InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Fumetsu no Seishin no Chikara ❯ Guardian Angel ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Guardian Angel:
Distant thunder can be heard from the clouds as the last remnants of the storm blow east. The air was light though damp and cool. The sound of birds singing from their shelter in the trees filled the woods. Two squirrels were loudly chasing one another from branch to branch. Water droplets sprinkled from the leaves as a product of the playful pursuit. At the mouth of a small cave puddles begin to form on the light layer of moss that covered the wooded area floor.
Sounds came from inside the cave telling that the three travelers who'd sought shelter from the brief downpour were beginning to stir. A young child wearing an orange and red kimono appeared in the opening and cautiously peeked out. Her short black hair was all over her head, but she didn't seem to be the type to worry or fuss over such a thing. Satisfied that the rain had stopped, her face brightened and she ran out.
“It's stopped!” Rin called gleefully, “The rain stopped. Come, Master Jaken, it's alright now.”
The short, rounded green kappa emerged from within the protection of the caves walls. That intolerable child!! He cursed silently watching her disappear through the brush. I don't know why Lord Sesshomaru insists on bringing her along. She's nothing but a retched human, after all.
“Jaken,” a cold voice from behind startled him in mid-thought, “see to her.”
The toad like creature spun quickly around to see two golden eyes glowering down at him. “Yes mi'lord.” After doing a deep bow, he hurried after the young girl.
Moving quickly through the leaves, water sprayed down on the demon making him grumble under his breath. He followed the sound of the child's annoying voice. She was singing some irritating rhyme she'd made up. How could she have possibly gotten so far? He wondered to himself lowering his head under various logs. Using his staff he pushed leaves and branches out of his way.
“Look Master Jaken!” Rin popped out from behind the old demon nearly scaring him to death. He fell over in surprise. “Are you alright?” Concern for her companion was written on her innocent face.
“Curse you Rin!” Standing, Jaken brushed off his robes then glared at the wide eyed girl. Noticing she was extending her arms in an offering manner he looked to see what she was holding. “You are not putting that on me!” He backed away seeing the lei made out of lavender and peach orchids. A scene of himself wearing a yellow kimono with a pink obi and geisha make-up as Rin laughed wildly appeared in his mind. One of the artisans in the last village had given her a small box of theatre paint and some old costumes. She thought it would be fun to play “dress up.” Fun for whom? Certainly not him!
Rin withdrew the flowered necklace frowning, “It's not for you, I made this for Lord Sesshomaru.” she brightened, “Don't you think it's pretty?”
Jaken broke into fits of laughter holding his sides. Then he fell on the ground and began to roll around. “Lord… Sesshomaru?” he managed to say through his laughing, “Stupid girl, he wouldn't even consider wearing that hideous thing.” He wiped tears from his eyes still giggling. How dumb was this girl anyway? To think The Lord of the Western Lands would ever don a silly flower necklace. It was absolutely absurd! He might even kill her just for having the thought.
“He will so wear it!” Rin frowned again and wrinkled her forehead.
Jaken, still giggling, looked at the delicate creation and fell into another fit of laughing. He couldn't help it. This poor child was insane!
“Stop that!” Rin stomped her foot showing her annoyance with the kappa. He continued, ignoring her completely. She turned her back to him with a huff and looked down at the pretty flowers. Lord Sesshomaru will like it. He won't laugh at me! She started off to find the demon prince leaving Jaken still engulfed in his hysteria. He didn't even notice she'd gone.
The taiyoukai was seated at the base of an enormous Japanese magnolia tree. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back resting on the bark. His clawed fingers methodically stroked the fluffy white moko-moko sama draped over his right shoulder. Every sound for half a mile could be heard courtesy of his exceptional hearing. He could sense the heard of deer grazing fifty yards from him but paid them no mind. A light breeze rustled the grass that surrounded the tree. The wind played around his majestic face revealing the navy blue crescent moon in the center of his forehead that was hidden by silvery bangs. Two swords lay at his side tucked in the purple and gold sash that complimented the flawlessly white kimono.
