had not been very long ago.

She made a path to a tree and stood beneath it, while brushing a limb over-head. He followed her path to a shady spot of moss, and there he stopped. She had lain on that moss. He was sure of it. The thing that had his heart pounding hard in his chest was the other scent. It was rather rank and smelled of old age - human for sure, but something more. Something bad. There was lingering traces of magic and he could only imagine the worst. Someone had kidnapped Rin.

He spotted the twin grooves of a wagon and smelled the animal that pulled it. Even in the darkness his youkai eyes could see the impression of its hooves.

Since Rin's scent went no further, it was obvious that she had not walked away. That meant she'd been carried. Why? What did the human want with Rin?

Shippo couldn't imagine why Rin would leave with anyone unless she was unconscious and that scared the shit out of him. Thankfully, he smelled no blood. That was encouraging at least

He followed the trail through the woods, but then, as if by magic, it was gone. All signs of the cart seemed to fade away completely. Shippo growled in frustration. Where did it go? Beyond the forest he saw only a steep rocky incline, nearly impossible to pass.

Rin!" Shippo shouted, louder this time. Nagging worry had turned to real fear for his friend. There was something foul going on. Someone had taken Rin, and it was up to him to get her back.  


Sesshomaru awoke to an all too familiar ache between his legs. Still groggy from sleep, it took him a moment to realize the extent of his newest dilemma. After blinking away the lingering residue of sleep from his golden eyes he looked around for the source.

She was lying there, still asleep, shivering from the cold night air and completely unaware of what was taking place.

The female time of bleeding would soon be upon her.

Her scent had grown heady. Warm spice and sweet honey. The aroma was teasing his senses and bringing his body to life. He shifted, and his stiff manhood twitched in awareness of her ripening.

With a heavy sigh he leaned his head back and stared at the stone ceiling overhead in dismay. How could this happen to him? Was his existence not miserable enough without this?

He also wondered at his physical reaction. It was not all-consuming, but the instinct to mate was there and could hardly be ignored. His cock was hard and solid. The urge to ease the burden was strong. A human female had never affected Sesshomaru thus. Not once, in all of his centuries.

Why now?

She shifted in her sleep, releasing a fresh amount of that compelling fragrance, and Sesshomaru throbbed with the need to relieve his burden deep within her warm, soft body. He thought it rather surprising, really, that he could react at all. After the treatment done to him by Asuza and Iku Sesshomaru had doubted that he would ever again gain a willing erection. In a strange way it was comforting to know that it was still possible.

The one responsible for arousing his lust?

The miko, Kagome.

Several years ago, she was the bane of his existence. An intriguing bane, he had to admit, but still a bane. Now, years later, he unexpectedly finds himself enjoying her presence. In the short days since her arrival Sesshomaru had come to need her in ways that he had never dreamed possible. Her human nature was no longer of consequence. He found respect and appreciation in her character.

Living through hell had a way of changing one's outlook rather dramatically.

The scent was a celebration of his senses, causing Sesshomaru to groan out a curse under his breath. He tried to close his mind to the assault on his instincts, but escaping from it was just as futile as departing from the cell altogether. Sesshomaru could not help thinking that this was nearly as cruel as being forced to service Asuza.

When she began to awaken, he considered snarling simply out of frustration. Unfortunately, the sentiment would merely be lost on the miko, for she was blind and could not see his distress. Considering the thickly swollen organ currently lying between his thighs, it was most likely a blessing that she could not see. It would probably frighten the innocent miko out of her wits.

This misery she hefted on him was unintentional, but just as unwanted and just as invasive, as any other. He could hardly control his instincts, and for some uncanny reason, they were screaming to join with the miko during her fertile time. He had never suffered such an affliction from a mortal woman's heat. It was most unexpected and puzzling.

Unfortunately, he was aware that things would only tumble downhill from there. Once her time came upon her, he would not only scent her heat, but her blood as well. And he was literally starving for it. His body craved it. His mouth watered just thinking on it. It had been so long since he had consumed the proper nourishment required by his youkai body that smelling fresh blood within reach would drive him nearly mad.

Kagome sat up, wiping the sleep from her eyes, completely unaware of the inner struggle taking place so near. She slid up to a sitting position then groaned as a cramp hit low within her stomach. The realization of what that pain actually meant dawned on her and she covered her face in her hands wearily. This was the worst possible time and place to start her period.

"Why me?" she mumbled. It seemed like nothing was going her way lately. This was only one more thing going wrong in a long line of things.

Sesshomaru watched as she pulled herself up, but looked away when she moved toward the bucket to relieve her bladder. Being locked in the cell was about to become an even worse nightmare than it had been already. She was obviously in discomfort from the woman's pains, but she still had no idea of the effect it was having on him. For the first time he began to consider the irons binding his neck and wrists a blessing of sorts. Had he not been bound in such a fashion things could become very complicated indeed.

