InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 20 - Enemies and Friends ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter 20 - Enemies and Friends

A/N: I want to thank you all for the great reviews and support that you continue to offer me for 'Violation of Honor'. I have to admit, I have been a little distracted lately with some serious personal family issues and that is why I haven't been able to get your updates out faster. Please forgive me for the delays. I hope you can understand that life can take a turn sometimes that leaves you wondering where the hell that bus came from and how the hell you will ever live through the aftermath of its passing. It's hard to write when your mind is going insane. I know that you all look forward to the updates and I seriously regret falling behind and disappointing you. Hopefully, things will brighten in my world pretty soon and my focus will return to where it should be.

I now present you with Chapter 20. I hope that you enjoy the read.  


Sesshomaru pulled away from Kagome with a look of wonder and a wretched feeling of anxiety in his chest. How would he live without this woman? The emotions she inspired were raw and overwhelming. Just the thought of leaving her pained him more deeply than anything Asuza had ever done. Sesshomaru swept down to kiss her lips once more before she snuggled against him and eventually drifted off to sleep.

He had been sitting with his lover gently dozing in his lap for no more than an hour when the witch appeared.

"Greetings youkai."

Sesshomaru regarded the elderly human cautiously, but without much concern. Her demeanor appeared non-threatening and the scent of herbs clinging heavily to her person was oddly soothing. He nodded, but said nothing, waiting instead for her to state her business.

"I see the miko sleeps peacefully in your arms. All is as it should be."

Her words gave him pause, for it was odd that she should condone his relationship with Kagome in such a freely spoken manner. His curiosity was now peaked so he asked, "What concern is it of yours, witch?"

The old woman cackled softly and gave him a gap-toothed grin. "The girl has come to me before. I have seen her path and where it will lead."

"You speak in riddles woman. Be gone with you, for I have no use for your games."

"Oh, this is no game, dog. This is reality at its most strange." The witch shifted her stance and winked in a mischievous way. She then nodded toward the sleeping Kagome and smiled. "The miko from the future plays a great role in the past. It was her destiny to come to ye, but her journey is far from over. Ye may call me Madam Seto. I know why ye have brought her to Yokaishi, and I am here to see that your secret remains safe."

Suspicion now ran rampant concerning many of the strange remarks the old woman made. There were suddenly quite a few questions that he wanted to ask, but Sesshomaru managed to refrain from all but one. "What do you mean, by 'miko from the future'?"

Another gravelly chuckle resulted from his question before the old witch replied. "I am a seer, and I have witnessed with my own two eyes the transportation of your miko from her time to ours. This girl, she is special. One of a kind in the past as well as the future."

'What could she mean?' Sesshomaru wondered. 'Is she trying to say that Kagome has traveled through time? Ridiculous.'

Kagome suddenly shifted and murmured in her sleep. He gently stroked her hair and considered the woman's words. Finally he looked up and proclaimed the one thing that he knew to be true, "She belongs to me."

The witch had the audacity to laugh once more, but before he could grow angry she said, "Oh, aye, the girl belongs to ye and no other, but do not think your claim will be so easily determined. For now, your secret is safe with me, for it is against the will of the Gods that your identity be revealed so soon. Her journey must proceed without ye—for now, youkai. There is love and tragedy that must play out before the unity of miko and youkai can be forged through blood and tears."

Sesshomaru did not like the sound of that. Both he and Kagome had been immersed in enough tragedy, blood, and tears to last them both several lifetimes. He wanted to curse the Fates that continued to manipulate their lives, but knew that the effort was futile. They would play their drama out and there wasn't a damned thing that he could do to stop Them.

"Leave her now, youkai, and I will see her safely to the one called Saya."

His golden eyes narrowed on the witch as he considered her words and her offer. It would be convenient to leave Kagome in her care, for now, but he was unsure of whether she was trustworthy. Besides, he was reluctant to part with his little miko. Just the thought of walking away from her made his stomach clench up tight.

As if she sensed his reluctance, the witch further proclaimed, "I see a battle to save your ancestral lands looming in your future. Would ye drag a blind girl amidst the turmoil?"

The anger came swiftly and Sesshomaru bared his fangs, but the witch never once flinched from his display. Although the urge to lash out at her was great, Sesshomaru knew that what she said was true. He could not put Kagome in additional danger. That was the whole reason that he was at this village, planning to leave the most important thing in his life behind. It was obvious to him that the witch did, in fact, have The Sight. How else could he explain her knowledge, for no one could know his inner most thoughts and plans. Still though, he refused to leave Kagome to the witch without a care. He would watch from a distance until he was sure that she was safely delivered to the silk spinner.

He looked down at her sleeping face and felt his heart warm. Kagome was a beautiful warrior, and she was his, as he was hers. He just hoped that she would keep that knowledge close to her heart when she woke up and realized that he was gone. Although he did not want to leave her, it was impossible to stay. He had resigned himself to the burden long before now. With a heavy sigh, Sesshomaru slipped his fingertips over her soft cheek and whispered, "Until we meet again, Kagome."