“I have nothing more to teach you.” Inu Taisho's words stuck in Sesshomaru's mind. He didn't know the meaning behind such a statement. He hadn't taught him anything. He was dead. And had been for a long time. All because of that human whore and her bastard son. How could the Lord of all Demons waste time on a pitiful human? What sort of spell had she cast? It was irrelevant now, but it still angered the young prince. He was insulted! He came from a line of great demons going back for a hundred centuries. He himself was a powerful demon. But his father threw it all away, ultimate power and immortality, for what? “Have you someone to protect?” He had no use for anyone. Depending on others is a sign of weakness. Protecting others who couldn't fend for themselves was a boring waste of time. This is why he didn't understand any of the actions of that deplorable hanyo his father had tainted their bloodline with.
Inuyasha. Even his half-brother's name disgusted him. To add insult to injury, his father had left Inuyasha the powerful Tetsusaiga. While only endowing him, the prince of all demons, with the useless Tenseiga. No matter, he thought, Tetsusaiga will be mine once I kill that half breed. Simple solution. The wrong would be set right once he controlled both blades of the fang.
But he had to admit Inuyasha was becoming more powerful. The battle between the hanyo and Takemaru of Setsuna came to his mind. That pest, Takemaru, revealed that it was he who killed Inuyasha's mother. The aura around the half demon became stronger and he quickly dispersed the samurai's soul back to the land of the dead. But not before stating that he had someone to protect. That was his reason for never giving up.
He'll still never be able to wield Tetsusaiga's full power. He can't even control his demon blood! Sesshomaru tucked strands of his long, silky silver mane behind his ear.
The sun appeared from behind a cloud warming his face. He'd be dead by now if it wasn't for that miko. The strange female had saved him from being shredded by the demon lord's poison claws when he tried to attack Rin. Rin. Why had he become so defensive about her? It's not like she meant anything to him. Her mindless chatter was quite annoying. Why did she insist upon staying with him? Why would he not hesitate to kill over her? He still owed that brat Kohaku for kidnapping her! Simple, I protect that which is mine. He reasoned with himself. She had decided of her own will to stay with him, just as Jaken had done. That meant she belonged to him. No different from Tenseiga or Tokijin, a possession. Naraku had tried to use her. That alone was disrespectful. He smirked at the many ass whippings he owed that imitation of a demon. He would be the first to destroy Naraku. Inuyasha would simply have to get over it. His reasons for hunting the dark sorcerer were of no concern to Sesshomaru in the least.
His focus shifted back to Rin. The young girl never hesitated to jump in harms way when she felt he was in danger. He found that somewhat amusing. After all she was nothing but a child, a human child at that. What help could she possibly be? She even went so far as to be captured at Sou'unga's citadel because she refused to give up Tenseiga. Sesshomaru, of course, had to go rescue her. Her and that miko that traveled with his worthless half-brother. He never asked her to return his sword, so why should he be grateful? She did what she wanted to do. Rin even appeared to be concerned for his safety at Mount Hakurei because of the barrier. How ridiculous!
Humans are so odd. The hanyo's miko came to mind. Her strange attire, her fascination with Inuyasha, shattering the Shikon no Tama… If she hadn't been so careless, the land wouldn't be plagued by demons hunting jewel shards. He didn't comprehend, or really care to, why Inuyasha insisted on helping that girl. He knew the hanyo wanted to use the jewels power to become a full demon. As if. Sesshomaru seemed annoyed at the thought. He would never be a great demon, magic jewel or not. He simply lacks what it takes. He was weak and had a love for humans. Just as their father had done, Inuyasha fell in love with a human. And just the same as their father, the useless female was his demise. Almost. The reincarnation of the priestess that sealed Inuyasha broke the spell and freed him. She possessed a power all her own. Other than the ability to use the Hama no Ya and sense shards of the Shikon, she was helpless. It seemed as though every time the youkai prince came across the crude little band, the miko was in some sort of trouble and Inuyasha would almost be killed trying to save her. Pathetic. She even seemed to have romantic feelings for that ignorant insect. Though he was too stupid to notice. He still lusted after a walking corpse. Kikyo was nothing more than a clay shell held together by the souls of departed maidens. Her reasons for clinging to this world were truly a mystery to Sesshomaru. But they didn't involve him, and she was positively no threat, so he really didn't care. He just chalked it up to the foolish ways of mortals. Always wanting something they can never have. In her life, she too had romantic feelings for Inuyasha. So what? Now you spend your death trying to have him? Get over it. Truth be told, she paled in comparison with Inuyasha's current miko. How can the dead compete with the living?
