InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watching From A Distance ❯ If only I'd known sooner I ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This chapter will most likely be mostly in different characters pov. Sorry for the lack of updating. I've been busy. My dog just had two puppies yesterday! Woo Sonny and Cher we'll call them. Lol. Not really.

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"Maybe now you'll learn to let me handle myself." Kagome said, face red with anger.

"But I was just trying to help" Inuyasha's voice was muzzled, and his speech incoherent.

Miroku muffled his laugh, and rubbed a tear from his eye. It was amazing how two people could love each other so much, but at the same time fights like they hate each other. He looked to Sango who was sitting on top of Kirara with a gentle smile on her face.

`She's so beautiful. A remarkable creature really. No, not a creature. She's far from that. An angel, perhaps. Yes, she's my angel. And there is nothing I wouldn't do for her now. But no matter how much I try, I cannot understand her. She's lost so much, yet she goes on smiling. She's so gentle when she could be cruel. Yes, she truly is a beautiful angel in the form of an even more beautiful woman.'

Sango looked down to Miroku, and noticed he was staring at her with a starry look in his eyes. "Miroku, you better not be having any hentai thoughts about me." Sango warned, although she truly hoped he was.

"No, not at all." Miroku said, smiling sweetly. Sango nodded and turned away. `Ay, the heavens have truly granted me something special. In all that I've hoped for in a man, Miroku is all I want. Sure, maybe he is a little perverted. But he's just perfect to me. It is now my sworn dying wish to kill Naraku, and I will. Because he will not take the life of another that I love'

"Would you two please speed it up!" Inuyasha said grimly, Kagome once again flailing wildly in his arms. Kagome soon sighed, and ceased her struggling. If he wanted to personally escort her around, she would let him. But there would be no escorting done during battle. He would have to let her do it on her own.

`She stopped struggling. That's good. I was tired of being beaten, and my face kissing the ground. Inuyasha smiled and looked at the exhausted girl he held in his arms. It's true she looks nothing like Kikyo. At least not anymore. I can't believe I ever had them confused. They are so different. Inuyasha sighed deeply, and looked back to the path In front of him. If Only I would have realized earlier that they were different.