InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 15 - Divine Intervention ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I do this for free. I'm not affiliated with Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha, and only write free fanfiction for my love of twisting her character's to my dark, demented will. May the smut live on.


Chapter 15 - Divine Intervention

A/N: Hi everyone! I am so pleased with the reviews that I received from you all on the last two chapters that I could absolutely pop! I just love you guys. You are my inspiration.

There was one review comment that disturbed me and I direct this reply to sendosha on You made the comment that it bothered you very much about the Shippo and Rin scenes because you see them as children, so you skipped them. I really hate to hear that, because you missed some really sweet things in there. I believe that you are mistaken about their ages in my story. Remember that Rin is no longer a little girl. She and Shippo are teens. This story takes place three years after Naraku's destruction, but there were years devoted to tracking and killing the evil hanyou. People grow up. My daughter is 14, and she's been 'in love' at least three times in the last two years. I've always imagined Rin as being around her age. The story between Rin and Shippo is an innocent little tale about first love, and I don't think that you will find anything in there immoral. Shippo has a few wayward thoughts, but he's a teenage boy/fox and most teenage boys are full of those - that's why we guard our daughter so closely! LOL! Besides, he grew up with Miroku, so he's bound to pick up on some bad habits. You have my word that their relationship will never go beyond a few stolen kisses. I did not take offense to your comment, so don't worry over that, but I thought that I would clear that situation up for you. I'm sorry that it was unclear in the first place. I would never write about anything concerning sex and children. As a mother myself, I find the topic pretty sick, too. I hope that you will feel better about the relationship between Rin and Shippo from now on. I would hate to think that you missed some of my best stuff! Thank you so much for your review and for alerting me to your concerns.

I had a few questions that I would like to answer as well. wicked from asked if this was going to be a long story. My answer, YES. You all know how long-winded I am when I tell a tale. In fact, I can tell you that, currently, 'Violation of Honor' is not even half-complete. Which brings me to a question from pammychan from You mentioned the fact that - back in chapter 10 - I promised only a few more chapters of the dungeon scenes. True, I did, and I'm sorry that it hasn't progressed beyond that point just yet. Everything that is happening there has been deeply thought out to coincide with the rest of the story. I'm not making this up as I go along. I have thought every stage of this story through and I have everything timed to come together during certain important events. I'm glad that you are enjoying the story, and I promise that Kagome and Sesshomaru will be out of the dungeon very soon.

To unlikelygoddess on Thank you for your support. Sorry, but I do not have an alert list for updates on 'Violation'. I've never had one for any of my stories, however, has this story posted, and they have a function that, when selected, will alert a reader when one of the stories they have been reading is updated. That may help.

RyokoBlueon I'm not sure where you read that I wasn't going to update this fic anymore, because I certainly never said that, and I apologize if anything that I wrote lead you to believe such. I fully intend to update, as often as I can, until this story is complete. As for needing a beta, I appreciate your offer very much, but I already have a wonderful beta. She and I have been working together since Chapter 8. I'm glad that you are enjoying the story, and thanks for reviewing!

To Kat, Jean, Neko-sama, Tana-san, cocoke5, hasu86, demonlordlover, Blue Moon Vixen, lockedincar, ShadesofNight114, docbevculver, Miss_Marilyn69, Inusbabe, PitaBread, karla, and Tiffany (as well as anyone that I may have accidentally left out).... Your reviews are always a pleasure to read. You all are wonderful and I appreciate the time that you take to leave me a message. It's great to know that I have such wonderful support!

And last but definitely not least, thanks goes to my partner, Risa. Through your editing you've helped make this fanfiction what it is!

Now.... on with the story. Enjoy!


Kagome was shaking with uncontrollable emotion. She couldn't seem to get a grip on herself. Uchuu had been trying for some time now to talk her out of the state that she was in, but it wasn't working and she really had no idea why. She could hear his soothing voice, but it just didn't matter. Her mind was too distraught.

All that she could think about was him. They had taken him, her silent companion. The men had come and he had fought, but his struggles were useless against their weapons. She had been helpless to save him. There were too many of them, and it had taken only one burly guard to intercept her feeble attempt in aiding the youkai that she now thought of as a friend. The smelly brute had slammed her against the bars, even rubbing his disgusting body suggestively against her, all the while teasing her about horrible things that happened to interfering bitches in the dungeon.

The struggle was over so unbelievably fast. Before she could even push against the man's chest, the youkai had been shoved from the cell. The door then closed behind them, leaving her alone to listen to the snarling fit of their captive as he struggled.

They led him away, but not toward the door. It left her to hope that they were simply moving him to a different cell, but after hearing the sounds of splashing water from deeper within the dungeon, Kagome knew that she had been wrong. She wondered if it was merely 'bath day', but there was no such luck there either.

Soon, they had escorted him back past their cell and out of heavy dungeon door. It occurred to Kagome afterward, that the youkai had become somewhat docile by the time they shoved him through the wooden door. She supposed that the last of his strength had been depleted in the struggle, after all, he was malnourished, injured, and drugged.

