InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Warmth In The Rain ❯ Warmth In The Rain ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own Inuyasha or its characters.
A/N: This is just a practice lemon. Please enjoy and please let me know what you like/don't like and what you might want to see more of.
WARNING: This chapter contains sexually explicit content!
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Sesshoumaru sat in the deep lush grass on the hillside in the fading light of twilight and looked up into the sky. There would be no stars seen tonight. Dark storm clouds covered the entire sky. The fresh clean scent of rain was carried in the steadily increasing wind, but it did nothing to cover her intoxicating scent. The rustling of the leaves and the whisper of the grass in the breeze was soothing after a long days travel, but it did nothing to disguise the sound of her soft approaching footsteps. He did not need to turn around to see that she was more electrifying than the lightning storm dancing across the lands. He had merely to close his eyes and her image was there, burned into his mind for all of eternity.
Rin had grown into the most breathtaking female he had ever encountered, and yet he would not allow himself to see it. He would not allow himself to feel it. He did not wish to be distracted with lust. The more he turned from it, the greater the effort to ignore it. The fact that she was completely oblivious to the powers of her ravishing body made the struggle for self control even more difficult. He had become quite fond of her pure and innocent ways and yet now, her goodness, her sweet disposition, her purity was what made his blood boil, and he couldn't help but notice the more alluring changes that had occurred in her female body.
<i>Neither can other males.</i> He reminded himself as he relished her scent.
<i>It will not be long before I must let her go.</i> An odd sadness gripped his heart as he thought of the stillness of life without Rin. It was an odd sensation to him. He had never felt this inner turmoil before. He had slain thousands of demons, slaughtered villages, mastered the most evil sword in all the land, was feared by all who heard his name, and yet he sat here gripped with sadness? Fear?
Rin approached him now, slowly from behind. She knew that he was aware of her before she spoke. He always knew, but she didn't care. She wasn't trying to sneak up on him. She wanted him to notice her. She stood for a few moments taking in his beauty. He sat in the grass watching the lightning flashing across the valley below. The wind whipped his long silver hair about wildly, and she felt the first drops of rain as they splashed across her face. He hadn't spoken to her for several days now and she found herself in an almost physical pain every time she was faced with his rejection. She knew why he did not speak to her. Shippo had proposed and she had asked Lord Sesshoumaru what to do. He had given her the same command he had always given her in his deep stoic manner.
“Do as you wish.”
She did not have those types of feelings for the fox demon, but some twisted voice inside her had told her, no…begged her to come up with an excuse to tell Sesshoumaru about the proposal. She had wanted him to look at her and realize that she was a grown woman. She had also hoped that he might even be jealous, but she was foolish as always. He had merely given his command and walked away. His silence was most likely because Shippo was one of Inuyasha's pack members and her lord hated everyone and everything associated with Inuyasha.
But at that moment, in the rain, in the cool breeze of the coming storm and in the cover of night, she had a different urge. She wanted her lord to know how she felt even if it meant that he would cast her away. She could not go on any longer with this inner turmoil. Always so close to him and yet they were as strangers.
Slowly she glided through the soft grass to where he sat and came to rest beside him. She lowered herself into the grass next to him and turned to look at him. He was just as breathtaking close up. His amber eyes seemed lost in thought as he gazed across the valley unblinking. He said nothing.
“M'lord, there is something I would speak to you about.” She whispered to him as the rain began to fall in earnest, huge drops soaking into her hair and clothing and batting at her eyelashes. He didn't move, didn't blink, didn't respond in any way. His features remained emotionless as always.
He was hoping she would just go away and leave him be. He did not wish to be aware of her nearness. He did not wish to be reminded that he would not have this creature which he valued above all others in his life any longer when she accepted the fox demon's proposal. He ignored her when she whispered to him.
She did not go away.
Rin waited a few moments as the cool rain soaked them both, not sure what to do or say to him. Desperation took her as she tried to think of a way to get him to listen to what she had to say. She took a deep breath and moved slowly in front of him, sitting on her knees and bringing herself up to eye level with him. She caught his golden gaze as she leaned even closer to him searching his eyes. Her heart skipped a beat as she searched his eyes for that glimmer of emotion that had been there only a split second before.