Seto watched the exchange while silently marveling at the tenderness of the youkai toward the miko. It had been many years ago when she first experienced a vision concerning the priestess, and those visions continued to come and go. The last year had been riddled with dreams of The Knowing, making sleep sometimes difficult to achieve, and leaving her more than a little doubtful about their true course. It was with fear and relief that she had first greeted the pretty young miko that day in her shop. The Knowing was proven on that day when Kagome walked in to her town of Yokaishi with a fox youkai friend by her side.

Her thoughts sent a shiver of unease up Seto's spine. Some of the visions were wrought with terrible suffering and fields of spilled blood. The pretty young miko faced grave dangers ahead, some of which would become a part of Japan's most tragic historical events. The life of a seer was a difficult one, for the temptation to try and alter the will of the Fates was strong. It was with great sorrow that the events must play out as the Gods meant them to be, for to interfere could bring down catastrophe upon them all.

Sesshomaru carefully removed himself from beneath Kagome and arose to stand before the witch. He nodded once to the old woman's offer, before forcing one foot in front of the other, leaving Kagome behind. His heart, though powerful and strong, felt like it was being ripped in two. Each breath was a chore, each step forced. He reminded himself again and again of the necessity to part from Kagome. Finally, he made it to a dense area of the forest, where he could blend in and watch for Kagome to awaken.

He would leave her with the witch, but he refused to abandon her completely.

Seto settled down against the tree near the sleeping miko and considered the plan of the Gods. It was obvious that the miko, as well as her youkai, were to be instrumental in the defeat of a dangerous foe. The female youkai from her dreams was enough to make Seto's old blood run cold. A future at the hands of that deranged viper would be a bleak one for them all.

It was with resigned acceptance and years of learned patience that Seto understood the importance of allowing fate to play its course. Although often the reasons for the Gods actions remained a mystery, she was aware of the folly in attempting to alter the events preordained by the higher powers. What was meant to be would be.

Kagome blinked and yawned, feeling a little more rested. Obviously she was still weak from lack of nutrition. She would be glad to finally feel her old energy return, but knew that it would take a little time to recover. When Kagome shifted, she realized that she was now lying on the ground—not on her cozy youkai. As she moved to push herself upright, she was startled by a voice that sounded a little familiar, but completely unexpected.

"Ah, ye are finally awake I see. No doubt your youkai will be relieved to have ye delivered safely to the village."

Kagome scooted against the tree and looked toward the voice. The shadow of the woman was there, but the face was still completely out of focus. "Who are you?" She then looked around, searching for the form of her silent youkai.

"Don't be afraid, girl. Ye know me as Madam Seto. Do ye remember?"

Kagome was surprised to hear that it was the old woman from the herb shop. "Yes, I remember you. I guess I'm a little confused. Where is...?"

Seto smiled, but it was wasted on the girl who still had not fully regained her eyesight. "Oh, the youkai is near. Have no doubt of that. In fact, watching us right now," she added with a chuckle. "I have come to escort ye to the village. He has arranged for ye to stay with a very nice girl there. Saya is looking forward to your visit."

"Wh... what?" Kagome stammered. She was trying to clear the sleepy fog from her mind, and this revelation was not helping the confusion that she was feeling. "He... you mean, the youkai that was with me?"

"Yes, miko. A fine youkai. Honorable and strong, but full of vengeful fire."

As the haze of sleep slipped away, Kagome began to fully understand what was happening. "You mean he left me? He planned this all along?"

"Aye. It is for the best that he did so."

After the gut wrenching pain of abandonment, Kagome began to feel the surge of anger taking its place. 'He planned this? He's leaving me behind after all that we've been through? He couldn't even stay and tell me good-bye?'

With a low growl indicative of her rising fury, Kagome clenched her fists and stood up. 'Madam Seto is under the impression that he is still around here watching, well, let him watch this!'

She turned around and shook one fist high in the air. "How dare you treat me like this! I'm not some thing that can just be tossed aside like day old garbage!" Her rage was so complete that her skin flushed to a bright red. With fists now planted firmly on her hips she shouted into the surrounding forest, "I can't believe you would do this to me! It's pretty cowardly to just push me off on these people! I'll never forgive you for this, you know!"

With a stomp of her foot Kagome turned back to the old woman, and managed to grit out, "I would like it if you could take me to the village now, please. It's pretty obvious that he isn't coming back."

Seto reached out and took the girl's hand in her own and tried to reassure her with a motherly pat. "There, there, child. He must see his duty to completion. His battle must be waged while ye have your own destiny to fulfill."

Kagome was beginning to feel the fight leave her and in its place was an empty pain. She was forced to push back the tears that immediately came to the surface, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and confused. "How could he do this to me? We were so close."

"Come child. Let me take ye to Saya. She is a good girl and eager to meet ye."

Kagome followed for several steps then something occurred to her. Madam Seto must have seen them together, right? So that would mean..."Please Madam, tell me what he looked like. Do you know his name?"

