InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watching From A Distance ❯ Inuyasha's nearing death ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay. As promised here's the longer chapter. A little late, but only because my father came and picked my up unexpectedly.

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Kagome and Inuyasha sat cross-legged at the fire in Kaede's hut. Once again, Kaede was changing the bandages on Kagome's wrist.

"Thank you, Lady Kaede." Kagome said, returning to her spot on the side of Inuyasha. He seemed deep in thought as he stared off into nothingness.

"Inuyasha, are you okay?" Kagome said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm just wondering why Sesshomaru is so far away from his own lands. And with that little Fin girl."

"Rin," Kagome corrected.

"Whatever." Inuyasha said, rolling his eyes. "Rin. He never has her around when there's the scent of danger in the air. And there was the scent of danger and rotten flesh. Plus, Sesshomaru is the lord of the Western Lands, what would he be doing in the Eastern Lands? Unless he plans to start a war with the lord of the Eastern lands. But that would be pretty stupid, considering Fin is with him."

"Rin." Kagome corrected him again.

"Yes. It truly makes sense." Miroku said walking into the hut with his hands crossed behind his back, Sango walking closely behind him. "It would be kind of foolish to start a war with the lord of the Eastern Lands, since Lord Nijumbo has a large army of demons, whereas Sesshomaru only has himself." Miroku sat in the corner of the hut, and Sango sat next to Kagome.

"Um.Yeah, right." Inuyasha said, eyeing the grinning monk. "What the hell were you two doing out there that has Miroku grinning so widely?" Inuyasha said, looking to the now blushing Sango.

"Now, Inuyasha. That's none of our business."

"Why the hell isn't it? They wanted to know where we were." Inuyasha stated, nastily, glaring at the monk.

"Back to the matters at hand." Sango added, interjectionally. "We know it's impossible for Sesshomaru to start a war with Nijumbo-sama, so maybe he's just passing by?"

"Dare to dream." Inuyasha said, rolling his eyes. "Sesshomaru only leaves his lands to hunt, and to come piss me off."

"Well maybe he was hunting." Shippo added. Inuyasha reached over, giving the small kitsune a hard blow to the head. " I doubt it. That human girl would probably scare anything away anyway."

"Maybe we should discuss this a little more in the morning. It's late, and all this thinking is making me kind of tired." Kagome said, topping it off with a loud yawn.

Inuyasha nodded, and headed out of the hut to his usual bed in the treetops.

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Inuyasha sat silently in the tree. He never slept most of the time, just looked down on Kagome wishing that she was his. But now he could sleep soundly without ever having to chant those wishes repeatedly, because finally Kagome was his. And he knew what was about to happen would probably take Kagome away from his for good. Inuyasha didn't care if he lost his life during battle because he finally had everything he always desired. Inuyasha clenched his eyes, as a slow tear ran down his cheek. He would have to tell Kagome eventually about what was to happen to him. He figured it better for her to know ahead of time, then for her to witness his death.

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Ohh. Does anyone know how Inuyasha may or may not die? This fic is going to soon come to a close with a tragic end. But I'm already thinking up a sequel! ^.^ Please review.