InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher In The Woods ❯ The Council ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Watcher In The Woods
by Inunoyuki
co-written by Yura Furi

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and Co., but I do in my dreams! However, any other character that appears in this fanfic belongs to me.

AN: This is my first fanfiction so please be kind. Reviews are welcome, but please don't flame me, flames hurt. Constructive criticism is welcome, tho.

The Council

Inuyasha stood at the mouth of the Bone Eater's Well with his arms crossed tightly over his chest, impatient. Kagome had gone back to her time to gather a few things she might need for their next journey. In his opinion, his friend was taking far too long.

"Would you hurry up, you stupid girl! You said you'd be back in a few minutes," Inuyasha screamed down into the empty well. He looked up toward the sky, noting the position of the sun from where it was when his companion left, then back down the well and added, "and that was over three hours ago!"

"Would you speak a little louder, Inuyasha? I don't think the people in KYOTO heard you!" Yelled the voice from within the well as it tossed its backpack up nearly hitting the young half-demon in the face.

"Humph, yeah, whatever," said Inuyasha as he caught the backpack. He helped Kagome climb out of the well. "Myouga is due back at the village any time now and I didn't want to be wasting that time waiting for you! We've got to hurry back! Climb on and let's go!" Kagome climbed onto Inuyasha's back and they sped off toward Kaede's village. Little did they know Myouga was also hitching a ride, hanging onto a strand of Inuyasha's hair near his right ear.

Before they reached Kaede's hut, Myouga hopped off Inuyasha's head. He wanted the young lord to believe that he was the first to arrive. Sango, Shippo, Miroku and Kaede were inside the small hut waiting for their friends to return from the well. Inuyasha opened the door flap and let Kagome enter the hut first. "Has anyone seen or heard from Myoga yet?" The group shook their heads in unison. Inuyasha and Kagome sat with their friends near the fire. "He'd better hurry up."

A moment later Myouga comes bouncing into the hut and lands on Inuyasha's left ear. "Oh, how I missed those ears!" He says as he takes a bite near the base of the halflings ear. Inuyasha swats at the flea and flings it away from him. "Why does this always happen to me?" He sobs as he floats to the floor.

"What took you so long, Myouga? You're late! We've been waiting for you all day." Yells Inuyasha at the semi-inflated flea. He scratches the area below his left ear that the flea had bitten a moment ago

"My apologies, milord." Myouga coughs as he tries to recover. "I'm glad you're all here. I have some interesting information that I gathered from my travels. There is a village, several days walk from here that may be of interest to you." The flea coughs once more.

"Well, go on Myouga..." orders Inuyasha.

"Pardon me, milord," coughs Myoga. "The village is well known for its many incredibly spiritual members. There is a priestess there that seems to have gone mad. I believe she is using a shard of the Shikon jewel to conjure up spirits of the dead to terrorize the village."

Miroku has been listening intently on what the flea had been saying. "Myouga, what is the name of this village?"

"The village is near the mountains, Miroku... its Nagoya."

Upon hearing the name of the village, the monk displays a smile on his face. He becomes more interested in this conversation as he remembers visiting the village in his youth. "Would you also happen to know the name of the priestess you spoke of?"

"All that I know is that the priestess is young and is a sight to behold."

"Hmmm. A beauty, you say? That's all I need to hear...” he says thoughtfully, standing up about ready to leave. "Aren't you coming?" he says looking back at his friends. The women in the room glare at him.

"Stop it, Miroku. We're only after the shard." Says Inuyasha, stretching his claws.

The halfling stood up and walked over to the open window. He notices that the sun is about to set. "It's going to be a long trip. I think we should bed down early and leave before dawn." He scratches behind his ear.

Inuyasha's companions agree that it would be a good idea to make it an early evening and prepare to go to bed. The half-demon goes outside and finds a comfortable tree to settle in. He lies down and the itch makes itself known again. He scratches the back of his ear and mumbles, "Damned flea," and quickly falls asleep.

To be continued: