InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watching From A Distance ❯ The Ending ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay. Here it is. ^-^ I'm kind of sad, because I don't have many reviews. But, I guess it's better then not having any. Right? Okay. Here is the reception. And it is once again nearing its end. And this will be all for Watching From A Distance. Thank you, to all my reviewers. If you only reviewed once, I am still grateful. And there will be a sequel if I can think of a good way to start it. This will contain a slight songfic, and hopefully a romantic enough ending for you guys. Well, here it is.


Inuyasha and Kagome sat at the long table that'd been prepared for them, watching as everyone danced to some tune.

"Why haven't you guys danced yet?" Yuka asked smiling at Kagome and Inuyasha.

`Ay. Inuyasha doesn't know how to dance, Yuka."

"Well teach him. Come one, you guys! You have to dance. The Bride and Groom's first dance is coming up next."

Let me know.

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's arm and pulled her softly to the dance floor as the guests quietly dispersed to their seats. When they finally made it to the dance floor Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist. Kagome looked into Kagome's golden eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck softly. They moved so gracefully as if they'd been trying to master it forever.

Let me know

"Inuyasha. I didn't know you could dance."

When I feel what I feel, sometimes it's hard to tell you so.

"I've been watching the other's dance. I watched closely so whenever I danced with you I wouldn't disappoint you."

You may not be in the mood to learn…what you think you know.

"Inuyasha. You could never disappoint me. Even if you tried. Despite what you may think. I know that you're the most perfect person I've ever met in my entire life."

There are times when I find you want to keep yourself from me.

"And I feel the same way as you Kagome." Inuyasha said with a broad smile.

When I don't have the strength; I'm just the mirror of what I see.

Kagome smiled at him as she felt a tear roll down her face and soak into her dress. All of this time Inuyasha had true feelings for her, and she was too stubborn to admit to herself.

But in the best of you is our love. You're a positive motivating force within my life.

And through all they'd been through they could always survive it when they had each other to fight for.

Should you ever feel the need to wave good-bye?

And although Kagome left numerous times she'd always return with a newfound appreciation for Inuyasha. And in her heart she knew that there was nothing better then being surrounded by him, and her friends.

Let me know

Inuyasha rubbed a clawed finger through Kagome's raven locks, and smiled at her warmly once more. He would have given his all and everything he had to be with her; but through all the pain and suffering he finally had someone he could live out his years with. And that was his angel…Kagome.

Let me know

Kagome laid her head on Inuyasha's chest as they danced slowly to the tune. She listened intently to his heartbeat, as it seemed to have a melody of its own.

When you feel what I feel hopefully you'll understand so many things had taken place before this love affair began. But if you feel, boy like I feel confusion can give way doubt. For those times I felt unsure of what I said when I said I'm all about. But in the best of you our love you're a positive motivating force within my life should you ever feel the need to say good-bye.

Let me know

The true love and warmth that emitted from the two could be felt all around. But only Inuyasha and Kagome truly knew how much it'd taken to admit the feelings they had. And nearly through both of their deaths a true and everlasting love was found.

Tell me what it is (Tell me what it is) what it is to make believe. Love beyond your own trying to find a place for me. Cause the best part of you is our love. You're a positive motivating force within my life. Should you ever feel the need to say good-bye?

Let me know

Let me know

Let me know

Let me know

See…you're at your best, baby.

Finally both of their souls could be at rest as they lived the remainder of their lives together. With the love of their child. Now nothing could disturb the love they shared. Not even Naraku. Because following the birth of his twin boys, Inuyasha killed Naraku with the help of his comrades and his lover. Afterwards Sango and Miroku also married, and Shippo went his separate ways, though he still visited Kagome often. Shortly after Shippo's departure Sango and Miroku had their own set of twin girls that Miroku steadily keeps any eye on keeping them away from "playboys" such as himself. One day before they all rest peacefully in their graves…they will look back on all that's happened and smile. Because they fought to save what was rightfully theirs…the lives they never got to lead.

The End


Well, first I would like to say is excuse me for the lyrics. Some of them may be wrong, or maybe all of them but I was doing them just by listening to them on my CD player. I will eventually go get the correct lyrics for this song and correct them. Also, I do not in anyway own this song or any of the lyrics.

This song was sung my Aaliyah. This is a very beautiful song, and I felt that it fit the end of this story well. Please let me know if you like it. I hope to see your reviews. Thank you for putting up with my writing!

Jasmine. A.K.A: A heart so pure.