<i>Could it have been sadness? Pain?</i>
He stared into her brown eyes and closed himself off from all emotion. But what she did next caught him completely off guard. She suddenly leaned forward grasping the front of his drenched haori and pressed her lips firmly against his. He was sure he had been struck by lightning as she kissed him, and then he knew nothing else but her.
He growled and reached out and snatched her, dragging her up against his body as he kissed her. She let out a muffled gasp against his mouth when his tongue began to taste her soft lips and then began to urge then apart. He plunged his tongue into her sweet mouth and was met with her searching tongue and hot breath. Her arms came up to circle around his neck, drawing him closer as he deepened the kiss, another, softer growl rumbling in his chest as heat began to build deep inside of him.
He twisted, bringing her suddenly down to lay in the grass as he leaned over her, propped up on one elbow, still exploring her mouth. He kissed her slowly, leisurely. Guiding her, showing her how he liked to be kissed and in turn gauging his kisses by the way she seemed to respond to him the most. As she grew more sure of herself and her sweet lips and hot mouth became more demanding, his arousal grew stronger. His body began to respond in ways that it had not in many years. He broke away from her to look at her.
Her eyes had drifted closed and she lay under him with her arms around his neck, her fingers entwined in his hair. Her lips were pink and kiss swollen and her cheeks and throat were flushed. When her eyes drifted open and her desire filled sparkling brown gaze locked again with his, his heart skipped a beat. No longer was she a naive little girl. Before him now was the very vision of seduction. She could have rivaled any demoness.
His vision blurred into a crimson light as fire and lightning shot through his veins. He no longer cared that she was a mere mortal. He no longer cared that she might marry another. Tonight, she was his! He leaned down and savagely claimed her mouth once more in a deep kiss filled with the promise of passion.
She sighed as he brought his lips to hers once again, and her heart jerked as she felt his hand slowly glide down her body. Thunder rumbled in the distance as he broke away from her lips to trail hungry kisses down her throat, his hand roaming over the curves of her body as he tasted the salty sweet taste of her skin. The rain was coming down strongly now. He licked the raindrops that trailed down her neck and grazed his fangs across her skin sending shivers through her body.
“M'lord….” She sighed breathlessly as his hand smoothed over her hip and back up to brush lightly over her breasts.
She began to explore his body with her tiny hand as well. One arm she kept around his neck entwined in his silken tresses, the other she brought around and down the front of him to stop at the hem of his haori. She grasped it and jerked it open suddenly, a small feminine grunt escaping her as she tore at his clothing. He growled low in his throat and slipped his hand between the folds of her robed to cup a perfectly rounded breast. He could feel his erection tightening in his pants as her hand glided over the exposed skin of his chest and his own fingers found a taunt nipple beneath her clothing. He quickly sat up on his knees, pulling away from her and then reached down and ripped her robes open and away from her body. She lay on her tattered robes in the grass, her body glistening in the cold rain, and the breeze caressing her skin making goose bumps appear across her skin and tantalizing her nipples, bringing them to round, perky peaks. Her skin was the richest, creamiest silk he had ever seen or felt as he dragged his hand from the valley of her breasts, down her chest and ribs, down her flat stomach to finally rest at the valley between her legs. She caught her breath as he lightly brushed the sensitive outer folds of her womanhood with the tips of his long fingers. His heart began to beat a little faster as he took in her every reaction to him.
She lay before him, completely nude except for the tattered sleeves of her robe and stared up into his eyes. Her breathing was heavy, her chest rising and falling with each ragged gasp, and her pink lips were parted seductively. The mere sight of her like this was enough to almost drive him mad. He sat up and slowly stripped his own clothes off as he looked down at her lying beside him. When he discarded the last article, he reached down and grasped her leg bringing it up and onto the other side of him so that he sat on his knees between her spread legs. She was perfect.
Master, please…touch me…”she begged him in a desperate whisper. She was trembling and she didn't fully understand all that was happening to her, but she knew that she craved his touch over every inch of her body.
Passion filled her dark eyes as he leaned down over her and brought a rounded nipple deep into his mouth sucking on it and then letting it go to flick it lightly with his hot tongue. She gasped and shuddered at the sensation and arched her back to get closer to him. He moved to the other breast and gave it the same tantalizing attention as she writhed beneath him. Her body ached with the need for skin on skin contact as he continued his attentions to her breasts. She let out a frustrated moan as an ache she didn't recognize began to build deep within her core. Somehow she knew that Sesshoumaru was the only one that could make it go away.
