InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Warning - Hanyou's and Caffeine Do Not Mix! ❯ Chapter 7- The real Chapter ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Inuyasha I own not, for Takahashi-sama is not I.
A/N: Thanks for the responses! I love to hear you! If you leave a review, then most chances are that I will check out any stories you have, so in a way, reviewing is advertising!

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Last Time

Inuyasha woke first, as always. Shaking his head a bit to clear the cobwebs out, the first thing he noticed was that the wind had changed. The second thing he noticed was the faintest hint of taint, a taste of evil on the wind in the air. It was a scent he knew well. Naraku.


Inuyasha jumped up, sniffing the air as he did. It was certain. Naraku had been here. With an angry bellow Inuyasha started to wake everyone, up, kicking Miroku in the back before nudging Sango and Kagome with the same foot. Everyone started, very surprised at Inuyasha’s early-morning angry. Kagome opened her mouth to protest, but was cut off by Inuyasha (A/N He seems to like cutting people off, have you noticed?)

“Naraku. The bastard was HERE! In the hut. He was the one to steal the Coca Cola.” Inuyasha snarled.

Inuyasha was confronted with four totally confused and still sleepy faces. “What ever are you talking about?” Grumbled a tow-headed Kagome from here place on the floor beside Sango. Lying on a mat on the other side of Sango was Miroku, who let out a big yawn. “Indeed Inuyasha. Perhaps if you were to speak slower we would understand you better”

“Garr! NARAKU!” Inuyasha bellowed, finally capturing the attentions of his companions. “He. Was. Here. He stole my… ahh, Kagome’s pop. And we MUST go after him. Now.” Inuyasha enunciated each word slowly and exactly, voice tight with surprised anger.

Everyone was jolted into action by the harsh sounds emitted from the hanyou’s throat. There was a flurry of action, as the shard hunters gathered their things to be on their way as soon as possible. Questions were shouted into the air as weapons were gathered and clothes thrown on (on Kagome’s part). “How old is the scent Inuyasha? Can you track it?” Sango shouted as she helped Kagome stuff various cooking utensils left out from last night dinner. “All I know is that the bastard was here, and he headed east, as far as I can tell.” Inuyasha replied impatiently. “Are you slow humans gonna take all day?”

“Inuyasha. How come you didn’t smell Naraku’s scent sooner?” Miroku asked, adjusting his robes as his hand slowly inched away from his side.

“I don’t know! He musta masked his scent so that he could run away with his tail between his legs. He must have know that if I had scented him out sooner I woulda kicked his ASS!” was Inuyasha’s snarled reply.

“But why let you smell him at all? He must have a reas- HENTAI!” Sango hollered, as she knocked Miroku to the ground. “Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted-” Sango paused to glare at Miroku, who lie twitching on the floor of the hut, an idiotic grip plastered on his face. “Naraku never does anything without a reason. I think he must be setting a trap. Lure us out of the hut and into the forest, and then ambush us. We should proceed with the utmost caution.”

“Yeah. Naraku must have seen how much we enjoyed the pop, then decided that it was something we would come after. He is just soo…I hate him!” Kagome suggested. Inuyasha scowled in agreement, before subtly hinting that it was time to go. “Come on already! Are ya all just gonna stand there and whine about Naraku, or are ya gonna help me get back what he stole?” The group before him replied by heading out the door.

Outside the warm hut the weather was not looking so bright. A cold wind was starting to pick up, and dark clouds loomed to the east. Right in the direction they were heading. “Inuyasha. Can you sniff him quickly please? I really don’t want to be caught outside when those clouds open up.” Kagome prompted.

“Yeah yeah wench. Keep your kimono on. I’ll find him. I always do.” Inuyasha replied cockily, puffing out his chest. Inuyasha proved himself by getting down on all fours and sniffing out the trail. His nose led him don the road, out of the village and into the forest. All in the direction of east. “The trail is as straight as one of your arrows Kagome. Lets catch him now, before the rains wash out the scent trail.” With that the six shard hunters headed off towards the forest.

Just past the tree line what little sunlight that was available seemed to vanish. The cold wind rustled the bows above, cutting past the branches, chilling Kagome to the bone. The wind moaned like a lost ghost, and that was about the only sound amidst the trees, with the exclusion of the occasional call of roosting birds. Shippou and Kagome exchanged nervous glances, but continued on their way. Inuyasha was up front, forging on ahead as fast as he could without losing the group. Even then everyone was hard pressed to keep up. The mood was sombre, quiet, as all the travellers were left with their thoughts of Naraku and revenge.