The old woman took a firm hold on Kagome's arm in order to better guide her along. At first Kagome wondered if Madam Seto would ignore her question, because the old woman had suddenly grown very quiet. In her eagerness it was hard for Kagome not to shake the old woman, demanding to know, but she forced herself to be patient. Sometimes the elderly folks liked to make you wait.

Seto sighed and shook her head. This was going to be hard for the miko, but she had no choice. "His name I do not know, only his face. It is a handsome face, as most youkai of his power are apt to be. He has eyes that show great authority and great pain, and a form hardened to the battle field."

Kagome fought the urge to roll her eyes with frustration. She wanted details. Not this vague description. "Madam Seto, you don't understand. I need to know more. I need something to hold on to. He keeps his identity a secret from me. He hasn't even spoken to me, so I can't even recognize his voice. How will I know him if I see him again?"

"So, he has not spoken to ye at all?" She chuckled. "The Fates can be cruel indeed. I am sorry, miko, but it is not for this old woman to reveal. When the time is right, ye will know."

Kagome could not believe it! She wanted to stomp her feet. For once she had someone who could tell her more, someone that could actually describe him, yet she refused! It was maddening, and made her want to act like an angry child pitching a tantrum. Why was everyone conspiring against her to keep his identity a secret? 'Maybe the old woman knows.'

"Do you know why he is acting like this, why he won't tell me who he is?"

"I am not sure of all his reasons, but my visions were clear about one thing. That youkai soon goes to battle, and it will not be an easy victory. It is the opinion of this old woman that the he wishes to keep you safe."

Kagome couldn't help the sudden fear that claimed her. He was going to battle? "Stupid jerk! Why did he leave me behind? I could have helped him!" 'Why are men so stubborn? This is the same kind of crap that Inuyasha would pull!'

"Think priestess," old Seto said. "Your youkai could not concentrate during the fight if he were worried for your safety. It is for the best."

Kagome wasn't so sure about that, but she had to admit, if only to herself, that she wasn't prepared for a battle right now. Without her eyesight, she would probably just be a sitting duck. With a feminine groan of frustration, she mumbled, "I hate not being able to see."

Madam Seto stopped and patted Kagome's arm reassuringly. "Do not fear, miko. My visions show me that your sight will return. Ye must need only be patient."

The remainder of the journey into the village was spent in silence while Kagome contemplated what would happen next. She needed to get word to her village as quickly as possible. She was anxious to hear from Shippo and couldn't wait to assure herself that he was okay. He was probably worried sick about her.

As upsetting as this turn of events was, she refused to let it destroy her. She had other things, other people, which were important to her. Although she wanted to find a quiet place to curl up and cry, she could not indulge. She had to appear strong and be alert for danger. Being blind left her at a disadvantage, and she needed to focus on her surroundings. She didn't think that the youkai would intentionally leave her in a dangerous place, but it would be wise to keep her wits just in case.

The old woman prattled on about this and that, but Kagome's mind was hardly on her words. She was too busy trying to keep from drifting back to the pain she felt from being abandoned. 'I'm being silly', she kept telling herself. She was a grown woman, and grown women had sex all the time. Women in her era were having sex in their teens with different partners, and she had nothing to be ashamed of for giving herself to someone she cared deeply for. At the age of twenty three, she was an adult and the decision had been hers. It had been a wonderful experience and she would cherish their time together always.

Would he ever come back for her? She wanted to scream at him for leaving her with so many unanswered questions, but she would not let her anger taint the beauty of their coupling. She would hold the memories of their time together close to her heart, and she would deal with the pain of losing him when she felt safe enough to do so.

A traitorous tear slipped down her cheek and she resolutely wiped it away. Now was the time to deal with the present. She would get word to her village and wait for someone to come for her. For now, her safety is what she would focus on. Nothing else.  


Sesshomaru stood within the dense foliage of trees and watched as the witch escorted Kagome away. He could see her pain, feel her loss and it took every ounce of willpower that he possessed to keep from going after her. He hated that he had to hurt her so deeply, and he despised that she thought him a coward.

He did not turn away from Kagome until the woman lead her inside of the kimono maker's doors. He sighed wearily and accepted that he was now on his own.

It was done.

The next step for him was to seek out Toran in the west where she and her panther tribe made their home.  


"Kagome, meet Saya. Saya, I have brought you the miko, Kagome." Seto reached out and took Saya's hand, then placed it over the hand of the miko. As soon as their hands touched, Seto knew that their destiny was entwined. The two of them were meant to become friends, and she saw a long future ahead for both of them. The knowledge made her smile.

"Hello, Saya," Kagome greeted. Saya had yet to respond, and Kagome was beginning to wonder if she was a nice person at all. She couldn't imagine that her lover would leave her in the care of a mean spirited woman, but she also had not imagined that he would dump her right after mind-blowing sex.

Finally, Saya spoke up. "Konnichiwa, Kagome-sama. You must forgive me. For a minute I was startled. It's just so strange to finally meet someone else who is blind."

Kagome's brows shot up in surprise. "Blind? You mean, you are blind too?"