Kagome cleaned up as best she could with what little water she was able to save from her drinking cup. She wanted a bath so badly that it was killing her. She reached up and ran a hand through her hair. Besides sticking out everywhere, it felt oily and full of dust and dirt from the cell floor. She plucked a piece of straw from the mess and cursed the name Oda Nobunaga once more. She was beginning to agree with Uchuu. Maybe she should have just let him die.

Thinking of Uchuu brought back the horror of the previous day and Kagome gasped, then reached for the bars. "Uchuu? Can you hear me? It's Kagome. Uchuu, you have to hold on. You have your whole life ahead of you. You have to stay alive. Your family needs you."

Sesshomaru thought her conviction admirable. From the previous day's hysteria to this current show of compassionate strength, the girl was forever surprising him with change. She certainly was an interesting creature. It would take a lifetime to discover and understand a female like her, and there were no guarantees even then. It was clear now, why Inuyasha would not sever his ties with Kagome although he yearned for another. Stupid boy.

Kagome was an oddity among her kind. Unusual to a fault. A rare find. For a moment he was stunned. When had his assessment of the miko changed so drastically? Or had he always held her in high regard? Perhaps he had. He would never tell another soul, but if he were truthful with himself, he had to admit to a lingering respect for the priestess.

Sesshomaru thought back to their first encounter. She had been very young then, and obviously inexperienced in the art of battle, but she faced him like a warrior.

Oh, he was still of the notion that she should learn not to interfere in a battle between two men. That had not changed. His argument on the matter would make for an interesting debate with her one day. He could only imagine the ire that he could stir with a few well placed comments. He was sure that she would be furious.

Her temper never failed to send a flush of red across her cheeks and that was always satisfying to witness. The glow proved that he had pricked beneath her skin. Perhaps, one day, they would meet on different terms - at a different place and time - and have the opportunity to discuss the matter of honorable battle.

Maybe in a different life.

When she received no response from Uchuu, Kagome then twisted her face in a thoughtful pose. She was thinking on something very hard, and Sesshomaru could not begin to hazard a guess as to her minds' focus.

When she stopped and looked directly at him, he wondered for just one terrible moment, if she could see him. Sadly, Sesshomaru felt relieved once he realized that she was staring straight through him, still proving her inability to see.

What she said next gave him pause.

"Listen up. We are going to break out of here. I'm tired of sitting around and doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself. I refuse to do it anymore."

Sesshomaru could not have stopped his lip from curling into a smile if he had tried. Here was the girl he remembered.

Kagome was determined to find a way out. There had to be something that they could do. "If we work together, using both of our strengths, maybe there is a way, and maybe the key isn't in magic at all, maybe it will take our minds."

He was impressed. She was thinking with her head and that could prove to be her most valuable asset yet. He seriously doubted that she would succeed, but the viewing of her efforts would help to pass the time. She was already confirmed as excellent entertainment. The 'sit' command that she used on Inuyasha was unceasingly enjoyable. The performance never failed to amuse him, and he always gave it rave reviews.

Kagome refused to be deterred by her silent companion. She had no doubts that he wanted to escape from this horrible place, so she steamed on ahead with her plan. "First, we need to work on getting you free. I've got a feeling that those cuffs would be no trouble for you if that nasty spell wasn't on them." She shivered just thinking about the oozing evil that she had felt there. "I have to tell ya, I do not want to touch those things again, because they are seriously casting off some bad vibes. But, I will if it means we can get out of here."

Before he could gather a snarl of protest, she had plopped her person right up near his head in order to closely inspect the metal bonds. The snarl that had begun to gather transformed into a strangled inhalation as the scent of her body invaded his mind in heady doses. Though she wore a layer of dirt and grime, her natural sweet smell bled through it all hinting at a hidden delicacy that he could hardly ignore.

He would never have thought it, killed to deny it, but she smelled heavenly.

"Hey! You can just quit sniffing me right now. I know that I stink; I don't need you to rub it in. It isn't like I can grab a shower you know."

Sesshomaru snorted with lightly veiled amusement. She had no idea, and he hoped to keep it that way. Unfortunately, however, the brazen wench was far from through accosting his person. When her tiny hand felt along the wall until she came to the manacles holding his wrists she avoided the steel and feathered her fingers over his skin. Had his arm not been numb from hours of cramped dangling, he might have enjoyed the touch.

Though his arms were numb, the rest of him was not. He watched her, wondering what she was planning, and trying to maintain some semblance of control. She traced an invisible path around the offending metal, clearly loath to touch it, then finally, as he was nearly at the end of his patience, she sent up a prayer.

"By all that is good and pure in this life give me strength to break through this evil."

Kagome inhaled deeply and touched it.

