InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Tenshi o Namidashimasu ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey! I'm on a roll!! Lol! I think I'm updating so much because I'm as excited to see what happens as all of my reviewers! That might not make any sense to most but its like when you're the author of a story you know what's going to happen…u know u have it in your mind. BUT u haven't written it yet so in a way you're just as new to the chapter as the people reading it. ^_^ lol. Anyway…a biiiig hug to Rachie, swasdiva, YAoiOtaku, amicablenemesis, Lanya, midnighttimberwolf, and badkitty!!! Thanks sooo much for your great reviews!! You're awesome! And Inutaisho is known by his name in this fic which is Sugimi so that's who im talking about when I say Sugimi-sama. And remember this is the challenge where Kagome becomes youkai and is Sesshoumaru's mom. She only thinks she's gonna see Sesshoumaru…but she'll meet someone very different wont she! Hahaha! This chapter will also have much more dialogue in it because of the confrontation of kagome and Sugimi (Inutaisho)


A long happy sigh passed through the supple lips of a young miko. Her bitter mood had gotten increasingly better as the day trudged on. So what if she was once again transported to another time, she would make the best of it! The soft whisper of a warm breeze echoed in her ears, the gentle hands caressing her small form and lifting her raven locks. Kagome's pale eyelids slid closed as the breeze's soft fingertips glided gently over her being, its sweet earthy breath filling her nostrils. Another happy sigh slid from her mouth and her thick black lashes fluttered before her pale lids slowly slid open. Grayish-blue eyes glanced at her surroundings, mighty trees surrounded her, holding themselves high and lush bushes and grass sprouted from their earthy beds. A myriad of flowers and colors met her eyes and a true smile curved her lips.

“It's such a beautiful day!” Kagome exclaimed with a small laugh dancing freely from her mouth.

Of course sorrow was still deep within her being but she would not let it control her, she never had before so she would not start now! With a pleasant smile still lingering on her full lips Kagome picked up her already quick pace. She was but a few hours away from the house of the moon, but a few hours away from a familiar face. Azure eyes sparkled and danced at that thought. Letting her thoughts sweep her away from reality the quickly advancing aura of an extremely powerful youkai did not register in her mind. It was only when a very rich baritone voice met her ears that Kagome snapped back to reality, the aura and the power rolling from it hitting her full force.

“Might I ask why it is that you are on my lands?” the voice demanded more than asked, though the smooth tone seemed to capture her in its sweet rumble.

Slowly raising her slightly frightened blue eyes Kagome gasped at the site that met her. Long flowing silver hair pulled high into a ponytail swayed softly behind a set of broad shoulders graced with spiked armor, his hair shimmering and glistening with health.She also noticed the extremely soft looking tail that sat elegantly on his right shoulder, the middle of the tail seperating into two seperate tails. A set of intense sun kissed golden eyes and magenta lined eyelids stared intently at her, seemingly gazing into her very soul. Silver bangs lay gracefully on his forehead, spreading apart to show a purplish-blue crescent moon. Her eyes continued to slowly take in his ethereal being. One jagged magenta stripe adorned each porcelain cheek and full pale lips slowly parted, most likely to demand an answer. Her eyes continued to rake down his being; a broad and well built chest was covered in white silk and what looked to be very heavy armor glistening in the midday sun. Well built legs were also covered in shimmering white silk and a blue and silver sash was tied around a narrow waist. Strapped to his back was a large sword with a black glass-like ball at the end of the hilt and two more swords that she knew intimately were strapped to his side, tessaiga and tensaiga. Looking up into those intense eyes she asked the first question that came to mind.

“Why do you have tessaiga and tensaiga? They belong to Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru!” She watched as his brows creased in confusion and he once again presented her with that lovely voice.

“I know not who Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are but I assure you these swords are mine.” She watched his lips part once more.

“Now, if you would be so kind as to answer my first question, why is it you are on my lands?” Kagome blushed a bright pink and gave him a nervous smile before answering.

“I'm looking for Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western lands.” She watched as his jaw clenched and unclenched before he said something that made her heart stop its beating.

“I am Sugimi, the Inu no Taisho and ruler of the Western lands. There is no Sesshoumaru that I know of who has battled me for the rights to my lands therefore I know not of whom you speak.” He watched as her unnatural blue eyes widened in shock and fright and the scent he smelled the night before hit him full force.