Kikyo truly despised the young priestess. Even though the girl had done nothing to wrong her, she's tried to kill the reincarnation of herself on several occasions. And on each occurrence, the odd young woman never said a word against the lingering specter. Never questioned Inuyasha when he'd leave her to meet with the dead priestess. She suffered silently with the pain of rejection coupled with disappointment. She was strong willed and had an unrivaled sense of loyalty. An admirable quality for a mortal. Humans were known for treachery and betrayal.
Sesshomaru pushed his half brother's sad little love triangle out of his mind. The soothing sound of water churning could be heard from the brook hidden on the opposite side of four large boulders. Slowly his eyelids opened unveiling two gorgeous sun-kissed amber orbs. His gazed was cold. Something in his eyes told of unrelenting danger for those who dared to cross him. He looked down at his hand admiring the razor sharpness of his claws. The swords resting on his hip clanked together as he rose to his six feet, three inch height. He shook his head when a breeze kicked up and pulled at his knee length platinum mane. His head slowly turned allowing him to take in his surroundings. Finding nothing of interest, he decided it was time to move on. He took a step in the direction in which he sensed his retainer, Jaken. That's when he heard it. The ear piercing, terrified shriek belonging to Rin entered his elfin-like ears. Without hesitation, the youkai prince pivoted and was suddenly gone. The only evidence he was ever there at all was the vegetation rustling due to his tail wind.
The child stood wide-eyed, breathing heavily while looking at the ground. She didn't even notice Sesshomaru as he appeared across from her, Tokijin in hand glowing with youkai energy. His face was a mask of doom set to slaughter whatever had caused Rin the slightest distress. He sensed no danger in the area. But something had clearly startled the poor girl. Lowering Tokijin to his side, he crossed to where she stood petrified by what ever her eyes beheld. She still had not noticed his presence. Odd. He thought. Following her frozen gaze at first he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Only thick, overgrown leaves. He narrowed his golden eyes and peered over top the girl's head. A pair of legs was half hidden by the coarse greenery. Bare human legs. They were caked with mud but he could smell the fresh blood that oozed from open wounds.
“Oh, Lord Sesshomaru,” Rin's voice cracked. She was relieved he was there. Where had he come from anyway? No matter, she was safe. Reaching for his silk garments she buried her face in pristine white hakama. The lei she'd made as a gift for him completely forgotten. “Is she dead?” she whispered moving the cloth from one eye to catch a peek.
There was a hurried rustling in the undergrowth though the source could not be seen. Sesshomaru paid it no mind but Rin drew closer to him with wide eyes. “Do not fear Rin!” Jaken's high pitched voice came in gasps, “I am coming!” he announced with intended heroics. Softer he added, “Lord Sesshomaru will have my head if anything happens to her. Stupid child, always wandering…” His muttering halted when he broke through a patch of ferns to see his lord's menacing glare upon him. “Lord Sesshomaru!” A series of apologetic bows ensued as the demon prince turned away.
He looked down at the child holding his pant leg giving her a silent command. She released him instantly. His hair flowed gracefully behind him when he moved toward the being on the ground. Confusion would have been seen on his regal face had he not held his emotionless mask in place. Strange. At the end of the bare appendages there were strange looking boots. Quickly realizing they were not `boots' at all, his claws ripped away the shrubbery revealing the body of a young priestess. Not just any priestess. The miko that traveled with his half-brother, Inuyasha.
“Kagome,” Rin gasped as she rounded her master to gain a better view.
“What on earth is she doing here?” Jaken chimed in. He scanned to wooded area around him, “and where is that retch, Inuyasha?”
This was indeed a mystery to the inu youkai. Obviously the woman had been through a tremendous battle. She was badly bruised and had small gashes all over her. Not to mention, she was absolutely filthy. But that in no way explained how she ended up here. There was no evidence combat, of any sort, had taken place within miles. Perhaps she'd been captured by a demon? Sesshomaru searched his senses for any trace of demonic aura. There was none. No demon had come through this area for at least a week. He continued to stare at the heap of flesh that lay before him. She was on her side with one hand limply in front of her chest and her hair was a rat's nest of twigs, leaves and dirt. Revolting. Her cracked lips were slightly parted.
“Is she dead?” he heard Rin ask in a small voice.
