InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Fumetsu no Seishin no Chikara ❯ Delivery of the Miko ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Delivery of the Miko:
The day seemed the same as any other in the village this time of year. Farmers were bringing in the harvest. Many women were down by the stream washing their linens; others were engaged in the various tasks of everyday maintenance. Joyous laughter of the children could be heard as they played a ball game together.
A woman was working in the large herb garden that took up the space next to her hut, as well as a good portion behind the simple dwelling as well, when her neighbor approached the fence that bordered the two yards.
“Good afternoon, Yoko.” The woman greeted with a smile. She rose from her kneeling position while tossing the weeds she'd been pulling aside. Then she attempted to brush the stray hairs that had come loose from her shoulder-length ponytail back in place.
“Konnichiwa Natsuo,” the other woman returned the smile with sparkling green eyes. She placed her arms on the wooden railing to lean against it, “Have you heard anything?”
They both turned their heads to face the small hut that sat across the dirt road. White smoke curled from its chimney.
“No.” Natsuo brushed her hands down the sides of the gray hakama she always wore while gardening. She moved to rest her back against the fence. “I have not seen Lady Kaede all morning. I was at least expecting her to ask me to gather more herbs. Surely she has gone through the ones from yesterday.” Her last statement seemed to be more of a question.
Unconsciously Yoko reached for the thick shiny braid that hung from the top of her head down to her waist. She began to flick the tip in her fingers. She's been hoping to hear some news. The whole village has been buzzing for two days. No-one seems to know what's going on. Oh sure there were rumors. But she was one to rely on facts and those were hard to come by in this situation.
“Maybe we should go over to see if she needs anything.” Yoko offered.
“Chigau!” [No way!] Her friend laughed. “I will not be party to your spy mission.”
The taller, emerald-eyed woman gasped and feigned a hurt expression. Her childhood friend knew her too well. They were really more like sisters since it had been Natsuo's parents that took her in as theirs when her own parents were killed by demons. She really didn't remember them because she was barely three years old when they died. Her foster family never treated her like she was different. Soon she actually felt as if she'd been born to the couple who had a heart as large as the ocean. Her mind slid slowly to the past in reflection of the man who'd saved her life:
Most men would've wanted strong sons. But their father had been prouder of his two girls than any man with a thousand sons. He taught them to never be ashamed or feel of less worth than any boy. He called them his himes and always said they should be treated as such. When they reach the age to be married, Nobu Narahashi did something that sent a shocking ripple through all the eastern villages. He refused to let any man have either of his daughters until they proved their worth not only to him, but to the intended bride as well. Such a thing was unheard of! A woman having a say in who she married?
“Do not be afraid to speak what is in your heart, my little hime.” Her father had said. He watched as her mother helped tie the intricate knot of her obi. He was a tall powerful man with large hands and a voice so smooth she was sure he could calm the thunder right out of the clouds even in the fiercest of storms. His emotion always showed in his dark eyes. He was gentle and kind. But make no mistake; if you were disobedient, it was over for you. The rest of the world may have only seen him as a farmer, but to her he was so much more. She had even wanted to demand the village erect a statue of him when he died. After a week of tireless calm reasoning, her husband talked her out of it.
“For the man you choose will be your provider and protector.” Nobu reminded her for the thousandth time, “he must appreciate you in every way. If you do not feel he can do this, he is not the one.”
“But father,” Yoko protested, terrified.
She really had not expected anyone to come to ask for her or her sister's hand due to the strange stipulation her father demanded. As it turned out she couldn't have been more wrong. It seemed every eligible man for miles around came to call on the young women whose father held them in such high regard. As though they were priceless treasures that only the absolute best man would possess.
“It is impossible to find one to comprehend everything about me. No one is perfect.” She'd known his response before he opened his mouth.
You are perfect.” He countered, his tired eyes brimming with annoyance, “And only the perfect man will do. You will never want for anything. You will never be afraid or mistreated. What you think, or have to say, will matter in your house.”
Yoko was now more afraid. Did he mean to send her away? She did not want to leave!
Seeing his adopted child tremble with tears welling up in her clear emerald eyes, he sighed. He read her mind as he spoke to her, “Do not worry, my daughter, you will not be taken from this place. It is another condition I have set forth. Neither you, nor Natsuo, will ever be taken from the village of your birth.”
She regarded the man known as her father with wide eyes that reminded him of the small frightened infant he'd welcomed into his home so long ago.
Yoko had grown into a stunning young woman with shining pride to match her beauty. But now all he could see was the quite little girl who'd hung close to him until she felt safe again. Tears were streaming down her face now.
“Oh father!” she cried falling to her knees before him. Earning her an exasperating squeal from his wife who'd worked for the better part of a decade perfecting every delicate detail on the kimono her youngest daughter now wore.
“For the love of Kami!” her mother moved to pull the adolescent girl to her feet. Scanning the garment for even the slightest smudge. “Husband, could you not have told her that before she got dressed?!”