(A/N: I really wanted to leave it right there, but you’ve waited a while for an update, so I shall give you a bit more.)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Several Hours Later

Kagome was not having fun. They had been walking for what seemed like an eternity through forest that all looked the same and her feet were starting to hurt. This forest being as dark as it was made travelling hard, as one would have to check ahead to make sure there was no obstructions in his or her way. And to make matters worse the wind had gotten even colder, biting through her clothes like a knife. ‘What is with this weather? I thought that it was mid summer! But right now it feels like it could snow, let alone rain! This forest is really starting to freak me out to…It’s so silent, except for the moans and groans of the wind. It sounds like the wind is dying.’ Kagome was forced from her mental rambling by a root crossing her path. She stumbled over it, landing on her butt. ‘Where did that root come from? I didn’t even see it and I’ve been watching the ground the entire time.’ Kagome looked up at the forest canopy from her place on the ground. Sure enough, the sun was going down, judging from the peaks between the thick branches. So focused was Kagome that she didn’t realize that she had held up the group until Miroku loomed in her field of vision.

“Kagome-sama? Are you all right? You’ve just been sitting there looking up at the trees for some time now.” Miroku held out his hand for her to take. Kagome took it, and let him pull her up to a fully upright position. She was about to thank him when she felt the all too familiar hand creeping up her backside. “HENTAI!” Kagome shrieked, slapping him up the back of his head and stomping off to where Sango waited. “Oh! The nerve of that guy! You think he would have learned in all these years we’ve travelled together!” Kagome complained, half to herself and half to the tajiya beside her. Up ahead on the path Inuyasha’s voice could be heard. “Oi! Where is everyone? I thought we were hunting for Naraku? Don’t tell me you’ve given up already?!” Inuyasha fumed.

“Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted, ignoring his angry words. “It’s getting dark. Don’t you think we should stop for the night? It’s very cold, and you wouldn’t want us weak humans to catch a cold would you? WE would not even be able to travel at all then!” Kagome threatened.

“Feh. Wench! We still have a few more hours of daylight left; the forest is what’s getting dark. It’s so think in here that it always looks like night! But don’t worry. I can see where we are going. We keep going! Besides, Naraku’s scent is getting stronger. We are probably almost there.”

In the face of Inuyasha’s logic, Kagome could only nod in agreement. The group straggled on ahead, including Miroku, whose ‘slumber’ had been interrupted due to the shouting match.

And on and on they travelled; the day light, or there-for lack of; slowly dwindling until at last the forest began to open up, revealing the sun to be almost set in the cloudy sky. Everyone continued onwards for another hour, and when the sun was finally set they came upon a clearing at the utmost edge of the gloomy forest. “The trail ends here; Naraku’s scent is the strongest I’ve smelled today. I think we could have just missed him it reeks so much here.” Inuyasha growled gruffly.

“Inuyasha! Look! In the center of the clearing. There‘s a can on that stump over there!” Kagome shouted, bringing everyone’s attention to the clearing.

It was dark, the sky giving no light, as it was still covered in clouds that threatened rain in any moment. There were little purple flowers scattered though out the dank grass, but in the twilight they looked grey. There were chunks of old wood; pieces of a tree long dead. And in the very center, sitting like a grand centerpiece to crown the gloomy atmosphere of the dark grove was a rotting stump, looking like a festering wound. And on the top of said stump; true to Kagome’s words; was an empty can of Coca Cola. As one the group walked up to the stump. A bad smell seemed to emit from it-the smell of death. And underneath there was a folded piece of thick paper. It was a note.

Above them, the clouds opened up, and a torrential downpour empty on our hero’s heads.


A/N: Yes. You can say it. I truly am evil. First I don’t update when I said I will, and then I leave you with a cliffhanger. How cruel am I? This wasn’t a very funny chapter. It was pretty dark actually. I was surprised how it turned out. This isn’t like my writing style at all. Maybe my iced tea went funny…Anyhoo... you know the drill! R+R! And if you are willing to help me with a lemon, then please tell me. I am willing to try to write one, but I cannot guarantee any good results. I appreciate your help!

Sarin of the Night