"By the Kami, I have never felt anything so disgusting. It's.... black. Strong." Her voice broke off as the strain began to overcome her. Suddenly she felt a flare of his jaki, but it was weak, too weak to aid her efforts. The metal sizzled and popped, growing hot, until she was forced to let it go.

Kagome fell back breathing deep, gasping for air, while wiping her hands furiously against her hakama. Her hands felt dirty and her skin crawled, but thankfully the lingering taint of evil was soon overcome by her own body's purification sources. "Wow. That was so gross."

Sesshomaru ignored the heat from the armband, since it was cooling now that she had released it, and considered her comment. Simply attempting to follow a conversation with the miko could be a task. She spoke in such a strange fashion using words that were unfamiliar or inappropriate... almost foreign.

Kagome sighed heavily. "If they hadn't been starving us, I'm sure that we could have put a dent into it. As it is, I'm drained, and I can imagine that you are too. The spell is just too strong. I've never touched anything interwoven with so much darkness." She shivered and scooted away. "It was worth a try though. Maybe if we try it again later something will give. If we keep hitting it with our power, maybe we can put a crack in the spell's structure."

Kagome couldn't hide her disappointment, but still refused to give up completely. "Maybe there's another way? Do you see anything that could be used to break out of here? Maybe a loose stone or badly rusted metal bar?" When she received no reply Kagome shook her head with frustration. "You know, this would be a whole lot easier if you would talk to me."

The shadowy form leaning against the wall was phantom-like to her malfunctioning eyes. She could now see a dark outline where before she only saw darkness, but it was still impossible to tell anything about the object of interest. She refused to complain, however, since it was improving - no matter how slowly. The gradual increase in clarity was enough to give hope that her condition was not permanent and for that she was extremely grateful.

Kagome considered her cellmate. She still couldn't see him and had no idea if he was answering her or ignoring her completely. Suddenly she smiled brightly and said, "I've got an idea! I will put my hand on your cheek. You can shake your head from side to side for 'no' or nod once for 'yes'." She clapped her hands together once, in an excited manner, but didn't wait for him to reply before continuing. "Great! Now, I'll ask you one more time. Have you seen anything useful in here that we can use?"

Would she actually touch his face? Was she that trusting or that dim witted? Had she no concept of the damage his fangs could do? He could snap through the slender bone in her forearm with little effort. Oddly enough, that gruesome vision was somewhat disturbing to Sesshomaru causing him to frown in confusion over his growing interest in Kagome.


He had taken to using her given name? Hn. The miko could, very well, be more dangerous to his usual way of life than even Asuza. He would have to be careful with this evolving association. He was in no position to offer protection, or anything else.

Kagome leaned forward a little, unsure of exactly where the guy's head was. She didn't want to grope all over him, because he probably wouldn't appreciate that very much - plus, she was a little afraid of what she might find. He could be gruesome.

She was taking a big risk getting this close to a youkai that had only shown her his displeasure and nearly complete silence.

Maybe I should think about this a minute.... I could draw back a nub.

Kagome wasn't normally a big risk taker. She looked both ways... twice, and she never attempted to run the yellow light. She was a rather conservative dresser and most of her shoes were brown, but when the heat was on, Kagome was always willing to do what it takes to save a friend and put a stop to evil. In this case, that meant she had to save Uchuu, and put a stop to the depraved youkai, Asuza.

The only way to achieve her goal was to escape as quickly as possible. If she could get away, then she could go find Inuyasha. They defeated Naraku while he held nearly three-quarters of the Shikon no Tama. Kagome was confident that they could destroy Asuza too.

They had to help Uchuu.

Just thinking about the good-humored, friendly youkai dying just a stone's throw away from her was torment at its most gut-wrenching capacity. Before he was tortured, Uchuu had spoken of a girl that he thought he might love. A mortal girl. Against the odds those two had found one another, and it tore her up to think that they would not have a future together. It was a silly, romantic reason, but it was good enough for Kagome.

Besides, it was wrong to commit such horrible crimes against others, and she was sure that Inuyasha would agree.

The only choice was escape, and to do that, she had to communicate with her cellmate... Starting with the basics.

"Look, I'm hoping that you won't bite my hand off. I really do need it. You see, I think that you would like to get out of here even more than I do, and to do that we have to communicate. If you just can't stand it, well, growl or something and I'll stop." Without further discussion Kagome leaned forward. Her heart was pounding a frantic rhythm in her chest and she tried to pretend that he couldn't hear it. She unconsciously held her breath. All of her focus went to listening for a reaction - anything that would warn her against what she was doing.

Kagome went slowly - very slowly - reaching out, afraid of what she would feel, and fearful of what he might do. She had no idea why he wouldn't speak. By her touch, she could discover that he had been mutilated or some other horrible thing. She could also bump into razor sharp teeth that could strip the flesh from her bone with just one slash.