"Sadly, it is true. I have been blind since I was a child. Please, come with me, and I will walk you to our room." Just as she was turning to walk away, Saya looked back and smiled. "Arigato, Madam Seto, for bringing her to me."

"You are most welcome, child. I guess I'll be on my way now."

Kagome felt a moment of panic. She was being tossed around so much—so fast, that she could not help feeling a little afraid. First, her lover abandoned her, and now Madam Seto.

Sensing her unease, Madam Seto reached out and patted her shoulder gently. "Go with Saya, Kagome. Your benefactor left you in her care. He only had your best interest in mind."

Kagome bit back the sarcastic remark that popped in her head and nodded her acceptance. What was she afraid of anyway? Saya seemed nice enough. In response, she also squeezed Saya's cool, slender hand to convey her sentiment. Saya returned the gesture, and though Kagome had only just met her, she was flooded with a sense of friendship. "Arigato, Madam Seto, for bringing me here."

Saya lead her away, holding her hand and guiding her with her arm. As they walked, Saya explained that she was a silk spinner for her uncle, the kimono maker. The area they were in was bustling with noise and Saya told her that it was the main sewing room. Kagome followed her out of the room, and Saya helped her down a corridor before turning to go outside another door. Here they walked over a wooden boardwalk before entering another door.

Saya helped guide her through the maze as if she could see, and Kagome had to wonder how she managed. "Are you sure you are blind?" She laughed nervously. "It feels like you know exactly where you are going."

"Well, I do Kagome-sama. Although I cannot see, I know my way around here very well. I have lived here since the day that I was born. My father used to own this place."

"Where is he now?" Kagome asked curiously.

After a short silence, Saya responded. "My father died from a terrible brain fever three years ago."

Kagome could hear the sadness in her voice and felt like a dolt for asking. "I'm sorry, Saya. I didn't mean to pry."

"It is in the past Kagome-sama. I miss him every day, but time has dulled the pain. Is your father still alive?"

"No. My father died when I was only five years old. I can hardly remember him at all. My mother is alive though, but it has been a long time since I have seen her."

"Why?" Saya asked softly. "Did you have an argument?"

"No, nothing like that. It's a long story, really. She lives far away." It was hard talking about her mom. She still missed her so badly sometimes, and lately she longed to feel her arms around her and smell her fresh clean scent.

"My mother died when I was born. I never knew her."

"Oh, that's terrible, Saya. I imagine it was very hard for you growing up without your mother."

"It was at times, but my father was a kind and loving man. He took wonderful care of me, and he taught me how to spin the finest silks."

Kagome could tell from the sound of her voice that Saya was proud of her profession. It was amazing to find a girl in the Feudal Era that was blind, healthy, and could support herself. "I think it is incredible that you do so well for yourself."

Suddenly, Saya had a shift in her tone. "Well, it used to be fun. That is, until my uncle came and took over after father's death."

Before Kagome could ask what she meant, Saya announced their arrival.

"Here we are. It isn't much, but you should not have to be here long. I sent word to your village already, and I imagine someone will be coming for you soon."

Kagome was suddenly so excited that she grabbed Saya's arm, "You have? You've already sent for someone? How did you know?"

"Your friend, the man, who came to me and bought the kimono. He told me that you were from the village of Edo and instructed me to send word to them."

Kagome was stunned into silence. It took her a moment to recover her voice. "He spoke to you? Please Saya, did he tell you his name?"

Saya was surprised that she asked. How could Kagome travel with a man and not even know his name? "Hai. I spoke to him, though I have to admit he was kind of scary. He did not tell me his name, however. Do you not know him? I assumed that he was a friend or companion."

Kagome and Saya took a seat on the mats in Saya's small room, and she told Saya her strange tale. Including certain horrific moments better left unmentioned, she was careful not to indicate how close she and her silent youkai had been. Kagome still got the feeling that Saya was suspicious of their relationship. She ended her story at the point where she woke up outside of the village with Madam Seto sitting by her side.

"Wow, Kagome-sama. That is an amazing adventure! I had no idea that the man here was a youkai! No wonder I felt so strange around him. It was as if I could feel how dangerous he could be. It made me very uneasy. I wonder why he wouldn't talk to you. He had a very deep and smooth voice. Do you think that you know him? It is the only explanation that makes any sense."

Kagome considered it, as she had one hundred times before. It is possible that she knew him somehow, and it made perfect sense that he would try to hide his identity for that reason. "I don't know, Saya-chan. Maybe, but I can't imagine who he could be. The man I know his so kind and sensitive. He was so careful and patient with me. I have to admit, none of the youkai that I have ever met acted like that. Most of them are arrogant and outspoken. They think they are so much better than humans. I have friends that are youkai. Several actually, but many more are enemies. It's hard to say if I know him—especially if he was once an enemy. Most of the time, I'm too busy trying to keep myself and my friends alive to get to know them very well." She added the last with a laugh.

Saya joined her, but then sighed. "Do you think that he will ever come back for you?"

Kagome felt the familiar lump rising in her throat and reached up to wipe at the gathering tears. She was glad that Saya couldn't see how upset the innocent question made her. The wound was still too fresh.