Nobu chuckled at his soul mate. “Forgive me, my love.” He turned to Yoko, “It matters not if the highest lord in all Japan is chosen to be your husband. He will not be permitted to take you away. You will remain with your sister. Your families shall be raised together.”
“But how will you know if the bargain is kept?” the teenagers voice trembled, “What if he steals me in the night?”
With a firm shake of his head and a solemn look, He will do no such thing. I will not have my daughter wed a dishonorable man. He will give his vow to abide by all regulations in front of the entire village. The only way you can be taken from here is if you, yourself, desire to go. He cannot force you. The priestess has agreed to look after things and to put a curse on the man if he should go against his word.”
Yoko gasped at her father's words. But her mother just laughed. Was he telling the truth about the threat of a curse, or just teasing her? Hopefully, she would never have to find out…
“Hello?” Natsuo was waving her hand in front of her sister's zoned out face.
“Huh?” Yoko blinked back to reality, and then grinned. “What is it you were saying?”
Dark eyes, that perfectly matched their fathers, were looking up at her quizzically. She had inherited Nobu's all telling, all seeing eyes and her mother's extraordinary talent as a seamstress. Poking out her bottom lip and giving a slight huff, Natsuo blew her midnight bangs away from her forehead.
“I said,” she rolled her eyes, “it was just so strange. I thought I was dead for sure!”
Here we go. Yoko said to herself. Mentally preparing to hear the tale for the um-teenth time.
“There I was heading back from the hot spring when I saw her,” Natsuo began, gesturing with her hands.
Yeah, yeah, the strange little girl in the orange kimono. A bored expression was skillfully hidden as her mind wandered off repeating the story in her head. She'd heard it a hundred times and could narrate every detail. Pretty soon she'd start believing she was there along with her older sibling if she had to listen to it much more. Yadda, yadda. Yoko inwardly groaned listening to the dramatic recount of the “near death experience.”
*Begin flashback*
*2 nights prior*
The moon was hidden by clouds and only a few stars cast an eerie dim light through the tree tops. Walking alone on the path, Natsuo was lost deep in thought about the messenger who'd come to the village earlier that day with the news that some of the men would be called upon to join the military. The thought of her beloved husband going off to war had made her ill. Her chosen, Higen, was probably one of the best archers around. But that was not the point! She didn't care if he was summoned. He wasn't going and that was final.
The young kimono maker sighed at the realization that no matter how much she arguing and protesting she did, if he was called he would go. So damned honorable! She grumped kicking a rock angrily, Father should've added a “no going off to battle and leaving your wife alone” clause!
“You have chosen well. There is much honor and pride in him.” Nobu had beamed when she'd informed him six years ago of her decision to marry the humble woodsman from the South.
Somewhere on the trail in front of her, hidden from view, a twig snapped. Natsuo instinctively froze as if she were a nymph being viewed by mortal eyes, daring not to breathe. Ears straining in the darkness trying to ascertain if she'd really heard the sound at all. Then it came again followed by leaves rustling. On impulse her knees bent and calves tensed ready to flee as soon as her brain fired the command.
“Gomen nasai,” said a small voice from the shadows, “I did not mean to frighten you.”
A dark silhouette stepped onto the path from her right a few meters away. Lungs beginning to burn, Natsuo realized she'd been holding her breath but dared not let it out.
The figure stepped closer giving a small bow. It was a child. A little girl clad in a yukata of mixed warm colors. It was worn and almost threadbare. It's a disgrace for such a pretty child to have to wear that shameful thing! The artisan of fabric released the air threatening to set her lungs afire.
“I beg your pardon,” the girl made another step forward, “but I am seeking the village priestess. Can you tell me where I may find her?”
Normal blood pressure returned to the woman's body. Screaming muscles relaxed as the `all clear' sounded over nerves.
“What?” Natsuo blinked
“The old priestess,” she repeated confused, “is this not the village of Edo?”
“Yes.” Taking a step toward the child and extending a hand, “Edo lays there.” She pointed down the path she'd been following. The girl moved her wide eyes to follow the gesture.
“What is your name child?” Natsuo arched a brow, “and why are you out here alone?”
“Gomen nasai.” She bowed at the waist then straightened, “I am called Rin. But I am not alone. Please, I must speak with the old miko. It is of great importance.”
Truly confused, the peasant woman looked around behind the girl called Rin but saw no-one. Surely this child was in some sort of trouble to be seeking a priestess. Had a demon attacked her family during travel? She had been sent specifically to Edo to locate Lady Kaede. Natsuo was sure of it. But why?
“I am Natsuo,” reaching for Rin's hand, she noticed the child drew away slightly. Was she afraid? “Come. I will not harm you, Rin.”
Taking a step back, Rin shook her head.