The full force of it all,hit her like a punch to the stomach, causing her knees to go suddenly weak. Kagome leaned heavily against the bars and slid down to the filthy floor. A sob ripped from her chest and she curled her legs up, burying her face, then letting her fear and sorrow pour out in a good long cry.

He had been taken, just as Uchuu had been taken. Would they bring him back missing a limb and nearly dead? Would they bring him back at all? Oh Gods, she couldn't bare to think of the pain that he was probably enduring. It just wasn't fair. He had suffered enough!

Kagome lost herself in her tears. She let them come, welcoming the drifting weightlessness that true despair could bring. Her mind was consumed with her plight, as well as the plight of her companion. Images of horrible tortures being visited on her mysterious youkai cellmate plagued her ruthlessly. It seemed that nothing could stop her imagination from running amuck.

As with all moments of hysteria, the time finally came to put it behind her. Little by little she drifted back to a more level state of consciousness. Kagome wiped at the moisture on her cheeks. Her sobs became sniffles and the shaking began to decrease. She was still consumed with worry for her new friend, but it no longer breathed of terror. She knew that she had to calm down, if not for herself, then for her cellmate when he was returned. Kagome was determined to aid him in any way that she could. She would have to think sensibly in order to administer the help that he might need.

The cell felt empty without him. She had grown used to the caress of his aura, the sound of his breathing, and the scent of his skin. Actually, she had become rather fond of him. As much as his silence annoyed her, the mystery of him fascinated her. He listened to her talk non-stop at times without saying a word himself, yet she felt his interest. Occasionally he would grunt of snort sarcastically, and sometimes he would sigh or groan. Oddly enough, every little sound that came from him had been cherished, almost like a treat to savor.

Kagome straightened and inhaled a deep, somewhat shaky breath. There was some sort of connection between the two of them. It was a tie that left her comfortable in his presence. Even in the darkness of her own handicap he somehow made her feel safe just by being there.

When had it happened? How? She did not feel that way about Uchuu, and it was the monkey that had freely, and verbally, been kind. They had spoken of family and friends, of hopes and dreams. So why was it different with him? The connection that she felt for Uchuu was definitely not the same. This went much deeper.

She remembered the feel of his skin beneath her fingertips, and the soft brush of his long hair. Being close to him made her nervous, but it wasn't from fear. She was curious about him, and concerned. She realized the depth of her attraction when they dragged him away. Strange, that until that moment, she had not noticed how much she had grown attached to the silent youkai sharing her cell.

Could a person fall in love with someone that they had never seen, or even heard? Kagome shook her head with frustration. No. That was crazy. The trauma of her situation was messing with her mind. It had to be.

For years she had loved Inuyasha. It was a love that began in the blossom of womanhood, and followed her for many years. She had been only fifteen years old when she met the half-demon. It seemed like so long ago. He had been so brave and fearsome - her personal hero - but then the truth of Kikyo's existence came out. Since then her feelings had remained private. She knew it was useless to discuss them with him. He had was too young and headstrong to listen anyway. She couldn't imagine sitting down with Inuyasha for a nice long talk about their 'feelings'. He would probably run away screaming.

This feeling, though, it was different. This ache in her stomach when she thought of her silent youkai nearly took her breath. To think that he could be suffering some unimaginable horror even as she sat there, made her want to break down in tears all over again. Was it love? She really, honestly didn't know. She cared for him in a way that she had never experienced before, but things were so insane right now that she was afraid to guess how deeply it ran. It could simply be some sort of bond from sharing such traumatizing moments in their lives - like prisoners of war.

All she really knew, at that moment, was that she wouldn't be able to rest until she knew that he was safe.

"Kagome? Are you alright?"

Kagome wiped one more traitorous tear and cleared her throat. "I'll be okay, Uchuu. I'm just really worried."

"If it helps, I don't think they want the same thing from him, that they want from me."

Kagome lifted her head and turned toward Uchuu's voice. "Why do you think that?"

"I was taken to a torture chamber - and I wasn't given a bath first. That's a place where they interrogate prisoners. It's because they want me to tell them the secret to gaining entrance into our lands. You see, there's a barrier that keeps our clan safe from attack, but as with all barriers, there's a weakness. These assholes want me to tell them our weakness, but I won't do that. I'd rather die. Too many of my people, and yours, would perish if I talk. It doesn't matter how much pain they put me through. I cannot ever tell.

"Our silent companion is useful to them in a different way - one that, I fear, may be worse on the mind than the body. Since I came here, they have taken him away several times. He came back a mess, but not nearly as damaged as I." Uchuu left it at that, allowing Kagome time to absorb his words. He didn't think that she needed to know of the vile things that were really being done to the inu - that they would use his body against his will. The repeated rape of a youkai warrior like the white inu must have fucked with the guy's mind pretty damned bad. His body could withstand the damage, but his mind could very well crack.