`Roses and spring rain, sorrow is also heavily wrapped in her scent. This is who I was looking for.' He watched in fascination as emotion after emotion contorted her lovely face. It was truly amazing how quickly each emotion was replaced by another.

`H-how can that be right? Sesshoumaru has to be alive! He has to be! No one else I've known is alive so far back in time!' Kagome thought with a desperate sense of urgency. Her saddened blue gaze caressed the face of the Inu no Taisho and for some reason he wished he had said something to make her smile, she would look much better if she smiled. He watched as unshed tears gathered in her eyes but he was unsure how to help the young onna. Her supple lips parted and she said

“Thank you for your help my lord, it is greatly appreciated.” He nodded his head and began to speak.

“Might I ask why it is you are so saddened by this news?” A small sad smile crept onto her lips and she said

“You wouldn't believe me if I told you and I think it's wise that I don't tell you my entire story anyway. If it makes any sense I'm new to this world and don't know who to trust.” His brows once again creased in confusion but his curiosity was peaked as well. His smooth baritone once again met her ears.

“If it makes you feel any more secure I swear on my title as the lord of the west that what you speak to me will never leave my lips.” Worrying her lower lip with her pearly teeth Kagome thought about his words.

`His title as the lord of the western lands means that he can't go against his word without causing himself dishonor and any lord wouldn't do that to themselves. I guess I can trust him.' She looked up at him one last time and thought `He doesn't seem the type to lie anyway.' Giving him as bright a smile as she could muster at the moment Kagome said

“OK, I'll tell you.” He gave her a curt approving nod and began to walk over to the large amount of trees on the side of the dirt path they were standing on. Kagome followed him closely and couldn't help but feel clumsy as she watched him walk. He was like liquid, smooth and elegant whereas she could find the smallest of rocks and trip herself. Honestly the gods did not like her. She watched as he found the large trunk of a tree, seemingly melting into a sitting position. He waved his clawed hand in a horizontal half circle, inviting her to sit with him. Giving him a gracious yet nervous smile she plopped clumsily to the ground. She saw the twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he watched her, honestly she wasn't that funny. Huffing in annoyance she glared daggers at the amused lord. This seemed to only amuse him further and she gave up and began to tell her story, Lord Sugimi listening to every word that was said to him in that musical voice.

“Let me just say that me being here is a huge mistake and my homeland is now far out of my reach.” He gave her a look that said “would you care to elaborate?” Sighing Kagome started from the beginning, making sure not to give away that she was from the future.

“I was traveling back from my homeland to visit some of my companions a couple of days ago and I was in a hurry, I'd promised that I would be there a certain time and I was running very late.” “For some reason I was brought here to this time and place and now I am alone, my family is gone and so are my friends and the man I loved.” She watched his reaction closely and wasn't very surprised when he voiced a very common question.

“So you are not from this time? Then what time are you from exactly?” Kagome nervously licked her lips and waved her hand to dismiss the question.

“Gomen ne, I can't tell you that.”

To say that this girl was interesting was an understatement; he did not know many women who claimed to be from another time. So, she was either mentally unstable or she was telling the truth. If she was telling the truth he would want to be the one that she decided to tell her story to and not some untrustworthy human, even though that was her species. So, he could invite her to stay at his home and earn her complete trust and be told the entire story or just let her wander off into unknown territory until she either died or was killed. Making his decision he turned his complete attention to her and let his question flow from his lips.

“Would you like to stay at my home in the Western lands since you have not a home to go to?” Kagome once again worried her lower lip, what should she do? This Daiyoukai seemed honorable and trustworthy but how could she be certain? Then again she didn't even have a place to sleep at night besides the cold ground and the thought of another night sleeping on rocks and twigs wasn't very tempting. Swiveling her breathtaking blue eyes up to meet his shining golden orbs she said

“I would be honored to stay in your home, Sugimi-sama.”

Hehehe another evil cliffhanger!!! ^_^ you all really are very tolerant of my evil ways!! lol!! Anyway…thank you to all of my reviewers and here's a shout out to my newest reviewers! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH YOU GUYS ROCK MY SOX!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! ^_^ kk…I'm done! So until next time ja! -sesshysgirl08-