InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waiting To Inhale ❯ The Punishment ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Inuyasha stared at the letter. He's read and reread it over and over again. It seemed almost ethereal to him. He placed it back on the table. This meant he'd have to follow his bastard of a brother, but it was worth it.
He picked up his keys and his jacket; the dark bold print returned his stare from the crisp, white paper.
Waiting To Inhale
Chapter One - The Punishment
Read Responsibly.
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The blasting music was giving him a headache, but he was thoroughly enjoying the dancing teenager in front of him. When he came to these kinds of places he didn't know whether the music or the alcohol affected him more.
Inuyasha pushed the girl off of him onto the floor and pushed through the throng of people to get to the stairs. He and Sesshoumaru had come out looking for a good time to celebrate. Oblivion, was nothing but a gathering place for hormone-driven teens. The inside was nearly lightless, the pitch-black walls gave the room the effect of standing inside a pit. It was sweat drenched and crazed, just like him. He took a seat next to Sesshoumaru and his newly acquired toy for the night. They were seated on the second floor, a Plexiglas floor the only thing separating them, and the dry-humping teens below.
"Leave us." Sesshoumaru smooth baritone sailed into his eardrums. The girl looked offended, but knew better than to argue with the look Sesshoumaru's face. She flew down the stairs and blended back into the dark, shadowy figures downstairs.
"Man, I can't believe I got accepted."
"So you've finally managed to accomplish something in your failure of a life."
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Yo, fuck off Shou, this is my night."
And to him it was. It was on this night that his future was shown to him. All the cards dealt by the fates were falling into place. It was the beginning of something new.
"Bastard, what the hell are you talking about?"
"Are you deaf as well as daft? What did I just say? It won't fucking start!"
Inuyasha pulled away from the girls to move towards his brother's car.
"Give me the flashlight."
"Get it yourself."
"Look this is your fucking car now-" Sesshoumaru threw the flashlight at Inuyasha's chest, nearly caving in his ribs.
Inuyasha popped the hood of the car to inspect the problem. The shiny interior gleamed back at him as he shined the light over it. Sesshoumaru came to stand next to him, examining both Inuyasha and the car.
"There's nothing wrong with it."
"Inuyasha is that head of yours as empty as I thought it was? Of course there's something wrong, or it would be starting right now."
Inuyasha pointedly flashed the light in his brothers' sensitive eyes.
"Look, its just what I said, there's nothing wrong with the car. Your-"
Sesshoumaru moved before Inuyasha could even discern him. He grabbed the flash light out of his hand and whacked him over the head with it.
"What the fucking-"
"Do something like that again and I will-"
Inuyasha stood up, grabbing his head. "You will put your hand through my fucking chest. Sometimes you sound like a broken record."
Inuyasha walked back to his own car. He didn't care whether his brother slept right here or not. "Either get in now or get left."
"Sess, if you don't fucking hurry up I'll leave your ass!"
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes. Inuyasha wouldn't leave for the fear of getting his ass seriously kicked. The street behind them was barren. But that was to be expected, it was 2 am. Sesshoumaru stood in the alleyway of the abandoned building trying to relieve himself while Inuyasha waited in the car. The next sky was pitch black, but Sesshoumaru didn't need light as he walked back towards the car intending on killing his half sibling who just happened to be steadily leaning on the cars horn. Sesshoumaru ripped open the door and tried to wrap his hand around Inuyasha's neck.
"Eww don't touch me with that hand. I don't want to know why you taking so long over there."
He revved the engine of his newest plaything, his cherry red Ferrari GTB Fiorano. The car was a gift from their ever-distant father to Inuyasha for completing high school. But it didn't matter who it was from, as long as he had it. All was right in the world, except for the problem sitting next to him. The same problem that had plagued him his entire life. One that he could never shake himself of.
His evil, cold-hearted, half-brother.
"I should have just left you behind like I wanted to."
Inuyasha reached over to turn on the radio loud enough to wake the dead.
Or, anyone in a five-mile radius.
The sounds of the sirens blended into his music so well, he could have sworn that it was the artists' intention. There were two options Inuyasha ran through in his head, the first one would involve pulling over giving them his license and go about his merry little way; or he could outrun them like he was planning on doing. Throwing a grin over his shoulder, he looked at Sesshoumaru.