Uchuu knew that the youkai wanted his identity to be kept from Kagome, and he had little doubt of the reason. He was obviously ashamed. Damn, he couldn't blame him. Just thinking of the reaction from those who know him when they see his missing tail made him cringe.

"So... you think he will come back, then?" Kagome whispered hopefully.

"Unless he manages to escape them, I think that he will."

"I hope that he does escape," Kagome said. "Do you think that he would come back for us?" Oh, she hoped so.

"I don't know," Uchuu replied. "I don't know him that well. From what I've observed, I believe that he was once a great warrior. It is in his eyes. They look at you with cold calculation, as if he misses nothing. I imagine him to be a great beast. A creature of unimaginable proportions. Fearsome. I can't imagine how he came to be here in the first place."

"What sort of youkai is he?" Kagome asked curiously.

"I think that he would rather I not tell you," Uchuu replied.

"Why is that?"

"I'm sorry Kagome, I feel obliged to keep his secrets. He has his reasons."

"Oh," Kagome sighed with disappointment. "I wish that I could understand his reasons, but I find it hard when I have no idea why he acts the way that he does."

"Sometimes, ignorance can be bliss, my friend."

Kagome blinked and shook her head softly. "Maybe. It's just so frustrating that he won't talk. I wish I knew whether he was doing it purposefully, or if he has lost his ability to speak."

"I suppose that I can answer that for you, at least. He chooses not to speak."

"What? But... but... why?" She could fathom a reason. Was it her?

"Again, I can not say. It is for him to reveal."

"Does he despise me that much?"

Uchuu managed a half-hearted chuckle. "Hardly. In fact, if my guess is right, I would say that our silent friend is quite taken with you."

"Stop teasing me, Uchuu," Kagome scoffed.

"No, seriously, I think that he likes you very much. He watches you often."

Kagome blushed furiously. She had only thought that his eyes followed her, but now she knew. Why then? Why would he not speak? With a little mortal growl of frustration, Kagome lay back on her sparse bed of decaying hay. She and Uchuu fell into a comfortable silence, their individual minds consumed with concerns for the future.

It was hours before he was returned, and tossed into the cell carelessly. Kagome scrambled to his side, but he was nearly unconscious and didn't respond to the touch of her hands. Before she had time to assess the damage, he was snatched up and snapped back into chains, while she was merely shoved aside in the process. Kagome then heard the rattle of the irons and the scuffle of boots as the guards made their way out of the cell. Quickly she scooted over next to him once again. He groaned, as she placed a hand on his chest, but made no effort to shoo her away.

Kagome felt the sticky blood that covered his body and grimaced. He was terribly wounded, and sadly, she couldn't even see where. She moved her shaking hands upward, to touch his face, trying to ease her own fears for his condition. His eyes were closed and his head hung down. Her fingertips brushed lightly over long lashes, then trailed over high cheekbones and touched delicately against swollen lips. She felt no blood there, but she thought that she smelled the scent of a woman on him. What had they done?

Her hands continued their survey, trailing over his head, seeking damage to his skull. She traveled downward, over his neck and to his shoulders, then immediately snatched her hand away when he growled. "I'm sorry," she whispered to him. The wound on his shoulder was not deep, but was obviously painful none-the-less. Blood flowed from it freely, and she wondered what could have made such a wound in the first place. It felt like a chunk of him had been ripped away.

Kagome made a mental note of that one injury and continued her search for others. She found one, low on his back, but it was really hard to reach it with his back against the wall. She was forced to slip her hand between his warm sticky skin and the stone wall which scraped and cut at her tender flesh. She successfully ignored her own discomfort and continued her evaluation.

Sesshomaru could feel her touching him. Her sweet pure scent was all around him and he breathed it in deep through flared nostrils. Kagome. She was concerned for him. He could tell by the way her tiny hands shook as they gently scoured his body for injuries. Her heart was beating a frantic rhythm in her mortal chest and by focusing on it, he managed to push away some of the pain.

Asuza had been particularly vicious during the rut. The bite on the inside of his thigh was the most torturous of all. She had taken a deep gouge of his flesh and it burned like hellfire. He imagined that her aggression spawned from Iku's obvious failure, thus she had taken her frustrations out on him. What was that phrase father always said? Ah, yes, 'Shit rolls downhill'.

By the Ancients, he was weak. So damned weak that he could not even lift his head to look at the priestess. He wanted to see her face again, and drown in her blue eyes, but he was just too damned tired. Asuza had used him well. The wretched witch had forced him to pleasure her in every conceivable way, while Iku pleaded from his chains to join her. Thankfully, she meant to punish the bird, and refused him each time, while in turn putting on a show for her bound and blindfolded minion.

Sesshomaru felt his stomach lurch and he turned his head, in an attempt to save Kagome from being soiled. The moment of nausea passed and he slumped, boneless against his restraints.

