InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waiting in the Darkness/ Releasing the Damned ❯ Releasing the damned ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha, nope not at all.

Okay this is it people, the final part of the three part angst-fest of "I'm only human" It was a little harder to write than I thought, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say!

READ and REVIEW please!

Releasing the damned

By Miztikal-Dragon

I believe that there are some things in life that we cannot change. Maybe it’s a form of weakness that some cannot get over, a disease that is incurable but soothed only by death. The innocent and pure are the ones that are so easily swayed by the darkness in their hearts and led down a road of tragedy and misery that some will never find the strength to carry on.

I don’t honestly know what went wrong with Rin, but I can take a wild guess that I know probably would be right. I watched her grow up in a weird way, I mean not in a weird pedophile way, but we’d see each other from time to time. She wasn’t that young when she came to live with me and Kagome, but that’s where I think it was the beginning of the end for her.

She always looked so sad as she watched the forest with desperation, her brown eyes pleading with some unseen being to grant her the impossible. Sure she wore her emotions on her sleeve, Kagome said so herself, but this was really pathetic. How could one girl hold onto so much hope when there was nothing left for her but the future she refused to see?

It was more than a fact that Sesshomaru was not going to come back for her, it was obvious as the days passed but she still was convinced that there was a chance. All she had to do was wait and then one day he’d be there magically to steal her heart away and take her to an endless field of flowers and happiness.

I spent a lot of my free time watching Rin closely, I had to make sure that she wouldn’t intentionally go off to find him, or hurt herself. She wasn’t herself and if something happened I’m sure that Kagome would blame me for not being their to protect her, but it wasn’t like she really wanted to be protected in the first place.

There was no life left in her eyes.

If there was a way that I could have made things better, you’d better believe I would try my hardest, but you can’t fix what’s been smashed into a million pieces and buried in the sand. Sometimes it better to let someone go than keep them caged with their misery. The way I look at it, either way she was going to die and I just wanted the pain in her heart to end. The way she carried herself made me think of Kikyo, she was the living dead, a walking corpse looking for a way to end the life that should have never been allowed to live.

it’s a selfish way of thinking and I know this, but that night in the rain when it all ended I knew that there was an ominous cloud hanging over everyone’s head. What happened that night is unforgettable because no matter how hard some people try, they will always fall short.

There is no salvation for the pure and innocent.

Kagome had watched Rin walk into the forest by herself and naturally sent me to follow the girl, which of course I did. Only I didn’t know what was waiting for me in the shadows of the trees, the emptiness that surrounds the weak. I used to be able to say that I never knew anyone who had given up like she had, hell not even my mother had fallen that deep within the darkness of her heart, but Rin had and there was no hope of pulling her through it.

I could smell the sickness radiating off her body, I’m pretty sure that she had stopped eating and her body couldn’t protect itself, she was intentionally trying to rid herself of the pain that would never cease while she lived. It was her pain filled screams that tore at my heart, they were the cries of everything that she had lost, and I think it was her way of telling the world that she had nothing else left.

I didn’t want to be there, standing hidden by the trees watching her, but it wasn’t like I could move my feet, they were refusing to work. I was helpless to do anything to help her. Some people are able to continue on in life if they can cleanse themselves, you know, purge the depression from their hearts as best they can, but not everyone.

I was shocked when she called out, I was like a dear frozen in fear, she knew I was there with her, but not who I was. I don’t know why I didn’t say anything as I came out of my hiding place, my silver hair plastered against the sides of my face. Drenched from head to toe in the cold rain that fell from the heavens, I couldn’t find the words to say, she had sounded so alien to me.

Naturally it was surprising that she didn’t yell and scream, but her expression was just as unnerving as she called out his name. She was delusional, and I understood then what made her what she was. I should have known better, but then again I didn’t understand how it was possible, how someone who followed my brother around like a lost puppy could fall in love with something so cold and uncaring.

The confusion and pain in her eyes is something that I’ll never be able to forget, I knew who she thought I was but I guess the only thing I could do was try and get her out of the rain before her condition became worse. Kagome would skin my hide if Rin died in the rain. However before I could get anywhere near her, the girl collapsed into the mud, me being there must have been just too much for her.

I knew that it would have been better to take her back to the village, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I didn’t want anyone to see Rin in such a weak state, I didn’t want her to feel guilty about her feelings, about her appearance so I did the first thing that came to mind. I took her to an old and abandoned cave that I knew no one or demons went to.