Obviously sensing her distress, Saya clucked her tongue. "Please forgive me, Kagome-sama. I did not mean to upset you. It is clear that the two of you were very close."

With a sniffle, Kagome tried to chuckle away her sudden melancholy mood, but it failed miserably, and much to her embarrassment, the tears began to fall with renewed vigor. "I feel like such a fool!"

Saya felt horrible that she made Kagome cry, and without a thought, she reached around her new friend's shoulders and gave her a fierce hug. "There, there now. Everything will work out. My papa used to say, 'Saya, quit fretting over things that you cannot change. If it is meant to be, it will be'. I think papa was right. Things have a way of working out."  



"Ah, Sesshomaru. So the rumors are untrue."


"That you are dead. You have been missing for some time now."

He should have known that Toran would be up to date with the gossip. "As you can see, the rumors are false."

"Yes. I do wonder though, what has brought the mighty Sesshomaru to my door. I would think that you were needed at home. The last I heard, your citadel was under attack."

Sesshomaru studied the panther diva and considered—once again—if there were any other options available to him. He loathed asking for help, nearly as much as he loathed Toran. She was a beautiful demoness, and extremely powerful. Not only tall and lean, but fair of face and form. Her long hair, the color of blue ice, hung down past her tiny waist and her huge eyes of the same color were cold and calculating. Although he did not like her, he knew her to be loyal to those she cared for as well as honorable in battle.

And she owed him a boon.

"It is why I have come. I have need of reinforcements and you owe me a favor."

Toran studied him for a moment, never relinquishing the sly smile on her full lips, and he could see the wheels spinning in her mind. She was full of questions, but she was too proud to ask.

"You have changed, Sesshomaru, although I am not sure exactly how." She walked around him, moving to his side with animal grace as she studied him closely. The perusal made him uncomfortable and reminded him of Asuza. He didn't like it, so he growled.

"Yes, you have changed, and I do not just mean your current style of clothing. Although black does become you. Where did you come by that kimono anyway?"

"That is hardly important Toran. I have come to collect on a debt that you owe me. You know well of what I speak."

Unfortunately, Toran knew all too well. When she and her clan tried to resurrect their panther king several years earlier, the sovereign went mad and sucked the souls from her beloved brother and sisters. Were it not for Sesshomaru and his strange sword, they would have been lost to her forever. It was by his hand that their souls were ripped from the newly re-animated body of the panther king and returned to her loved ones. Had Sesshomaru not used his sword, Shunran, Karen, and Shuuran would never have stood by her side again. Even now she could not control the chill of remembrance. Their bodies had been so cold... so... dead. Sesshomaru brought them back to life, and for that, she did owe him.

With a heavy sigh of acceptance, Toran nodded to her old foe. "Very well. You have my support. Tell me what is needed."

Sesshomaru refused to disclose how relieved her acquiescence made him feel. It already unnerved him that she could sense a change, and he would not allow her to delve any deeper. He carefully hid the relief behind a mask of stoicism.

After relaying the important details of Asuza's quest for power, he spoke of his plan to thwart the siege being carried out on his palace home. Toran sat quietly, sipping herbal tea, and listening to his plans. When he was finished, she set the delicate cup down and said what was on her mind.

"You have made many plans, Sesshomaru, but do you know if your Western Citadel still stands?"

It irritated him that she would bring up his greatest concern. If in fact the citadel had fallen, then he was seeking her help in vain. "No, I do not know the current state."

Toran studied him for a moment, then cocked her head from left to right. "Then, I suggest we dispatch a spy."

He had no choice but to acknowledge her foresight. "A commendable idea."

Toran gifted him with a smile that rang severely of skepticism. It was obvious that she saw something when she looked at him, and he wondered if she could tell. Could she see the deflated self-esteem? Was it obvious that he had been used?

"Well then," Toran announced before standing. "I shall seek Karen. She is very good at spying. Until then, make yourself comfortable while I have a word with the others."

Sesshomaru merely nodded, but said nothing. He was too busy trying to calm his racing thoughts.

"Oh, and Sesshomaru?"


"After this, my debt to you is paid."



Toran walked away from the great dog demon to seek out her sister, Karen. It was more than odd that Sesshomaru had come to her for assistance, and the fact that he had left her desperate with curiosity. In the past he would never have deigned to do so. He would have died before asking for help.

Not only did his mere presence whisper of peculiarity, but the way he presented himself was strange as well. He had growled at her. Never had she heard him growl. Not once in their meetings, no matter how angry he became, he hid his thoughts and displeasure well— no matter how deeply she goaded his ire. Yet, he had reacted just now with little effort at all.


'What happened to him to bring about this change?' It was a question that she was more than interested in answering. Unfortunately, a volatile taiyoukai could quickly lead to the old adage; 'curiosity killed the cat'. She would be wise to watch her step.

In the courtyard Toran spotted her little sister, Shunran, playing with her newest flower petal spell. The sorceress was a beautiful child-like woman with long flowing hair and a precious smile. She had dedicated her life to building her powers and Toran was very proud of her. Having Sesshomaru turn up in their midst reminded her how dear her young sister was.