“Enough of this!” a shrill voice behind a boulder nearly caused the woman to jump out of her skin. Jaken hobbled within view with the aid of his staff. He had all he could stand of this annoying, slow witted onna. “I demand that you reveal the whereabouts of the priestess without further delay, human!”
Natsuo watched in horror as the reptile demon firmly planted his staff in the ground. He was glaring at her with glowing bubbled yellow eyes. He was shorter than Rin and his beak-like mouth was fixed on a scowl. On each scaly hand there were three clawed fingers.
Rin did not move. She actually looked irritated at the imp's sudden outburst. Frowning at him through narrowed eyes.
“What are you gawking at, woman?” Jaken's tone was harsh.
No one spoke for what seemed like a frozen eternity. There was no movement from anywhere. The forest was deathly quiet.
“Master Ja…” Rin started to say. But before the words passed her lips she found herself snatched from the ground and tucked securely in the crook of terrified woman's hip.
It happened so fast that all she could do was let out a squeak as her tiny chest came into hard contact with the side of the woman's ribcage. Realizing she was being carried, fast, through the darkness, it dawned on the small child that this was not going to turn out well.
Natsuo's mind was reeling a million miles per second. The hiki [toad] youkai had appeared from nowhere. No doubt the reason this poor child is seeking Lady Kaede. She must be scared to death! Self preservation mode switched on involuntarily. Limbs acting on their own accord, her fingers released the small basket containing her bathing supplies. Before it could reach the ground she bolted past the horrid little green monster, yanked up Rin tucking the girl next to her body as if she were a package, and broke into a mad sprint toward Edo. Her home. Where her husband and children were expecting her.
She could feel the unquestionably frightened child struggling against her grip. Branches scratched her pale skin leaving red whelps. The cool night air mixed with sweat stung against the small wounds. Not that it mattered. Her mind was numb, focusing only on escaping the youkai and making it to the village in one piece.
Surprised by the onna's lightening swiftness, Jaken stood where he was. There was no reason to give chase. He knew this well. The unsuspecting ningen had sealed her fate the moment she laid hands on the ward of the Taiyoukai of the West.
“Onegai [please] stop!” Rin pleaded, twisting against the arm that held fast like steel. She knew the lady was only trying to protect her. But the fact was she didn't need protection. Knowing her master would not take kindly to the woman taking her away, Rin continued her futile struggle. She had to find a way to free herself before things got out of hand.
Too late.
Sesshomaru had watched the entire exchange with a hopelessly bored expression. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out why Rin insisted on asking the onna for assistance. It would have most certainly been simpler for Ah-Un touch down in the village itself. The miko was in desperate need of a healer and being in such close proximity to a ningen settlement made his nose burn. The stench was unbearable.
Ah-Un stood quietly at the prince's side gnawing at their bits. The miko, resting across the saddle, still unresponsive. Her only sign of life was the automatic reflex of her fingers. Which were still locked on Tetsusaiga.
It seemed the human his ward had chosen to inquire on the whereabouts of the priestess was not the brightest star in the sky. Seeing as how Rin had asked the same question at least twice. Things took an irritating turn when his retainer saw fit to intercede. What possible reasoning could he have? Oh look, now the woman is petrified from fear. She'll really relinquish the information now. Thanks, Jaken, good job.
I'm surrounded by idiots. As the dragon's reins fell from his hand, Sesshomaru let his eyelids slide closed and reached up to rub the bridge of his nose. It did little to soothe the throbbing pressure manifesting behind his eyes.
A sharp squeal along with a low growl from one of the doragon [dragon] creatures heads, probably Un, captured the taiyoukai's attention.
The red glowing gaze from both heads of his dragon was the first thing he noticed. A sure indication something was not right. The second was the thud of an object hitting the ground, then spilling its contents. Immediately following the sound, his senses alerted the demon lord that Rin was getting farther away. Judging from her scent, she was slightly distressed but not frightened. More than likely the onna assumed Jaken was a threat to the child and was compelled to protect her. Such an act is not her place! Sesshomaru made his move.
Blazing to life the instant its master laid hand to hilt, Tokijin hissed as it was smoothly, expertly removed from the sheath. A mist of electric blue youkai energy swirled around the enchanted blade.
Almost there, almost there… just a little further. Natsuo coached herself. The burst of energy her adrenaline had provided was running low. The added weight at her hip was no help. It made each pounding step a little awkward. The muscles in her back ached while trying to compensate for the extra load. Still she continued to run not noticing the figure that seemed to have dropped from the sky in front of her.
“Release my ward, wench.” Sesshomaru commanded coolly. His sword raised in warning.
“Eek!” Natsuo slid to a stop without an inch to spare. The point of the weapon was just a hairs breath away from her throat. It was so close that if she swallowed, the movement of her neck would scrape the razor sharp tip. The force surrounding the blade was immense. She could feel the heat of it burning at her flesh.
