InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Tenshi o Namidashimasu ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thank you sooooo much to all of my awesome reviewers!!! You guys rock! And I'm very very sorry for such a long wait…really I am. <bows head in shame> I've been having major writers block. xp uuugh! I hate it! But…this chapter does have some interesting points…so I think you'll enjoy it. one problem with this chapter is that it's short, then again most of my chapters are. BUT, I swear my next chapter will be long!!  :D sooo…without further ado I bring to you
Chapter 4
`' Means emphasis on the word
Disclaimer: *grumbles* I don't own `em…god stop making people go through this! *:runs away to cry in a corner*
(This is more for adults so if you don't like lemon-like content than please skip this, I will put another thing like this when it's finished ïŠ )
His hot chiseled lips traveled down her alabaster skin, hot open-mouthed kisses making the sweltering desire within her rage higher, consuming her and fanning her fiery desire into giant flames. Lust-filled golden eyes stared intently at her passion-contorted face as he slid his slick silky tongue out to swirl around her bellybutton. He slowly closed his eyes to savor the sweet yet salty taste of her sweaty skin. Light golden eyes flashed open at her sharp intake of breath and a sultry grin curved his tempting lips upward. Gently kissing her bellybutton he continued to lick, kiss, and nibble his way down her supple body all the while watching her panting face for every reaction. Large clawed hands glided with purpose up her satin skin, dipping and rising with each curve of her form. Long elegant fingers curled around the creamy mound of her right breast and massaged circles into the soft flesh.
Kagome's deep blue eyes shot open at the sweet sensation and her lithe body arched up towards the ceiling, urging the mysterious man to continue with his devilishly desirable ministrations. The sad thing about this whole event was that Kagome was clueless as to who was awakening her body so skillfully. The only thing that gave her even the `slightest' hint of who this was were the darkened lust-filled golden eyes staring so hungrily up at her, and she knew `far' too many males with golden eyes, even if the shades `did' differ. She hadn't even heard the deadly man's voice yet, but she just knew it was deep and sultry…no other voice would fit such an erotic being.
She felt his burning left hand slowly urge her lush arched body down onto the silk clad futon. She let her aching body give into the gentle yet electric touches of the sensuous man doing dangerously delicious things to her and her back and bottom fell to the feathered futon. Seconds later his two deadly hands slithered down her body to part her slick wet folds and his velvet tongue plunged into her hot moist core. Passion veiled eyes of ocean blue flashed open in both shock and pleasure at the wondrous sensation of his sweet tongue stroking her most private and sensitive region. Gods! She had never felt anything like this before!  His tongue plunged deeper and deeper into her core with each stroke and a fire above all others burning in her body began to build within her quivering belly. He let his long tongue swirl and flick over the small bud buried in her folds, his eyes glittering with laughter at her wide-eyed awe and her mewls of delight. Her breath started coming in short raspy pants and beads of glittering silver sweat slid down her damp moonlit face.
“P-please…please…f-faster!” Kagome panted out.
She didn't know what was building up in her but every fiber of her being screamed with the need to be fulfilled and she knew that when it came, she would be. A deep smooth chuckled filled the air and his tongue slowly pulled out of her. Her tightly lidded eyes flew open when the sensations stopped and she nearly cried out pleas to continue, to complete her. But she was once again panting in pleasure as one of his long elegant fingers slid deep into her hot moist folds. His pace was achingly slow, each stroke almost painful in its intense pleasure.
“M-more…p-please more.” Kagome breathed out in a desire laced whisper of burning need.
At her raspy plea he pushed in a second finger and picked up his pace just a tiny bit. Her perfectly curved waist thrust forward to meet his slow pace, her small hands grasped his larger one and tried to make him quicken his pace and push deeper. With a small grin on his face he used his right hand to push away her frantic hands and quickened his pace marginally. Kagome panted faster as the pressure in her belly increased, gods how she wanted these sensations to continue forever and stop all at the same time. It was like she was on a roller coaster and she would soar over the top with just a few more torturously slow tugs up.
Golden eyes stared up at her desire raked face like a man starved and a devilish glint lit up his eyes, making them gleam like a mischievous child pulling a prank he knew would grind on nerves. He slowly pulled his slick wet fingers out of her moist lips and waited for her to look at him. Seconds ticked by before confused and extremely irritated blue eyes glanced in his direction. Ever so slowly he dipped his fingers into his humid mouth and rolled his tongue over the long digits, tasting her addicting juices. As she watched him suck his elegant fingers her desire only grew and the pressure that was almost painful intensified. But, her desire to know who was doing this to her almost overrode that and she let the question slip from her trembling lips.