A fire wasn’t hard to start and I took off my haori and covered her with it as best as I could. It wouldn’t help in the long run, but I believed that it would help keep her warm. I don’t know how long I waited, the fire burning brightly and warming up the damp and smelly cave, but eventually Rin did regain consciousness and I wish that she hadn’t because what ended up happening was something that would have broken anybody’s heart.

I know that it broke his.

When she looked up at me with her eyes I knew that there was nothing I could do but pretend and give her something happy to hold on to, I didn’t want to destroy the only thing left that she was holding onto. So I tried to sound as much like my brother as I could without over doing it, I tried to give Rin what she deserved, what she was robbed of. I gave her words of hope but she only smiled at me and threw them back, knowing that deep down there would be no tomorrow for her.

The darkness had settled into stay, my hands were tied.

I wanted to growl and yell at her in frustration, I didn’t want Rin to give up so easily, she had been such a strong girl. And honestly I had admired her strength when she was younger, her blind loyalty to the unknown, but right then she was just too vulnerable. It was killing me. I tried to convince her that giving up wasn’t the answer, that things would get better, but she didn’t bit the bait, she was giving up all hope.

Listening to the last of her words, her pleas to release her from the hell of living I don’t think that I could refuse her anything at the moment. In my own sick and twisted way I would give her what she wanted because it seemed that her suffering was so bad that if she did live it would just be in vain. I’m sure that even Sesshomaru agreed with me.

It was a little ironic that he actually showed up, his white haori not even wet with the rain, I always knew that the weather would bend to Sesshomaru‘s will, everything usually did. His scent had been faint but I refused to look back at him, my attention was with Rin because the two of us knew what was to come.

I was about to say something to help ease Rin‘s mind when Sesshomaru‘s cold voice reached my ears and made my nose scrunch up in distaste, the bastard was finally able to step up and take control, although it was already too late...

“Wait for me,” Rin’s laugh was harsh, but I have to admit I wanted to do the same thing. “Wait for me in the darkness and I’ll find you..”

Of course it was me who added the apology but Rin didn’t tell the difference and it wasn’t like my brother was capable of saying the words. Rin didn’t last too much longer but it was like she was finally at peace with the world, and I didn’t understand that when it ended why she was smiling.

Angry tears fell from my eyes as I released Rin’s hand and jumped to my feet attacking Sesshomaru with all my built up rage. It was his fault why she had ended this way.

“You’re such a fucking bastard!” I screamed as he blocked my punches, evading me easily.

He growled at me then, his cold amber eyes freezing me in place. I had never seen such a look from him and his made my heart skip a beat. Sesshomaru walked around me as if I was nothing and went to Rin’s side before picking her up in his arms. When he turned around and looked at me I could see the emotion swirling in his eyes, I think he meant what he said, but how could I be sure? Sesshomaru can be manipulative and cunning when he wants to be.

The rain fell harder from the black clouds and I felt the emptiness in the air as Sesshomaru walked away with her in his arms. In a way I believe that he would go to her, Kagome always said that Sesshomaru really was like our father and me; he had fallen for a human. Maybe it was supposed to be this way, two out of the three Inu-youkai family who were destined to die for their human lovers, but then again I guess I could say that I would go to my death for Kagome. Fate had been kind to me and given me a light at the end of a tunnel.

I died once and got my second chance, however my father nor Sesshomaru were permitted such a thing. I walked slowly back to the village empty handed and when I saw Kagome standing there at the entrance to the hut I couldn’t meet her eyes, but she understood.

That night she told me that she was proud of what I did, it was the ultimate sign of mercy I guess. I don’t know why I did, but I cried that night in her arms, and Kagome wept too. There are things that we do in life that we don’t we don’t understand, but it helps us grow as people. Things were never really the same, but Kagome and I did find Rin’s burial place and there we found both a broken Tokijin and Tenseiga by the grave sight.

The smell of death was there and I could smell his scent all over the place but there was no sign of Sesshomaru. Kagome told me that she believed that Sesshomaru killed himself and by the looks of it I agreed because it was the only rational answer. There was certainly a story that needed to be told and I did tell it to the rest of the gang, it was something that just had to be said and not left in the dark. People had to learn that there was something greater than life to hold onto.

Even the strongest of youkai could be defeated by an innocent girl’s love.


All comments are appreciated.
