InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watching From A Distance ❯ She's mine. No, she's mine! ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This chapter will consist of two parts. A filler, and then just the general story. Kouga will be in this chapter! This story will also come to a tragic end. A death traded for the life of another. Whose death you say? Muhaahahaha wait and find out! No one will die in this chapter, but I thought I'd warn you.

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But when Inuyasha made it outside he was met with the puniest demon he'd ever seen in his life.

"What the hell? Why is everyone running from this thing?" He said, looking at the small demon. Some humans can be so damn stupid sometimes. Running from a demon that they could easily have killed themselves. Inuyasha smirked, and started to make sucking noises to get the small demon's attention. "Come here, little fella…I won't hurt you much." The demon hissed at Inuyasha, and started to glow a bright crimson color. Just at that moment, Inuyasha's head began to throb, as if someone had kicked him in the head continuously. He dropped Tetsusaiga, and held his head in agony. The small demon's crimson aura began to grow brighter, and as it did Inuyasha's head started to throb more. He groaned in agony as the pain seeped through his every nerve. Inuyasha struggled to keep his amber eyes open, as his eyes decided they wanted to close regardless of how Inuyasha fought.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled running to his side. "What's wrong with you?" Kagome said, rubbing his back softly.

"You don't feel that?" He asked, holding his temples.

"No, I don't."

Kirara was also whining in pain as she jumped out of Sango's arms and headed back into Kaede's hut. Sango peaked into the hut. Shippo was also holding his head in pain.

"It only affects demons!" Sango announced. Kagome nodded, and drew an arrow. She held the bow in her hand firmly, and a grin almost similar to Inuyasha's reached her delicate lips. Kagome released the arrow, and at an incredible speed it struck the small demon, sending the small demon flying lifelessly into a small bush.

"Inuyasha, are you okay now?"

"I'm fine." Inuyasha said climbing back to his feet. He rubbed his temple one last time. The aftershock of the headache still etched through his nerves. "That was torture."

"I'm sure it was."

"Will we be continuing our search for the jewel shards now that everyone is okay?" Miroku asked.

Everyone looked at Kagome, their eyes filled with hope, and worry.

"It's up to you. And it my be difficult and dangerous in your state." Miroku said, raising a soft eyebrow.

"I'll be fine." Kagome said, a little uneasy. She smiled, trying to comfort her friends, and Inuyasha. They all looked uneasy. "Besides, if I don't go you can't find the jewel shards. You need me!"

"Keh. She's right."

*-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------*

"Inuyasha! I can manage on my own!!" Kagome yelled, trying to break from the hanyou's embrace.

"Just stand still." Inuyasha said, hopping over the last giant boulder. "There." He said placing her back on her feet.

"I could have just rode Kirara with Sango."

"I don't trust her. What if she makes you fall." Inuyasha said with a grunt.

"Awww. You really do care." Kagome said, rubbing his ear. Inuyasha grinned, and leaned into her hand purring softly.

"Inuyasha just purred!" Sango yelled, erupting into laughter. Miroku started to laugh too, nearly falling off the boulder he was attempting to jump over.

"Oh shut up." Inuyasha growled.

"From a kitty to a puppy in a second flat!" Sango taunted.

"Wench." Inuyasha mumbled.

"Ay, ay. Come on, guys. Let's go." Kagome said patting Inuyasha's shoulder. The group walked on and on, until they found themselves in a forest. The forest glowed an eerie green light, and demons could be sensed everywhere.

"What the hell? I smell them, but I don't see them," Inuyasha said holding Tetsusaiga over his shoulder.

"They could be disguising themselves, -"

" Or maybe the forest itself is a demon." Shippo added.

"That's possible." Miroku said, eyeing the area.

"Well, let's not find out." Inuyasha put Tetsusaiga back into its sheath, and gave the air one last sniff. "The hell? The smell is gone!"

Inuyasha frowned. " I don't know the hell is going on here, but I don't like it."

"Oh calm down, Dog-face." Kouga said jumping from a treetop. "It's always like that here. The demon smell comes and goes. Hey. Have you been taking car of my Kagome?"

Inuyasha grinned, and let out a soft chuckle. "I don't know ask her." Inuyasha said, laughing again.

Kouga raised an eyebrow at Inuyasha. What's so amusing? I don't see anything funny, usually he'd try to cut me in half with that damn sword of his if I called Kagome mine. Then a faint smell reached Kouga's sensitive nose. Inuyasha's scent. He looked over to Inuyasha. The hell. He's still over there. He turned back to Kagome; she was covered in Inuyasha's scent. Then as the wind started to blow he saw it. Fang marks on his Kagome's neck.

"I'll kill you!" Kouga said lunging at Inuyasha.

"What, see something you didn't like?" Inuyasha chuckled, just barely dodging the fuming Wolf's attack.

"How dare you mark my Kagome?!"

"Your Kagome? From the looks of things she's mine." Inuyasha grinned. He so loved taunting the angry wolf this way. Nothing else gave him this kind of satisfaction. "But maybe I'll allow you to visit us and our child sometime. Just be sure to take a bath first. I don't want my pup catching fleas." Inuyasha said, once again narrowly dodging Kouga's attack.

He sighed, and turned his back to Inuyasha. "Dumb mutt." He mumbled and walked back to Kagome, who still had a shocked expression on her face. Kouga took her hand into his own and held it softly.

"One day I will kill that mutt and make you mine."

Kagome's eyes widened again and she just laughed nervously, scratching the back of her neck. Oh…what am I going to do?

"Get away from her, you flea bag!" Inuyasha growled. Kouga simply annoyed Inuyasha's mediocre threat, and continued to stroke Kagome's hand. Inuyasha grew annoyed and threw a large rock at Kouga's head knocking him unconscious.

"Come on." Inuyasha said, dragging Kagome by her wrist.

"But Kouga he-"

"Leave him." Inuyasha said, still dragging the stubborn miko.

Miroku and Sango looked at each other and shook their heads, following behind their friends.

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