“Who `are' you?” awe colored her voice along with deep passion and longing for completion.
His sun kissed eyes gazed heatedly into her own and slowly he slid out of the shadows. Long silver hair flowed from his shoulders like captured strands of shimmering moonlight and taught tan skin was pulled over lean yet impossibly desirable muscles. As his face came to rest above hers she saw the flicker of a spotless sliver tail out of the corner of her eye and as if her hand had a mind of its own it reached up to gently rub one of the two large ears atop his head. Normally icy, ruthless golden eyes gazed at her, glowing with desire and satisfaction. A lean face with high cheekbones and full tempting lips hovered above her own. The shadows danced on his pearl white face making him even more tempting and mysterious. Recognition lit her eyes and she blushed prettily.
`It's Youko! I can't believe it!'
But even as the thought hit her, her need to be completed overrode her embarrassment and her petal soft lips parted to speak.
“Youko…please finish, please help me!”
At her request he chuckled, as teasing smile on his gorgeous face, and said only one thing.
“Now that you know what I can bring you you will remember this moment forever. It will haunt your dreams until you cannot take being incomplete any longer. That is when you shall seek me out. I will be waiting for you, miko.”
 (It's over now! You're free to read! Enjoy! )
Kagome shot forward on her futon, silver beads of sweat gliding down her pale face and her lavender covers crumpled around her waist. Her breaths were nothing but short pants and her hands were quivering with welled up desire and need. Her deep ocean eyes darted around the room nervously as she sucked in a quivering breath only to let it out shakily.
`Gods, what on earth was that! I've `never' had a dream like that before!' Kagome thought as each erotic moment replayed in her jumbled mind.
“I need a nice cold bath right now.” Kagome said to herself, she really needed to cool herself down.
So, quickly slipping out of her silk sheets she pulled her sleeping yukata tightly to her body and softly padded to the delicately painted shoji door that led to the hallway and silently slipped out. The hallway was dimly lit by the soft glow of the moon through the thin shoji doors and the songs of crickets and other insects and nocturnal animals floated on the breeze, wrapping Kagome in a blanket of velvety comfort. A deep, contented sigh passed her pink, petal soft lips as she listened to the music nature was so kindly giving her and she let her tense shoulders loosen and relax.
`I know what I can do!' she thought as a very welcomed idea popped into her mind `After my bath I can go to the gardens, I haven't really seen them yet and I bet they're gorgeous!'
Her electric blue eyes shone with glee as she slid the door to the bathing area open. A small, childlike giggle danced softly from her lips as she stripped hurried and let the cool welcoming hands of the spring lap at her heated body.
“Ahhhhh….much better!” She chirped happily.
Minutes passed before Kagome finally decided to dunk under the water and rinse her hair and body free of the sweat still clinging stubbornly to her skin. The cool water seemingly washed away the memories and the confusion and frustration of her earlier dream and a true smile, though it was small, titled her lips lazily. It felt great to be clean! Kagome sat in the calming embrace of the water for only a few more minutes before the want and need to see the Inu no Taisho's glamorous garden overrode her thoughts of staying in the chilly water.
Slipping out of the water, the moonlight illuminating her milky skin and the silver beads of water flowing down her thin curvy figure, she slowly slid into a thick white robe. Glancing around almost mischievously she slipped on a pair of white slippers and thought
`No one else is awake…why should I change?'
A small giddy giggle danced from her lips as she glided through the shoji doors of the bathing area and quickly but quietly skimmed down the hallways to the doors of the gardens. The moonlight was muffled through the thin, beautifully painted doors but was soon awakened to its true intensity as Kagome slid into the gardens.
The sweet earthy aroma of roses, tulips, cherry blossoms and other flowers floated around her on the warm breeze. The whisper of the breeze's soft fingertips on her skin sent a shiver of warmth and happiness down her spine. Nothing calmed you quicker than a warm breeze on your skin and the moonlight on your face. Kagome's nostrils flared as she breathed in the sweet scents of the gardens.
“This was such a great idea.”