"Greetings, Shunran. I see you have perfected the weaving spell."

Shunran turned to her elder sister with a bright smile. "Yes, sister. Shall I use it on the dog?"

Toran laughed, a deep sensual sound, and shook her head. "No. That will not be necessary. In fact, he has come requesting our aid."

The smile on Shunran's lovely heart-shaped face dropped and astonishment took its place. "You must be joking."

"I am not. It is true, and I have agreed to lend it."

Shunran looked as if she were about to question her good sense, but the sentiment died immediately on her lips. Toran could see the emotions spinning in her young sister's eyes. Finally, she closed her mouth with a nod of understanding and replied. "As odd as it is, you have my support, sister. I will follow wherever you lead."

Toran gifted her with a smile and said, "Doomo arigato, Shunran." She sighed heavily and looked off into the distance. "It seems we are to be allied with the dog-general's son." She huffed in amusement. "Who would have thought?"

Shunran did not offer any further thoughts on the decision, but turned back to weaving her spell. When the time came to do battle, she would be ready.

Toran followed the garden path, freshly raked of brittle fallen leaves, and turned the corner leading to the practice range. A blast of sound preceded an explosion that sent a target scattering high into the air. She spotted Karen as she bowed to her men with a broad smile.

"That is the way to defeat an enemy," she bragged.

Toran smiled when Karen spotted her and approached. Karen dismissed her soldiers and greeted her sister. "Toran, how goes it? We were just practicing and I was showing the men how a real warrior deals with their foe." She suddenly stopped and leaned in a little closer than normal to sniff. "Why do you stink like a dog?"

Toran laughed at her bold question, then explained. "It seems that Sesshomaru has come to request our aid in recovering his Western Citadel from an army bent on taking it." She conveyed the tale that the dog demon had given to her about the demoness, Asuza, and the dangerous amulet that she wears around her neck, then outlined the plan that the two of them discussed to destroy the army.

Karen smiled wickedly, for she loved a good fight. "It will be fun to sharpen my claws on the taiyoukai's enemies."

Toran nodded then added, "First, I need you to do a little reconnaissance work. Go to the citadel, and gather as much information as you can. Take only two men with you, and return before first light."

Karen gave her an exaggerated salute, then left to prepare for the mission. Toran watched her go, as her brother, Shuuran, stepped up behind her. His massive shadow temporarily blocking the sun’s light. "You heard?"


Shuuran was not one for many words, so Toran asked him what he thought. "How do you feel about the battle?"

"I'll be glad when it’s over and we never have to deal with those damned dogs again."

Toran laughed, nodding her agreement. Being out of Sesshomaru's debt would be a burden lifted. "I must agree with you, brother." She then turned toward the main house. "Come, let us prepare to go forth into battle."

As she and Shuuran approached the garden, she wondered if she would have the opportunity to meet the Lady Asuza. It would be interesting to see the one who orchestrated such a change in Sesshomaru. Then another thought occurred to her. Perhaps, it was not Asuza who brought about the change at all.

If not her, then who?  


Asuza walked through the human village while the pathetic mortals scattered like ants. At her side was Iku, her beloved, while the gray spy, Ryuunosuke, lead the way. There were four youkai soldiers accompanying her as well, including the sexy little morsel that she had taken an interest in recently.

She paid little heed to the morbid huts and the sprinkling of poultry racing about. Her eyes were focused on the rise of the rocky incline ahead. It looked like any other cliffside with large solid stone jutting precariously out of the surrounding earth. The freshly fallen snow blanketed the surface as well as the ground beneath her feet, and she was increasingly glad for the warmth of her fur robes.

Iku remained silent as he followed her, but she could feel him seething with restrained fury. He was still unhappy with his punishment, calling it degrading for his station, and that only made her smile.

Up ahead she spotted a farmer, a human, who suspiciously whispered to another mortal by his side. The mortal male was eyeing them with fear and resolve in his eyes. Obviously, they knew that their secret was out. A broad smile of triumph lifted her pillow soft lips and she nodded to them both. Let them fear for the future of their pathetic existence. It would all soon come tumbling down.

Ryuunosuke scurried up the cliffside, slinking over jutting stone until he reached the threshold of a particularly large rock. There he stopped and turned, grinning at his audience below. "Here it is milady. Here is the entrance that you seek." He then stepped toward the rock, which flickered and amazingly gave way.

It was an illusion! The door to the barrier was open for the taking! Asuza could not have been more pleased. "Iku," she commanded, "go and see." Iku immediately leaped to the stone with one powerful push of thick muscular thighs. She watched as he tested the entrance with his hand before stepping through. In seconds, he reappeared, meeting her eyes with a look that she knew all too well. Oh yes, victory was only a breath away.

She turned to her soldier-boy and winked. He seemed extraordinarily pleased with her attention, and nearly blushed with pride. She gave her orders for him to remain by the opening until she returned with the troops.

Soon, she would control the monkey clan.  