"Oh, you poor thing," Kagome cooed. She placed her gentle hands on his forehead and brushed his long bangs aside. He hated having her pity, but he could not deny that it felt good when she soothed and consoled him.

Kagome only stopped for a moment then began to seek his wounds once again. Slowly, and gently her hands moved down his chest and lower over his stomach. His muscles twitched from the inspection, and he could not help the bit of pleasure that he felt. Her heart picked up its pace when her fingers lightly touched high over his pelvis, accidentally brushing against a few strands of the snowy down pubic hair. She gasped and curled her fingers, quickly redirecting her route.

Sesshomaru did not think that she would be happy with what she would find there anyway. His member, which had been swollen and suffering for so long, had finally found release. Unfortunately, it wasn't pleasurable because it was not with the person he had desired. Asuza's use of him had been thorough, however, utilizing his swollen staff to satisfy her own insatiable needs. After the marathon of sexual debauchery, he was sore and raw, but in Kagome's presence, it had rebelliously risen to life again.

Her hands were on his thighs now, and he moaned a sound of pain and torment. It struck him, as the sound slipped out, that it was also filled with longing. He wanted Kagome's pure hearted touch to wash away the disgusting memories of Asuza.

Her slender fingers trailed a path of heat as they searched his legs, careful to avoid getting close to his raging erection. Sesshomaru managed to peel his eyes open and turn his head, glimpsing a look of concentration on her heart shaped face. She followed the line of his legs down to his feet, and he felt a thrill go up his body when she brushed her hands over his toes. On the path upward, she focused on the inside of his legs and beneath his knees.

She stopped just short of the worst wound of them all, but pulled her fingers away slick with blood. She touched her fingers together, and sniffed at the stuff, and he prayed that she would not notice the other body fluids mingled with the blood. Apparently the amount of it concerned her more than her vanity, because much to his surprise she moved just a little closer, and gently searched for the source. Sesshomaru shifted slightly, helping her to find what she sought in order to avoid any other uncomfortable surprises.

He knew the moment that she felt the gaping wound because not only did that slightest touch cause him unspeakable pain, but her breath left her in a rush.

"Oh my," Kagome shook her head regretfully. "Whoever done this to you is a cruel, heartless, piranha"

On that, he would agree.

"Well, there's no time like the present. Let's get started."

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes, wondering what she was babbling about. His thoughts were growing hazy and his lids heavy. The effort to keep them open was too much, and so he finally gave up the fight and let them close. He wanted to sleep, but doubted that he could do so with the continuously stabbing pain of the bites.

The debased and injured youkai could not bring himself to care when Kagome shifted even closer still. He was now trying to count each stinging pulse of his torn and damaged flesh, using that focus as a momentary distraction from the replay of disgusting images racing through his head. Asuza astride him, riding him like an object, as if he held no more emotion than that of a serving tray. The way her breath smelled of quince, as she forced him to kiss her bloody lips, making him lick his own life force from her face.

He shivered and a noise escaped his throat that sounded raw and pained.

The accursed memory continued to hold him. He remembered the feel of her disgusting tongue sliding around his organ just after it had recently licked his bleeding wounds. She had enjoyed teasing him with fear, as she scraped her fangs against his balls.

Sesshomaru shook his head and growled long and low. Asuza was a fiendish, depraved, slut of monumental proportions. She would suck his soul until he was left only a living breathing shell of what he once was. A heartless hag with the face of a goddess, Asuza wanted nothing more than to destroy him completely. She would slowly - and with great enjoyment - drive him into a state of pain and nothingness, where he would exist for no other reason than for her pleasure. She did not care if he lived or died. She, in fact, had no soul with which to care.

"This may take some time, but after I'm done, you should be able to get some rest. I can't promise that this will heal you completely, because my power level has taken a beating from being stuck in this place. I'm so hungry that I could eat my shirt, and after the accident I've been a little weak, so I'm not expecting miracles or anything. I've got to try, though. You understand?"

Sesshomaru's lids slipped open and he managed to tilt his chin enough to look at her face. She was focused on him completely. Her big blue eyes rimmed in pink where she had obviously been crying. For me?, he wondered. There was so much open compassion in the look, causing her dark, slender brows to crease just slightly. Full lips, flushed cherry with emotion were just a breath away capturing his imagination and making him ache.

Kagome was surprised when long, strong fingers pushed gently, but with force, against the back of her head, causing her to lean forward. She had just enough time to squeak before a set of extraordinary warm lips were pressed against her own. Kagome's shock quickly faded and a warmth unlike any she had ever known coursed through her body, playing havoc with her heartbeat and breathing, before settling into a delightful pool within her womanly core.

Her eyes slipped closed as she savored the sensation, but soon he began to move his lips against hers, kissing her in a way that she had never experienced before. It began softly, gently, as if afraid that she would pull away. He teased her with tiny licks at the corners of her mouth, and nibbled playfully at her bottom lip. She completely forgot about his wounds and her fears. Kagome was lost to the wicked sensation.