Wearing nearly identical expressions on their faces, Inuyasha pushed the pedal as far as it would go. Racing down the empty streets, the sounds of the police sirens died and merely faded into the background. Not bothering to slow down the car although they were out of the clear, Inuyasha cracked a smile. Inuyasha looked at the speed odometer and clocked himself close to 290 miles an hour. If had been human tonight he probably wouldn't be able to see to control the car.
Sesshoumaru was plastered in his seat, but not from fear. Far from it actually. Both brothers' were just enjoying the sight of the world whipping around them. It was the same feeling they got when they ran across the skies. Their clothes whipping around, their hair rushing around thrashing them and each other in the faces. But even in their euphoria they could hear the sirens approaching once again.
"What in the seven hells?" Inuyasha's mouth gaped open as he caught sight of the police cars catching up to them in his rear view mirror. There were no cautionary words as Inuyasha shifted gears and took a sharp corner. The police followed down the small alleyway Inuyasha tried to lose them in. Inuyasha spun the wheel rapidly and the car drifted before shooting down the street. For the moment they were lost.
The car skidded to a stop.
"Hey bast-"
"What the-"
Their words were cut off when gunshots rang in the air.
"Fuck it all to god damn hell!"
The car lurched into drive once again to avoid the sirens that were coming in on both sides. Inuyasha swung down another street to get away from the pursuing cars, but instead the sight of a residential neighborhood greeted him.
"Half-breed what the-"
"Not right now, bastard, I'm driving."
"Well you're doing a shitty job of it."
Looking over his shoulder to make sure they had completely gotten away, he didn't see the pole until it was almost too late. Sesshoumaru grabbed the wheel, intent on not dying while his brother was previously engaged in being stupid, turned to avoid the pole that was hurtling towards them and then promptly collided with someone's house.
The poor balding man, in about his late 80's, was shocked when he went downstairs to get a glass of water to find that a nice red car had become part of his decorum, and used his house as a parking spot. But what shocked him more were the vicious growling sounds coming from within.
"Umm excuse me, could you please remove your car from my living room? It's blocking the way to my kitchen."
Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru stepped into his office. The mahogany desk made them cringe on the inside. The desk was a sign of evil to them; for the owner of it was the devil himself.
"The Taisho brothers. What an unpleasant surprise. Though a surprise it's not. Let's just call it unpleasant. What brings you to my courtroom this time?" Inuyasha growled and Sesshoumaru glared at the fat, bald judge in front of them. They all had a history with each other. This was one of many visits Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru had made to him, and definitely not the first together. Seeing the man always left a bad taste in both boys' mouths, he was always after a way to put a stop to their gallivanting.
"I assume it's some more trumped up charges my officers made up again." Judge Chikatsu looked over the papers brought to his desk. His eyes widened as he read over the extensive damage the boys caused.
"Well this is an absolutely new one. You crashed your car into someone's house? Well at least this time we have proof. Now how might I ask did you get your car get into someone's living room?"
Judge Chikatsu looked over the boys seated in front of him. Inuyasha looked bored with the situation and insisted on playing with his ears, and Sesshoumaru looked…indifferent. Which was nothing unusual, except for the low growl that he had been sure was coming from the younger Taisho boy, was coming from the eldest.
Chikatsu continued to read. "Driving under the influence. Under the influence? Remind me how old the two of you are again?" He waved his chubby finger at Sesshoumaru then Inuyasha. "Nineteen and seventeen. That's not right. The legal age I was sure was 20. But then I could be wrong. You two seem to think the law changes for you. Oh and look here's the best part. You were speeding-" He glanced up at the two over the folder. "Which one was driving? Oh nevermind I have that right here. The younger Taisho was driving under the influence but it seems the older Taisho was intoxicated as well." His fat finger was aimed and shaking at Inuyasha. "And you, turned the streets where people live into your own personal raceway!" The hefty judge was standing on his feet, bellowing at the brothers that could almost pass for twins.
"Look dickshit, what the hell you gonna do to us? I ain't got all day!" Chikatsu turned red in the face. No one could excite his anger than these two. With Sesshoumaru and his nonchalant behavior to Inuyasha's lack of behavior. Chikatsu was ready to take his head off when the door to his chambers suddenly flew open.
