InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Tenshi o Namidashimasu ❯ prolouge ( Prologue )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey!!! This is a new story from me…haha…ummm…I know that I haven't finished let me love you but im going to put all my other stories besides let me love you and this fic on hold because I haven't really gotten into them and I don't have anyone really all to interested yet. Anyway…here we go with my first kag/inutaisho. This is also based on shadowed death's challenge. Here's the prologue! ^_^
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone from Inuyasha but I sooooo want Inutaishio and Sesshoumaru!!! *pouts* it's not FAIRRRRRRRR!!
Tossing the worn yellow bag onto her abused shoulders Kagome ran hurriedly down the creaking stairs. Skidding to a halt in the kitchen she said a quick “Love you!” to her mother and ran out the door. Inuyasha was going to kill her! She was already over a half an hour late, and to make things worse they were just about to close the gap between themselves and Naraku.
`Oh man, oh man, oh man! Go faster legs!' Kagome thought desperately.
Her almost gray eyes were swirling with worry as she thought about the tongue lashing she would get from the brash hanyou. Throwing the worn wooden doors of the well house open with tremendous force Kagome leapt down the stairs and soared over the lip of the old well. Her heart was beating so forcefully it was like an untalented drummer banging recklessly against her ribcage. Unnoticed to the rushing girl the swirl of magic was not its usual soft blue but an almost magenta wave with traces of silver here and there.
Landing softly on the hard dirt of the bone eaters well Kagome looked up at the darkening sky.
`Is it just me or are there a lot more trees around the well than normal?' Kagome thought as a wave of confusion rushed through her being. Worrying her bottom lip she shrugged her shoulders and grabbed one of the many lush vines hanging from one of the walls of the old wooden well. Grunting and groaning her way up the side of the well Kagome reached the top with a triumphant cry, a loud “swoosh” of air leaving her heaving chest. Swinging an aching leg over the lip of the well Kagome landed in a heap on the softly swaying lush green grass. Gulping in mouthful after mouthful of the crisp air Kagome tried to persuade her wildly dancing heart and aching lungs to get their fill. Finally catching her breath Kagome dragged herself off of her earthy bed and began the trek to Keade's village.
Glancing around nervously Kagome began to wonder where the red blur of a rushing hanyou was and why her ears had not heard any growls or bitter words at her tardiness. Once again shrugging her shoulders she brushed it off as good luck and breathed a sigh of relief as the seemingly smaller village came into view. Eyebrows arching downward in confusion she thought
`What in the world, why does the village look so much smaller? Where are all of the huts we helped rebuild after youkai attacks?' Nervously dragging her tongue across her supple lower lip Kagome forced her shaking legs to move forward, towards her now unfamiliar home. Walking slowly down the not so worn dirt path Kagome's grayish-blue eyes darted around her surroundings nervously. Men and women alike stared at her strange clothing and the pack strapped to her shoulders in both wonder and awe.
Her breathing hitched when she realized she didn't know any of the villagers yet before she'd left she'd know every single name and face, she even knew the voices to the faces without seeing them first. Something was terribly wrong. Once again pulling her lower lip into her mouth Kagome quickened her pace as she tried to hurriedly get to the hut she knew, or hoped, was Keade's.
As she reached the flap of Keade's hut she let her nervous and quite scared eyes slip closed as she let a deep calming breath fill her lungs. The breath left her mouth in a slow “swoosh” and she knocked on the wood next to the flap of the door. A young and unfamiliar voice snaked its way through the door.
“Ye may enter, child.”
Kagome's swirling eyes widened and she swung on the heel of her foot, running wildly in the direction of the west.
`What's going on? Did the well transport me to the wrong time or something? Where am I or rather what time am I in now!?' Kagome thought, her mind running wild with unanswered questions. The only thing she could think to do was search for Sesshoumaru. Yes, he was an enemy but they weren't on terrible terms. Plus, no matter what time he would still be alive wouldn't he? He was over six hundred years old after all! So, gripping the straps of her backpack Kagome ran off into an uncertain future.
Well there's the prologue!! ^_^ I really like it! Just to let everyone know this story is going to have many chapters and I will not be rushing lemons into the story. This is just the type of story you can't rush lemons into. ^_^ but to be mean ill give you a preview of a MUCH later chapter.
She couldn't help but stare at him; he was the epitome of male perfection. A warm smile graced his full pale lips and his flowing mane if silver hair cascaded down his back, shimmering and glistening like a flowing stream. Never once had she seen his hair pulled free from that oh so lovely ponytail. Loving globes of molten gold gazed intently into her midnight orbs and her breath seemed lodged in her slender throat. By the gods she had fallen hard and fast for this creature she was told to hate. Her cerulean orbs skimmed down his face, taking in each jagged magenta stripe that adorned each porcelain cheek. Licking her lips nervously Kagome let her eyes wander further down. His lean yet strong muscled chest was covered by white shimmering silk but the barest hints of what lay beneath it whispered and called in each shadow or dip of cloth.
Hehehe! Im evil, ne?? Well…until next time JA! -sesshysgirl08-