“No.” Sesshomaru's answer was cold. Taking one last look at the injured female he turned to leave. That pitiable hanyo could not be far away if his wench was here. Inuyasha would come for her eventually. He always did. His temper would more than likely have control of his feeble mind. Sesshomaru didn't feel like dealing with his immature tantrums or foul mouth. He would allow the half-breed to live today. It would be hard enough on that ingrate to live with the knowledge that he'd failed to protect his human pet again. This time allowing her to be seriously harmed.
“My lord!” Rin called out to his retreating back, “We cannot leave her!” The great prince continued on his course without faltering. Running swiftly, she caught up to the taiyoukai. She tugged at his kimono; he acted if she were not there. Walking at a triple pace just to keep up with his stride, while constantly calling his name, she became frustrated.
In a desperate act to gain his attention, she did something she knew would bring the demon's full wrath crashing upon her. Her miniature fingers reached out to intertwine the silky white tresses that flowed freely down her lord's back. It was the softest thing she'd ever felt! A sensation similar to holding a new duckling pranced up her arm. Closing her soft brown eyes with a silent prayer, she let Kami know her tiny soul would soon be sent flying to the afterlife. I have lived a pretty good life, I guess. Rin sucked in what, she was certain, would be her last breath. Squeezing her eyes shut, her fist closed around the angelic strands. She dug her heels into the ground and pulled with all her might.
Sesshomaru immediately halted causing Rin to bump into him.
“I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm dead! she braced herself for a terrible assault, Here I come father and mother, this is the end!”
“Rin,” she squinted one eye open. The youkai lord was not looking at her. His voice was not angry but very firm, “Do not do that again.”
Rin quickly released the locks from her sweating palm. She wanted to cry. She'd always loved his hair! Attempting to harm it made her feel horrible. “Yes Sesshomaru-sama.” The terrified child bowed her head. But neither her fear nor shame lasted long. Looking up at his profile she spoke with earnest, “But we cannot leave her. It isn't right!” Rin was downright indignant. Ignoring the fact that she'd just tried to pull his hair out.
“Inuyasha will come for her.” His tone did not change. He glanced down to meet her round eyes. She was upset with him. This had never occurred before. He wasn't sure what to think. He didn't want Rin to believe ill of him. But he certainly didn't want her to know that it bothered him either way. His statuesque features remained intact, “Do not fear the miko will be cared for once her companions arrive.”
The child was not convinced. She knew her beloved master would never lie to her. But what was the harm in keeping watch over Kagome until her friends arrived? That horrible Inuyasha would even be grateful to Lord Sesshomaru for finding and allowing Jaken and herself to tend to Kagome. Besides, the young priestess had always been kind to her. Despite the blood feud between the inu brothers.
“Bu…” she began to protest but was interrupted.
“My Lord quickly!” Jaken cried excitedly, “This girl carries Tetsusaiga!”
Sesshomaru's cool amber eyes widened in surprise at his servant's words. Whirling around in a cloud of silk he left Rin standing alone slack jawed. His graceful movement was a little faster than usual. Long strides quickly carried him back to where the young girl lay still unconscious. Could this be true? He wondered. Impossible.
Jaken had rolled the miko on to her back disclosing the hidden treasure covered by her body. To Sesshomaru's utter dismay, the untransformed fang was before him. The girl had her fingers curled tightly around the hilt. Why had he not seen it before? Simply because she'd been on her side. The sword was beneath her. This was, without a doubt, truly puzzling. How had she come into possession of the weapon? No demon could have made off with both the miko and the blade. What has happened? Something unexpected, that much was certain. What had become of the Inugami?
He sensed great pain and sorrow emitting from the defeated priestess. This disturbed the youkai prince greatly. More than he would ever admit. He had been in the company of the intergraded band not too long ago. She had in fact saved Rin's life. He could safely say he would not have done the same if the tides were turned. The miko would surely have died if she were depending on him for aid. Never the less, she'd protected his charge on her own accord and in doing so she'd earned his respect. Not an easy task to accomplish.
With the exception of the houshi, none were scathed from the attack on Sou'unga. But even the monk's injury was minimal. Nothing they hadn't dealt with many times before. The more pressing question was: where was Inuyasha? Capturing the miko was a fairly easy chore if you were experienced. But disarming the hanyo was almost impossible, even for one as powerful as the Prince of Dogs. It was even more unfeasible with the assistance of the pack he traveled with. The female demon slayer was a skilled, fearless and very seasoned warrior all by herself. The monk possessed spiritual powers, but more to his credit he used the cursed void as an advantage. Even the two tailed neko and kitsune were not without useful battle skills. The miko herself had unparalleled talent with a long bow. Each member of the shard hunting party held the others in high regard and devoted themselves to the reservation of the clans well being.