Her eyes were bright with glee as she glanced at the different shrubs, trees, and flowers that surrounded her as her feet floated over the dirt path of the garden. The sweet tinkling of water ahead had her feet moving even faster down the path as her ever present curiosity was peaked. Minutes later a load gasp filled the air as Kagome's azure orbs landed on an enormous white marble fountain.
Two extremely larger koi fish touched at the stomachs, each curved in a crescent moon in the opposite direction of each other, sat atop a large silver platform. Water glowing a deep luminous blue spurted gracefully from their thin-lipped mouths. The kanji for Inu no Taisho was etched skillfully into the fishes' sides and also glowed a deep blue. The water flowing from their mouths was caught in a silver marble pool. The water inside the pool glowed a deep blue as well, gently lapping and shivering at the sides of the pool from the force of the downpour of water from above.
“That's amazing!” Kagome said in an awe colored voice.
“You're one of the few lucky enough to see it so late at night, that is when it truly is awe-inspiring.”
Kagome let a frightened screech crawl from her throat as she twisted around and flew into the air. Her heart only raced faster as a deep chuckle filled the air and her eyes landed on the youkai behind her.
“L-Lord Youko….you scared me!” she gasped out with her hand over her heart, all the while trying to pass off the fresh blush on her face as a flush of fright. Another deep, rich chuckle filled the air as Youko's golden eyes fell on her panting form.
“I'm very sorry to have frightened you miko, I did not mean to do such. Please, accept my apologies.” He mumbled, his voice a pitch lower than usual, set in a tone meant for only one thing, seduction.
Looking up through thick black lashes Kagome only nodded and sat herself on the edge of the fountain, her hand still on her rapidly beating heart. Youko slowly sat himself next to her, his silky silver tail purposely slipping beneath the fold of her robe to graze satin skin. Kagome's eyes shot open at the contact and she glanced nervously into his glittering golden orbs.
“Do forgive me, sometimes I feel as if my tail has a mind of it's own around beautiful women.” Youko spoke softly.
Kagome's blush once again pooled on her cheeks as she tried to look down in embarrassment. But, her eyes seemed glued to his as they swirled and sparkled, pulling her into them. Her throat seemed to slowly close as the feeling of drowning overtook her but, she didn't want to go up for air. This feeling…it was…it was wondrous. His eyes were mesmerizing and nothing she could do would allow her to pull away. She felt as if her very soul was being pulled into his sweltering gaze and she wanted nothing more than to be lost in those golden depths forever. His voice was nothing but a sensual rumble when he spoke again.
“Did you have a troubling dream or could you just not sleep young miko?”
His reference to her earlier dream shocked her and yet she still could not pull away from his heated gaze. She realized then that she could only speak when he asked her a question; the rest of her mind was left to battle the strange seduction.
“I had a…a very different dream. I'd never had a dream like that one before.” Kagome murmured.
He chuckled, a smooth chuckle that filled her ears and poured over her soul like sweet melted chocolate. He reached his hand out to lightly rest it on her cheek.
“I see, and what was this dream about?”
Her mind raced with a way to avoid the question but instead came up with the answer to this strange, unbeatable seduction.
`Kitsune seduction! That's what you're doing!” Kagome blurted, the hand flying to cover her mouth moved too slowly as the words had already left her mouth.
His liquid golden gaze sparked with shock and in that moment Kagome ripped her eyes away and ran for her room, her white robe billowing behind her like mist. After a moment Youko let his head fall back and he let a deep rumbling laugh slide from his chest. This was quite new! No one had ever stopped his Kitsune seduction before.
His swirling sun kissed gaze landed on the doors Kagome had run through just moments before and a cold predatory determination overtook his eyes. This new development was quite a welcome twist in his little game and it made him want the miko even more. He just loved a good puzzle and the miko fit that need of his perfectly. He now wanted not only her body but he wanted her mind, he wanted to know all of her secrets and all of her past. He was not a malicious creature, only one extremely determined to get what he wanted and Kagome was it and nothing would stop him from getting what he wanted. After all, he was a kitsune.
Hehehehe! This was an awesome chapter to write! Anyway….I'm very sorry this took so long but my computer decided to give up on me and not allow me to connect to the internet. @_@ oooh….I know this is going to be a question so let me just answer you now. NO…Youko is NOT evil. He will never be evil…k. he is just very interested in the puzzle and the challenge Kagome presents. Anyway…that's all for now…if you have any more questions just leave them in your reviews and I'll answer them when I update my next chapter. So…until next time…JA! -sesshysgirl08-