Karen leaped to the branch of a high tree near the outer rim of soldiers camped below. Two of her best warriors flanked her, landing as silently as feathers. With the eyes of a cat, they could see the encampment scattered below despite the darkness surrounding them. Quickly she assessed the numbers of youkai compared to mortal men and was disappointed that there were so many. While there were hundreds of mortals, there was thrice that in youkai. She would have to be careful how they proceeded or possibly incur detection.

With a hand signal to the left, she sent forth one of her panthers to skirt the camp, and with a signal to the right, the other. She would slink through the middle and discover what she could.

Just then, a staggering blast nearly knocked her from her perch. She looked up toward the high walls of the Western Citadel. The blast had been thrown from a dozen youkai lined up in a row, combining their powers and hurling the energy at the crumbling wall. Obviously, they had been at it for days, for the wall contained serious signs of deterioration.

Her study was suddenly diverted when an answering blast came from the castle beyond. High above the wall, a small green toad had lifted a staff and it produced a scalding flame that resulted in the scattering of enemy soldiers. Her mouth dropped open as she witnessed the imp laughing maniacally and dancing around. He then shouted something that sounded oddly enough like 'baka fools!'.

'Is that the imp that follows Sesshomaru around? Is he crazy? And why is he defending the citadel alone? Where are the western soldiers?' Suddenly a line of defense surfaced at the uppermost wall. Sesshomaru's youkai soldiers appeared as if by magic, before sending a barrage of blasts into the scattering crowd below. Karen looked on, impressed with the maneuver, and silently applauding the miserable little toad.

Just as quickly, the western soldiers retreated behind the safety of the wall, while the invading army scurried around checking the wounded and dying. Karen took the opportunity to slip deeper within the camp. The smoke from the outburst clung heavily in the air and would be useful in masking her scent.

By the time she made a full circle of the enemy encampment, Karen was certain that she had obtained all the useful information that she needed. Once she met back up with her underlings and they exchanged information, she was certain of it. With a motion of her hand, the three of them fell back into the shadows and headed for home.  


"But father, I am afraid."

"Now Yumiko, you have been trained for this occasion and the day has arrived. Our very existence is in your hands. You need only distract the soldier, and Shinji will take over from there."

"How will I know when Shinji has made it through?"

"I will signal to you and then you can fall back. Look at me Yumiko."

Yumiko turned her big emerald eyes up to her father. His mortal age was showing within every etched line and every gray hair. Sometimes she worried over his ever increasing age. What would she do when he leaves this world? The villagers often shunned her because she was part youkai, and the demons reacted in the same fashion. Only her father accepted and loved her for who she was, but when he dies, she will be left all alone.

"Daughter, I have faith in you. I know that you can do this. Our village and our protectors are depending on you now."

"Yes, father. I understand."

With a tender kiss to her cheek, her father sent her out to face a dangerous enemy. A full blooded youkai soldier standing alone. Yumiko followed the trail up to the rising mountainside and tried to calm her frantic nerves. She reached up and patted her pale hair before sliding her hands over the beautiful kimono that she wore.

She is a distraction. That is her purpose in life.

Yumiko swallowed the growing lump in her throat and took the next step. She squared her shoulders and held her head high. She played her father's words over in her mind. Men are all the same. They cannot pass up an opportunity to look upon a pretty girl.

But would this soldier look at her, a hanyou?

By the gods, she hoped so.

Yumiko walked out from behind the last hut, and pretended to be searching for fallen nuts by the tree nearby. She held her little basket in her hand and hummed a song that her mother had taught her long before she was killed. The song had a calming effect, and Yumiko could finally breathe beneath the fear.

From the corner of her eyes she spotted the soldier standing guard at the entrance to the monkey clan's barrier. She feigned ignorance of his presence and bent to retrieve a fallen nut. To her left, behind a huge stack of chopped wood, waited Shinji, the village runner. He was the fastest human around and would carry the alert to the monkey clan.

With one more glance at the soldier, Yumiko felt confident that she had garnered his interest. He was watching her, warily, but his curiosity was clear. She wondered for a moment, what the handsome young soldier thought. Did he speculate as to why a hanyou was living in a human village? Did he think that she was pretty, or perhaps he was disgusted, as most youkai seemed to be in her presence?

She followed the scattered nuts around the trees, gradually growing closer with each step. Carefully, she kept her eyes averted in case he began to suspect. All the while her mind raced around her thoughts. Why did he serve the female youkai that sought to invade the monkey clan? Was he evil, or simply misguided?

When she drew as close as she dared, Yumiko made her move. She stepped into a dip in the ground, cried out, and fell.

With amazing speed the young soldier was by her side.

"Are you hurt?"

Yumiko looked up at the sound of his smooth voice, and hoped the tears in her eyes looked real. "Yes. I think that I twisted my ankle."

"Here, let me have a look."

She moved, careful to only expose a small expanse of her bare leg to the stranger. His large hands moved over her tiny foot, slipping the sandal off then examining the bone. Over his shoulder, she spotted Shinji making his way toward the entrance. He was at his most vulnerable now—completely out in the open.

It was time.

