InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Warm Afternoon. ❯ 9. Sink Your Fangs. ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warm Afternoon. [NC-17]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and give thanks to its creator; it's such a wonderful series.
This chapter contains a lemon. You have been warned.
9. Sink Your Fangs.
Then she exclaimed, “Wait a minute!”
He raised his eyebrows.
“You didn't mark me.” She said in shock.
He looked at her and said, “You are marked Kagome. My scent will be part of you forever.”
“But, don't you have to bite me or something like that?” She asked confused.
He looked at her surprised, “I told you, I don't want to cause you any pain Kagome. I decided not to do that.”
“But then how will other demons know that I am your mate?” She asked.
“I told you, my scent is on you and come to think of it your scent is on me.” He said this while his elbows gave him support. He was still impaled in her and she was pinned underneath him.
She became silent.
He knew her long enough to understand that her sudden silence meant bad news.
“Kagome, are you going to bitch me about this?” He said annoyance reinstating itself firmly.
She hmmph-ed annoyed. She did not understand what was wrong with her but his language never helped her before nor it did then. She could not come to terms with her confused emotions.
Then he looked at her carefully and narrowed his eyes asking. “Do you want to be marked that way?”
She blushed hard.
“Answer me.” He said in a growl looking at her.
She winced. She did not think that it was necessary to be growled at that way.
“I don't know.” She said honestly.
“Then why are you angry?” He asked trying to hold on to his patience. He could not understand why she would be angry about that considering he was trying to save her from that brutal demon tradition.
“I guess,…” she started saying, “I guess that I expected it. I did not think that there was a choice in the matter.”
He looked at her dark blue eyes and noticed her internal struggle.
He sighed, “There is a choice Kagome. I just didn't think that you would be interested in being bitten that way.”
“Do you want to do it?” She asked.
He said, “That is not the point.”
“I want to know.” She insisted.
He swallowed and answered, “Yes but again that is not the point. I wanted to spare you from it. But since you asked then I guess it has to be your choice.”
She looked at him and said, “Tell me about it.”
He blushed and decided to sit up. He pulled himself out of her. Instantly, they both missed their intimate contact. To make up for it he said, “Come on, I smell a ravine close by. I'll tell you all about it there.”
They picked up the Tetsusaiga, their clothing and walked towards the source of water. They walked quietly while InuYasha had a firm hold of her waist while pressing her against his side. She had wrapped her arm around his waist while her head leaned against the side of his torso.
The ravine was covered by trees similar to the one that had witnessed their love making. There was an area deep enough for swimming and large boulders being kissed by the sun rays.
The couple put their things on the dry grass and dove inside. They washed themselves and then waded in the middle of it while the sun continued shining through the tree leaves. They enjoyed the crystal water's coolness and they even played a while splashing about.
InuYasha noticed how Kagome was having fun and then approached her giving her a tender hug. She welcomed his embrace.
He then looked at her and said, “About the mating bite….”
“Yes, tell me about it.” She said.
“First of all, I must pleasure you. If I succeed then you won't feel anything when I bite your neck.” He said.
She blushed prettily and said, “That sounds rather pleasant to say the least.” She said raising her eyebrows.
“There's a catch.” He said.
She looked at him intrigued.
“It's my demon side that may appear to do the honors.” He said rather gravely.
She looked at him and he noticed how her face suddenly paled. “I see.” She said.
“That is why I decided to forgo the whole thing.” He said making a point.
“I understand.” She smiled.
He then decided to move things along and said, “Listen, you can think about it as long as you want. As far as I'm concerned we're not doing it. It is too big a risk.”
Then she replied, “But InuYasha, there is one thing we have not considered.”
This time she captured his interest.
“Your demon self has not harmed me thus far.” She said.
“That has been mere luck.” He replied.
“I don't think so.” She said.
“Kagome, what are you getting at.” He said getting irritated with her not divulging her thought process completely.
“Well, as your mate, I will be constantly at risk with your demon self. I think that the bite will help to protect me from your demon side should the Tetsusaiga break or you're near death.” She finished.
His mouth hung open. She was right but still no matter how logical it sounded it was too risky. “I don't think it is worth it Kagome.” He said seriously since it seemed apparent that she had already convinced herself that the mating bite must be done.
