InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waking Powers ❯ Powers Out of Control ( Chapter 4 )
- Chapter 4. -
Powers Out of Control
Through the red haze, Kagome had seen everything. The snake youkai had grabbed Inuyasha and had him hanging helpless in the air.
She was on fire. Blood thundered in her ears and she had trouble focusing. She had to focus. Inuyasha was in danger.
The arrow she had knocked earlier was shaking in her grasp. Her muscles were slow and when they responded, shots of pain burned trough them. She was unaware of the tears leaking from her eyes.
When she saw that the youkai withdrew his head to attack again, she knew she only had one chance. One chance to save to one she loved.
As she pulled the arrow back to her cheek, she could feel the pain in her follow the movement. It was like she herself was stretched to the bows movement, ready to be released. Ready to let go.
A soft sob escaped her lips as her fingers let go of the string. A sharp snapping sound, and the arrow was on its way, seeking the target.
The pain was suddenly gone. It was like it had left with the arrow. She felt drained. Empty.
When the arrow claimed its target, darkness claimed her.
The blast when the enchanted arrow connected with the snake sent Inuyasha sprawling through the air. Cursing the bitch that was the reason, he also silently thanked her. After all, the youkai had been on the brink to attack him.
Turning in the air, he landed softly on his feet. Straightening, he showed Tetsusaiga back into its scabbard and looked around for the shard. Seeing that Sango had already picked it up he walked over to claim it when a wail from Shippo got his attention. Spinning, he was on the brink of drawing Tetsusaiga again, ready to fight the new threat. What he saw nearly made his heat stop.
Kagome was lying on her back, unmoving and pale.
Forgetting all about the shard, he jumped over to her frail body and pushed Shippo away. Focusing his senses he could hear a faint heartbeat, but that was all it was. Faint. "What happened?" He growled at the kit while he shook Kagome carefully, trying to bring her back to consciousness. Shippo was at the brink of tears.
"I-I don't know. Suddenly she was shaking, and I could smell her tears. She saw that the youkai had you and she called your name, then she released the arrow and she just fell." The kit was sobbing now. "She just fell?" Inuyasha repeated. He was about to pummel the fox when Miroku and Sango finally reached them.
They had heard what Shippo said while they were running. Now Miroku bent over Kagome and closed his eyes. Inuyasha wanted to throw the monk away, but he knew that there was a chance that he could help Kagome.
When Miroku straightened, he had a worried look on his face. This alone told Inuyasha that something was seriously wrong. Miroku was always calm, always collected.
"What's the matter with her?" He was on the brink of panic, but he refused to let them see, hear and in Shippo's case, smell it. Miroku slowly shook his head. "Her miko power is greatly disturbed. We have to get her to Kaede-sama. It takes a miko to help another miko with her power." Growling, Inuyasha picked Kagome up, careful not to hurt her with his claws. "Well, what are we waiting for? The quicker we can get her back, the quicker we can continue our search for shards."
He turned and began to walk before the rest of the group could figure out what had happened.
Sango arched an eyebrow and looked at his retreating back as she packed up their belongings. "What an asshole" she said, using an expression she had picked up from Kagome. "Can't he just admit that he cares for her already?"
Shippo nodded and turned his attention to Miroku. "Will she be alright Miroku?" The monk shook his head slowly and began to follow Inuyasha. "I don't know. Her aura was very disturbed. We'll see what Kaede-sama can do for her. I've never felt that disturbance in Kagome before. It was strange, like it was connected to her power, her soul and her heart all at the same time. There's no doubt that it is serious…" Miroku trailed off when he saw the tears beginning to leak from the kit's eyes. "Don't worry Shippo. Kagome is strong. She won't let something like this break her." Shippo nodded, comforted by the monk's words. He is right. Kagome is strong. And stubborn.
"Oi! Are you going to take all day or what!?" At the angry shout from the hanyou, they all snapped out of their thoughts and ran to catch up with him.
Kaede and Miroku sat opposite of each other with Kagome lying in between them. They had chased the rest of the group out when they had arrived with Kagome. Granted it hadn't been easy to convince Inuyasha to stay outside. Not easy at all. Miroku sighed and glanced at the ofuda's by the door and the windows, checking to see that they still were in place. Shaking his head, he turned his eyes back to the unconscious girl in front of him. Of course they were still in place; after all, Inuyasha was still outside.
