InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Tenshi o Namidashimasu ❯ chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey all! Thanks so much for all the wonderful reviews and I'm glad you're enjoying this fic so much! You know, it's a huge compliment when someone reviews your story saying you've inspired them to make their own fic! That review really made me smile! Thank you so much Lokeata that means a lot! Ohh, I'm still looking for a beta so if anyone is interested I'd be very appreciative! Kk, that's all! Enjoy!! And to those who were wondering, don't worry; a lot of Kagome/Sugimi is coming up. The real interest in each other is most likely going to show up in either this chapter or the next. K, now I'm actually done. Haha.
Disclaimer: sorry, no rhymes today. Haha. It's not mine.
*blah*- emphasis on the word (some sites don't work with italicizing the word so I'm using *'s)
Narrowed golden eyes watched the two in his garden, though his anger was directed at only one. He watched her storm away from the brazen kitsune and sneered in disgust at the look of utter satisfaction on his slightly burned face. How *dare* that pretentious fox steal that kiss from such an innocent woman, a woman deserving of respect she was not receiving. His fists were clenched tight in anger, his needle-like claws piercing his flesh and drawing out crimson droplets that spoke loudly of his complete and utter anger.
`I told that pompous fox to stay away from her. He directly disobeyed me in *my* home, how *dare* he.'
Sugimi's jaw worked fiercely and his entire body was taught with his burning disinclination for the fox's actions. But, what was the real reason he was angry? Honestly, it shouldn't matter that he kissed the girl besides the fact that he'd told him to stay away from her. Why should he really care about the hurt, humiliated look on her face or the glisten of tears in her gorgeous eyes? He shook his head in a mix of anger and confusion. When did her eyes become gorgeous?
A small snarl slipped from his throat, that wasn't the point! He was angry because of the kistune's disobedience and that was all.
`Are you sure that's all, dearest Sugimi?' his traitorous mind whispered mockingly.
Pinching the bridge of his nose with his pointer finger and thumb he answered back firmly
`Of course I am sure that is all.'
A soft, wispy laugh danced in his mind and he could just picture a mirror image of himself hunched over in laughter.
`Of course that isn't all that is angering you, love. You are starting to care for the young onna, I know it and so do you.'
A sort bark of laughter shot from his mouth and he answered back, though his voice wasn't quite as firm or sure as he'd hoped it would be
`I have no feeling for that woman, she is here because I am curious and nothing more. Now leave me be.'
Another soft laugh echoed in his mind along with the almost inaudibly whispered words
`Curiosity killed the cat, my dear.'
No less than five minutes later Youko sat in front of him in his study, sulking like a child who'd done something wrong but believed he shouldn't be punished for it.
“Did I not say to stay away from the woman Youko?” Sugimi's angered voice barked.
Youko rolled his golden eyes, this dog was treating him like some sort of pup and it was getting on his last nerve.
“You and I did not finish that discussion Sugimi-sama, so all that was said seemed to just slip my mind I'm afraid.”
Youko watched in satisfaction as Sugimi's eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched and unclenched quickly.
“Then let us finish that conversation, Youko-sama. You are to stay away from Kagome and you are not to act upon any of your lust driven fantasies, is that clear?”
A loud, boisterous chuckle was his answer along with a look of clear disbelief.
“I'm afraid it isn't clear, Sugimi. I have done nothing wrong and I have not acted out one of my `fantasies', or so you call them. I have tried but she is unique.” He chuckled again. “I'm afraid that I just cannot give you my word that I will keep myself away from her, she is a bright flame Sugimi and I am but a moth.”
Once again he pinched the bridge of his nose to chase away the oncoming headache and ground out
“Give me your word that you will try.”
Youko's golden eyes danced with laughter when he answered
“But of course I will try, Sugimi-sama.”
Looking up at Youko he added
“Oh, and know this, if I catch you trying anything else with Kagome you will be escorted from my home immediately and will become an unwelcome guest. Do not assume that because you are a lord with an army that you are needed more than any other lord, I can win any war that might be started with the support of the North.”