The creature before her was magnificent. Even in the dark. White hair danced about his shoulders wildly before settling, almost as if it had a mind of its own, behind broad armored shoulders. He was clad in extremely fine white silk. The red honeycomb pattern that lined the left side of the collar and spread to cover his shoulder would be what stuck in the seamstress' mind the most. Nice, but I could've done a much better job on such extraordinary fabric! Somewhere in the back of her mind the thought skirted through. Shaking the notion away she scolded herself that she was about to die and now was not the time to wonder about fashion!
“Sesshomaru-sama,” Rin spoke up. Pushing her small hands against the woman's thigh she raised her head to gain a much better view than the ground. She noticed how he towered over the petite woman holding her. “I am alright.”
Natsuo could not believe her ears! The child had spoken to the one holding them at sword point. He was clearly a youkai, so why did the girl not fear him?
Sesshomaru disregarded Rin's words. Through narrowed eyes, a death glare stayed trained on the onna. Who appeared to be about ready to soil herself. All this for Inuyasha's miko! How very annoying. Though the scent of the human female's sheer terror was very pleasing to the youkai lord.
A long awkward silence fell around them. Sesshomaru looked frightening against the shadows of the night. His amber eyes took on the glow similar to a cat skulking around in the hours of darkness. He wondered why the woman had not heeded his word. It was obvious that she feared him. And rightfully so. He could stand there for eternity, but he wouldn't. Lopping off her head seemed a much better idea than repeating himself, which he did not do, or idling around waiting on the pitiful ningen to make up her inferior mind.
The noxious aura of Tokijin burning her lungs with every breath, Natsuo fell into a fit of coughing. Only then did she renounce her hold on the still struggling child.
“OMPH!” Rin hit the cold dry trail with absolutely no grace. Quickly rising she clambered to the side of her master who now re-sheathed his deadly weapon. There would be plenty of time to nurse her scraped elbow later. Though it stung something terrible!
Sesshomaru allowed Rin to take hold of his clawed hand. The warmth of her tiny fingers sent a reassuring wave over every fiber of his body.
She looked up at him. “See Sesshomaru-sama, I am alright.” She tugged on his striped wrist in an attempt to pull his gaze from the lady named Natsuo.
“The old miko,” golden eyes stayed trained on their subject, “you will disclose her whereabouts. The limit of this Sesshomaru's patients is fast approaching.”
All thoughts were frozen, brain totally numb. There was no way in this gensei [present world/life] Natsuo was going to tell a demon anything about their priestess. She would rather die. This seemed a very possible outcome judging from the creature who had spoken.
Something about him seemed familiar to her. As if he reminded her of someone, but she couldn't quite place it. A flash of gold in his menacing stare sparked her memory.
Inuyasha? Of course! This demon had the same color eyes and almost the same shade of hair. Inuyasha's was silver. This youkai seemed to have a lighter, shinier, almost white tone to his impressive mane.
A new sense of dread crept over already quaking nerves. She'd heard tales of the hanyo's elder full-youkai brother. He was a ruthless butcher with absolutely no regard for humans, or anything living for that matter. It is said that he is more evil and powerful than the beast the bandit Onigumo had become over half a century earlier. She'd always thought the tales of the youkai lord were just fables to frighten children. But here, now, in the blue-blackness of night, just a few hundred yards from the safety of the village stands the most sinister of all evil spirits.
Sesshomaru picked up on her fear spiking exponentially. What had caused this change? Truthfully it didn't matter. If the goal had been ending her miserable existence, he would've done so already. He was growing weary of the monotony involved with locating a lowly old miko. She was perhaps the only one who could care for his half-brother's wench and obtain information on the events that took place resulting in the young girl's possession of Tetsusaiga.
Rin continued her silent plea hoping Sesshomaru would at least look at her. He did not. But at least he hadn't sliced the onna open with his poison claws either. That's always a good sign. When dealing with the Lord of the West, you took whatever small mercies you could get.
A low whining sound surrounded them. Slowly at first, it began to swell in pitch climbing several octaves. Once it reached its highest point, the noise stayed at a constant high-pitched tone. How annoying! It was only then that Natsuo realized the sound was coming from her. She'd been too frightened to notice that she was in the process of screaming in the taiyoukai's face. Unnoticed, Rin ducked behind her master in surprise to the woman's sudden shrieking.
She continued to scream.
For his part, after the initial shock, Sesshomaru had to keep himself from laughing at the foolish woman. It took a true effort because it really was humorous. The muscles around the corners his mouth flexed feebly trying to combat the smile threatening to show itself. The usual grim demeanor won out.
The scream continued, never faltering.
Her mouth was open so wide one could count her teeth. The prince of youkai marveled at her lung capacity. Never once did she pause to take in more air. Truly amazing. However, due to the sensitivity of his delicate ears, he quickly lost interest.
Pulling his hand from Rin, who was still cowering behind him, he let doku [poison] gather beneath lengthening claws. This maddening sound had to stop! And Sesshomaru could think of no better way than ripping her throat out. Or perhaps he would reach in and relieve her of a lung? Maybe let his poison dissolve her windpipe? So many choices! What to do? What to do? He was going to enjoy this.