Scanning the soil around the girl he found the slight indentation of a wavy line. Ordinary eyes would have never been able to see the obscure trail at all. The mark of the blade? She'd been dragging the sword behind her, point down, when she collapsed. Slowly brushing the greenery aside he followed the thin line. Perhaps if he could discover where she had come from, it would be easier to determine what happened to the rest of them and how Tetsusaiga ended up in hands of a ningen.
Rin had now joined Jaken at Kagome's side. Kneeling she ripped a small strip from her kimono. Once settled in front the mikos face she gently began to wipe dirt from her cheeks.
“What do you think you are doing?” Jaken demanded.
She was in no mood to explain her actions when they were so obvious. With his huge yellow eyes she knew good and well he could see for himself what she was doing. Her focus was on her friend. Worry was evident in her young features. She didn't want Kagome to die. She'd never seen someone die before. With the exception of the demons Lord Sesshomaru had slain. That was different, they were evil. Kagome was not evil at all. Sure, she dressed a little strange and sometimes used words that sounded like they were made up. But she was not wicked by any means. She was very nice and very brave.
And she can make arrows glow pretty colors! Rin smiled then whispered, “you'll be alright. We will take care of you.” Satisfied with the job she'd done cleaning the young priestess's face she started removing the foreign objects from her thick raven hair.
We?” Jaken was annoyed. How dare that child speak for him? Not that it mattered because the miko was out cold. He was not going to lift one clawed finger to help that infuriating female! She'd always been so disrespectful to Lord Sesshomaru. The way she spoke to him was completely unacceptable. And she never addressed him properly. The old demon was not surprised though. After all she stayed with that hanyo filth, Inuyasha, so it was natural that she would pick up on his despicable habits. However he was curious to find out why this girl was in the middle of nowhere with the sword his master sought to claim as his own. Seating himself cross legged, he rested his chin atop one of his fists and tried to make sense of it all.
“Master Jaken,” Rins voice was quiet. Not even glancing up from her task, “Please go fetch some water. I will need it to clean her wounds.”
“Gah!” was all he could manage to get out. Fetch? Who did she think she was talking to? He was Jaken, highly revered among his kind, master of the Staff of Two Heads, retainer to Lord of the Western Lands. He did not fetch!! Especially not for the girl who had been so ill-mannered in regard to his great master. It would be a cold day in Makai [hell] before he would be of any assistance to her. With the way she'd spoken to his lord in the past, it's a wonder she'd lived this long.
Rin, still carefully sorting thought Kagome's midnight locks, had expected Jaken's resistance. Her brown eyes narrowed and she gave a small smirk. She was smarter than he gave her credit for. Watching how things went over the years with Lord Sesshomaru. She wanted to experiment with a hunch she'd had for quiet some time and the old imp had given her the perfect opportunity. The child cleared her throat mustering up all the sticky sweetness she had in her, “So you will not help me, Master Jaken?” she cooed.
“No I certainly will not!” He snapped fiercely, “and how dare you presume that you can order me about?”
Accidentally a chuckle escaped her throat and she quickly covered her mouth. He was playing right into her hands. “Are you sure you will not bring the water? I did say please.”
Jaken was on his feet now fuming with rage, “Stupid girl can you not hear….”
Rin sucked in a lungful of air, threw her head back, and screamed as loud as she could, “LORD SESSHOMARU!!” Her voice was much louder than necessary, but it got the job done.
The old kappa tumbled in surprise to her booming voice now ricocheting through the forest. There's no way the inu youkai was not going to hear it. There was no way the dead didn't hear that eardrum rupturing screech! Regaining his balance with wide eyes, Jaken bolted through the foliage with the though of being harshly punished by the taiyoukai. Stupid child!