“Think about it.” She said. “If we do it with the Tetsusaiga in hand then your demon side won't appear.” She paused watching how the water trickled from his shapely form down to his navel where the water started. “If and when your demon side does appear then the presence of the bite will protect me from him.”
InuYasha mulled over her idea. He was wondering how they could do this with the sword. Then he remembered how Kagome had put it right next to them when they made love earlier.
She noticed how his demeanor changed positively and she said, “It's settled. We'll do it.” She said excitedly.
He looked at her and shook his head saying, “I can't believe that it is you who had to convince me about this.”
She said, “There is a logical reason and then there is an illogical reason.”
He raised an eyebrow and asked, “What's the illogical one.”
She said, “The mating bite has been both your and my fantasy.”
He then smiled awkwardly. She did say the truth about him but he was surprised to know that she had fantasized it herself.
InuYasha picked Kagome up bridal style and leapt up onto one of the tall boulders that circled their bathing area. The sun kissed it at just the right angle for sun bathing. He carefully put her down and then he lied down facing the sun. She smiled and lied next to him.
She started to giggle. He had his head cradled in his hands and he raised an eyebrow to look at her. Her body was shiny and wet. He was lying at one of the boulder's depressions thus she was slightly higher that he. He could peruse every inch of her delectable body from there.
“Care to tell me what's so funny?” He asked.
She then said looking at the tree's leaves avoiding the direct impact of the sun rays in her eyes. “I was just thinking that usually if you caught me naked like this I would have said the “s” word on you by now.”
He cringed at the thought. How many times had she done just that while he was spying on her? Inevitably, she would make him slam right onto his hard erection tripling the pain.
She continued laughing by herself. Her laughter slowly stopped and she allowed the soft afternoon breeze, the sound of leaves and distant chirps lull her into sleep.
Kagome awoke finding herself alone on the boulder. She was dry by now. She stood to look around to find any sign of InuYasha and found none. She could still see her clothing next to his and the Tetsusaiga safely on the spot where they had left them earlier. She considered getting off the boulder on her own but soon opted against it. She realized that nothing short of a twisted ankle, if not a broken one, could result from that.
She sat on her heels comfortably looking at the forest floor looking for him.
Suddenly, she felt a presence right behind her. She knew that it was InuYasha's aura so she decided to act like she hadn't noticed him. She wanted to see what he would do.
She calmly closed her eyes and waited patiently.
After about half a minute she then noticed his presence right in front of her.
She wondered to herself, How did he move so fast?
She opened her eyes just enough to see the necklace on his neck and his white hair. She closed her eyes shut again. She had just confirmed that it was him but she wondered, Why was he being so quiet?
She decided to be patient and let things run their course.
Suddenly, she felt sniffing on her face and then her neck.
She stifled a giggle and managed to keep her composure. She figured that this could be an InuYoukai greeting and for some reason instinct told her to keep her eyes closed. She had nothing to fear, she trusted InuYasha completely.
After feeling his scent so near her she leaned in to smell him. She noticed how his sniffs jerked into a stop and how he stiffened when she did this. She did not think much of it and continued caressing her nose against his chin and then down the side of his neck smelling everything that was him.
His sniffing motions resumed and he went down her shoulders.
Kagome was so in trance that she then approached her lips against his shoulder and kissed it with an open mouth; she tasted him with her tongue at that very instance.
She suddenly noticed how InuYasha's body stilled to a halt. She was leaning completely against him. She opened her eyes seeing the back of his hair and his back.
She felt him continuing the sniffing on her shoulder. That was when she closed her eyes again. This time his hands held her upper arms unusually tight and made her lie on her back. He continued sniffing down her chest, every square inch of both breasts, and then all the way down to her pubic hair. She willingly opened her legs to give him complete access to her intimate region.
She noticed how he spent a considerable amount of time against her crotch. He sniffed softly, intermittently, and then at long sniffs and exhales. All the while his hands were still holding her upper arms firmly.
After one long sniff she heard him say in a deep rough and eerie voice as he exhaled, “Mine.”