The sweet smell of the Dokkaso floated through the cool night air as he readied for the kill. Deadly claws took on that trademark ominous green glow.
Somewhere in the tiny part of Natsuo's mind that was not wrought with fear, immanent danger was detected. The sound in her throat hitched momentarily as her brain hotwired her legs for take off. Bolting around the demon and the human child, she broke into a life saving sprint that she really was not aware of. The horrible shrieking continued.
Rin watched the onna retreating in awe. What's wrong with her? She wondered as the figure grew smaller in the darkness. Lord Sesshomaru did nothing wrong. He had no intention of harming her. Little did she know…
“This does not bode well, my lord.” Jaken approached looking past his master at the screaming baka. He knew the woman would alert the village to their presence. Those stupid humans will dare try to attack them. They would fail, of course, in such a gory and bloody fashion that it may just make this whole trip worth while. He clicked his claws eagerly.
This night had become more trouble than it's worth. Sesshomaru never had second thoughts. He had no use for them. He was, after all, the most powerful of youkai. But the situation with the miko was proving most unnerving. If only she didn't hold his father's fang! She would've been left where she was discovered. Inuyasha ultimately would've claimed her. Either that or she would've died. No harm done, can't argue with fate. But the fact was she did possess Tetsusaiga and he was curious as to why. Sesshomaru growled lowly in frustration.
The heavy footfalls of the double headed dragon approaching were immediately heard following their masters call.
Rin pranced up the path to meet her pet halfway. Lowering their heads, they snorted and sniffed playfully around her face and hair causing her to giggle wildly.
“Have you been taking good care of Kagome for me?” She asked Ah while stroking his muzzle. The large beast turned slightly to reveal the slumbering young woman on its back.
Sesshomaru folded himself neatly on a downed tree trunk and watch as his ward removed a canteen from the saddle bag and tried to coax the miko into drinking. He silently wondered if such an action would choke the priestess, or drown her seeing as how the only thing she'd done was continue to breathe. Breathing water was not a talent any ningen had and she was surely no water nymph, kappa of any sort, mizu [water] or gogyou [elemental] youkai.
“What now mi'lord?” Jaken stood next to the taiyoukai.
Never moving his golden gaze from the child and the ailing miko he spoke flatly, “We wait.” Knowing full well that once the fleeing onna reached the village the humans would come to him. The old miko would be with them. He would toss Inuyasha's miko at her and take his leave.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Natsuo slowly regained control of her body and stopped screaming. Her throat burned and she was sure vocal cords were torn. Her tongue was thick and dry and it stuck to the roof of her mouth. Firelight from the torches that lined the forest side of the village came into view. Higen! Her heart cried for her beloved husband.
Fearing the terrible youkai was hot on her heels, she willed her voice back into action to warn her mate, her sister, her friends, and all who called Edo home.
“YOUKAI!!!” The hoarse shriek truly tore her already raw, parched air passage.
Barreling blindly, almost stumbling, past the line of light the warning came again, “Youkai! Youkai!” Her larynx came alive with urgency to warn her neighbors and the relief of being in the safety of Edo. “Yoooouuuukaaiiii!”
Hearing the scream of his sister-in-law, Nobutada sprang from fence post where he'd been lounging enjoying the night air. The few men that were conversing near-by snapped to attention, grabbed what ever weapon that was close at hand, and followed Nobutada as he raced toward the distressed call.
“Youkai?” Jiro Omura swiftly dislodged the ax from its chopping block as his wife appeared in the doorway of their hut. “Get my sons!” he yelled over his shoulder. He was surprised to see that she had already ducked back inside and was shouting orders to the four young men that lived there.
“Youkai!” Within seconds it was being shouted from every corner of town.
“DONG!!” The deep tone of the warning bell resonated through the air. “DONG!”
Men were pouring from all directions. The sounds made by dozens of shuffling feet as they hurried about were heard. Torches were lit; weapons were grabbed as the men made ready to defend against their attacker. Young children scurried to the haven of their huts. Women blew out candles, closed flaps, and gathered children in corners.
All but one.
“Natsuo!” Yoko burst out of her hut like an injured tigress poised to kill. She knew her sister had gone to bathe alone. The woman had been in a terrible frenzy all day after hearing that messenger and needed to relax. Whirling to her left, prepared to call for the aid of her husband, she found him already gone. Jade eyes flashed in the darkness as she picked up a scythe before following the scurrying men.
Unable to go another step Natsuo pitched forward only to be caught by large hands and pulled protectively against something hard.
“Natsuo.” Nobutada breathed instantly relieved she was mostly unharmed. His darling Yoko would absolutely die without her aneue [older sister]. But not before she killed him first! Those women were vicious indeed.