Rin gave a knowing smile. “See Kagome, even Master Jaken wishes to see you well again.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sesshomaru was at the tree line of the woods now. The small trail continued out farther but he was no longer in the mood to follow it. It was clear that the girl had travel many miles and, quite possibly, many days. Was she searching for Inuyasha? He searched his inhuman senses again for any hint of the hanyo or his traveling companions. Releasing his aura, he took to the sky to try to gain a clearer range. He knew, however, it would do no good. His senses worked as well on the ground as they did in the air.
His golden eyes swept over the landscape in all directions. Nothing. Slowly, the impressive inu youkai began his descent. The silk of his clothing billowed around him effortlessly in the breeze. The slight updraft pushed the large white sleeve of his kimono up far enough to show the two maroon stripes on his wrist.
He was still twenty feet off the ground when Rin's voice hit his ears. This time he did not rush to her. Her tone was more annoyed than distressed. More than likely she and Jaken were having a dispute over the miko.
Inwardly sighing, once on the ground, Sesshomaru turned and headed back in the direction from which he'd come. There was no way this regal creature intended to intervene in something so elementary. He'd often wondered if Rin would test her weight against himself and Jaken. It would appear that he was right. As usual. But if that child thought he would hover over her, fight her battles, and jump every time she called like a mother hen, she had another thing coming. Such petty things were far beneath one such as him. Honestly Rin!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Rin was seated on her knees with Kagome's head resting in her lap. A gentle tune was heard being hummed by the child as she rhythmically stroked the mikos hair. She had effectively removed all the clumps of dirt and debris from the older girls' tresses. Kagome's once mud encrusted legs were now clean and the lingering wood splinters had been taken out. Her clothes were still stained and torn. But there wasn't much Rin could've possibly done about that. So she just straightened them out as best she could.
Twice she tried to remove Tetsusaiga from Kagome's iron grip, and twice she failed. She watched in awe as the miko's fingers instinctively tightened around the hilt until her knuckles were white. Only to loosen slightly when Rin backed away. Other than that Kagome had not moved at all. She gave no sign of hearing her caretakers' voice or feeling her touch.
A steaming Jaken sat a few yards away glaring at the two human females. He would speak to Lord Sesshomaru about this arrogant, insufferable child as soon as time permitted. It was time for her to take her leave. Threatening to tattle on him! Can you imagine? All because of that stupid priestess who didn't at least have the decency to dress properly. Why, if she were a merchant selling skin, she'd be the wealthiest in all the land! She could construct a paresu [palace] almost as extraordinary as the House of the Moon in just one months' time. It would be called `The Tasteless House of Skin' and she and Inuyasha would be Lord and Lady of a classless house with no standing among society! The demon chuckled to himself. Actually, she might end up as a hand maiden because Inuyasha would claim the dead miko as his bride. This time Jaken giggled out loud causing Rin to shoot him an inquisitive glance.
“Jaken,” Shesshomaru's emotionally void voice caused both his retainer and charge to start slightly as he emerged from the brush, “fetch Ah-Uh.”
He'd spent the short trek back contemplating his next move. Several options, each of which turned carefully in his mind, had left only one logical choice. He would not take Tetsusaiga today. There would be plenty of time for that. Besides, the thought of holding the sword sent a tingle through his hand. As if his nerve endings remembered the jolt they received when he held, transformed, and wielded the fang while that weakling hanyo was possessed by the Sword of Hell. No, he was not quiet ready to take on Tetsusaiga's barrier again. Not yet.
The toad stared at his master for a moment. What is it with the word “fetch” today?! Is it “treat Jaken like crap day” and nobody told him?
The youkai prince was not one to repeat himself. His eyelids slid slightly forming an evil glare as his fingers simultaneously closed into a powerful fist. Counting the lumps on the kappa's head always did prove to be amusing. Just as he was about pummel his servant into dust the toad suddenly came back to reality.
“Hai Sesshomaru-sama!” Jaken hastily departed in search of the dragon. He wondered what Lord Sesshomaru had in mind for the two headed beast. Perhaps he would order Rin back to the Western Lands? What a treat that would be! His hurried pace became a gleeful skip at the thought of no longer having to put up with that annoying human girl.
After Jaken left Rin continued to stare at the taiyoukai. He returned her gaze but said nothing. His face held no trace of his thoughts. The occasional bird call was all that was heard through their silence. She too was curious as to why Lord Sesshomaru wished to summon Ah-Uh. Perhaps he will help Kagome? The thought crossed her mind but she was too afraid to ask. For if she was wrong about his intentions, her feelings would be hurt. And after living through pulling his hair today, she would not argue. Much.