Yumiko made a soft cry of pain, which surprised the soldier, but grabbed his attention completely. He looked up and met her eyes. She focused on her power, calling it forth and holding his gaze. He was mesmerized by the swirling colors of her startling eyes. Greens spiraled with yellow, mixing, but never blending. Finally, he was under her spell.

Yumiko pulled her ankle free of his grasp, and he made no move to stop her. He simply squatted there next to her staring into her eyes.

He was incapable of moving now. Over his shoulder, Yumiko spotted Shinji as he darted through the barriers entrance. Finally, she was able to draw a relieved breath.

She had played her part well. Father will be proud.  


Sesshomaru had been awake through the night while awaiting word from the spies dispatched by Toran. Even though it was unlikely that they would return before dawn, he was unable to sleep.

His mind was full of racing thoughts that would not allow for rest. He missed Kagome, her smell, her voice, her comforting touch.

Since he left her back at the village of Yokaishi, he had been plagued with memories of his time with Asuza and Iku. Without Kagome nearby to distract him, it was getting harder and harder to ignore the wrongs done to him and his powerful youkai blood screamed for vengeance. He wanted nothing more than to rip them both to shreds in a violent storm of temper. Only logic kept him from pursuing that ill-fated path. His time would come and they would both pay with their lives.

Instead of lingering on that which he could not change, Sesshomaru focused on the battle looming ahead. He refused to believe that his guard had fallen prey to the invading army, and so it was necessary to organize a battle plan. Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to follow through without more information, and he finally abandoned the effort.

Sesshomaru rested his head back against the bamboo wall and closed his eyes to the darkness surrounding him. It was quiet now in the hour before dawn. Everything here reeked of cats, and though they were now his allies, his trust in them was limited, leaving his instincts prickling with awareness.

So it was no surprise when the one called Karen returned with her minions. The scent of their arrival reached him before the sounds of the others moving about came to his ears. Toran's approach warned him that it was time to move forward, and so he stood and met her at the screen door.

"Follow me Sesshomaru, and learn what has become of your home."

Sesshomaru nodded and allowed her to lead the way. She paused outside of a doorway before escorting him inside. Her panther sisters and the one lumbering male were already in the room. He took a seat near Toran and waited for news of the Western Citadel.

Toran prompted Karen to relay her findings and Karen smiled a wicked little smile. She seemed to know how desperate Sesshomaru was to hear of his home, even though he showed nothing outwardly except serene calm. When she finally spoke, she looked him in the eye.

"Your fortress still stands, though probably not for long."

His relief was almost palpable, but he was careful not to reveal too much. "As I expected." The miscreant shrugged with a doubtful feminine grunt then continued on with her report as if he had not spoken.

"The wall still stands, but continued bombardment by enemy forces is wearing it down. There are several areas of distress noticeable from any vantage point, and in my opinion, it will not sustain much more damage before crumbling. The enemy forces are considerable, though they have suffered from rallied attempts by the Citadel's guard to fight them off. It seems the little imp that you keep in charge has quite a head for battle. I was impressed with his tactics—his dodge and strike maneuvers— but it will only last so long. It was obvious that your army has sustained serious losses.

"The enemy is being lead by a youkai calling himself General Takeo. He has gathered his forces together near the east end of the main wall where the majority of damage has been inflicted. The army seems to be mostly youkai, though nearly a quarter is only human. Takeo is using the youkai with combustive powers to hurl blasts at the wall, while the humans do mostly grunt work.

"From what I saw, they are totally focused on their task, and completely vulnerable at the rear. They are not expecting an attack from behind, and if we make our way over the cliffside to the southwest, we can eradicate a major portion of them before the fools even realize what is happening."

Sesshomaru carefully considered all that Karen said and was in agreement on the proposed direction of approach. Only one thing concerned him at this point and that was Asuza. "Tell me, in your surveillance, did you ever once see a youkai female with striking auburn hair?"

He tried to keep his voice as dispassionate as he could, but Toran still turned to him with a question in her icy eyes. He ignored her, and waited for the answer. Hoping, praying, that Asuza was not there.

Finally, Karen answered without even a pause for doubt. "No. There was no such woman among the enemy."

He hoped that his relief was not visible, for he was not keen on revealing how extremely wary of Asuza he truly was. It would not do for the panthers to detect any fear. That was something that he would have to deal with on his own. After a short pause, he nodded his approval and turned to Toran. "I am agreeable to the approach from the southwestern cliffside. We shall strike hard and fast, leaving no one alive. Take no prisoners, and once this is finished, our business is done."

One side of her lips turned up in a grin. Toran was eager to begin this fight and just as eager to end her debt to the dog general's son. "So be it." She stood and looked at her brother and sisters. "Let us go to war."  


A/N: I hope you guys are ready for some serious battle action, because the next chapter is going to be chopped full of it! Both Sesshomaru and Uchuu will have their hands—or paws—full trying to defeat their enemies. Don't miss it, I plan on some serious bloodshed. Take care until then. Thanks for reading!

Thanks to Risa for doing such an excellent job editing this chapter!