Nobutada! Tears came in rivers at the sound of her sister's husband. Finally, she was safe.
“Natsuo, Natsuo!” Her own husband's worried voice came through the crowd. Please itooshii, be alright. He prayed, pushing through swarm of shouting men.
“Higen! Here! She is here!” Nobutada waved to his ashen faced brother-in-law.
The archer slung his shihochiku yumi over his shoulder as the color returned to his pale features. He thanked Kami while making his way to the man he called his brother. Natsuo's body was positively quaking when he lifted her into his arms bridal style. Whispering calming sentiments to his trembling little wife, Higen nuzzled her ice cold cheek.
“Nobutada!” Yoko squeezed through the mob, “Natsuo!”
Upon hearing the deep concern in her sister's voice, Natsuo wiggled out of her chosen mates grip and practically knocked Yoko over with the force of the hug. The women stood clasped together sobbing with relief. Their husbands shared a knowing smiled and rolled their eyes.
“So nice to feel needed, eh Higen?” Laughed Nobutada. His wife glared at him.
Pushing the seamstress away a little Yoko asked, “A youkai attacked you?”
“Aye, tell us child. What did ye see?” The crowd parted and made way for the priestess.
“Lady Kaede,” Natsuo felt as if she would faint from the sheer calm felt when the old miko appeared. Her voice was near gone and she painfully strained to be heard, “Youkai.” She pointed behind her, “in Inuyasha's forest. Two for sure, maybe more.”
“Two youkai?” Kaede inquired, rubbing her chin as if thinking, “No demons have come this close to our village since the Shikon was broken. This news is troublesome indeed.”
“There is a human child with them as well!” the young woman blurted, “ A little girl. I tried to save her. That's when the second, larger demon showed itself.”
Shocked murmurs from the villagers rippled all around them.
“A child?” one man gasped.
“We must rescue her and destroy the youkai!” yelled another.
Several shouts of agreement followed. The mob bloomed to life in a cry for youkai blood and vengeance for the child. More torches were lit and various weapons clanged together. All the noise was giving Kaede a headache. She was trying to use her skill to ascertain what manner of beasts stalked their village, but at that moment concentration was impossible.
“Be silent, all of ye!” She barked holding up her aged hands.
Leaning heavily on her staff, she approached the tree line. Half a dozen men surrounded her protectively and were careful to make as little noise as possible. The tenderness they felt for the miko was writ clear on every face present. And their confidence in her was iron clad.
Ah there ye are… Kaede located the aura of the demons in question. There were three youkai lurking out there actually. She'd not felt a more powerful presence in all her years. These youkai, who ever they were, would be very difficult to defeat. But this was her village and her sworn duty to protect. The absence of Inuyasha and Sango weighed heavily on her mind. She could really use their help right now. She sighed pushing the thought out of her head. Wishing would do no good now; they were gone on a mission to seal a terrible demon sword that once belonged to Inuyasha's father.
It became apparent that one of the youkai was must stronger than the other two. In fact the weakest one held almost no power at all. This disturbed Kaede greatly. What did they have planned for the village? Why had they not killed Natsuo? Surely with all the raw energy the stronger one commanded it would've been no great feat.
Another presence drifted into the old miko's senses. One of strange familiarity. She furrowed her brow and concentrated harder. When she found it, her breath caught in her throat. Kagome?! Fear welled inside her soul.
“Miko-sama,” Natsuo's shaking voice jarred her thoughts. The men guarding Kaede moved away to let the bowing woman through.
“What is it child?” she turned to face Natsuo.
“The youkai,” she began, “there was one that reminded me of someone…” her voice trailed off unsure of how to continue.
“Reminded you of someone?” Kaede was now truly confused. How could a youkai, obviously with Kagome, seem familiar to someone from the village. Perhaps a spell had been cast! Could it be the human child was really Kagome under a spell? And the youkai were actually Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku? What manner of magic is this? If that is the case, why do they not enter the village? But it made no sense. None of it. If a jubaku [curse/spell] had been cast, she should be able to detect the others, even if they had been transformed to demons, just as she had detected Kagome.
“Tell me, did the child seem at all like Lady Kagome?” Kaede's mind was reeling and hope was clear in her voice.
The men surrounding them gasped as Natsuo blinked at the question.
“Lady Kagome?” It was now Natsuo's turn to be confused. She recalled an image of the child in search of any resemblance and wondered why her priestess would ask such an odd thing. “No miko-sama. But there was a youkai that reminded me of Inuyasha.”
“Inuyasha?” Kaede's eyes widened.
“Hai. Only…”
“Only what?!” The miko demanded. This whole thing was growing stranger by the moment.
The woman swallowed around the ache in her throat, “Only he appeared to be full youkai, not hanyo.”
A full demon? How can that be? A weathered hand moved to cover her heart before she spoke again, “Do ye believe this full demon to be Inuyasha?”
“Iie. He only slightly resembled Inuyasha.”