When she finally came into contact with his warmth, Kagome gasped, and flinched her fingertips back for a brief second. Calming herself, she touched again, gradually applying more pressure, until she could identify where she was touching him.

He was tall, because she was currently grazing his chest.

She blushed furiously, and hoped he didn't notice. His chest was very firm, at least what she touched of it had been. "Oops, sorry," she mumbled, and shifted her hand upward. She felt him move, her fingers brushed against hair that was straight and silky. Insanely, she considered revisiting it, but quickly abandoned the whim for safety's sake. She couldn't lie to herself, however, it did feel nice and she wouldn't mind accidentally brushing over it again.

With the tip of her forefinger she brushed the shell of one pointy ear and from there easily found his cheek. She determined that her fingertip was too close to his eye when she felt the soft tickle of long eyelashes. Carefully she moved her hand downward, softly caressing the skin and marveling at the texture against her palm. It was smooth and satiny, yet had that raw feel of masculinity that every woman craves. From what she could assess, he was not at all a hideous beast. In fact, she was now inclined to think he was very handsome and completely humanoid.

That would mean that he was very powerful.

Sango once told her long ago that the most powerful, most deadly youkai, were the ones that could change their forms to a mortal image. The closer to human they appeared the mightier the foe.

From that one small touch she couldn't be completely sure that he didn't still have some feature that would betray his true nature. He could have a tail, or even huge tusks. She certainly didn't want to find out by means of physical inspection, so that left her to guess.

He could be as powerful as Kouga the wolf, or even stronger, like Menomaru the moth demon from the continent.

That was a scary thought.

Kagome gulped hard, swallowing an increasingly uncomfortable knot in her throat. She was suddenly not so confident in her plan. If he were anything like Menomaru....

Sesshomaru felt her tense and begin to retreat. Something had made her falter, and as much as he disdained the act, he gently nuzzled his face against her hand. The move succeeded in deterring her away from retreat. He did not enjoy it. He did not. He simply wanted to communicate as she wished.

He also blamed it on the scent of her heat. It was driving him to the brink of madness.

Kagome was shocked when he rubbed softly against her palm. He was not being cruel at all; instead he was trying to convince her not to pull away. She was more curious now than ever of whom this youkai was. There was something about him that felt... familiar? No. She brushed it off. That was just silly. She couldn't possibly know him.

With a small shake of her head she tried to focus on her original goal. She wanted to ask him some questions and now she had her chance.

"Is Uchuu alive?" Was that her voice, Kagome wondered for an instant? It had come out in a breathy whisper when she could have sworn that she was going for confident and capable.

She expelled a deep sigh of relief when he gave a curt nod for 'yes'. She had been praying for it, but it was nice to have it validated.

Without pause she moved on to the next question at the top of her list. "Have you spotted anything that could be used for escape?" Her heart fell when he shook his head from side to side negatively. It confirmed her suspicions, but was disappointing to know just the same. "I was afraid of that."

Next Sesshomaru expected her to ask him something personal, in fact, prepared himself to drive her away, but she surprised him yet again by acting beyond his presumptions. Instead of prying, she simply stood up, then politely stepped back. Perhaps that simple act impressed him more than any other. This Kagome, whom he had once thought a mere ridiculous girl with a fool's good fortune, was much more than he ever thought. He was fascinated.

And he wanted her.

Beyond explanation, beyond pain and insanity, this woman was cast upon his miserable existence just in time to save him from utter despair. He was convinced that she was a gift from the Gods, for what simple luck could be so inadvertently fortuitous?

In Sesshomaru's lifetime he had excelled in the life of a demon prince. He had also fallen to the role of lowly slave. Once he had been respected and loathed by his enemies. Now he was nothing. Unexpectedly, a miracle had entered his life just when he had given up and resigned himself to a contemptible death. This miracle came to him in the form of a human miko.

The Gods do love their games.

Sesshomaru was not the fool that he once was. His life, his very outlook on the world, had changed through the hardships that he had endured. No longer was he blind to the possibilities between the two of them. Kagome's touch had stirred him to back life, and her words had woven a web of hope. He could survive this. He would not die so easily.

Sesshomaru curled his lip in a feral sneer. There were new reasons to find a way out of this damnable mess that he was in, and it was time that he revived his efforts to do so.

Asuza and her foul henchman will never break this Sesshomaru!  


A/N: I hope that you enjoyed this episode of 'Violation of Honor'. Stay tuned for Chapter 12 where Rin awakens to discover her dire predicament, while Shippo tries to figure out a way to save her. Kagome is visited by her monthly menses driving Sesshomaru crazy. The poor little princess, Chisumi reappears in our story and Asuza will once again call upon her sex slave.

Until then...

Ja ne~







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