No one had ever kissed her like this. Hojo's friendly pecks, and Inuyasha's awkward, as well as infrequent kisses, held nothing of the heat that began burning through her entire form from head to toe.

The kiss with her silent youkai began to grow into something more, and Kagome was spiraling out of control. Her hand slipped up to caress his neck and slide into the silky softness of his thick head of hair. He increased the sensual pressure, then slid his tongue seductively over the crease of her lips. She didn't even consider refusing him entrance and he deftly slipped a long seeking tongue inside. Kagome moaned as it tangled with her own. He sucked hers lightly, then traced a wondering path around the interior of her welcoming mouth.

He seemed desperate in his attempt to consume her, taste her, know her, in the only way that he could. Kagome didn't care anymore about his silence or their future. She was living in the now, taking what their connection had to offer. She opened herself up to the explosion of sensations brought on by that one heated kiss.

Her breathing was ragged, and as soon as she noticed, she realized that his was too. His heart was beating nearly as fast as her own, and regrettably, that realization forced her to pull away. "You're injured," she mumbled through ripe, kiss swollen lips. She had little doubt that her face was as red as her hakama, so she turned her head giving the wound on his thigh her utmost attention. Unfortunately the nervous movement was not well thought out, because she accidentally brushed the underside of her wrist all the way down the long, extremely hard, length of him.

As soon as the error registered to Kagome, he released a hiss of tortured breath from between clenched teeth. Feeling pretty clumsy by now, she couldn't bring herself to give voice to the apology that sprang into her mind - she was positive that it would have come out as a high pitched squeak anyway. Kagome tried to focus on diverting her path toward the wounded thigh, and told herself not to think about it.

It was so big.

Okay, she wasn't doing a very good job of not thinking about it. She tried to close her mind to his breathing, so near and labored from their kiss. It made her feel giddy to know that it had affected him as strongly as it had her, even though she could tell that he was an experienced kisser.

Sesshomaru had a moment of peace in the gods-forsaken dungeon that he never knew would exist for him again. The pounding memories in his head had disappeared completely, as if a lid had sealed them off. Nothing had existed in that moment except him and Kagome. Her lips were soft little pillows, warm and inviting, while her mouth was moist and hungry, pulling him in for more. With all honesty, he had never experienced anything so closely resembling sheer bliss.

She had tasted sweet and innocent, but flavored with the spice of womanhood, ripe and ready to explore. Sesshomaru had closed his thoughts to everything else and escaped. There had been disappointment when she pulled away from him, followed by a flicker of amusement at her flushed complexion. Kagome was nothing at all like Asuza. She was everything good and proper in the world.

Sesshomaru longed for a day that he could take her as his own. She would be eager and energetic in her quest to learn his body. The thought of it brought a rush of heat that thickened his already stout member, causing him to groan. Kagome thought the sound was born from pain - which it was, but not from his bleeding wounds. Sesshomaru tried to take a calming breath but found her proximity much too disturbing.

Then it began.

Her power flared and the healing balm of it slowly spread over his skin. Sesshomaru sighed aloud, the deep rumble of it surprising to his own ears. He normally would refrain from showing such acceptance and peace, but that would require too much of an effort today.

She had one hand held loosely over the wound, and the other stacked on top. Her eyes were closed and he could see them darting rapidly beneath her lids. She mumbled something that sounded garbled to his ears, possibly magic words that could only be understood by the pure of heart. The warm glow of healing energy coated the area thickly, pulsing and soothing to the fractured nerves. Sesshomaru leaned his head back as far as it would go then closed his eyes.



Shippo entered the mouth of Kouga's cave with unease crawling up his spine. The eerie silence among the wolves literally permeated the air. It was obvious that Ayame's life hung in the balance, as well as the life of her cub. Rin followed closely behind, practically glued to his back, but he didn't mind. It made him feel proud to be her protector.

Shin, the little pest, had disappeared within Rin's outer kimono, slipping into the thick folds with little effort. Obviously, he felt a little nervous with so many predators hovering about. Shippo didn't really need to be bothered with him anyway. Right now, he was more concerned for Kagome.

Ginta left Hakaku standing guard at the entrance then led them on through. It grew darker as they passed, and Shippo reached out the grasp Rin's arm firmly so that she wouldn't fall. He could feel her shivering, so he asked, "Are you cold, Rin?" To which, she answered "No." He figured that meant that she was only scared, and he could hardly blame her. She was being very brave in light of what she told them earlier.

As they passed through another series of chambers, Shippo watched the curious eyes of the wolves as they lifted their heads at the first scent of outsiders. Ginta, who was second in charge behind the alpha and his mate, quickly quelled several growls. As a fox amongst wolves, Shippo couldn't help feeling uneasy just the same. It was only natural to be a little threatened.

They were led to a smaller chamber where Kouga paced. One sniff and he stopped his anxious wandering and confronted the fox that belonged to Kagome.

"What's up runt? Where's the mutt?"