“Douyatte?” [in what way]
Natsuo closed her eyes and tried to picture the beast with the red pattern on his left shoulder. “They have the same color eyes and hair. The youkai is much taller with markings on his face.”
The entire village had gathered to hear the exchange regarding the demons in the woods. Everyone wanted to know why the priestess Kaede had mentioned the young miko and what the truth was about the full youkai that looked like the hanyo who guarded their home.
Various thoughts tumbled around the old woman's head as she processed the information. It was a fair assumption that the most powerful aura was that of the white-haired full youkai. As a half-demon Inuyasha was very strong. But not even he held such incredible power. Kagome was another issue. If the child was not the young woman Kaede thought of as a granddaughter, then who was she? Kagome was certainly out there. Obviously, she was not afraid or her kijutsu [magic] would have awakened in defense.
Natsuo silently watched the round elderly woman before her. She appeared to be deep in thought. Perhaps I should tell her of Rin asking for her specifically? She made up her mind and spoke, “Kaede-sama, there is more I must tell you.”
“Ossharu.” [speak]
“The little girl called herself `Rin.'” She paused briefly to see if the miko recognized the name. Judging by her impassive face, she did not. “When I first encountered her, she was searching for you.”
“Hmm…” Kaede pursed her lips.
“She implied needing to speak with you on a matter of great importance.”
“This child, Rin, she called me by name?”
Natsuo shook her head, “Iie. She was seeking the priestess of Edo.”
This was an interesting development. A human child, with demons, that is seeking the aid of a miko. How perplexing.
Kaede moved toward the young girl before her, placed a hand upon her shoulder and looked solemnly in her chestnut eyes, “Do ye think the child is youkai as well? Be certain before ye answer.”
“No baa-chan,” Natsuo gazed back the old woman whom she, as well as the rest of the village, called grandmother, “she was no demon. Of that I am sure. And she held no fear of the demons around her.”
Kaede made up her mind. The human girl had sought her out for reasons unknown, but that was not important. It had something to do with Kagome and that was all the motivation she needed. Judging by the pure dark energy of the strongest youkai, they meant the village no harm. If they had, they would not still be in the forest. No doubt waiting for her.
“I will go then.” Kaede adjusted her bow turning away. She heard the men following and stopped, “Ye are to stay here. All of ye.”
“Lady Kaede,” Hisao, the blacksmith, began to insist that they accompany her. She held up her hand to silence him.
“No one is to follow!” the dangerously low hiss left no room for argument, “make haste, return to your homes.” Once satisfied that her orders were clear, the priestess of Edo turned once more and disappeared into the enveloping shadows of the forest.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Almost an hour had past since the old miko had wandered into the night, undoubtedly to certain doom. The residents of Edo stirred restlessly inside their homes, occasionally peeking out to see if their beloved holy warrior had returned.
“You're sure you're alright?” Higen asked his wife for the tenth time in twenty minutes.
Natsuo sat on a mat in front of the hearth with her sister. “Yes.” She rasped.
“Perhaps you shouldn't ask her anything more. She may never speak again.” Yoko teased the nervous man. He was so much like their father in the way he worried over Natsuo.
Playfully punching her sister the seamstress whispered, “Leave him alone! If I never speak again, you'll go crazy from boredom.”
Yoko squealed indignantly, “I doubt that.”
“Sister, would you like more tea?” Nobutada rose to remove the kettle from the flames. Natsuo shook her head. “Dearest?” he turned pale blue eyes to meet seas of green.
“Domo arigato.” Yoko grinned childishly and handed him her cup.
Higen snorted, “Look at him. Now he's doing woman's work!”
Both women rolled their eyes. They'd had a silent bet on how long it would take their men to start in on each other. The game they played was really juvenile, but always proved to be highly amusing.
Nobutada cocked a brow, “Woman's work? I'm not the one hovering like a nagging insect.”
Higen didn't have time to think of a comeback before the other man was at it again.
“Besides, with all I had to go through to get my wife, getting her tea is nothing.”
“Here it comes.” Natsuo gave a hoarse chuckle that sounded more like a cough. They never missed a chance to bring up the seven layers of hell they had to go through to gain the affections of the Narahashi sisters.
“You?” The archer looked mortified, “Please, you had it easy. You're the son of a wealthy jujitsu master.”
“What?!” Nobutada practically yelled, “What the hell does that have to do with anything? My father didn't court her, I did.”
“Women love lavish things and comfort.” He retorted nonchalantly.
“Hah!” Yoko snorted.
“And.” He continued, “It helps to be named after their father.”
Uh oh. Bracing for the storm of obscenities that usually followed that remark, Natsuo rose only to take a seat out of the line of fire. She stole a glance at her sister only to find her searching for quick place to hide if they started throwing things. Really, those men can be such children!
Nobutada's face blazed, “I am not named after their father!”
“Oh, is that so? So what is your real name?” Higen cooed quite proud of himself. He was winning this round.