Sesshoumaru could feel his need for Rin growing almost uncontrollably strong as he teased her beautiful breasts. His rock hard erection throbbed painfully as he took his time with each of her perfect breasts. He broke away from her soft mounds and claimed her mouth gain in a full, wanting kiss as he trailed his hand down her body. She moaned as he parted the folds of her womanhood and slid his fingers across the sensitive bud within. She jerked at the sensation and moaned again, her hips bucking against his fingers.
“Unmm...Master…” she whispered against his lips.
He slid his fingers lower to her opening and was pleased to find her very slick and ready for him. He broke away from her mouth once again and slid down her body to her clit and flicked it with his tongue. She gasped and a tremor ran through her entire body. He licked the soft folds of her clit again, this time slowly and firmly evoking a low drawn out moan as she rolled her head bask and arched her back. Her fingers came down to tangle into his silken hair as he pleasured her like no other had before. When she began to quiver and gasp with the approach of her release he could barely contain himself. He needed desperately to be inside of her, but he wanted to give her this pleasure before causing her the pain he knew was to come.
Licking her juices from his lips, he moved over her body and rested between her legs, settling over her, his throbbing erection at her most secret place. He thrust his shaft across her sensitive bud once before sliding down to her opening and pushing into her. Pleasure took hold of him and momentarily left him unaware of everything else. He saw nothing but the passion in her eyes. He heard nothing but the beat of her heart. He smelled only her sweet feminine fragrance. He felt only the purest, sweetest agony between her tight folds. He quickly found her virgin barrier and stopped. He did not wish to cause her pain, but she was so tight! He had to move, he couldn't hold back. Slowly he pulled back and again slid in up to her barrier as she moaned and rocked against him.
“Augh….”he let out his own moan as he closed his eyes and focused on control.
<i>Gods! She's so tight and wet!</i>
He pumped in and out of her in slow shallow strokes, savoring the way her tight walls encircled him and the way her body trembled beneath him. She had wrapped her arms around his back and her legs were spread wide and high, her knees bent. Her breathing was coming in short gasps now as she continued to rock against him.
“Please!....Master…please…unnmmm!” She whispered into his ear as he kissed her throat lazily.
Her plea was all it took to break the last of his control as he thrust into her hard, burying himself to the hilt. Her sharp intake of breath told him that she was in a little pain so he held still allowing her to adjust. His body shook with the effort it took to keep from just pounding his way to his own much needed release. He began to pump into her when her finger nails had stopped digging into the flesh of his back. He thrust deep each time and with each stroke, he made sure to brush against her sensitive bud. Soon she was meeting his strong fluid strokes with her own hips thrust against him. She made small noises as he pumped into her, building his own release. Her tight slick walls were hot and silky and they gripped him as he thrust into her deep and hard. He kissed her neck as he felt himself getting closer and suddenly he had to stop to gain control of his release.
<i>No! Not yet! Not yet!</i>
“Ahhhhh…m'lord…..ummmm….please don't…don't stop!” She moaned breathlessly as she bucked against his still form.
He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as a wave of pure ecstasy bubbled just below the surface aching to burst forth. Slowly he began his thrusts again, paying particular attention to rubbing her special spot as he pumped and after a few thrusts he felt her blissfully tighten around him and begin to shudder. She choked out a sob as she came.
“Sesshoumaru…!” Lightning flashed in the distance and thunder rumbled across the land.
That was all he had been waiting for. He deepened his thrusts and quickened his pace as she continued to gasp and tremble with ecstasy. He pumped into her twice more, his breathing choking off as he shot his hot cum into her. Tremors of pleasure washed over him as he was swept up in one of the most powerful and satisfying orgasms he had ever experienced.
The rain was still falling and the wind had picked up. His silver hair flowed around them as they caught their breaths together, their hearts racing. She shivered.
“Are you cold?” He asked in his deep soft tone. In response, she pulled him down onto her and nuzzled his neck, sighing happily.
“Not any more.” She whispered.
He took in a breath and relished her spicy scent mingled with the scent of their love making. He would never let her go. He knew that now. No one else would ever have her. She was meant for him and him alone.