InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Walking with the Wounded ❯ Walking with the Wounded ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

A/N: Okay here's a one-shot song fic. This is AU and is to Third Eye Blind's `Walking with the Wounded'. If you're a Kouga lover…you might not like this one, but I hope you'll still read and hell, you can flame me if you want.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha or any of the characters of the anime. I do not own the song `Walking with the Wounded', that belongs to Third Eye Blind, from the Album `Blue'. So please don't sue me, I only own my compy and it's not worth anything…but sentimental value!
* * * *
Inu Yasha peeked out from behind the curtain, searching the crowd for the one person he needed to see here. After a couple minutes scanning the throng of people in the club, he spotted her sitting at the bar. He stepped away from the curtain, going to rejoin his band mates and let them know that Kagome had showed.
Sango looked up from tuning her bass. “Well? Is she here?”
A small sad smile played across Inu Yasha's lips. “Yeah, she's here. She's sitting at the bar.”
“We're gonna have to thank Sessh for getting Kouga out of town.” Came Miroku's voice from behind him. “We never would have gotten her here without his help.”
“Yeah.” He looked around. “Uh…where's Shippou?”
“I had to use the little foxes room…” He looked up at the older youkai. “There a problem with that?”
“Hey, Inu Yasha, you guys are up.” A petite girl, with brown hair and eyes, said from the doorway. You have 5 minutes, to get out there.”
“Thanks, Rin. We'll be right there.”
* * * *
“Okay everyone. Here's one of our favorites, Kaze!”
Inu Yasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippou all walked for the left of the stage, assaulted by the roar of applause and cheers. Myoujou was one of the best clubs in the city. The place was always packed and when they played here, it seemed as if people were hanging from the rafters. Inu Yasha walked up to the microphone, picking up the cord form the amp and plugging in his guitar, while Sango and Miroku plugged there's in also. Shippou hopped up onto the platform adjusted the drums (is it me, or does everyone make Shippou the drummer) to his liking and got comfortable.
“Thanks everyone.” Inu Yasha near yelled into the microphone, just to be heard. The noise subsided to a low hum. “Our first song tonight is dedicated to a friend of ours who's here tonight. We just want her to know… we miss her.”
Miroku started to play, Shippou coming in on drums soon after him. Inu Yasha looked around quickly spotting Kagome.
The guy who put his hands on you
Has got nothing to do with me
And the bruises that you feel will heal
And I hope you'll come around
'Cuz we're missing you”
The last time they had seen her she flinched away from even the simplest of movements. The bruises she poorly tried to hide were the least of their concerns. She was their mascot and cheerleader when they had been just another high school rock band.
“And you used to speak so easy
Now you're afraid to talk to me
It's like walking with the wounded
Carrying that weight way too far
Concrete pull you down so hard
Out there with the wounded
We're missing you“
“Well I never claimed to understand
What happens after dark?
But my fingers catch the sparks
At the thought of touching you
When you're wounded”
Sango looked toward the girl she considered a sister. Remembered the first time Kouga had beaten her. A tear slipped down her cheek. She stopped calling her and Inu Yasha after that. She hated what that bastard had done to her. What he had done to her beautiful spirit.
“Let me break it down till I force the issue
We miss your face and you know I wish you
Would come back down to the Dalva Bar
You tell them, "That's just my battle scar"
I want to kiss you
And knock 'em down like we used to
You're the marigold
Till you're walking down shaking that ass again
And then you walk on baby, walk on, you walk on
On and on”
Miroku looked to the once happy face of his baby cousin. She was the only one that could drink him under the table. She was proud and beautiful, the girl he saw now was nothing but a shell and he missed her.
“You're an angel in the pit
With her hands in the air
And we're missing you”
Inu Yasha took the moment to turn to each of his friends. Seeing the tears in Sango's eyes made his heart clench. She had already lost so much, and now she had lost her sister to a monster.
“Now its fall and your shoulders get tighter
Nervous flicks on the lighter, boots
You're pissed off poets, your women's groups
And we're friends with you; we should've known this fool
Well, I guess we missed the mark
But still my fingers catch the sparks
At the thought of them touching you
And now you're wounded”
Shippou couldn't bring himself to look at her. He still felt the guilt of not seeing the signs of her dangerous relationship. But it was so easy to not see it, when she still showed for their gigs, started all the mosh pits and smiled in that way that made you feel special.
And then, it was like a draft blowing by a candle until it sputtered and died.
“Let me break it down till I force the issue
You never come around and you know we miss you
Well nobody took your pride away
I said, "That's something people say"
Back down the bully to the back of the bus
'Cuz it's time for them to be scared of us
Till you're yelling, “How we living?
'Cuz you got the ball
Then you rock on baby, rock on, you rock on
On and on”
She finally looked up as the feel of multiple stares got to her. She saw it then. The loss they felt without her, the hurt that she felt was a reflection of her own. But most importantly…the love. Something she hadn't seen in so very long and it was something she couldn't do without anymore.
“You're a summertime hottie
With her socks in the air
You're screaming, "I don't care
Baby, I don't care
“You say you don't know
You say you don't know (You're a marigold)
All I know is we're missing you”
“You say you don't know
You say you don't know (You're a marigold)
All I know is we're missing you”
“Show up
Show up wounded
Show up
Show up wounded”
She smiled then. A real smile. And it made her friends smile; they knew she had realized it didn't matter. As Inu Yasha had sung, “The guy who put his hands on you, has got nothing to do with me.” He was right, Kouga had nothing to do with them, they were her friends and… she concluded in that moment, Kouga's anger had nothing to do with her.
~ owari~
A/N: Well, that's it! My very first song fic. Was it any good?
Myoujou - Morning Star (I thought it was a good name for a club, I might even use it again)