“You know very well he's named for his father's grandfather.” Yoko cut in.
“Suuuuure he is.” He teased while shooting a sly wink at his wife. She just buried her face in her hands.
This time, however, Nobutada would not let himself be baited. “Speaking of `woman's work,' dear brother-in-law, I distinctly remember you in the stream helping Natsuo and Mother Narahashi dying kimono fabric.” Zing! Got him!
The other man gasped, “You were in the village that day?” He didn't remember seeing the martial artist among the hordes of suitors that had overwhelmed the village.
“I was only just arriving.” Laughed Nobutada, “There were matters in my father's home that required my attention. Therefore I had been detained. By the time I'd gotten things straightened out, I feared that the himes of Edo were already wed.” he paused to smile at Yoko for teasing her father. She stuck her tongue out at him. “It was my sister who convinced me to make the journey anyway.”
Higen opened his mouth as if to say something else but he never got the chance.
“Youkai!” A woman screamed from outside.
Everyone in the kimono makers hut immediately jumped up and ran to see what the commotion was.
Natsuo froze at the sight in front of her very own home. The tall elegantly dressed youkai, the hiki, and the child called Rin were following Lady Kaede right through the center of town! A dragon creature with two heads also followed and in its back was the horribly bruised Lady Kagome.
“Be silent!” Kaede snapped at the trembling peasant woman. Then turning to the on-lookers she stated, “Ye will not approach. I have urgent matters to attend to and these that I have brought are here on my wish. Go about your peaceful business, this does not concern ye.”
Natsuo was sure her face had fallen off and was on the ground somewhere by her feet. With a sideways glance she found Yoko peering over Nobutada's shoulder and his hands behind him protectively on his wife's waist. Both of their faces showed complete dismay. Youkai in Edo? She was speechless. And here on Kaede's order? What has happened to Kagome-chan? Those questions would go unanswered for the time being. Kaede was speaking again, but not to any of the villagers.
“Please wait here, my lord.” She said to the white-haired demon, “I must prepare my home for you to enter.”
He remained silent.
No-one moved when the priestess disappeared into her hut. Probably to remove sutras and items used to ward off evil spirits. Some people backed away slowly to return to their homes, giving complete trust to the miko who'd protected them for so long. If she allowed youkai in the village, it was for a very good reason and they would not question her.
This is odd. Higen leaned against a post that supported the overhang of the roof and watched the events with interest. The street had mostly cleared by the time Kaede came into view holding back the flap which covered her doorway and motioned for the tall demon to enter.
He made no move to follow the miko's gesture. Instead he spoke to the small green creature beside him.
The toad bowed taking the pack animal by the reins to guide it closer to the entrance. With great care the kappa, with the help of the human child and miko, took Kagome inside. After a few moments the three reappeared.
Kaede then spoke to the youkai, who was obviously in charge of the others in his company, but Higen couldn't make out what was being said. The towering demon responded to whatever the priestess said. She nodded in agreement and stepped back inside.
In an instant a blinding flash turned night into day. Once the party standing on Natsuo's porch opened their eyes, all the youkai as well as the child called Rin were gone.
“They just… vanished!” Yoko's eyes were as big as the moon itself with disbelief.
*End flashback*
Noticing Natsuo had finally stopped talking, Yoko yawned and stretched. She was extremely curious as to who the demons were and what they'd done to Kagome. What was more pressing was the fact that Kaede didn't destroy them on site for injuring the young miko.
“How long do you think she'll stay in there?” she asked the shorter woman.
“I don't know.” Natsuo shrugged. “When I took those herbs over yesterday I noticed Kagome-chan resting. It seemed like an unnatural sleep though.”
“Oh?” Yoko arched a brow.
“I'm not certain,” peering over at the miko's hut, “but I think maybe she's under a sleeping spell.”
“What did Kaede say?”
She chuckled, “Nothing. As soon as I was caught looking at Kagome she shooed me out of there. But she is clearly concerned”
“I find it odd that Kagome-chan has been here two days and Inuyasha has not shown himself.”
“Perhaps he has not rid himself of that evil sword.” Natsuo offered, “That makes sense. Perhaps Kagome was injured during battle and he sent her back.”
“Perhaps.” Yoko huffed.
The truth was neither woman knew what really happened. Standing there trying to guess was getting them nowhere. Kaede was not talking. She wasn't even showing herself. The only thing that was certain Kaede was deeply worried. So worried in fact, that she'd not left the young girl's side. The village was confident that when the young miko was healed all would be explained. They simply had to wait.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A/N: Sorry so freaking long. I tried not to make it sound stupid as well as incorporate a few of my OCs (you won't see these particular ones much as the story progresses). Hopefully the next chap won't be so bad. We see Kaede's view on what happened when she entered the woods (yes another flashback, but it'll be shorter I promise!) & Kagome wakes up. Please be honest (but not too cruel!) in your reviews.