"Um... Hey Kouga. Inuyasha isn't here. He had to go to Shodoshima Island to take care of some ogres causing trouble."

"Yeah, so what are you doing here? Come to see my firstborn?"

Before he could answer a wail of pain tore through the chamber, echoing off the walls. Shippo felt the iciness of death in the sound and looked up to find Kouga grinding his teeth. The wolf was obviously worried sick, but refused to show it. Shippo resolved not to mention the trouble that his mate was having, instead he offered nothing but congratulations. "I hope the cub takes after his mother, at least in looks."

Kouga released an amused huff and slapped the fox on the back. "As long as he can kick ass, I don't care which one of us he looks like." They both shared an uncomfortable chuckle, but felt just a little more at ease.

Shippo thought that now would be the perfect time to bring up Kagome. "Look Kouga, I wish that I could say I had come solely to welcome your new cub into the world, but the truth is, I came here about Kagome."

Kouga's heart skipped a beat and his brows rose high. "Why? What's going on?" Secretly, Kouga was thankful for the interruption from his worry over Ayame and his cub. She had been in hard labor for two days and still it went on. The women were worried over her and had locked him out. The screams were tortured and strained. He didn't think that he could take much more before he went insane.

Shippo then launched into a tale that made his blood run cold. There was only one other female in all of Japan that he cared for as much as Ayame, and that was Kagome, the human miko.

He had resolved himself to the loss of her several years ago when the elders came together as one and bade him take Ayame as his lifelong mate. It wasn't something that he had wanted to do, but something that he must do in order to save their pack. By uniting the mountain wolves with the wolves of the lowlands, he became the leader of the largest youkai wolf pack in all of Japan. It was a task that he at first walked into reluctantly, but all that had changed when he first took his little wolf princess in his arms.

Fond memories of their first night together swam through his mind, and for a moment, Kouga was distracted from Shippo's plight. It only took a moment and then he was back to himself and once more considering the danger that his human miko was in.

That woman was always getting herself into trouble.

"In a castle, you say?"

Shippo nodded and continued, "I'm positive that she is being held prisoner there, but I'm not sure why. I scouted the area for a way in, but the chance of being captured was too great. I decided to go back for Inuyasha, so I left immediately heading to our village. I waited there for him to return, but it seemed to be taking forever and I couldn't stand the thought of Kagome in that place. That's when I decided to come find you. You are the only one that can save her."

Kouga's ego swelled a little more than its usual massive size, and nodded. "You did the right thing, runt. Inu-trasha is never around when she needs him. Useless mutt," he grumbled. He thought over everything that the fox had said and knew that he had to do something to save Kagome. He may not be free to mate her as he wished, but he would be damned if he let anything bad happen to her when he could prevent it.

The problem with his plan was timing. It was rotten fucking timing. He couldn't leave right now, no matter how bad Kagome needed him. He was obligated to stay by his mate's side. Ayame needed him here, and he would not abandon her.

He looked up and met Ginta's eyes. The wolf was obviously worried about the news of their 'sister', as they had deemed Kagome years ago. It was with a clear conscience that Kouga made his decision. "Ginta, I want you to take Hakaku and save Kagome."

Shippo looked from Kouga to Ginta and silently frowned. This was not exactly what he had planned. While Ginta and Hakaku were excellent fighters, he wasn't sure that they were up to the caliber needed to see the task through. He opened his mouth to argue, but Ginta immediately snapped to attention, accepting the job issued by his alpha with enthusiastic glee. The wolf knew that his leader was trusting him with a task close to his heart, and it served to make his pride swell. Shippo cut off his own argument before it began, resigning himself to fact. It was obvious that Kouga couldn't accompany him, so he would be forced to settle with Ginta and Hakaku.

Just then a scream of unimaginable pain lashed through the chamber and Kouga jumped to his feet with a whine. There was something different in that shriek than all of the rest. The silence afterward was thick, and he panted with fret, but just as he was beginning to think the worst another cry rang out, one much smaller... his cub!

Kouga shoved through the opening that barred him from the birthing chamber. He froze in place at the bloody sight before him. Blood was everywhere and the overwhelming scent of it made him sway on his feet. Ayame lay limp and unconscious, her heartbeat weak, but he was one happy wolf to hear it at all. He immediately turned to see his cub, being wrapped carefully in a swath of cloth. The little bugger was pawing at the nursemaid's hands.

A smile crept over his face that probably made him look like an idiot, but he didn't care. His son was healthy and strong.

Kouga leaped to her side and patted the old female on the back while inspecting the tiny face of his firstborn child. "Good job woman!" She smiled broadly and held out the boy. Kouga was nervous as hell about holding the tiny bundle, but eager to nuzzle and imprint his scent. He looked toward his sleeping Ayume and grinned. Though she couldn't hear him, he praised her, "Damn, Ayumi, you done great! We have a handsome, healthy son! I love you more than ever!"

The nursemaid then patted him on his shoulder, garnering his attention. He turned to look at her curiously, wondering what was wrong, and found her shaking her head in distress. "What is it woman? Speak up."