"Inuyasha keep you're mouth shut. Don't say another word!" Their lawyer had finally made an appearance. And behind him the little old man whose house had been destroyed. Teetering into the courtroom, his eyes widened when he saw Inuyasha.
"Oh you're the young man who visited my house last night. Might I ask what you're doing here?" Inuyasha nearly took the man's head off for patronizing him, but one look in the old man's eyes he realized he really didn't remember. Laughing it off he said, " Don't worry about old man."
The old man gave a nearly toothless grin and turned towards Judge Chikatsu arguing with the Taisho lawyer.
"Look Chikatsu, this man has decided to drop all charges on the boys. Why don't you just let them go?"
Chikatsu blew up at the suggestion. "Let them go? Let them GO? Are you dense as well as stupid? They're facing more than the charges from this man. They're facing charges brought against them by the city! How do you suppose I drop the charges against them for that! Reckless endangerment doesn't even begin to cover these boys actions!"
Nevermind the fact that he wasn't going to give in to this foolish man, but he would like to hear any of them threat him. He'd lock them up so fast their heads would spin.
"Okay so don't completely drop the charges, go easy on them."
Chikatsu had never been so disrespected as a judge in all his life. How dare another upholder of the law tell him to go easy on them! Chikatsu had waited a long time for those two bumbling idiots to mess up. Now he finally had the chance to get back at them, he wasn't going to let it go to waste. No, not again. That was until he brought out papers.
"These are papers already to go for those two. It says they will be serving community service for a certain amount of hours." Inuyasha jumped up at the sentence.
"Hell no I ain't doing no damn community service! What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Sorry orders from Inuno himself. You don't want to go against that do you?"
Chikatsu gulped at that. Those two misfits and their lawyer he could handle, but Inuno he couldn't. He sighed.
"How many hours? How many hours do they have to serve?"
"That's for you to fill out."
Chikatsu eyes widened. Was he serious he could deem how many hours they served? If he had his way those would be doing service for a year. And Inuyasha seemed to think the same thing, cause he immediately voiced his grievance.
"Hell no! We'll be doing that shit for forever!"
At this Sesshoumaru stood as well.
"You will not have this Sesshoumaru at the mercy of that man!"
"Your father put a limit on how may hours you could do."
Three voices rang through the room at the same time with the same question.
"How many hours is it?"
At that four things happened simultaneously. Inuyasha dead set against doing service at all threw his chair against the wall near Sesshoumaru, who ducked from the approaching chair, picked Inuyasha up by his throat and slammed him on the desk of Chikatsu breaking it in half wanting to kill the half-breed for getting him into this mess, Chikatsu overjoyed nearly fell out his chair, and their lawyer being the bearer of bad news left immediately.
Chikatsu picked himself up from the ensuing chaos of Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru's fight. He grabbed the community service papers and filled out the necessary items. Sesshoumaru grabbed Inuyasha in the meantime and delivered a hard punch straight to the hanyou's jaw, sending him across the room. Chikatsu cleared his throat hoping to get the attention of the two demons playing pit-i-pat with each other's faces. Sesshoumaru heard the fat ones cough and stopped himself from putting his claws through the hanyou's neck.
"Now as to a place for you to serve your time-"
The old man who had followed the lawyer inside the room mystically reappeared. Looking between the two demons and the judge with wide eyes he simply let out a squeaked, "Um your honor, where will I stay? My home is gone, demolished really and I don't have any more family."
Chikatsu's mind was working a mile a minute. He was going to kill two birds with one stone.
"There is a retirement home not too far here. Hawks Mark. I'm sure the Taisho's won't mind footing the bill seeing as to how they destroyed your house. Boys, I have an idea."
Inuyasha didn't like that look in his eye. Although he couldn't see his face because Sesshoumaru still had his claws in his neck. "Dammit Sess, let me go!"
Sesshoumaru promptly dropped Inuyasha on his ass. The younger Taisho growled.
"Oi, dickshit what do you got?"
Chikatsu fluffed up. "Don't call me that! Besides something tells me I found a perfect place for you to work your hours. Taisho met the first resident you'll be catering to. You're both be working at the Hawks Mark retirement home starting Monday. You're going to learn respect for you elders boy."
That last sentence was all Sesshoumaru needed to hear before he decided his brother would need another hole in his body.
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