She stiffened when she heard this and her eyes opened wide. She looked down and all she could see was the top of his head as he continued breathing in her scent.
He stilled as he noticed that she was looking at him directly. Slowly, he raised his face revealing red eyes, magenta stripes, large fangs and a wide smile. Not only had InuYasha transformed but he had confirmed in his demon state that she was his mate.
Kagome's breathing shortened considerably. InuYasha had transformed for no reason. She quickly looked down to the forest floor and saw how the Tetsusaiga laid far away from them.
His grip tightened even more on her arms regaining her attention. She saw how his tongue extended from his fanged smile and stroked her clitoris quickly and roughly. This made her shiver. He could smell her arousal. He then leaned into her crotch and lapped away as if there were no tomorrow. His strokes were animalistic and unrestrained. Instinctively, she widened her legs to allow him more access.
Her complete submission to him made him let go of her arms and instead he started caressing her breasts as he inserted his tongue as deep as he could inside her intimate channel.
Kagome on the other hand was in awe at her willingness to make love to the demon InuYasha. She could not deny her attraction towards him. He had been gentle and now passionate and caring to her needs. She wondered if she was being unfaithful to InuYasha but then she realized that no, this was still him all along. She made it a point to continue reminding herself of that fact if she ever wanted to come out of this alive.
InuYasha stood and left the boulder. He soon returned with his fire rat clothing .He spread it on the boulder and had Kagome kneel on all fours on it. She was shaking in anticipation and admittedly, also in fear. She still kept convincing herself that this was her InuYasha and allowed her sexual instincts rule over every rational thought. She had to ensure that his demon self would not doubt her as his mate.
She did kneel and then she waited. She turned to look at him and saw him standing there looking at her completely serious. For a moment she felt that he was wavering. It was as though his human side was stalling him from continuing. That was when she said, “It's alright InuYasha. I accept you this way too.”
He looked at her and without further ado he bent on one knee right behind her. He placed the tip of his penis at her entrance. Next, he careened himself into her without any other type of foreplay. She was slick enough to put up with the sudden invasion but considering it was her second time it was still somewhat punishing. The pain soon transformed to pleasure.
He stood still while he was completely inside of her. She also remained still as she felt his penis well within her and pulsing at the beat of his heart. He had bowed his head while he was bent on one knee and his larger than usual clawed hands held onto her waist.
Kagome meanwhile was mentally giving thanks to the demon InuYasha for bothering to bring the fire rat clothing to the boulder. It certainly helped her deal with the contact of her knees against the boulder. Particularly, considering that now she was carrying some of InuYasha's weight on them.
She was so tight, her excitement had no bounds. Carefully, InuYasha brought a large clawed finger around her leg and reached for her pearl. He started stroking it generously.
Kagome started mewling and moaning as her vagina tightened even more in ecstasy.
While he continued his pleasuring he used his other hand to raise her torso. He continued pushing himself in and out of her love channel while he stroked her clitoris.
Kagome was on fire. Finally, the passion had reached a point where her vaginal walls began to open instead of tightening. Finally, his penis felt less strangled and able to pleasure her walls. His left hand started caressing her hips, waist, abs, ribs, breasts, nipples, chest, neck and face. He continued stroking her generously as he continued the intercourse.
In her passion she had forgotten that she was having sex with the demon InuYasha and she sought for his mouth. She tried to kiss it. InuYasha not understanding allowed her to insert her tongue in his mouth. He felt how she practically begged for him to do the same to her with her mewls and cries of passion. He started lapping her like a dog. She did not care and tried to make the best of it.
Suddenly, the tension that had wounded her up to a point of fervor came to a sudden halt. She could tell that she was about to come. That was when her moans mixed with cries started their crescendo. It was at a point where no sound came from her that InuYasha pulled the ebony tresses away from the right side of her neck. He licked that area three times before he sunk his fangs right where the neck and shoulder met.
Kagome was so far gone in ecstasy and passion from her climax that she did not feel a thing. However, her body did start to convulse a little. It seemed like a natural reflex to defend itself from such a life threatening bite. However, since it was done appropriately, there was no fear for her life. She had just been marked for life by the demon side of InuYasha himself.