"No, master Kouga, you are wrong. The child is no boy. You have a beautiful baby girl."

Kouga stumbled back with a horrified expression on his face. "What?! A girl?" He had been so sure.... "Damn!" He uttered, before smiling brightly again. "Well, I'll be damned! A Girl!" He turned to look over his shoulder at Ayame, and corrected himself. "Not a son, darlin', a sweet little girl that'll grow up to look just like you!" He then rushed to her side and drew her up close. "Oh Ayame, I'm so sorry you aren't well enough to see her." He kissed her gently on the forehead, and lay her back down with care. "You rest, precious. I know that you'll be back up and sassing me in no time."

After tucking the blanket up around his recovering mate, Kouga turned to give his full attention to their new cub. She was perfect, and briefly, he wondered what Ayame would think about naming her 'Kagome'...


Inuyasha frowned hatefully out at the pouring rain. It had been coming down with wicked strength for the last three hours, leaving him and his companions soaked to the bone and huddled beneath a blanket under the canopy of a big oak tree.

The feeling deep inside of him that something was wrong had been growing more insistent with every damned second that passed by. He wanted to say to hell with it and rush out there in the mess anyway, running like the flames of hell were licking at his ass, but he couldn't. His responsibility to the majority of his pack was most important right now. There was still a vast amount of territory they had to travel, and much of the territory was very dangerous. He had no doubt that Miroku, Sango and Kirara could handle themselves, but he still couldn't take that chance. They were just as anxious to reach Kagome as he was, and they were pushing themselves hard to get there. He refused to leave them behind.


"But my dearest Sango, my hand merely slipped..."

Inuyasha shook his head miserably. He hoped to hell the rain let up soon, or Miroku might not make it back at all.


Chisumi entered the dungeon on unsteady feet. Her back was tight and strained against the heavy load that she carried. It worried her that she would pull open the wounds before the end of the day. Not that it mattered to them. The headmistress had ordered her off the bed and back to her normal duties earlier that morning. It was far too soon for her ravaged skin, but no one seemed to care.

In fact, no one did care. There was no hope for her future... no hope of escape. She was doomed to this life and that was just a little more than she could take. Chisumi was a girl unused to taking orders and one quite unaccustomed to work. Never in her life had she been treated as she had since the day her family died.

Two days ago, as she lay in her bed trying to ignore the pain, Chisumi made a decision. She refused to live this life. It was against everything that she knew. She would rather be dead, resting in her grave, than exist in this world any longer. She was going to leave - one way or the other.

Her plan began and ended with the only friend that she had - the white demon in the dungeon.

She had thought long and hard about him and what he had endured. It was whispered about the castle that the youkai had once been a feared prince. People were saying that he was being raped and beaten by the two youkai, Asuza and Iku. It tore her heart to think that it was true. She had seen with her own two eyes what they were capable of, but rape? It disgusted her.

Unbidden, images of her mother and older sisters being brutally abused by the Nobunaga soldiers flooded her mind. She closed her eyes tight against the intrusion. She did not have time for re-living that horror right now. She had a plan to carry out.

Her father had been very good at strategic planning, not good enough it would seem, but very good, it was said. She had often been complemented as having the same mind, and Chisumi decided to put her talent to the task.

She wanted to free the youkai, and by doing so, perhaps herself. Even if he could not take her away at the same time, she hoped that, perhaps, he could return for her later. She knew that he wanted revenge. She could see it in his eyes. He would return if only to kill them all, and when he did, then she could use that chance to escape.

Chisumi thought very hard of ways to put her plan into action. There were very few opportunities open to her - a lowly servant. She did not have access to the keys and the only way to get them would be to take them from the jailer. Despite her newfound resolve, the thought of getting close to him made her tremble. After all, he was the usher of pain.

Without the keys, unfortunately, her plan would never happen. The bars were too thick and the walls solid. She did not have youkai strength to aid her, but.... 'Wait a minute. Youkai strength.' Chisumi had then considered one other way that she could free the youkai, and knew that it just might work - if she played her part very well. Since then, she had spent most of her days going over every detail in her mind to get them right.

Today her plan would be put into motion and it all started with her water pail. There was a youkai soldier that sniffed her pail at the entrance to the hallway leading toward the dungeon cells. He could tell by scent that it was laced with the ingredient used to drug the youkai prisoners. He sniffed the bowl that she held as well, knowing it to be purely water, which was offered to any human prisoners.

The hallway turned one corner and just on the other side, out of his sight and behind a cleverly hidden panel, was a small mop closet used to store a few cleaning supplies. Chisumi had taken the fifteen minutes of her noonday rest period to deliver one bucket of clean water into the corner of that very closet.

Step one had been completed without fail. No one was the wiser, since she often cleaned the halls anyway. Chisumi made the switch in less than a minute, so when she entered the dungeon, she actually carried nothing but plain, clean water.