“Why do you care for this onna?” Sesshomaru finally spoke.
Rin moved Kagome's head in hopes of making her more comfortable.
“She has always been kind to me, Sesshomaru-sama.” The child's answer was clear and strong, “I have no doubt if it was myself laying here, she would help me as best she could. It is only right to repay one such as her in the same manor.” Rin squared her shoulders proudly looking directly into the young prince's eyes as she spoke again, “It is the honorable thing to do.”
Sesshomaru regarded her with a raised brow at the last statement. He was all too familiar with honor. He thought of himself as the embodiment of honor. How could one as young as this child already possess such respect and openly practice the ideals in the honor code? He thought of her earlier outburst when she realized he intended to leave the miko to her own devises. She was displeased and had intentionally assaulted his person, without fear, to aid someone that was not directly connected to her. Someone who had put herself in harms way, more than once, to see that Rin was safe.
“Indeed.” Giving her a slight nod he gracefully moved toward a large elm and leaned against the trunk. He would test this theory of her “honor” further.
Carefully watching the way Rin handled the miko as if she were a porcelain doll, the demon prince thought of ways to probe the mind of his young charge.
“Do you not see her as your enemy?”
“Iie.” Rin shook her head firmly.
“Why is that?”
“She has never done anything to wrong me.” She sighed tossing away a leaf that had blown onto Kagome's blouse, “and she would not let any harm come to me by those who may wish to hurt me.”
“I see.” Sesshomaru folded himself at the foot of the tree. “Do you believe Inuyasha means to harm you?”
“I do not know.” Rin snorted, “But Kagome would never allow it.”
“Sesshomaru-sama?” Her voice quivered slightly, “Do you consider Kagome an enemy?”
“Why?” She already knew the answer. Inuyasha was his enemy, thus making anyone in allegiance with him an enemy as well. Kagome had never personally assaulted the taiyoukai, if she had she'd be dead, but she had engaged him in battle several times on the hanyo's behalf.
Sesshomaru remained silent. Did she really expect him to answer a question as silly as this? Rin noted his quiet response, or lack there of, before she spoke again.
“I believe she is no different from you.” She shrugged. Sesshomaru's expression did not change though he was quite shocked. Did she just compare him to a female? A human female?! “She protects those closest to her. When I think about it, she only tries to injure you when you attack Inuyasha.”
Sesshomaru snorted. As if that ningen onna could ever hurt him! He would've laughed had he been any other demon.
“If her friends are in danger, she will help them.” Her brown eyes watched the immortal prince, “When I am in danger, you help me.”
She protects that which is hers. The inu youkai realized. “The miko, however, jumps in battle without thinking. This Sesshomaru does not.”
“Her focus is only on the ones in danger, not herself. It is true,” Rin admitted with a shrug, “that such an act is reckless. But I would do the same for you.”
This time he almost really did chuckle. The muscles in neck flexed as he swallowed the sound threatening to escape his throat. With that out of the way, he just lifted an eyebrow at her.
“You believe this Sesshomaru would allow himself to become injured?” He was truly amused but she would never know it judging by the look on his stoic face.
“No Sesshomaru-sama,” she fidgeted under his icy gaze, “of course not. You would never become wounded in such a way. You are the strongest of all youkai. I only meant that if you or Master Jaken were in danger, I would not think of myself. I would only want to make sure you were well.”
“There is nothing honorable about being foolish.” A clawed hand moved to toss snowy locks over his armored shoulder.
Rin blushed bowing her head. It looked to Sesshomaru as if she were ashamed. That would not do. She had a crude take on honor, but the basics were there none-the-less. It merely needed to be molded.
“You consider yourself an ally to this miko?” the youkai lord gave a nodded gesture toward Kagome.
“Hai.” Rin answered quietly.
“Hn…” Sesshomaru closed his amber eyes and leaned his head back against the trunk of the tree. “Have you someone to protect?” It would appear that his young charge has taken responsibility for the safety of his half-brother's miko. If that is what she wished to do, he would not object. The priestess had saved her life. It was only right to repay the debt. Silently he agreed with her earlier statement. It is the honorable thing to do. He shifted his shoulders as if trying to get comfortable against the bark, never opening his eyes, “She should consider herself most fortunate to have one such as you to look after her.”