"What do you think Kaede-sama?" He finally asked after an endless silence. Kaede shook her head and removed her hand from the young miko's forehead. "It is very strange indeed Miroku-sama. I can find no reason for the disturbance with Kagome's powers. At least no reason caused by herself." Shaking her head she looked out the nearest window at the surrounding forest. "Her power seeks balance, but I do not know how it is unbalanced. As you said it is connected with her soul, but I still do not believe that my sister has anything to do with it. Surely it would have manifested itself earlier if the resurrection of Kikyo was the reason…" She trailed off and returned her eyes to Miroku.
Miroku nodded his agreement and gestured to Kagome's hands. "Inuyasha said that he found handprints burned into the well and he claimed that it smelled of `upset' miko-powers and Kagome. He was sure that Kagome was the one who burned the marks into the wood."
Kaede nodded. "She's loosing control of her powers. They're seeking balance and she can't `give' it so to speak. The result is that her own powers are trying to find the balance on its own, resulting in an uncontrolled leaking of her power. It is very disturbing. Kagome is a powerful miko and her powers can very well kill her if she does not regain some form of control. Her powers are building inside of her faster than she can use them with her arrows. We'll have to teach her some simple practices so that she can empty her reserves once in a while, but I still fear that it won't be enough. Still, it will buy her some time." Miroku nodded again as he fingered his prayer beads, he didn't have the kazaana anymore, but he kept the prayer beads out of habit. "She will be waking again soon, but I can not predict how she will react to the changes." Kaede finished. Miroku only stared blankly into the air. Kagome, we need you… Inuyasha needs you.
"One more thing," Kaede said as Miroku began to rise. "Don't tell Inuyasha any of this. He can only make it worse." The monk nodded and turned to take the spells of the door.
Inuyasha was fuming as he stared at the offending spell scrolls plastered on the door and the windows. They had kicked him out. Something was wrong with Kagome and they had kicked him out. Growling he tried to hear what they were saying in the hut, but the ofuda's were made to block in sounds as well. He was, to say it mildly: pissed.
Shippo and Sango had wisely kept their distance when they were ushered outside. They didn't want to be the subjects for the hanyou's formidable temper.
Shippo had curled himself up besides Kirara. The giant youkai-cat had stayed in the village to help protect it when Inuyasha's group had left to search for shards. Shippo regretted the decision, but he didn't say it out loud. It wasn't Kirara's fault that Kagome was sick, but still, maybe she wouldn't have become sick if she didn't have to fight. Sighing he buried his face in the soft fur. He didn't want to loose Kagome too; she was like a mother to him.
When Inuyasha caught a glimpse of Miroku's purple robes he stopped his growling and waited. He was going to kill the monk, he didn't care if he hadn't really done anything to deserve it. His nerves were on the edge and he was not in the mood for any sloppy excuses. His blood was boiling.
As soon as the ofuda's were removed from the door, Inuyasha moved faster than any human could ever hope to move. Holding Miroku by the neck he pressed him up against the wall, lifting him some inches from the ground. He could vaguely hear Sango's disbelieving yell in the background.
"Inuyasha put him down!"
Ignoring the old miko, Inuyasha only pressed harder. Small whimpering noises escaped from Miroku's mouth.
Sango couldn't believe what she was seeing. She knew that Inuyasha was angry, but she realised too late just HOW angry he was. "Inuyasha please put him down!" She pleaded as she ran towards the two males, completely ignoring the fact that she put herself in potential danger. Inuyasha only growled louder.
Sango was beginning to panic. Miroku's face was beginning to turn blue. She lunged herself at the furious hanyou and began to pry at the fingers that held Miroku in a deadlock. Inuyasha released his hold long enough to throw her across the room. She didn't care about the pain in her back when she made contact with the wall. She had bought Miroku some time. Inuyasha had at least released his hold on the monk for a second. When she saw that the hanyou turned towards Miroku again, her blood ran cold. He was going to kill him, he was actually going to kill him.
A/n: Sorry for the long wait… leaving you hanging and all… *Looks nervously around* hehehe… Um, I've been busy with exams and stuff. Really sorry. I'll try to update on a more regular basis. And again thanks for the reviews. ^_^ *Leaves huggles to nice reviewing people*
Oh… and sorry again for the new cliffie :P I can't live without them… ^_^;