InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waiting in Silence ❯ Waiting in Silence ( One-Shot )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
This is a poem written by my friend Joey Cleary. I just rewrote it. It's about any demons or killers really. You'll know what I mean when you read it.
Waiting in Silence
Some people say that life is fun
With kids who play, laugh, and run
We seem to watch them with our eyes
Waiting and waiting for their demise
We wait and wait
While our hearts fill with hate
Until we finally take our claws
And end their lives without flaws
As others get older they grow big and tall
We wait for the day they finally fall
As we wait some get jobs
Others form into angry mobs
Their lives, they seem so long to us
It's really creating quite the fuss
Until the day we pick up our knives
And finally end those wretched kids lives
Let me know what you think
Or I'll come after you in a blink (just kidding)