What she found when she reached the youkai left her a little perplexed. She simply stood there before his cell, unsure of what to do. Apparently there was a new addition to the cell - a mortal woman, and from the looks of her a miko. One who currently slept draped across the naked youkai's chest with her cheek buried trustingly against his neck. Oddly enough, the youkai himself did not seem at all uncomfortable with her position, for he was sleeping soundly as well.

She took the moment to study them both. It was certainly an odd sight to see - a youkai and a priestess finding rest in the arms of one another. In seconds the initial shock wore off and Chisumi noticed something else. The youkai looked haggard. His body marred with many deep wounds that were barely closed. The one on his shoulder caught her attention, and she leaned a little closer. 'It looks like a bite mark', she thought in horror.

When her eyes snapped to his face, she realized that he was awake and watching her. It made her uneasy when he looked at her with crimson eyes. What had happened to turn them red? She definitely liked the gold better, but Chisumi refused to let the fear block her goal.

"Konnichiwa," Chisumi greeted softly, before setting the pail down. The slight noise woke the miko, who opened sleepy blue eyes.

Kagome blinked a couple of times to clear away the fogginess from her vision, but unfortunately, realized that it was a hopeless cause. She was still blind - and hungry, although for a change she was warm and comfortable. She turned her head slightly recognizing a familiar rise and fall of breath that was not her own. With no small amount of embarrassment, she realized that she must have passed out on the silent youkai's chest after tending his wounds. Immediately she slipped from his lap and moved away with an apology that sounded sorely like a squeak. Suddenly, a small feminine giggle caught her attention.

"Who's there?" Kagome asked breathlessly. When she looked around, toward the noise, she could just make out the slight form of another person standing beside the darker bars of the cell.

The young girl covered her mouth demurely, trying to stifle her laugh at the miko's expense. Just prior to that moment, Chisumi had not thought that she would ever find humor again, but was hard pressed to stay solemn in light of the comical scene. The joy of it was like inhaling new life into her battered body.

A Divine revelation came over Chisumi and the little princess lost all previous reservations concerning her decision to help the handsome white youkai. She knew, then, that the gods must have sent her there, to that horrible place, in order to save the miko. Something deep within her heart hardened with determination, because she now knew that the Kami were guiding her actions. The whole of her life had been preordained for this one moment, and Chisumi vowed that she would not let them down.

"I am called Chisumi," she greeted with a bow. Her eyes narrowed, as she studied the miko, for she was beginning to see that the young woman was also blind.

"My name is Kagome. What are you doing here?" she asked curiously. From her voice, Kagome could tell that the girl was young and softly spoken.

Chisumi considered the priestess, as well as the youkai beside her. Kagome, as she called herself, was somewhat ruffled, and dirty, but appeared to be in solid health. The youkai, however, looked defeated. His body was riddled with shiny pink scar tissue over wounds that looked newly mended and still fragile. Although he was, for the most part clean, his smooth pale skin was covered in areas with thick patches of dried blood. Even the ends of his pristine white hair were caked with the stuff, and that made her sad, because she could tell that he would be dazzling in full glory.

With a sigh, Chisumi hoped that she would live long enough to see that day.

"Normally, Kagome-sama, it is this Chisumi's duty to bring bread - and water mixed with bitter drugs." She paused, as the youkai grew curious enough to lift his head again and stare at her. "Today, however, I have come by the will of the Gods."

Sesshomaru listened as the little mortal girl first greeted Kagome, and then quickly began revealing her plan. He experienced another first in his long life: the belief in divine intervention. So many long and lonely days he had spent in this damp pit without hope, yet once Kagome - a miko of purity - came to join in his hell, salvation seemed only a grasp away. How could it not have been an act of the gods to whom she served? The woman had not been with him more than half of a lunar cycle, yet already a path was set to help her escape.

He listened as the young slave girl told them all of her hopes to save them. She truly held the solution in her hands. The drug that suppressed their strength and fogged their mind was a major obstacle, previously making it impossible for any attempt at escape. If she were able to slip them clean water for just a few days, then his strength would begin to return with a vengeance. With Kagome's assistance, they could possibly even break through the spell embedded on his chains. The mere prospect of that made his heart pick up its pace.

Uchuu listened intently as the mortal child explained her plan to save them. It surprised him greatly that she would be willing to do so. The risk for punishment, even death, would be great if she was discovered, and that made her effort even more strange to him. He studied her features as she spoke, and found determination in her dull brown eyes. Perhaps Asuza and her minions had overlooked the strength hidden within the tiny human girl? Much to Uchuu's satisfaction, it appeared that their mistake would end up costing them dearly.


A/N: I had hoped to actually fit the big escape attempt into this chapter, but it didn't work out that way. Sorry. I promise it will be in the next chapter. In fact, I've already written a good portion of the next chapter and it's coming out great. I think that you all will be very pleased.

Next chapter: The big escape... will they make it, or will it fail?

Until then...

Please don't forget to Review!

Ja ne