Sugimi chuckled mentally at the anger he felt rolling off of Youko in waves. He watched as Youko bowed his head angrily and then stormed from his study. Unfolding himself from his sitting position Sugimi walked to his small balcony and slid open the thin shoji door. The night was a beautiful one, the breeze warm and the sky dotted with shining stars.
He closed his eyes and breathed deep, enjoying the calming effect the clean air gave him. Wafting on the air was the sweet scent of roses and spring rain, a scent that he now realized called to him softly and seemed to caress him with gentle, feminine fingers. A small smile would have graced his lips had another scent not reached his nose as well. It was distinctly masculine and smelled of pine needles and waterfalls; he did not recognize this scent. His eyes snapped open and he was gone from his study in the blink of an eye.
He glanced down once again at the fragile bindle in his arms. The priestess had fallen asleep in his arms quickly but it did not bother him. This showed him that she was already putting trust in him.
`It just makes things that much easier.' He thought.
He would not take her tonight but he would visit her regularly. Ever since he'd first set eyes on her through his mirror those weeks ago a part of him would refuse to stop thinking about meeting her. It was his youkai side of course, the more primitive beast in him that wanted to really touch her to make sure she was real. It wanted to breathe in her sweet scent and feel her smooth skin; she was all that he'd imagined and more. His emerald eyes glanced at her again and he was once again taken aback by her ethereal beauty. All he had to do was gain her trust and she would come to him with open arms.
A deep, smooth chuckle reverberated through his chest, making her snuggle closer to his warmth with a tiny groan of displeasure at almost being woken up. He walked into the Inu-no-Taisho's garden knowing that the dog lord would be in front of him in seconds to take her away from him. The thought made him bitter but she wouldn't stay his for much longer.
Sure enough, within seconds Sugimi-sama stood before him in all his glory. His face was stoic and unfeeling, quite rare for him actually. He could see that his hand was itching to draw his precious sword from its sheath and he laughed mentally at the anger in his eyes.
`Jealous, little dog?' he thought, his smirk forming on his face.
`How dare this stranger hold Kagome so familiarly!' Sugimi thought, anger hardening the normally kind curve of his mouth and twinkling in his eyes.
“What is your business with Kagome-sama and why are you here?” he questioned firmly, his voice smooth and neutral.
He watched with growing anger as the youkai only smirked and spoke to him in a voice dripping with false innocence
“I was taking a walk in those woods you see, and I heard this lovely creature crying. I followed the sound and it led me to her. All I did was ask why it was that she was crying. I sat with her and I comforted her, she fell asleep in my arms and I brought her here hoping that this was in fact where she lived. I can see by your reaction that I was correct.”
Sugimi just clenched his jaw at the male's explanation, he had no reason to believe he was lying other than the twinkle in his eyes and his snarling instincts. This man was not to be trusted.
“Forgive me for my intrusion…” he began, bowing his head and walking towards Sugimi “ But I must be leaving. Tell…Kagome you said was her name…that it was a pleasure to comfort her though she wanted to believe otherwise.”
With that he gently transferred Kagome's sleeping form to Sugimi's strong arms and disappeared before his eyes as if he had never been there at all. Sugimi growled with displeasure at the fact that a strange *youkai* male had had his untrustworthy hands all over Kagome. He would make sure to ask her about all that happened in the morning but for now he would let her sleep. He turned on his heel and marveled at how tired he was even though he had done next to nothing the entire day.
`That is what worrying and jealousy will do to you, my dear.' Came his mental voice. `Or rather, what caring for a woman will do to you.'
Sugimi just rolled his eyes and groaned, not again! The hearty laughter of his mental self mocked him all the way into his home and he'd decided that if he could he would kill him one day. The laughter only got louder.
Kk! done again! lol. Now does everyone know who the evil man was? Hehehe. I'm sooo tired…til next time! JA! -sesshysgirl08-